All Chapters of Enslaved by the Alpha King: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
59 Chapters
21. Flirt with Him
AriaI kept a close eye on the woman named Delora as much as I could. It was difficult because Natasha assigned me to specific tasks around the mansion.But then, finally, I had the perfect opportunity to meet Delora when I went back to the kitchen. She had just gotten back with a handful of dishes."Do you mind washing these?" she had said with a smile.I nodded. "Sure.""You must be new," she said, eyeing me up and down."I just started yesterday," I said quietly. I kept my hands steady as I scrubbed the dishes.Delora broke the silence. "You seem like a quiet one," she said, her voice carrying a hint of curiosity.I gave her a small smile. "I suppose I am. It's just that this place is so... overwhelming. I'm still trying to find my way around."She nodded in understanding. "This mansion can be quite a maze. But you'll get used to it. My name is Delora, by the way."I extended my hand, still keeping up the appearance of a shy, new employee. "I'm Aria."Delora's hand was warm as we s
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22. Late Night Visit
Destiny Flirt with the king? How am I supposed to do that when his mere existence terrified me!? But I promised Aria I would help and I wanted to escape this place with her so I suppose that didn't leave me much option. I needed to do everything to survive. So when Delora came back to check on me later that night, I asked her, "Is Alpha Aldric back from hunting yet?" She looked at me with surprise. "Yes, he is. He is resting in his room now. Why do you ask, Miss Destiny?" I hesitated. "Well...I was wondering if I could go see him." Delora chuckled. "You want to initiate a visit with him? I am surprised. I thought you'd prefer to avoid him at all costs!" I couldn't help but blush, my cheeks burning with embarrassment. This was a bad idea. "It's not that I can avoid him anyway. He calls me into his room whenever he pleases, so why can't I go see him on my own?" I asked. "That's a good point. And since you are his mate, you should be able to show up at his door whenever you feel
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23. Who is She?
DestinyI stepped out of my room and into the hallway, taking a deep breath. After the night had passed, I was eager to meet Aria in the garden again. I had no doubt Henrick would be lurking around somewhere, but with Alpha Aldric out of the house, I had a bit more freedom.As I went down the stairs, I ran into Henrick, who had been waiting for me. He raised an eyebrow as he looked me up and down. "I don't know what you did to the Alpha last night, but he seemed to be in a good mood this morning. He even said I didn't have to watch you like a hawk."I couldn't help but smile at his comment. "Well, good! Then you don't have to follow me around," I replied.Henrick pouted. "Why do you act like you don't like my company? I thought we were friends?"Quick Destiny, make up an excuse, I thought to myself."It's not that I don't like your company, Henrick," I said, trying to sound sincere. "It's just that I was hoping to enjoy a little time alone in the garden to clear my head. You know how
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24. Intruder
Alpha AldricDestiny had been acting differently lately, and I wasn't sure I hated it.I was surprised when she visited me on her own last night, and ever since then, I haven't stopped thinking about her. Even now, as I hunt, all I can think of is her--drawing her close to me and feeling her warmth against my skin. 'Little mate has gotten under your skin, huh?' my wolf howled inside me. I sighed, annoyed at him. 'No. It's nothing like that.''Then why did you crave her first thing in the morning?' he said.I shook my head, trying to clear my thoughts. I couldn't let myself get distracted, not when I had a pack to lead and enemies to defeat. But even as I focused on my task, I couldn't shake the image of Destiny from my mind. Her curves, her scent, her soft lips...I growled in frustration, my wolf pacing inside me.Maybe all I needed was to have my fill. When I have her body, this hunger will go away, and I won't want her anymore.The thought of that satisfied me, I didn't have room
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25. A Pain in the Butt
NathanI was walking back to my house, whistling my favorite tune, the melody playing in my head and seemingly banishing any concerns from my mind. It had been a pleasant day, and I was looking forward to resting at home.But just when I turned the corner onto my street, I felt an unexpected and powerful force against my back. Someone had jumped on me, tackling me to the ground with surprising strength. The wind was knocked out of me, and I gasped for breath as I hit the pavement.Panic and adrenaline surged through me as I struggled to comprehend what was happening. My assailant was on top of me, and I could feel their weight pressing me down. I couldn't see their face, but I could sense their intentions were anything but friendly."You idiot!" a melodic voice squealed and a small chuckle escaped my throat."Get off of me, Aria!" I exclaimed, but I was more amused than angry.She rolled off of me and I sat up, brushing myself off and trying to catch my breath.I looked at her, taking
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26. Who Are You?
