All Chapters of The Girlboss Begs for Remarriage: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
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Chapter 71
Even as Sean was left utterly confused, he was clutching his head and pleading, "Argh!!! Please, stop! Stop hitting me, Scarface!"However, Chad himself kicked Sean a few times before running toward Frank, quickly denouncing Sean in fear that Frank would think he was on Sean's side. "I'm so sorry, Mr. Lawrence. I don't know that person at all."Sean was bleeding from his nose and mouth even as he stared at Chad in confusion. "W-What are you doing?! He's just Vicky Turnbull's manwhore! You don't have to be afraid of him!""Shut up!" Chad bellowed and charged toward Sean, launching a flying kick and sending him to the floor.Then, lifting him by the collar, he yelled, "If you want to die, you can fuck off all you want—don't drag me down with you!"Sean was left confused again. "B-But… You're the kingpin of West City…"Chad laughed despite himself. "Sure, I am—but do you know who killed Leo Grayson?"Sean was left thunderstruck as he understood in an instant. He turned frantically
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Chapter 72
Vicky had no intention of letting Helen get frisky with Frank, leaving him speechless.Still, he quietly moved to the driver's seat and drove to Verdant Hotel, where he quickly carried Helen to his room.Behind him, Vicky was still holding up Gina and asked, "Hey, what about this one?""Take her to another room," Frank replied flatly. "I'll tend to her later."Vicky pursed her lips. "Trying to send me away? Dream on!"She looked around, locking on to a bellboy and snapping, "Over here, kid!"The bellboy promptly ran up to her and asked respectfully, "Yes, ma'am. How can I help?"Vicky whipped out a stack of hundred dollar bills and shoved it at the bellboy. "Get a room for her and let her settle in—do that, and the money is yours. If anything bad happens, you'll be held responsible."The bellboy's eyes widened—it was the first time he had been given such a generous tip! Nodding repeatedly, he said, "Don't worry, ma'am. I'll take good care of the lady."With that, he took Gin
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Chapter 73
In the next room, the bellboy had put Gina in bed and was about to leave when a pair of arms wrapped around him firmly.Then, he heard a gruff moan behind him. "Oh… handsome… Come on…"The bellboy turned to see Gina's middle-aged face looking clearly aroused.He was a man, but he was not that desperate—though he would not have hesitated if it was that babe from before. This hag, however…Still, he lowered his gaze on the stack of bills he had been given. So that was why he was given such a generous tip! There was a catch after all!The man was left weighing between his principles and money… and eventually gritted his teeth."Fuck it. Guess I'll take this for the money!"Throwing aside any vestiges of dignity, he turned and jumped on top of Gina!-Frank and Vicky hurried to the next room but could already hear the cries of pleasure from the doorway.Vicky raised her brow. "Guess we're too late… Are you going in?"Frank smacked himself on the forehead and sighed exasperat
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Chapter 74
Helen made a face. "Sorry. I'm not used to sharing a bed."Tut, tut… How innocent." Vicky clicked her tongue, but soon realized something. "So you never shared a bed with Frank while being married to him? Does that mean he's a virgin? Well, your loss."Helen was immediately upset and snapped through gritted teeth, "You're delusional—we already did it."Then, rubbing chin as if in recollection, she added, "He's good. You can try him yourself when you have the time."Vicky pursed her lips, her visage flashing coolly for a moment before she laughed. "That's alright—being experienced is fine. I'd rather not have virgins myself."However, Helen sharply noticed the cool look on her face and was satisfied to one-up her. "Really? Then take your time. I've gotten bored of him already."With that, Helen strode out of the room and breathed a long sigh, feeling disappointed even though she had won this round.After all, she and Frank never did it—she did not actually have anything over Vick
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Chapter 75
Frank rolled his eyes again. "I didn't do anything to Helen."Even so, Gina pointed at him and snapped, "I'm warning you. I'm suing you if anything happens to her!"Helen was exasperated. "That's enough, Mom. Frank and I weren't sharing a room."She actually had a lot of questions for Frank, but it seemed she had to give up now that her mother was here."You passed out drunk!" Gina snapped relentlessly and dragged her away right then. "Come on. We're going to the hospital—who knows what he did to you."Helen was speechless—would she not know if anything had been done to her?Still, just as they stepped out of the hotel, Gina said, "You really should stop seeing Frank—it'd be bad if Mr. Wesley sees this.""So what if he does? We're just friends," Helen retorted.She actually believed that Frank could be trusted. And if it really was true, she would not forgive Sean for drugging her, no matter how much he had done for her."Are you really stupid?!" Gina snapped in disappointment
