All Chapters of MY SMEX BIKER ALPHA:(SINFUL LOVE): Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
130 Chapters
Chapter 106 CHOICE
Leo's POVI sat down in the hall waiting for everyone of them to arrive. I also invited my cousin who seems to still be trying to recover from what happened a while ago. I mean from the beating he got from Alpha Jasper any I. The elders, youth leaders and whatever they all are in the pack are all starting to come inside. There's a lot of murmuring coming from the ones who came inside. Why? Because they all paid their respects but no one answered. Why would they expect me to answer now that they already made me lose it? I was waiting for Reed to come back with some of the elders who might be stubborn enough not to come. "Alpha, we've all been paying our respects for a while now and you're not answering anyone." One of them said. I scoffed, "What's the hurry? Wait till you hear why you're all here before you complain. I bet you'll be throwing the respect away once you find out.""What? We wouldn't dare to do that." They quickly said. "But... Is this about you marrying your mate? We
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Chapter 107 Marriage
Aiva's POVAnd I thought I could talk to Leo in order for him not to leave them? These people don't even deserve a single pity from me since they don't think I'm even worthy to be their Luna. They can all go to hell for all I care. "Did you just tell me to jump off a bridge? How dare you talk to me like that?" The idiot yelled at me. I scoffed, "See? Your alpha is leaving you for this exact reason. You all have just been using him to cover your selfish selves."Everyone gasped when I said that. I looked straight at Leo and he seemed to be surprised by my words. Don't even get me started on how much I want to drag him out of here and make him end it once and for all. "You all don't respect him at all. He's just a tool to stay protected and not die because you know other packs will be attacking you when he leaves, isn't it?""That's enough! You're not the Luna yet! You are not allowed to run your mouth here!" One of the elders yelled at me and I was going to face that fucking man whe
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Aiva's POV I took a cab back to the house after leaving Leo. I can't believe he finally said I was insecure after all that I did to stop him from making that decision. How could say that to me? "Sister!" Ryan welcomed me as I walked in. I immediately hugged him, "How are you doing my darling?" "I'm good sister. Where are you coming from? Where's brother?" He asked me. I smiled at him, "They're all busy and I'm coming from somewhere important. Are you studying well?"He nodded, "Yes! My nanny is treating me so well."It made me happy to know I didn't have to worry much about him. He's being taken care of by the nanny and I spend time with him when I'm less busy. I'll have enough time for my brother again after the competition. "That's good to hear dear. How about I go upstairs to rest right now? I'll spend time with you later." I told him. "Yes sister! I'll go back to my room after talking to my nanny!" He replied. "Alright then. Be careful and don't jump around." I told him an
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Aiva's POVDid I just hear him correctly? I blinked rapidly to see any hint of jokes but I'm not seeing one. He can't be serious about me being pregnant right now. "What?" I managed to blurt out. He smiled, gently stroking my hair. "You're pregnant princess, I think it's time for you to stop the competition."I angrily jerked his hand from my hair, "Look, I don't understand what you're saying. I'm not in the mood to listen to you joke around."I still didn't want to accept it. Maybe he was just saying this to me just to have me forgive him but I'm not doing that yet. I won't fall for his tricks.I tried getting up from the bed but he held me down. "What are you doing when I just told you that you can't stress yourself?" He fired at me. I scoffed, "Let me go! You can't tell me what to do! You think lying to me about pregnancy is going to make me forgive you?"He sighed in frustration, "You're saying I'm lying to you without even checking the facts at all. What on earth are you even
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Aiva's POV"Maybe things are just not meant to work between us," I said to him after a moment of silence. I can't believe I am carrying his child right now. Things escalated quicker than I thought. I didn't think about the fact that I could get pregnant at this point. "Stop saying this to me Aiva! You're going to hurt my feelings because of something I said to you? How long are you planning to punish me for this?" He sounded more frustrated than before. I felt bad but I just couldn't get over it. Maybe I should disappear from his life so everything will go back to its original place. "Leo...""I said you were insecure but you saw me regret saying that immediately. I couldn't forgive myself since and I won't be able to do it for the rest of my life. It's punishment enough for me, you don't have to punish me more."I sighed, "I'm not trying to punish you. I just... I don't know. This is all too much for me. Maybe I should just take a break and go back to my old life." "How long Aiv
