All Chapters of Dr. Jekyll And Mr. Hyde: Hot And Cold: Chapter 141 - Chapter 150
160 Chapters
Chapter 141
As he continued to kiss her neck, Jessie realized she would no longer be able to watch "The Notebook." Din was making her horny and her hormones weren't helping. "Din." She mumbled, but she cherished how he made her feel. While still behind her, he slowly pulled the remote from her grasp and turned the TV off as he helped her to her feet. Netflix and chill, right? They were about to chill!He continued to stand behind her as he moved her hair to the side and kissed her neck once more, sending tingles through her entire body.He spun her around, quickly locking his lips to hers and pressing her tighter against him while kissing her passionately. Their passion turned to hunger; he pulled at the bottom hem of her shirt and gently pulled it up over her head while guiding her to the bed. The back of her legs hit the bed, and both of them tumbled backwards onto the bed, with him falling on top of her, both smiling and laughing.He quickly stood up, took his clothes off, then tugged on her p
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Chapter 142
The fact that Jessie would finally go shopping with Din was one aspect of the holiday that was beginning to go well. Shopping was never her thing, but this time, tree shopping was.She had a conversation with Taylor the day after Thanksgiving and knew why she had opted to spend the holiday with her boyfriend rather than her friend. Din had talked her into not being angry, and Jessie realized that Taylor had her life now. "Come on." As the door was opened, Din grabbed Jessie's hand. He grunted as he assisted her, and because Jessie was already gaining weight, carrying her was similar to lifting weights at the gym. Din didn't want to go near that area. Even though he loves Jessie dearly, he won't risk hurting himself by attempting to carry her into the mall. Besides, Jessie could walk perfectly. "I can help myself, Din.""I know, but it's my responsibility as your husband—er, boyfriend—to assist you." "Really?" Jessie let go of his hand. She smirked as she folded them across her chest
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Chapter 143
"I wasn't aware that you meant to buy them pre-made when you said you wanted to go tree shopping." Cedric approached Jessie as soon as he noticed her standing in front of the tree, jolting her out of her daydream. Jessie swiveled around to face him. "I find this ready-made to be attractive." She said. "It has silver ornaments." After clearing his throat, Cedric stopped next to Jessie. "I'm not here for the tree, though, but I still think families should work together. And by that I meant that I believed Abby and you were intended to get the ornaments and decorate together. You know, the Christmas spirit." At Cedric's response, Jessie chuckled. She took a deep breath. "Believe me, I wanted that more than anything, but I still like this one. There are still other things we can decorate around the tree with since Christmas hasn't arrived yet. Like a red and white muffler, perhaps with a tiny Jesus Christ statue or star." "I will just tell myself that you know exactly what you are doi
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Chapter 144
Jessie's only concern as she descended the stairs was to avoid talking about birthdays or anything else. She only intended to enjoy a nice meal next to Din, after which the rest of the evening would be history. "Good evening, family." She walked up to the dining room table. She was unable to bring herself to make Din's smile disappear as he gazed at her with such adoration. "Abby, it smells so good." "Thank you, Jessie." Abby spoke up as Jessie walked over to the chair to take a seat. When she looked at Din, she realized that if she kept grinning, things would get uncomfortable. Her throat was cleared. "I didn't see you all afternoon." Din put his face in Jessie's direction and dropped the spoon he was holding onto his plate. She bent to kiss his lips, and when she opened her eyes, she could see the color of his eyes, an ocean blue, as they stared down at her. With love. He took a deep breath and slowly let it out, "Well, I have been busy. Sierra had so many questions," he said, g
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Chapter 145
Jessie got up at three in the morning. After she had spoken with Din about letting go of the past and making his birthday special, Din had dozed off while she was holding him. Din had everything, so Jessie thinks that giving him a gift for his birthday won't be particularly special. She knew she had to do something special for him, and the only thing that came to mind was...Jessie gasped. "Cake!" She screamed and covered her mouth with her hand as soon as she noticed Din had adjusted his body on the bed. This time, she whispered, "Cake." How will she accomplish getting a cake to him before he wakes up if the bakery won't have opened that early? She placed his hand on the bed after gently removing it from her lap. After getting out of bed, Jessie put on her slippers. She needs to think of another strategy, perhaps baking a cake for him herself. Jessie, on the other hand, was not a baker. She used to be more of a cook, so she is in need of all the help she can get. As she slithered o
