All Chapters of The Strongest God of War: Chapter 161 - Chapter 170
278 Chapters
28. Are You Ready?
"Blimey, Wood. You're here, of course, to make us both more eager to compete," James retorted with his deadly grin.However, Riley Mackenzie did not seem to be affected. With a lazy expression, the young man said, "I'm not interested at all."James instantly put on a disappointed face, "Why is that? I haven't even mentioned the prize if you win from me Wood. You hurt me.""Don't talk so much! I don't need a prize anyway. Never mind, let's get it over with, James." Riley said as he turned to the match referee.James snorted in annoyance, but he still replied, "Fine. But, you lose. Just so you know."Riley ignored his words and instead nodded at the referee, indicating he was ready."James Gardner, are you ready?" the referee asked.James quickly adjusted his position and turned his head, "Yes, I'm ready."The unnamed referee said, "Okay. The rules remain the same, whoever manages to make their opponent cross the line and can't fight back wins."Riley and James nodded, understanding the
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29. A Friend?
James did not reply to Riley's words and instead grinned widely. The next second, the young man who had hair slightly covering his eyes turned the tables by slamming Riley with unexpected speed.Riley was wide-eyed in shock but when James intended to use his right elbow to hold Riley, Riley managed to roll over and get up quickly.James stared with a surprised expression. "You're ...."James' words could not be finished because he saw Riley jump slightly and then lunged at him, knocking him down. Riley was breathing heavily looking at the young man who had confused him earlier.Blood dripped from James' nose as he looked at Riley, still with an expression that was hard to explain.There was shock, astonishment, awe and confusion all mixed together in James' eyes.But, he was even more surprised when Riley didn't attack him anymore. However, he chuckled, understanding why Riley had stopped attacking him."You beat me," James said in a strange tone while observing the floor where he had
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30. Are You Satisfied?
Riley could feel that the bitter tone was also suffused with a deep sense of loneliness. Riley couldn't imagine not having a friend to chat with. He would definitely be very bored."Oh, don't show that pity face! I hate to see it," James said irritably when he saw Riley's expression.Riley shook his head, "But, it's also good that no one wants to be friends with you.""What do you mean?" James replied with a raised right eyebrow."That way of speaking of yours sometimes makes people's ears hurt, so it would be much better if you didn't have any friends around you, right?" Riley said casually.James snorted, but he smiled. He knew Riley was just trying to cheer him up. Uh, how was this? Because of Riley Wood's presence, he felt like having a friend. However, he didn't want to act rashly by asking Riley as his friend openly. He did not want to be seen as needing him too much.After about five minutes of walking, they had reached the palace medical centre. Riley nodded at a few prospec
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31. What a Liar!
Rowena was already looking rather weak, so Riley said softly, "Your Highness, please forgive me."After saying an apology which Rowena took as a request for permission to touch her, Riley took hold of Rowena's arm and he immediately brought her to the edge of the pool.It was not too difficult for Riley to lift her up because Rowena's body was quite light. The maids immediately helped and surrounded their princess just as Riley was about to climb up. At the same time, a servant ran over along with a bodyguard. Behind her was a man in a white uniform who was also running in that direction."Quickly, Doctor!" a servant shouted loudly.The young doctor quickly checked on their princess.Riley couldn't see what the doctor was doing. Too many servants surrounded the princess and soon the guards had arrived. Riley looked drenched but no one seemed to care about him. In fact, people seemed to forget that there was an aspiring soldier who had saved the king's daughter.However, Riley didn't
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32. With Riley
Riley also heard Diego's words but he preferred to drink his hot chocolate and ignore Diego. James who was munching on his fries stopped chewing them in his mouth, "What happened to the king's daughter?" "Princess Rowena almost died by drowning. Near the pond, not far from the palace health clinic," Alen explained enthusiastically but there was a hint of curiosity on his expression as well.Instantly James turned to Riley, "So, that's why so many servants and soldiers were there?"Riley still did not want to respond, while Alen immediately asked, "You know about it? Were you around?"James nodded, "I don't know what happened but I was around there. With Riley."The young man once again turned to Riley who was still concentrating on his hot drink."Wood, you saw it too, right?" James asked."Really? Come on, tell us!" Alen said excitedly.Diego also said, "How did she drown there? Wasn't anyone watching her? And those servants? They-""Stop it! Do you think Wood is a tree that witness
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33. One Wish?
