All Chapters of An Enemy Called Mate: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
107 Chapters
Chapter 51
XANDER“I will take my leave,” I uttered and moved away. Silently, I walked out of her room, but she wasn't even bothered. She returned to her phone, while I shut the door.I entered my room and sank into my bed. It was dark, and all that enveloped my mind was Ziva. I somewhat yearned for her scent and touch as I could not sleep.It was past midnight, but the kissing scene kept surfacing in my mind. I am to be blamed, I should have listened to Alexei and asked her for a night. But what if she instantly rejects it?“She is Darwin's daughter, remember?” Maz uttered, and I huffed.“I know,” I rolled my eyes, and reached for a pillow. I hugged it tightly and tried my best to sleep. Luckily, I dozed off.The next morning, the same feeling lingered in my mind. Hold on... We are married. I smirked.“Oh yeah, and you got married to her because you wanted revenge,” Maz echoed.“Yes. Also, I need to play along to get her to open up to me and tell me everything she knows about the Crystal Moon G
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Chapter 52
ZIVAI almost chuckled, “I can't feel or even shift to my wolf form, how am I supposed to be in heat?” “It is possible. Just stay away from him and focus on the deal.”“I will and you have nothing to worry about,” I smiled and reached for the door handle. I opened the door and left the room.Surprisingly, Alpha Xander seemed to be caring toward me. Since Alexei is at the hospital and Lance is busy with the pack, this gives me the perfect opportunity. Also, the maids mentioned that Alpha Xander would be at the pack training house now.I had doubts about one room, and I was eager to check it. The same room was the room for the welcoming ceremony where there was a broken fragment of a crystal-like object there. What if that is the Crystal Moon?!Sigh... I just want my Mum to be released as soon as possible.Last night, I was so worried about Nikolas and all I did was research about his pack. Sadly, there was no news about it... Perhaps that's because a werewolf's identity should be a se
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Chapter 53
ZIVAImmediately I stepped into the kitchen, I jumped toward the sink. Fortunately, there was a bowl of water in the sink. I dipped my finger into the water, intending to make it extinguish the burning, hot feeling.ו×It didn't stop! The feeling didn't stop. I turned on the tap quickly. Allowing water to flow from the tap to my red, swelling finger, I hoped for a change.But...° °; ^ ;There was no change. It intensified the feeling. To be honest, tears dropped from my eyes like it was raining tears. I couldn't control them as the pain continued. I turned off the tap and glared at my finger with my blurry eyes. I'm only doing this for my mother’s release. Will I lose my finger for a mere object?Footsteps echoed behind me. But why do I care? The pain I feel is enough to make me inhale my last breath. I sobbed at that moment, and I saw some hints of blue before me. Alpha Xander, I guess. I raised my finger to his gaze and apologized from the bottom of my heart, with tears
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Chapter 54
ZIVAI took the bed cover and rearranged it. I poured the roses on the floor and pushed them underneath the bed.“What are you doing?” I heard a masculine voice say. I paused in my tracks, and glanced up. To my surprise, I spotted Alpha Xander. He moved away from the bathroom. Just then, I realized that he had been in the bathroom.He was in a shirt with a few buttons undone. I gulped and looked away.“I was arranging...” I muttered, and faced him, “How long have you been there?”“A minute or two. And what did you do to the roses? They were beautiful.”“It was arranged here accidentally, so I threw them away,” I replied with a fake smile.He dropped his cell phone on the table, then he returned to the bathroom with a towel.As soon as he shut the door, I heard the gushing sound of water.I exhaled loudly like I had been holding my breath. Okay... I just have to endure, endure his presence on the bed, next to me. Sharing the bed with him for the first time was awful. I think I would ra
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Chapter 55
ZIVAMy ears perked up instantly, “Moans?”I turned my body and faced her.Anji nodded, “Yes. It was not loud. But I think it is because I was near the room, that's why I could hear it properly.”I stammered, “Did you find the person moaning?”“Unfortunately, I couldn't. The female seemed to shut her mouth when I was near this guest room.”I heaved a sigh. Perhaps I was the one... Certainly, I was the one, after the messy dream I had and how realistic it felt. I'm certain that if Anji found out that I was the one, she would have given me an earful.“But you know what?” Anji continued.“What?” I asked, a bit nervous that she found out.“I suspect those silly Omegas. I'm sure one of them met with a guard,” Anji replied. Then, I smiled, relieved by her response.“Yeah, it must be one of them,” I nodded. She sprang to her feet, almost leaving and it urged me to ask her questions about the dream I had.“Anji...” I called out with a low tone.“Yes?”“I was thinking about what you narrated
