All Chapters of The Strongest God of War: Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
278 Chapters
91. The Shield
As soon as the arrow shot upwards, lightning seemed to strike even more fiercely. In fact, it caused such a tremendous flash that all the great archers took a few steps back. Some of them turned to their calm-looking War General, asking for an explanation. Andrew Reece represented them and immediately said, "General, it didn't work." "Who said it didn't work?" Bill retorted without turning around. "General ...." Andrew Reece wore a puzzled expression. Bill then took a few steps forward and looked at the front with a narrowed gaze. All of his men were increasingly unable to understand what the general was doing. Andrew Reece who had been so close to their general just didn't understand, what more those who had only known him for a while certainly couldn't understand. Because, if they thought about it, all of their general's actions were never as expected. They then could only remain silent while waiting for the general's actions again. "Do you know why I told them to shoot th
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92. The Tough Crown Prince
The Fleshy Kingdom's War General may have looked young, but he didn't seem afraid to face Bill. He calmly said, "We can fight until one of us dies, no soldiers involved." William Mackenzie was surprised to hear, "You ...." "This is not a war that needs to involve them." The young War General stared with conviction. "You intend to sacrifice yourself for them?" Bill asked. The war general named Hugh Fleshy who was also the crown prince of the Fleshy Kingdom smiled faintly. "Are you underestimating me, General? Do you think you'll be able to defeat me?" Hugh replied casually. "Of course not. Well, how are we going to fight?" Bill asked. Hugh turned around, turned his back to Bill and faced all his soldiers who were staring in confusion. "Soldiers, I will fight General Ans De Lou one-on-one. I-" "Crown Prince, you ... what do you mean?" Gilar Fleshy cut off his brother's words, looking so surprised. He even almost stepped closer to his brother. But, it was not only Gilar Fleshy
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93. A Worry
From Hugh's wound, blood dripped but not too much. Gilar looked very panicked when he saw that his brother was injured. The young man couldn't let his brother be killed by their enemies. He also still remembered his father's message before he followed his brother into battle. "Hugh is the crown prince so if anything happens to him, our country will be in chaos. Gilar, make sure the crown prince stay safe." Those words rang in his head. Gilar, who could no longer bear to see his brother injured, was about to break through the front guard but Hugh shouted in a very loud voice, "Stop right there!" "No." "Gilar, stop! Don't come any closer!" Hugh said firmly. "Hugh! Don't be stubborn!" Gilar retorted, about to take another step. But then Gilar heard his brother growl angrily, "STOP!" Gilar immediately stopped walking. Gilar was extremely annoyed by his brother's hardness of heart, who had always felt the strongest. His brother actually just wanted to hide his weakness and the o
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94. I Am Your Enemy!
"Agreed," Bill replied. Bill immediately picked up his gun, as did Hugh. Bill then pointed his gun upwards. The Royal War General Ans De Lou said, "Once this one shot goes off, this round has begun." Hugh Fleshy looked somewhat disturbed by those words. A "round", that's what made him think that Bill only thought that what they were doing now was a game. Wasn't that too much? He even felt that his current struggle was between life and death. However, his opponent did not think seriously. Not long after, an explosion was heard. Hugh quickly aimed his gun at Bill's right leg but unfortunately, Bill jumped to the right with a sideways movement. Hugh did not give up. Again, the handsome crown prince attacked again and this time targeted Bill's right arm. However, he still failed. On the third shot, he switched to Bill's thigh. But, unluckily, again Hugh Fleshy still failed to injure Bill. With his third failure, his movements slowed down somewhat. William Mackenzie quickly t
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95. The Legend
Suddenly Andrew Reece walked up to them, "Our general didn't lose, didn't he defeat you? It's just a matter of statement, it won't matter." Andree Reece smiled at the two brothers. Hugh Fleshy realized what he should do next. "In that case, please accept my respect," Hugh said as he intended to kneel in front of Bill but Bill quickly prevented the young man and held him upright. William Mackenzie looked seriously at the young man. "You are the Crown Prince. It's not appropriate to kneel in front of someone like me." Bill said while holding Hugh's shoulders. Gilar Fleshy also looked at William Mackenzie with a very different gaze now. Previously, he had been eager to tear Bill apart due to the defeat his brother had suffered. Right now, his gaze had turned into a gaze full of deep admiration. "General Stewart, are you a god? How can you behave like a god?" Gilar asked. William Mackenzie only flashed a faint smile. "I'm not that good, back then I was even nicknamed the God of
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96. What Happened?