Aria"Ba...baron? You are alive?" I gasped and ran toward him.When the rogue attacked and killed everyone in our pack, I didn't know who made it out of there alive. My heart filled with joy as I looked at my childhood best friend standing in front of me in one piece.Baron, his once sleek fur now matted with dirt and blood, gave me a weary smile. "I thought you were gone for good too Aria," he replied.He had always been the strong one, the protector, and seeing him here was a glimmer of hope in the darkness that had consumed us.Tears welled up in my eyes, and I rushed forward, embracing him tightly. "I can't believe it's you," I murmured, my voice trembling.Baron held me close, his breath warm against my ear. "I hid when the rogue attacked," he whispered."Ahem...excuse me. Can someone tell me who this is," Nathan barked.I released Baron from my hug and turned to Nathan. "Baron is my best friend. We had been friends since we were kids."Nathan's expression shifted, and he looked
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27. Dreaming
DestinyHe called me into his room again, and this time, I had my nerves under control. I tried my best to look pretty for him.I didn't wear any make-up, but I carefully styled my hair into long curls that ran down to the middle of my back. I chose an off-white dress with thin spaghetti straps that flowed from top to bottom. My heart beat fast as I knocked on his door."Come in," his deep voice bellowed from inside, so I pushed the door open.As soon as I entered the room, his gaze swept over me like a predator eyeing its prey.But I refused to be a prey, not anymore. I stood tall, my chin held high and met his gaze head-on. I could see the surprise in his eyes, but it quickly turned into something else--lust."You look beautiful," he said with a smirk, and I could feel his eyes tracing the curves of my body. I forced myself to ignore it and walked forward, standing a few feet away from him."You called for me?" I asked, my voice shook.He nodded, still looking at me hungrily. "Yes,
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28. Not Into You
Nathan"You can let go of my hand now," Aria said, but I kept my grip tight.""So that Baron guy...did you fuck him?" I asked.Aria's face contorted into a look of both anger and hurt. I could tell the question had struck a nerve. After a few moments, she pulled her hand away from mine and took a step back."What does it matter to you?" she spat. "You are not saying no," I said sheepishly.Aria groaned and rolled her eyes. "No, I never slept with Baron. Not that it's any of your business anyway."I let go of her. I jumped in bed and leaned back against the headboard. Yes, she was right. It was none of my business, but for some reason, the thought of her being with Baron irritated me. "I guess I am just curious.""I don't plan on being with anyone but my mate chosen by the Moon Goddess," Aria declared.I stayed silent. When I found my mate, Emily, I felt like I was at the top of the world. We were going to get married and raise children together. But all of our dreams got crushed when
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29. Happy Birthday
DestinyMy eighteenth birthday was finally here, and I was absolutely petrified about what was to come.But I didn't have another second to waste being scared because I had to be brave for Aria's sake. I promised to help her take down Alpha Aldric so we could escape, and I was determined to succeed.I stared at myself in the mirror for a long time, but I didn't feel any different than I felt yesterday. Hmm...maybe I was a late bloomer, and my wolf wasn't ready to come to me yet!I took a deep breath and stepped out of my room and into the hallway. Alpha Aldric granted me more freedom, and I was free to roam around everywhere, but I knew better than to let my guard down around the other wolves. They were all under Aldric's control, and I had no idea who I could trust. On the way to the garden, I ran into Henrick."Ah, the Alpha King's little mate. Where are you headed?" he asked."Just to the garden. Want to walk with me?" I offered.Over the past few days, I came to enjoy Henrick's c
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30. Must Have Her
AldricI watched her as she strolled through the garden with Henrick by her side.But this time, I didn't feel irritated or angry. Instead, I felt something entirely different - an unfamiliar warmth in my chest. I tried to brush it off, thinking that it was just a fleeting emotion.'You are lying to yourself. You probably have a crush on the girl now,' my wolf chuckled inside.I scoffed. 'That's a good one, Malfoy. Crush on a little girl like her? No fucking way.''She is no little girl. Her wolf is here, I can feel it,' Malfoy growled.Butterflies filled my stomach. So it was her birthday today. Instantly, a desire to make her mine began burning in my veins, and before I knew it, my wolf had taken over. My breathing became shallow as I imagined all the ways I could have her tonight.I tried to push those thoughts aside and regain control of myself. I couldn't just give in to my primal urges in the broad daylight. But the urge was so strong, and my wolf was having a hard time being s
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