"I'll find out," James said and he stood up immediately.However, as if Alen knew that James would do something against the rules, the young man immediately restrained his arm, "Sit down, please!"James wanted to break free but unfortunately Alen's grip was too strong so he was forced to actually sit back down. His face instantly displayed an expression of annoyance at being restrained."I know what you're going to do," Alen said as both of his hands still held James' right arm.James clucked his tongue, "Huh? If you know, why are you holding me back? Just let me follow them and we'll find out what's going on."Diego threw a French fry at James' face.James scowled, "You ... how dare you!""Of course I dare, why not?" Diego replied as he gave James a challenging look.James said, "If this wasn't a place to eat, I'd have punched you again, Greco."Diego smirked, "You? Punched me? You can't do anything now, Gardner. Look at the state you're in!"James turned to Alen. Alen sighed, "I just
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34. It Was Horrible!
However, after the king of Ans De Lou Kingdom conveyed all his offers, he still did not get a response from Riley. That made the king say again, "Oh, or do you have another wish? Don't worry! I can definitely fulfill your request."Riley immediately made a bow as a salute to the king, Keannu was immediately enthusiastic, "Yes, say it! Say what you want!""I beg your forgiveness, Your Majesty. But ... I don't want anything," Riley said in a firm tone.Keannu squinted, looking at the young man probingly, "No way. You want to refuse my generosity?"Steadily, Riley replied, "Yes, Your Majesty.""You can't. You must accept my offer," Keannu suddenly insisted.Riley took a slow breath and let it out before saying, "Your Majesty, I cannot accept anything. However, you don't need to worry. I will keep my mouth shut, I will not tell anything and anyone about the incident at the pond."Keannu still couldn't believe the prospective soldier, but he then heard the young man say again, "If you don'
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35. Loyal Friends
Andrew turned to the young man, "Just like what happened to the warrior, she was also punished. Only, those who know what kind of punishment is King Keannu and of course Princess Rowena."How horrible! Is freedom that expensive? Riley thought."Oh, never mind. You don't need to think about that matter, all you have to do is keep your mouth shut and focus on your training. Remember, Wood. Only the best can become soldiers here," Andrew walked back as he explained that.Riley was silent and didn't ask any more questions. Andrew did not make another sound until they arrived at dormitory two."Uh, you have a lot of loyal friends!" Andrew commented with a smile.Riley looked towards the front and saw his three room mates standing in front of the main gate of their dormitory."Remember my message, Wood!" Andrew said without waiting for Riley's reply.The war general quickly turned around and walked away.Riley walked towards his friends with a flat expression."What happened?" Alen asked in
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36. Inspection
Riley was not the only one who was nervous. As he looked around, many of the prospective soldiers had anxious and nervous expressions on their faces.Oh no! How many candidates had lied about their identities? And why did they get away with it? Riley wondered.Then he saw James raise his hand, and Janice said, "Yes?"Has there been a change in the rules here? Wasn't everything checked before we entered the palace?" Alen nodded at James, agreeing with what James was asking.Janice explained, "Last night, the palace inspection department found some people who apparently cheated by falsifying the data of some prospective soldiers.""And those prospective soldiers were also sent home last night. Today, we will continue the investigation, except for the unscrupulous palace employees who have been exposed. So I ask you all to wait for the results of the cross-examination, which will take place in fifteen minutes," Janice added.After hearing Janice's explanation, some of the prospective sol
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37. But How?
Janice Grow paused for a few seconds, which made Riley even more upset."You're all off the hook," Janice said firmly.Off the hook for what? Escaped? Riley opened his eyes immediately, feeling like he had misheard. But then he heard Alen say, "Come on, Riley!"Riley was still stunned and doubted his ears. How could he have escaped? But suddenly James Gardner put his arm around him, "Come on, let's get out of here, Wood!"Huh?So he really didn't hear wrong. He really did get away. But how?Before the young man, who still looked a bit dazed, opened his mouth to ask something, he heard Janice say, "Go ahead, future soldiers. You can all start training at the next level."James suddenly pulled Riley away from the building.As soon as they were outside the building, Riley looked around impatiently, searching for the young girl.James noticed Riley's strange movements and suddenly frowned, "Who are you looking for?""Mary Kesley," Riley replied without thinking.Alen immediately whistl
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