All Chapters of fated love : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
150 Chapters
chapter 21
In the heart of a vibrant, bustling city, within the confines of a cozy apartment, Marvis found herself grappling with the expanse of solitude. Every morning, she would venture out onto the terrace, letting the gentle hum of the city below wash over her. The distant hustle and bustle of life seemed like a world away, as she stood, surrounded by the quiet solitude of her thoughts.Inside her apartment, the walls bore witness to the depth of Marvis's struggle. Every corner held photographs, each frame a solemn testament to memories of love, laughter, and togetherness. They captured fragments of her past, invoking a bittersweet longing for the warmth of family and the familiar comforts of home.Through the quiet of the night, Marvis would find herself engaged in heartfelt conversations with Chris, her dearest friend and unwavering confidant. They'd often spend hours exchanging thoughts, navigating the ebbs and flows of emotions that defined her days. Across the miles that separated them,
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Jace POV As the darkness descended upon his world, Jace felt as if his entire life had been enveloped in an inescapable shroud. The accident had stolen his sight, leaving him disoriented and utterly bewildered. In the days that followed, he grappled with the harsh reality of adjusting to a world without vision, a world that seemed to exist in a perpetual state of shadow and uncertainty. He became sad, didn't want to talk to anyone, and was always angry. Just want to be left alone.Every step felt like a daunting journey into the unknown, as he navigated the challenges of daily life without the aid of his once-reliable eyesight. Simple tasks became arduous trials, and the emotional turmoil that followed threatened to consume him whole. Unbearable waves of frustration and despair crashed over him, leaving him clinging to the fragile threads of hope that seemed to grow increasingly thin with each passing day.However, amidst the suffocating darkness, a glimmer of light emerged in the fo
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chapter 23
As Jace arrived at the hospital, his heart clenched with trepidation, yearning to meet with Gabriel. However, the crushing weight of grief bore down on him as he received the devastating news from the nurse."I'm sorry, Jace. Gabriel... he didn't make it," the nurse's words hung heavy in the air, enveloping Jace in a suffocating shroud of despair.The world around him submerged into a swirling vortex of darkness, the remnants of hope and resilience flickering dimly within the unremitting shadows of loss and blindness. For Jace, the newfound gift of sight seemed cruel and mocking, a glaring reminder of the fractured relationships and the irrevocable pain that continued to haunt him.Alone. Isolated. Blind.These suffocating emotions threatened to consume him, casting a forlorn painting over the vibrant tapestry of colors and shapes he had briefly learned to behold. In the face of heart-wrenching loss and an unyielding shroud of blindness, the foundation of hope he had painstakingly bui
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chapter 24
After the forced marriage, Jace's mansion became a battleground of strained silence and suppressed emotions. The air was heavy with resentment as Marvis struggled to fulfill her role as Jace's caretaker. Every attempt at connection was met with an impenetrable wall of anger. One evening, in the dimly lit living room, Marvis approached Jace cautiously. "Jace, we need to find a way to make this work. I didn't choose this marriage, but we have to make the best of the situation for both our sakes."Jace, his face etched with frustration, snapped back, "Make the best of it? This was meant to be Tracey's responsibility, not yours. I won't forget that."Marvis, her eyes pleading, responded, "Jace, I didn't choose this. My father's pressured me into it, and I did it for my family. Please try to understand."Jace's anger, however, was unyielding. "Understand? You're just after the Sullivan name and wealth. I won't be played for a fool by a gold digger."The accusation cut deep, but Marvis hel
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chapter 25
Can we work together?As they spent more time together, Jace started to feel a growing bond with Marvis, one that he hadn't anticipated. It was like a flower blooming in the cracks of a strained relationship, echoing tender, new feelings.One evening in the mansion, Jace found himself drawn to Marvis in a way he hadn't before. He couldn't pinpoint the emotions swirling within him, but he knew they were genuine and strong. Speaking softly, Jace confessed, "Marvis, I'm feeling something for you. There's a warmth in my heart that I can't ignore, despite everything that's happened between us."Marvis, understanding the gravity of Jace's words, listened with empathy, "Jace, I sense it too. It's like a connection has formed between us, growing beyond the past rifts and misunderstandings."In the quiet of the night, Jace grappled with the intensity of his newfound emotions. "Marvis, I think I'm falling for you. It's unexpected and a bit overwhelming, but I can't deny this growing desire,"
