All Chapters of The Billionaire's Unexpected Wife: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
135 Chapters
A Keeper
KristoI helped her to bed, and she crashed face first into the pillow and passed out right away. I sat on the edge of the bed and stroked her hair, watching her, wondering what the hell we were going to do.She wasn’t happy. I could tell that. She hadn’t said a word about getting rid of it, thank goodness, because I’d known as soon as I’d seen her walk back into that room, pale-faced and panicked, that I wanted to keep this kid. I would have let her make the final decision, no matter what, but I was glad I wouldn’t have to fight her on this one.In the meantime, we had so much to talk about. I was still racking my brains as to how she had even gotten pregnant, but I guessed we had been hooking up a lot these last few weeks. Maybe I had forgotten to use a condom one of those times in the rush of it all, in the thrill of finally having her be mine. I hadn’t wanted this baby, but as soon as I’d seen her walk out of that room, I’d known it was the perfect thing to fill out our little fam
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Keep Them Safe
Kristo“I don’t think it’s going to be that easy,” she remarked nervously, fiddling with a loose thread on the side of the bed. “I mean, it’s going to change everything. And your family—”“My family has already dealt with the weirdest shit from the two of us these last few months,” I reminded her. “I really don’t think this is going to upset them. You know how long my nonna has been waiting for great-grandchildren? She’ll be here every day, helping out.”“Yeah, that’s what I’m worried about,” Amaya joked, and then she shook her head again. “But with Jolene, I don’t know.”“Amaya, not everything can be planned in advance,” I reminded her. “I know you like having control over everything, but you need to let go. If we’re going to have this kid, you can’t bother clinging onto order. Everything’s going to change, and you need to be all right with that.”She looked at me and bit her lip. I could see the fear on her face, sure, but I could also see the excitement, too, buried underneath it.
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Sharing the News
AmayaI took a deep breath as I sat at the desk and then followed it with a sip of my ginger ale. I picked up one of the crackers to nibble on, and some of the nausea began to recede. All right, well, that was a start. If I could get through a day at a time like this, I was going to be fine. The sickness wasn’t going to stop, but I could at least find ways to distract myself. Work was providing a decent excuse for that for now, but I didn’t know how long I would last here before I needed to take some time off to look after myself and the baby.The first thing I had done was let my manager know I was pregnant so nobody could accuse me of hiding this to try to hold on to the position. There was quite a bit of work I could do from home, which was a relief, so I wouldn’t have to give up the job entirely, but I would have to step down and let someone else fill in the gaps for me while I was away. I already had my eye on someone to do just that.“Hey.” Darla stuck her head around the door,
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New Beginnings
AmayaI headed home as early as I could that day, the nights I’d spent late in the office finishing up work down to the last little detail long out the window. I was starting to feel ill again as I drove home, and I made a mental note to ask Kristo to hire me a driver so I didn’t have to worry about getting myself to and from work. He had been so sweet all day, bless him, bringing me water when he heard me throwing up and talking me through my panicked round of nerves the day before. I couldn’t have asked for a better man to help me through all of this.He seemed as enthusiastic as I was, if not more so, but then, he didn’t have the pukiness to deal with, so maybe he was still a little more optimistic about the whole thing. I would catch up as soon as I was out of this trimester. I had looked up all this stuff about pregnancy hormones and symptoms and how they would hit me and when they would recede. So I knew at least that this wasn’t going to last forever. As soon as I had this out
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Just the Three of Us
KristoI tapped my fingers on my elbow impatiently. I felt a little bad that I had called these guys out at such short notice, but it was for the best. I wanted to have everything ready to go by the time Amaya arrived here with her sister. I wanted to show them both I was about as serious about this as I possibly could be.“How much longer do you think you’ll be?” I asked the workman who passed by me, a bag of tools slung over his shoulder and clinking loudly. He shrugged.“Should be another hour, at most?” he offered, and I could tell my impatience was getting to him.“If I put another five hundred on the price tag, could you get it done quicker?” I asked, and he nodded at once.“Sure thing, boss,” he flashed me a smile, and then he disappeared and left me waiting in the kitchen, wondering if there was any way in hell they were going to get this finished in time.It was my fault. If I wanted a stairlift put in, I could have organized it long before the actual day Jolene was supposed