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Chapter 76
Susan was worried that Frank and Vicky were getting frisky!As her direct subordinate, Cliff had already told Susan all about Frank's abilities and was actually surprised that the normal-looking boy had such talent."Then what are you worried about?" Vicky tilted her head."It seems that you weren't listening to anything I'd told you." Susan sighed in disappointment."I'm an adult, Mom," Vicky's tone slowly turned sharp just then. "I know what I'm doing."Frank certainly noticed the awkward vibes in the room and said gingerly, "I'll be going if there's nothing else…""Hold it," Susan snapped coolly."Yes, ma'am?" Frank asked, slowly turning towards her."We need to talk," Susan said, putting down her cup of coffee.She had been doing a thorough investigation on Frank over the last few days after all. After realizing that she was not the lowlife she believed him to be, she decided she could at least give him a shot."Feel free," Frank said, spreading his arms.Susan slowly go
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Chapter 77
"I owe you an apology for this," Vicky told Frank solemnly. "I hope you won't mind it. And whatever happens in a year, I'll transfer all my shares of Riverton Pharma to you."Frank was perplexed, though he noticed the bemusement and helplessness in Vicky's eyes. "You don't seem convinced I could surpass the Lionhearts," he said.Vicky sighed, a look of wariness showing in her gaze. "You won't succeed even for a decade, let alone a year. They're far scarier than you'd ever imagine."Frank smiled in silence in return.After all, he was far scarier than she would ever imagine, too.He got up, bidding her goodbye and started to head back to the hotel, though he sneezed violently twice just as he stepped outside the doorway."Who the hell was badmouthing me?" he growled.-Meanwhile, Sean was lying quietly in a room within Riverton Hospital, his body covered in bandages.He had only regained consciousness after being thoroughly beaten up. He only regained consciousness during the
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Chapter 78
Sean was astonished.Gulping, he promptly greeted Finn, "Mr. Chandler. Apologies for my rudeness.""I've had you brought here because I have some simple questions," Finn said, fiddling with the butterfly knife he was holding."You need just ask," Sean promptly replied. "I will give you everything I know.""Frank Lawrence killed my boy Leo, so I'm here for revenge," Finn said evenly. "Tell me everything you know about him—who he is, where he stays. Everything. But if I find out that you lied..."Finn suddenly slammed his palm on the table, breaking it in half with a loud bang!Sean flinched in shock, but he was already celebrating inside since he had been troubled on how he was going to kill Frank.Truly, there would always be someone out there with the same plan in mind!"Don't worry, Mr. Chandler—I will definitely tell you everything you know. Frank Lawrence was Helen Lane's ex-husband, and he knows nothing aside from some paltry martial arts. Still, he managed to hook up with
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Chapter 79
Gina promptly pleaded to Sean, "Please, Mr. Wesley! Tell Mr. Chandler that we had nothing to do with Leo's death!""Yeah! Weren't you the one who had him killed?" Peter chimed in. "And you know people from the governor's office, don't you? What's there to fear about them?""Haha!" Sean laughed out loud, not bothered to keep up appearances just then. "How stupid can you be?! Fools! If I could pull strings with the governor's office, I would own Riverton already!"Gina was stupefied—she always thought Sean was influential enough to neutralize Leo. "What? You didn't call the governor's office? Then who did?""How the fuck should I know?" Sean snorted.Helen was frowning just then. "Were the Ichor Pills you gave my grandfather real?""Oh, those were just vitamin pills," Sean scoffed in disdain. "Cost me just twenty bucks, so it's hilarious how your entire family treated it like treasure.""Please, Mr. Wesley, y-you have to help us!" Gina cried even as she shuddered. "You helped Hele
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Chapter 80
A blood-curdling scream resounded in the office.Even Gina turned away, unable to look.Helen was herself crying and wheezing, her vision glazed over by tears as her prided beauty was now gone!"So? Are you going to talk?" Finn asked, clearly showing no intention to stop as he placed his butterfly knife on Helen's other cheek.However, he frowned when he realized that Helen was utterly silent and her gaze was completely blank. He knew right then that the woman was broken—he would not be getting anything out of her now.Instead, he turned toward the cowardly Gina instead, and she promptly begged, "P-Please, Mr. Chandler… let us go—""I won't ask the same question twice," Finn simply growled, handily pressing his butterfly knife on her cheek!Gina shuddered violently and actually wetted herself. However, just before Finn sliced into her screen, she screamed on top of her lungs, "He was staying at the penthouse suite of Verdant Hotel last night! I don't know where he is today! That
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