All Chapters of Addicted To A Billionaire: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
55 Chapters
Thelma. I arrived home late at around 8:30 pm, feeling nervous while driving along the expressway. "How did it happen?" I asked myself, unable to believe that I had slept with Mavin White twice, and worst of all, in his office. "Oh no.. Dad is going to find out, and how will he react?" I kept asking myself questions as I honked my car horn in front of our house gate. Shortly, I drove into the garage as the security man pulled and shut the gate closed. I could see Steven's car parked in our garage. Even though Steven owns many cars, the one he used in the morning was a black Bentley. Nervously, I stepped down from my car after switching off the engine. I touched my neck nervously, still having Mavin White's towel wrapped around it, with his scent clinging to the fabric. I gulped several times, grabbed my handbag containing my phone, and proceeded to enter our mansion. As I entered the ground floor, I saw my father and Steven discussing while sitting on separate couches in the liv
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Thelma. "Dad, I was busy, so I did not take out my phone throughout my stay in the company and while I was driving back home too. Tomorrow I will go to see our family doctor, as Mum and I had discussed. I will call Mum now when I finally return back upstairs to my bedroom and after our dinner," I said. "You shouldn't keep your mother waiting, Thelma. You know that she worries so much about you. Anyway, let us start eating our dinner and bless the meal, Thelma," Dad said to me. He sounded calmer and friendlier, solely because he wanted me to marry his friend's son. I blessed the meal, and soon we started eating our dinners silently. After my dining session with my elder brother and my father ended, I stood up from the chair that I sat on. I avoided meeting Steven's gaze, and I finally went back upstairs to my bedroom. "Wow, that was so close," I gasped in relief as I finally walked into the bedroom. Steven had glared at me with a threatening look, to take off the towel. I quickly
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Thelma I stepped out of the elevator and walked towards Lady Elena's office. Most of the staff were busy, clicking on their computers. I felt a little relieved that the second floor wasn't as noisy as the first. Soon, I was standing in front of Lady Elena's office, waiting for her to finish with the man she was attending to. Finally, she waved for me to come inside. I informed her that I hadn't been assigned to any specific sector to work with in the company yet. Her response was, "The boss has not confirmed you to work with us. You will have to wait for the boss to arrive, as our boss's assistant cannot attend to you today." "Why does Boss Mavin have to be the one to attend to me?" I asked, as I really didn't want to meet with Mavin again. Lady Elena queried, "You met with him yesterday. What happened between the two of you? There are rumors circulating that you spent almost four to five hours in Boss Mavin's office. Did he do anything out of the ordinary with you?" My cheeks flu
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Mavin. "Mavin! What do you mean by that? Didn't you know that this could ruin us? And isn't she the same lady that Adam brought here to you the previous day?" I smiled as I finally threw all the magazines into the trash bin in my room. I stared back at my grandfather and spoke, "She's the one, Grandpa. You caused this by ordering Adam to bring a woman to me. If Adam hadn't brought her to me, I wouldn't have known her and be fascinated by her." "You need to get rid of her, Mavin. Her father won't allow you to marry his daughter. Once her father finds out, you will never see her again." "Why, Grandpa? I don't understand. Isn't it just business rivalry between us? I will go see her family and let them know that I love their daughter and want to marry her," I said. I saw Grandpa look at me in shock, shaking his head in regret as he turned and exited my bedroom. "Grandpa! You always wanted me to marry, so why are you now against me wanting to marry Thelma? Shouldn't you be happy for me
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Mavin, My father angrily looked at me before turning to his own father and asked, "Are you asking me to leave, Dad? Fine, how about the company since you can't seem to run it properly?" "Go back home, Luke, and wait until I'm ready to open the company, or better yet, find something else to do," Grandpa Charlie replied. My father glared at me once more, and as I stood waiting for him to leave, he finally turned and left my living room silently. I stared back at my grandfather, who was now drinking the herbal tea that Angela had served to him. I sighed and asked, "Grandpa, what about the company? I've already agreed to marry, so why not give it to Dad? So, he can stop resenting me, as I don't really need the company; I'm self-made..." "I know, Mavin... But you see, Luke is my son before you were born. Don't listen to him; he's just upset that I accepted you and took you away from him. He knows I can't give him my company, so don't pay attention to his complaints. When he's ready to a