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KristoI hurried up the stairs to join them, and Amaya headed to the kitchen as soon as she was inside.“Wow, that smells good.” She inhaled deeply, pulling the lid off one of the pots and looking at what was inside. “I should get you to cook for us more often.”“As if I don’t do all the cooking already,” I replied, shooting a wink at Jolene, who grinned. Amaya rolled her eyes at me and came over to join us on the couch.“How long do we have until the others arrive?” she asked, and I glanced at my watch.“About a half-hour,” I replied. “Enough time to figure out some more details for when Jolene is living here with us.”“I can’t believe this is actually happening.” Jolene shook her head, fiddling with the charms on the bracelet we’d purchased for her a few days earlier. “I’m going to be living here. Here! Have you seen this place? It’s like a palace.”We chatted a little about exactly what we would need to do in order to make the place as friendly to Jolene and her wheelchair as possi
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Say My Name
AmayaI lay there in bed, staring at the ceiling. The night had gone as well as I could have hoped, but there was a restlessness inside of me that I couldn’t shake. I had tidied the house, relaxed as well as I could, taken a shower, but by the time I came to bed, I still felt as though there was something nagging at the back of my mind.I didn’t know how long it would be until Kristo came back. He’d insisted on driving Jolene back down the road to her home. I hated to see her leave so much, but I knew it was the right thing. I couldn’t wait for the day when we wouldn’t have to take her back anywhere, when this would be her home, when we could have nights like this and I could stay up late talking with my sister when they were done.I wondered if she’d noticed the way I had that Darla and Cleo seemed to be really feeling each other. Kristo had mentioned that Cleo had dated girls in the past, but I hadn’t expected them to hit it off so completely and obviously. They were probably still
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Over the Edge
AmayaKristo stripped me down swiftly, tossing aside his own pants and boxers, and laid down on top of me carefully, so as not to put too much weight on me. I ran my nails over his back, loving the feel of his muscles beneath my fingers. Hell, if this was what the rest of pregnancy was going to be like, then you could count me in, nausea or no nausea.“You look so beautiful right now,” he murmured, and I kissed him, starving for his touch, his mouth, for anything I could get.“I need you inside me, Kristo.” I repeated his name once more, and as though it was a charm, he obliged. Sliding between my legs, he parted my thighs and took his cock in his hand. I had a momentary panic about us not using a condom, but then I remembered what he’d mentioned earlier. We wouldn’t need one now that I was pregnant. Skin on skin, together with no barrier between us at last. I ran my hands over his neck and his shoulders, and he looked deeply into my eyes as he guided himself into me.“Fuck,” he groan
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Broken Hearted Best Man
KristoFive days till Jolene moved in. Six weeks until the wedding. And about thirty seconds before I tossed my sister out of my office.“Really, Cleo, it’s going to be okay,” I promised her. “You need to calm down. It’s not that big a deal.”“Of course, it is!” she exclaimed, shooting a furious look in my direction. “I really liked this girl, Kristo. And now she’s just gone. Like that. I can’t believe it.”I ran my hand through my hair and tried to center myself. I had never much been good at this kind of thing, but it was my sister, so I would give it a go.“Come on, tell me about it.” I crouched down in front of where she had crashed dramatically into the seat in my office just a few minutes before. “It can’t be that bad, can it?”She wiped the tears away from her eyes and gave me a hard look.“You’re getting married soon,” she reminded me. “You don’t know what it’s like to have your heart broken.”I thought back to the moment when Amaya had walked out on me, when she had told me s
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Total Forgiveness
Kristo“I guess I should probably let you get back to work.” She sighed and dragged herself to her feet, as though it was some great trial to even pull herself upright. “And can you get me Darla’s number from Amaya? I guess we were a little distracted the first night we met, and I forgot to ask for it.”“Just drinks, huh?” I teased again.“Just drinks,” she repeated, but she was grinning like she was sitting on a secret. I gave her a quick hug and saw her to the door.“Take care of yourself, okay?” I ordered her. “I’m going to need you running properly these next few weeks. The wedding’s coming up, and then …”“And then we’re going to have to start putting shit together for the nursery.” She clapped her hands together in excitement. “Oh my god, I can’t wait to meet my little niece.”“Or nephew,” I reminded her. “We don’t know the gender yet.”“Yeah, I have a feeling.” She tapped her nose.“Just make sure anything you do get is gender-neutral,” I suggested. “Just on the slight chance y
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