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chapter 26
Chapter 26As the bond between Jace and Marvin begins to get stronger, problems arise from Anderson and his mother. They were looking for all the means to hurt Jace and Marvin. Marvin became very strong and smart as she began a secret investigation and discovered that Anderson and his mother were responsible for Jace's accident and they were also instrumental in his slow recovery and lack of recuperation.With this new information, Marvin felt both shocked and outraged. It seemed that all this time, she had been working for the people who had caused so much pain to Jace as she began to love Jace. She knew she had to do something to stop Anderson and his mother from hurting Jace any further. But what could she do?She knew that she couldn't go to the police - Anderson's influence was too strong, and they might not believe her. And she couldn't confront Anderson and his mother directly - they would only deny everything and try to discredit her. She felt hopeless, but she knew she had
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chapter 27
They were happy that the police had caught the criminals but the whole experience came as a shock to them.They decided that they were going to make some changes in their lives. They moved together to a new city where they could start afresh and live their lives to the fullest.As they settled into their new home, they felt at peace. But one night, they heard a knock at the door. They opened it and saw Anderson Sullivan standing there. They were both shocked, as they were unable to explain how Anderson had learned about them. I'm here to pick up the gold pick that was taken from the family store, Anderson said with a smirk on his face. It was a plan Anderson and his mother had made to get Jace's attention so they could carry out their deadly plans against him and Marvin.After some minutes of silence, Jace was able to interrupt it. Which gold do you mean? How did you find this environment? With anger clearly showing on his face, he asked. I don't care how I found this place; all I ca
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chapter 28
:The air crackled with anticipation as Jace and Marvin stood before the portal, their resolve steeling against the encroaching darkness. The cosmic energy pulsed around them, a tangible reminder of the weight of their newfound responsibilities. With a shared glance, they braced themselves for the trials ahead.As they stepped through the threshold, the world around them dissolved into a swirling vortex of light and shadow. Time seemed to lose its hold, and they found themselves adrift in a kaleidoscope of cosmic energies. Amidst the chaos, they clung to each other, drawing strength from the bond that had been forged through countless battles.Their journey through the cosmic tapestry was fraught with peril. They traversed realms teeming with ancient beings and unfathomable landscapes, each presenting its challenges. The echoes of their footsteps reverberated through the void, a testament to their unwavering determination in the face of adversity.With each passing moment, the weight
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chapter 29
: As the cosmic tapestry unfolded before them, Jace and Marvin found themselves facing not only external threats but also betrayal from within their own family. Alexander, Jace's half-brother, had long harbored resentment towards him, fueled by jealousy and a desire for power.Unbeknownst to Jace, Alexander and his mother had conspired to undermine him, plotting to strip him of his entitlements and claim his inheritance for themselves. Their treachery ran deep, their every action calculated to manipulate and deceive.As Jace and Marvin delved deeper into the mysteries surrounding their quest, they began to uncover clues that hinted at Alexander's involvement. Shadows whispered of secret meetings and clandestine deals, painting a picture of betrayal and deceit.With each revelation, Jace's heart grew heavy with sorrow and disbelief. He had trusted his brother, never suspecting that he would be capable of such treachery. Yet, as the evidence mounted, he could no longer deny the truth s
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chapter 30
As they journeyed onward, they found themselves confronted by adversaries both familiar and unknown. The cosmic forces arrayed against them sought to thwart their every move, testing the limits of their endurance and cunning. Yet, with each confrontation, they grew stronger, honing their skills to a razor's edge in anticipation of the battles yet to come.But it was not only the external threats that challenged them. Within the depths of their hearts lay the seeds of doubt and fear, festering wounds from past traumas that threatened to consume them from within. It was a struggle they could not face alone, and so they leaned on each other for support, drawing strength from the unwavering belief that together, they could overcome any obstacle.As they journeyed onward, they found themselves confronted by adversaries both familiar and unknown. The cosmic forces arrayed against them sought to thwart their every move, testing the limits of their endurance and cunning. Yet, with each confro
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