All Chapters of SECOND CHANCE: REBIRTH OF A BROKEN LUNA: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
185 Chapters
AVA:Audrey's words were almost becoming boring but I humored myself and stayed out to listen more."You can go ahead and tell the whole pack what I did, but you have to risk between me telling Ava of our affair, not agreeing to carry your baby, and doing that." Audrey sparked.I was expecting Damien to say something but he was mute for a while."Fine!" He uttered and at that point, I felt so disappointed.I had expected him to push further, telling Audrey to her face that she just murdered the royal blood and it was a felony he wasn't going to let her escape from but I was bound to be disappointed. I regretted even expecting it in the first place.I lowered my head when I felt tears warming the back of my eyes. Damien had betrayed his blood because he wanted fame, he wanted to be in power, and he wanted a child that would ensure his longevity.If he had taken a different decision from this one, I would have considered lessening his punishment, since a bit of humanity remained in him
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AVA:Today was a day to Damien's birthday but festivity was already in the air. One wouldn't believe it but preparations for food that the guest would eat tomorrow had already started."Yes, go drop it that way and come carry this one," I instructed one of the servants who was carrying a huge pot.Anyone seeing how I was so energetic in preparing for Damien's birthday wouldn't believe that Damien had anything coming his way on his D-Day."Ma'am, I have something to tell you." Diana narrowed her eyes at the door of the big hall as though checking if anyone was deliberately eavesdropping."Can't it wait, I have so much to take care of." I didn't want her saying anything in this hall with so many people in it. Even an empty room with walls had ears, talk more of a room filled with people.When I saw the difficult expression on Diana's face, I pulled my apron, handed it to someone, and then dragged Diana outside."What is it you can't wait to tell me?""My Luna, Ma'am Audrey is planning
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AVA:I knew that I had drawn a battle line with what I did the last time.I wish to tell you all that this was a dream but no, it wasn't. I defeated my husband yesterday and didn't let him hit me and my next action is going to surprise everyone.I emptied an almost empty glass of wine, my eyes brimming with tears. I didn't expect my life to be so embarrassing but embarrassing or not, I had to embrace it.It was my life and no one else owned it. Besides, the people who turned me this way couldn't blame me for what if did because they can't deny that they turned me into who I am right now. I wasn't heartless to those who did not deserve it.Today was Damien's birthday and I am in my room, locked up for fear of being harmed in any way. If there was anyone who knew how vengeful Damien was, it was me.A knock on the door interrupted my train of thought and I was forced to stand from my sitting position."Who's there?" I asked, uncertain of who it was that was at the door."Open the goddam
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AVA:Waiting patiently in my mind so the drama in my head doesn't get acted out physically, I walked from place to place, serving drinks and making sure to smile my best.From the corners of my eyes, I noticed Damien shaking hands and smiling in a manner only I was familiar with. He was smiling hypocritically at them and shaking hands with them. If only they knew what was going on in that head of his, they wouldn't have tried extending their hands of friendship.Damien's parents are on the left side of the high table and we're being served wine and a variety of fruits. His mother, Clara was eyeing me disdainfully but I care less.Most of Damien's family were in attendance and a little of mine too came. I had invited them, no, Damien had invited them.Of course, My Mom and Dad never missed an opportunity like this to showcase that their daughter married the highest man in the community."Diana, please go make sure someone's watching the food," I whispered to Diana and she left.I didn
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AVA:When I thought to myself that I was done being bullied, I wasn't mincing thoughts.Unfortunately for those who had wronged me in the past, I was given a rebirth to be the big bully and not the other way around."Come with me." Damien snapped me out of my thoughts as he slowly dragged me in a way it wouldn't be noticed that he was applying force.He even went ahead to smile at each face he saw like we were anywhere near being at peace with each other."What was that expression I saw you make earlier? Fuck, I don't even care anymore. Right. This is the time we have been waiting for, climb up that podium, pretend you're making a speech, then praise me to the skies." This was the reason Damien usually made sure he didn't hurt me so much on the days preceding his birthday, and he made sure that my garments were ornamental enough and that I ate well.To Damien, the presentation was usually the best part of the party, and of course, the most hypocritical of them all.Here's how the pres