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Chapter 146
Jessie placed the cake in the oven and gave it 35 minutes to bake. During that waiting time, Jessie was getting ready to make her icing. She had not done anything as good in a while as this. She wanted to make the day special for Din because he meant a lot to her. When the oven began to beep, Jessie opened it. She was wearing a glove when she took the cake out of the oven. It was precisely the shade of chocolate she needed. After 10 minutes, she transferred it to a cooling rack, ran a knife around the pan's rim, and turned the cake out to finish cooling. Jessie started to adorn the cake the way she thought Din would prefer it and positioned a single candle in the center of it. She yawned and stretched as she reached for her phone to check the time. By that point, it was 6:49 a.m. Almost to seven. Jessie carefully held the cake in her hand, lit the candle, and walked out of the kitchen. With a smile on her face, she made her way up to her room. She went to Din's bed as soon as she w
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Chapter 147
After hearing a loud thud, Din turned around. Jessie was lying on the floor. Eyes closed. As he stood up, he pushed the chair aside. He rushed over to her and knelt. "Jessie!" From the ground, he picked her up and placed her in his arms. "Jessie, wake up!" "I think she is tired because she stayed awake all night." Mary said. "She stayed awake? Why?" Cedric asked. "Get some water for me and stop talking!" Din yelled. On Jessie's hair, he put his hand. "Be quick, okay?" He yelled once more. Water in hand, Mary returned into the dining area. She handed it to Din. "Call 911. Nothing must happen to my wife and my children." "Yes, sir." Mary stood up trembling and rushed to grab the phone. While Din sprayed water on Jessie's face, she dialed 911. "Wake up, please." He held her closer to his chest while setting the bowl on the floor. "Jessie, please get up." He sobbed before starting to rub her hand. While laying his head on her head, he heard a sneeze. "Jessie?" He released her gentl
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Chapter 148
"I still can't believe Jessie would stay up all night just to get you a birthday gift. Every day I see a different Jessie." As she seated herself next to Din, she gave him a bottle of water. "Din, I understand how you feel. I also feel sad." Taylor said. "Thank you for the water." Din popped it open and drank. Since he arrived at the hospital, he hasn't been in Jessie's room for the past two hours, and Jessie hasn't awakened either. Din felt that she needed the sleep because she hadn't slept much because of him. "When will the result be out?" "Dr. Andrew promised to call me as soon as the results are ready. I just hope she and the babies are alright." Taylor took a breath. "I really hope so." When she saw Williams approaching them, she waved. "You can sit next to me." Din raised his head and started looking around with his eyes. "What are you looking for?" Williams asked. Din gave him a look. "No one." He said. He was indeed looking for Bev, but given how close Bev and Taylor are
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Chapter 149
Besides Sundays, of course, Christmas Eve is like the holiest day of the century. Families get together and celebrate the holiday while anticipating Christmas Day. In the middle of the afternoon, light snow was falling outside the house and automobile horns could be heard. "They've arrived!" As she sprinted to the window, Gracie yelled. She looked outside and saw the car light turned off. "It is James, Henry, and Kelvin. They are all here!" She continued to scream. "Really? James is here?" As she walked up to the window, Jessie had a pan of cookies in her hand. She gave Gracie the pan. "Go on. Eat it with milk. Tell Mary to prepare some for you." "I am not a child, you know?" Grace took hold of the pan."Well, if you don't want it, we can give it to people who do." Gracie rolled her eyes and strode off holding the cookie pan. Jessie walked up to the door and flung it open. When James got close to her, she started to laugh. "Goodness gracious. You didn't call to say you would be he
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Chapter 150
Din heard a knock on the door while he was using his laptop. He had been debating how to inform Jessie about the doctor's remarks for the previous three weeks. "Come on in." He spoke while setting his laptop down on the bed. The door opened and James entered. Din was startled and surprised as he rose to his feet. "James?" He walked to him and pulled him to a hug. "Easy." James said before settling down on the couch. He took a quick look around. "I haven't been over here in a while, but it has changed." "It used to be my childhood room, but because Jessie is here, Granddad had to make some changes. He claimed he never let anyone use my room.""He couldn't give your room out. You lived here with Sierra all your childhood years and there isn't anybody he could give your room to if he even wanted to." Din sat on the bed and let out a breath. He smiled as he turned to face James. "Where have you been?" He queried. "You recently disappeared from the planet. Just like that." James star
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