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Chapter 56
ZIVAPossibly, Alexei was covering up for his brother, Xander. So, I gave Alexei a deadly glare to make him confess. “I didn't say anything,” Alexei repeated.“You mentioned that he had lipstick stains on his lips a few seconds ago,” I muttered.“It was a mistake,” He replied with wide-opened eyes.Sounds like a lie. “Just tell me the truth, Alexei.”“Alright,” He sighed, attempting to say the truth faster than I expected. I leaned forward to listen attentively.He let out a sigh, and voiced out, “Ziva, Bother is having an affair behind your back.”I gasped, and my heart sank. Tears formed in my eyes immediately. I knew it! My instincts were right! Xander left to be with his mistress. He is cheating.I sobbed inwardly, almost breaking out physically. I know I have been adamant about not consummating our marriage, and I termed it as fake or forced. But that doesn't mean that he should go ahead to have an affair.“I am to be blamed,” Alexei continued. I blinked the tears in my eyes aw
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Chapter 57
XANDER“Yes, they were. But it was a mistake,” Alpha Darwin replied, and a loud bang echoed.The Alpha who was announcing roared, “Stop your nonsense! We came here to assemble and work together, not pick a fight and scatter!”The Alpha antagonizing Alpha Darwin became quiet, and Alpha Darwin fell silent.The announcing Alpha continued, “As I said earlier, Alpha Nikolas’s pack was attacked. You know, he has been a very good contributor to some pack’s Alpha and it will be great to help his pack while he needs urgent help.”“His pack is good as dead. Is it still possible to save the pack?” An Alpha voiced out.“Yes, it's possible,” The announcing Alpha nodded, “Right now, Alpha Nikolas and a few of his pack members are hiding. However, the Bloodbath pack had surrounded the pack, causing them to be unable to leave because they had only a few warriors with them.”“What a coward...” The antagonizing Alpha sneered silently, “He saved himself, but he could not save the pack. Very irresponsible
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Chapter 58
ZIVA The moon hung low in the sky, and it marked another night without being able to get hold of the Crystal Moon in that room. I looked through the window and noticed an expensive car moving through the driveway. It halted and a silhouette figure stepped out of it.Could that be Alpha Xander?I walked out of my room and hurried toward the entrance. I heard footsteps approach me, and I looked.Then, I spotted Alpha Xander with a woman by his side. The woman looked gorgeous and slim as Alexei described. My heart squeezed at that moment.Was this the same woman who kissed Alpha Xander? Alpha Xander assisted her to walk into the mansion. Upon seeing me, he paused and the woman standing next to him furrowed her brows.“Who is she?” The woman asked, with curiosity tinged in her voice.He turned to her with a smile, “It’s a long story-”My heart broke. That was the same way Nikolas denied my relationship with him when he was with Tania.My eyes watered, but I held back my tears. I walked
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Chapter 59
ZIVA“I also don't want to be here. Now get up, and get dressed. The Omegas are organizing a party, so you should be prepared,” Anji spoke quickly. Crossing the room, she picked up the soft, fluffy blanket and carried it over to the bed carefully. Draping it over the mattress, she smoothed it out, ensuring that it was perfectly straightened and covered the entire surface.“Party? Why are they organizing a party?” I questioned curiously. Anji turned away from the bed, and replied, “A welcome party for the Alpha’s mate.”“Oh...” I moved away from the bed and approached Anji, “Speaking about that, have Nikolas’s pack been rescued?” “Not yet. The packs that attacked are very strong, they can't surrender to others easily. Even Nikolas and a few of his warriors are in hiding.”“Great, that must be such a relief to Alpha Darwin.”“Pfft... Tania is missing, adding more fuel to the fire. She can't mind link anyone, and possibly, she had been captured by that awful Bloodbath pack.” Anji voice
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Chapter 60
ZIVAThe party began swiftly...Everyone in the ballroom looked excited, most especially Rose. She had her arm linked around Alpha Xander’s elbow as they walked and discussed with other influential werewolves. Tsk, she didn't even wear the dress I chose earlier.I glanced down at everyone and became anxious. Will I really leave this pack after the divorce? I shook my head, repeating the same statement to myself.“You are not needed or wanted. You should leave.”I heard a loud exhale, as a masculine voice muttered, “So pathetic. I can't believe that she is back in this pack.”The voice sounded close. I looked at my side and spotted Alexei in a black tuxedo.“You came back. You didn't tell me that you got discharged from the hospital,” I told him. Alexei raised an eyebrow and grumbled, “I thought you and Brother wanted me to live in the hospital until the end of my days.” I waved my hands, telling him the truth quickly, “We will never want that.”“Pfft... That's the impression I go
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