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AUTHOR'S POV:Ava rushed out to meet Alpha King Leo but before she could get there, Ethan had already come to the rescue.There was panic in the air, the Alpha King had almost fallen over. Ava tried to catch her breath, she placed her hand on her chest.Diana rushed to Ava, "Luna, Ma'am, are you okay?"Ava gently shrugged off Diana's helping hand from her shoulder and surged forward."Leave me be. I'll be fine." Ava said and with a determined look, she started walking in the direction where Ethan moved with Leo."What a good show you put out there. You should be ashamed because holding your shoulders high won't scrub off the dirt you've tainted on the entire Blue Crest pack. I must say that this was an unpleasant surprise. Hmm." Audrey said, causing Ava to halt in her steps.Ava turned to face Audrey."I made a good show? No, of course not. If only I spiced things up with an update on your affair with Damien, and the fact that you murdered his cousin, everything would have been more
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AVA:My fingers shook and almost slipped out from Leo's hand but he tightly held onto them."Isn't it time for us to declare what we feel for each other? The choice is yours to reject him." Leo whispered in my ear, earning a growl from Damien and an unseen smile from me."This must be the right time," I whispered back, and then stood erect, keeping a level head so I could look away from Damien from a glance.I fixed my gaze on Damien but before I spoke a word, the scenes of what happened a week ago flashed in my mind.Last week...My pieces of evidence were ready, pictures, videos, and all. I had gone to pay a visit to Damien's parents. I needed to tell them what their son was doing wrong and of course, I thought, they needed to hear me out, so they wouldn't be so surprised when I was no longer with their son.My journey there was easy because they resided in the same pack as ours, so it didn't take me much to get there. My perspective is that if only these two old people left their
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AUTHOR'S POV:"You said you didn't kill Aria, then who did?" Sarah, Ariana's mother screamed out the question while half running and walking towards Audrey. She pulled Audrey back by the arm and then, Sydney, Dmiens sister cornered Audrey."You see girl, nothing under the sun can be kept a secret for so long. We want to know if you killed Aria, she was my little sister too." Sydney said and Audrey placed her hand on Sydney's shoulder, pushing past her."What are you talking about? Who even told you that trash you're blabbing about? I mean, I get it that you lost your daughter but you can't go around calling people murderers because of that."Sarah slowly walked towards Audrey until they were up close. "You know what? Aria wasn't lost, she was murdered. She was fucking murdered!" Sydney held Sarah's arm as though trying to remind her that losing her cool wouldn't bring her face to face with her daughter's murderer."On the evening of her death, you changed your evening clothes twice, a
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AUTHOR'S POV:Damien wondered if he wanted Ava dead because of what she had done.Since he couldn't decide, he quickly stood up and gently put Audrey aside. Her eyes followed his movements. He seemed to be uncomfortable with the idea."You know what? I'll think about it. And you don't have to eat up my space all the time, leave." Damien pointed towards the door.Audrey started leaving when she was halfway through the door, she halted and turned back, retracing her steps back to Damien."You know, I was thinking you had something for me too. That when all this is over, we could start a family. Make babies to start with but I didn't know you still loved that bitch.""What?" Damien's eyes blazed.He raised his hand to hit Audrey but restrained himself.First of all, his anger was stemming from the fact that Audrey was calling Ava a bitch when she was the bitch herself. And then, he hated that all this was happening all at once. Right now, his emotions were on edge."Oh, now you want to
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AVA:I hadn't been able to say a word since we got to Leo's place. I don't know why I was this way. I should be feeling happy that I gave Damien a piece of my mind but I wasn't exactly happy and I'm wondering if it was because I didn't outrightly reject Damien.Leonard has been silent too, both on our way here and now, and then I'm wondering what could be on his mind."Leo, say something, please, this is gradually making me go mental." I tugged at my hair and then made sure to maintain eye contact with him."What can I say? What do you want me to say? I mean, please quit with that 'cause there's nothing to say." Leo shook his head in the negative. He was about to walk away when I held his arm."I'm sorry if I disappointed you. I should have rejected him as we agreed but..."He cut me off when he placed his index finger on my lips and said, "Shh, there's no need to say that. You did what you had to do and that was your best. The rejection can come at any time but now, okay?" He pecked
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