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Chapter 111Aiva's POVI just finished training for the last match which is the final. For the past few days, Leo has been monitoring me a lot and won't let me do anything stressful at all. He kept bothering me about the training though he tried to help me. "Here. Drink this. The baby is going to need a lot of nutrition since you are stressing yourself already." He gave me an energy drink he made himself. I collected it from him and drank it. "Thanks a lot." "You don't have to thank me. This is all for you and the baby, I can do more than this. I just want you both to be okay." He replied. I sighed, "I'm a bit nervous about the competition. I don't know who my opponent is and his moves are unpredictable." He nodded, "There's nothing to worry about. I can assure you that he's not going to be a problem for you. He might be hiding but he's not that great."I don't know how sure Leo is about this but he seems to be serious. Could he know who this mysterious person is? I feel like thi
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Leo's POVWatching them argue made me cautious because I didn't want anything to stress Aiva or the baby. I don't know what kind of trouble Cassie got herself into now. Accepting to be a slave? How stupid is she?I also know Emilia is not the kind of person to easily let someone go once she sets her eyes on them. She hates slavery but there are a lot of people learning their lesson from her as slaves. "Why are you yelling at her Cassie?" Emilia asked her, "We have a lot of witnesses and she tried to stop you but you let your hatred get the better of you."Cassie continued to hide behind Alpha Jasper and he couldn't get her off him. He tried everything but she just held on to him tighter. "Just let me go and go with them. You looked down on her and Aiva, you caused this upon yourself." Jasper told Cassie. Cassie shook her head, "You can't do this to me. I have a long way to go! I'm your only mate! It took you this long to find me and you're just going to throw it away?"Aiva scoffed
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Aiva's POV I can't believe someone like Cassie gets to be forgiven yet I wasn't forgiven for being who I am. It's not even my fault that I was born like this but it's Cassie's fault she is that way yet she gets to be forgiven easily? I hope Jasper is not serious about taking her in as his Luna. "Aiva!" Leo called as he stopped me at the stairs. He pulled me into a hug without asking me anything and I ended up crying. "Why are you crying? You don't need to be crying over this." He said while trying to console me. I sniffled, still hugging him. "I don't know... After everything she did to me, how can you just live easily like that. If I couldn't heal fast, I would probably be dead by now." I mean, what did I ever do wrong? I'm still facing that same criticism and it won't even change because I have a baby. But people who bully others can easily get to start over again?"I'm sorry Aiva. I wasn't there for you when all that happened and I apologize. I can't believe I called you insec
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Leo's POV Today is the last competition day and I'm nervous as hell. I don't know what's going to happen aside from what I predicted. I know people are really hard to please and I don't want anything to happen to her. "Alpha... I have checked all the whole area for any funny events but there's none in sight. I left my men around to check whatever happens." Reed explained to me. I nodded, "That's good. Just keep an eye out. I'm not going to let anyone tamper with this match again."I saw a lot of people from my pack arriving at the same time. I know they're all here to mock her and honestly, they just made things worse for themselves because I'm never going to stop insulting them for being disrespectful to my Luna. Everyone begged me yesterday and they all sent different messages but I didn't answer them. I heard they're threatening to protest in front of my pack house for days just to stop my decision. If they think this is all they need to send me into a frenzy, they are wrong.
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Aiva's POV It was Caleb all along and I had to act like I didn't know at first because I wanted him to think he won. What did I do to find out it was him? It was simple. I had to connect the dots together to find out. I happened to see him training somewhere in the woods when I went for a run. I stopped to look at him. I didn't know why he was training but I first thought he was doing it to be stronger than Leo. FLASHBACK"Whoa..." I hid somewhere watching Caleb fight with some men and I saw how he was training hard. "He's working so hard just to bring Leo down and he's still unable to do anything to Leo. He's such an idiot." I muttered and was about to leave when I heard their conversation. "Alpha Caleb, do you really need to train so hard for someone that insignificant?" They asked him. Did that dumbass just say Leo is insignificant? How daring must they be to say things like that? I bet they can't even say it in front of Leo. "Because you can't underestimate anyone. Y
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