The soldiers were waiting for the legend to greet them. William Mackenzie then smiled, "You guys, go back to your seats again!" "Remember, you're still on the plane," Bill continued, warning. Actually, they could have reused their bus that was parked at the border area earlier. However, the crown prince of the Fleshy Kingdom lent them their airplane to take them back to the Ans De Lou Kingdom as a favor. Thus, they could now relax a little more before returning home. Obediently, all of Bill's men sat back down in their respective places. Bill, who was now standing, began to say, "You know who I am now, but there is one thing I want to ask you." The hundred soldiers listened carefully. There was nothing more rewarding for them to meet the great legend again. "You are the only ones who know my true identity, along with my face that was previously hidden behind a mask." Bill paused again, sweeping his gaze over the soldiers who were now looking at him seriously. "Right now I wa
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97. That's Impossible!
"Secretary of the palace, losing or winning a war is a common thing." Bill answered without stopping walking. "How could you lose?" Amanda replied in disbelief. Bill again replied casually, "I'm only a human, Amanda. Of course I can lose." Amanda shook her head, "No way. You ... never lose at all. I don't believe anyone can beat you. You ... oh, tell me what happened exactly?" Bill said again, "Let's just say he's better than me." "How can anyone be better than you? I've never found one. A God of Death like you can lose? That's impossible," Amanda added, looking incredulous. But then Amanda quickly shut her mouth and realized that many of William Mackenzie's soldiers were listening to her. She suddenly panicked. She said, "Bill. I didn't mean to." However, Andrew Reece said in a soothing tone, "You don't need to worry, Palace Secretary. All the soldiers who went with the general already know his true identity. Hearing Andrew Reece's words, Amanda gaped in shock. She stammere
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98. Jody's Suggestion
"Are you sure you can win over that small kingdom, General Gardner?" Keannu asked, wanting to make sure. Jody Gardner immediately replied with confidence, "Of course, Your Majesty. I will get the victory that General Stewart could not." Keannu Wellington looked satisfied at Jody Gardner's answer. However, despite this, Keannu still felt that something was very off. While the young king was thinking, Bill spoke up again, "Your Majesty, why do you insist on defeating that kingdom? Wouldn't it be better to face another kingdom, Your Majesty? Why spend money on that war?" "For what? Have you forgotten that our defeat was your fault, General Stewart?" Jody Gardner said. Keannu asked Jody Gardner to shut up, while he replied, "Then, what is your solution to this problem, General Stewart? You have already lost to the Fleshy Kingdom. What can you do now?" William Mackenzie was pleased that his king was provoked. "Your Majesty, I did lose to that one kingdom. But, that doesn't mean I w
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99. The Generosity
However, Bill certainly wasn't going to let Jody win over him so he said, "Oh, I forgot one thing. Everyone has their own way of dealing with defeat." Jody, who had been happy, was now upset again. The nearly thirty-six-year-old said, "Your Majesty, please give me some time to rest. After that, I will make my contribution to this kingdom." With no further questions asked, Keannu immediately understood what William Mackenzie was saying. The viceroy replied, "Yes, you may rest as you wish." "Thank you for your generosity, Your Majesty. In that case, I request permission to leave the palace for some time with my wife," Bill said. Keannu was about to shout out his objections but he knew he couldn't do it. Bill's gaze clearly did not allow him to do so. So, Keannu couldn't help but say, "Yes, I'll let you." Bill smiled with satisfaction and immediately retreated from the palace hall. He also asked Andrew Reece to convey his day of rest and gave his soldiers the freedom to do as they
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100. Party?
However, Andrew Reece suddenly remembered that he had no right to interfere in the matter. "It goes without saying," Andrew interrupted. Mark Donovan, who was ready to launch his idea, looked up in surprise, "Why, sir?" "It's not right." Andrew stood up, giving Mark a tired look. "What's not right?" "It's not fair to General Mackenzie, but we don't know what he might think either." Andrew paused for a moment, "Because when you think about it, he is a major general. It would be very easy for him to leave this palace and not come back." It was as if Mark Donovan had just been hit over the head with a hammer. He also came to his senses. "Oh my, you're right. Even if he doesn't come back, no one will dare to fight him. Not even King Keannu would be able to resist him. If General Mackenzie insists on staying in this palace, then he has a purpose," Mark explained. Andrew nodded. "In that case, just let things play out as they should." "So, we'll just wait for the general to retur
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