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Mavin, I walked into my office and settled into my executive office chair, thinking back to what Thelma and I had done the day before. I tried to push those thoughts aside, but I couldn't shake the desire to see her again. Now, I regretted my actions. As I sat down and booted up my computer, I reached for the phone to check with Henry if he had cleared all the news reports about me. When Henry confirmed it, I hung up and turned my attention to the top clients I needed to meet that day. I was aware that the news might have reached Thelma's father, Mr. Conrad Sabastain, especially since we received the business magazine early in the morning. It seemed likely that the news had spread, and other companies were eager to climb the rankings to become top partners in City B. I didn't feel the need to show off to climb the ladder; I believed in working diligently but not excessively. The attention from our fans, along with the international recognition, had driven both Steven and me to succ
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Thelma, Mrs. Elena Brown informed me that her boss had arrived and instructed me to proceed to the fourth floor to see Mavin. I was nervous to see him as I had been waiting since morning. I know I should have left the company, but I still wanted to speak to him. I intended to tell him face-to-face that we couldn't date and that we should forget about the possibility of being together. I was really nervous when he started asking me questions about why I returned to work at his company. I felt like I was being interviewed all over again. Feeling scared, I tried to leave when he stood up from his seat. He caught me before I could reach the door and turned me around to face him. "Why are you running away when I haven't finished my questions?" Mavin asked, his white eyes adding to my fear. I mentioned that my father had warned me to keep my distance from him. Mavin then asked if I had ever asked my father why he said that. "No, he just warned me to stay away from you," I replied, no
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Steven. Father finally dismissed his guests as they left our living room, and he finally walked up to meet me as I stood beside the dining table, checking the business news gossip magazine that I had gathered from the center table. "Steven, what happened?" Father asked me, as I squinted my eyes and read through the news written on the front pages of the gossip magazine cover. "Steven..." "Father, you know that Thelma told us lies last night," I said calmly, not wanting my father to faint. I still needed some personal explanation from him and to know why he hated LX Groups so much, to the extent that the hatred had to be transferred to MW Group as well. "About what, Steven? And why did you chase your younger sister into the house like that?" Father continued to ask me as he walked past me and sat down in the first dining seat. "Do you know that Thelma actually met with Mavin yesterday in his office, and the worst report that I am seeing trending online now is that she had an affai
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Thelma's Point of View: I knew that my father and Steven would find out the truth about what had happened. I was nervous and couldn't meet their gazes. Father was angry, and he had every right to be. I didn't say anything, and Father left while Steven waited. "Thelma, what happened? You need to calm down and explain to me," Steven spoke in an alluring voice. "There's nothing to explain. Mavin is the man I met with last weekend," I said tearfully, and Steven gasped, "What?" "Could you repeat that?" Steven urged me to speak. "You mean you actually met with Mavin White the previous week? Thelma! How could you?" Steven paced about, and I finally looked up at him. "I didn't know he was Mavin White," I replied between sobs. Steven turned to look back at me, glared at me, and asked, "Then how do you explain all these new marks on your neck?" "I don't know. We just happened to do it again. I think Mavin likes me, but he looks angry about something," I said. "Shut up, Thelma! You're
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Thelma. "What?" I looked at Steven in disbelief as he sat at the dining seat and stated that I had been grounded. "But my mom said that I need to go to the hospital to get Mavin's seed off me," I told Steven, and he only stared at me in silence at first, while Lady Bonnie stepped out from the kitchen and served his tea. "Thelma, I still find it hard to believe that you truly had anything to do with Mavin. Are you sure that you slept with him?" Steven asked me in utmost disbelief, and I shrugged and sat across from him at the dining table. "Mavin is handsome, and he somehow looks like you," I said as I smiled to myself at the thought of Mavin White. But as I looked at Steven's face, he hummed in silence and replied, "You cannot go out today. That's it. Later, I will visit the hospital and let Doctor Amari know about it, in case she has anything to give you to flush out Mavin's seed from your system. But, please, don't speak about Mavin to me again as we don't associate with him." "
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