All Chapters of A Taste Of Sin: Awakening Her Darkest Desires: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
97 Chapters
[Allister’s POV]“One,” the word puffs out of my mouth as I pull myself up and then drop back down. “Two.”I continue this pattern again and again until my irritation begins to die down. Three days had passed since I got to taste that woman, and even now I found myself craving her blood, but despite the need growing in me, I didn’t search for her.There were rules in place for the chase and hunting, but the one we were playing with down wasn’t among them.Huffing, I release the pull-up bar and drop to my feet before walking over to the bench, where my towel and water wait for me. When I reach, I wipe the sweat from my face and my chest before taking a long drink.Looking around the room, I consider whether or not I should do a couple more reps, but I decide against it.Throwing my towel over my shoulder, I begin to move, heading out of the workout room and into the hall beyond, just in time to see Vance stumbling towards me.For a moment, I just took in his disgruntled form. His hair,
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Ice Play
[Atticus’ POV]I take Anthony’s form in for a couple more minutes before turning and making my way upstairs, where Tabitha should be sound asleep. I could only hope that she had gotten enough rest because I wasn’t going to let her sleep for the rest of the night after what happened.Letting out a growl of frustration, I try to ignore the memories of her with that damned vampire to come forward, but despite my best efforts, I can't, and as they come, so does my dark side wanting punishment and possession.Stopping in front of my bedroom door, I consider whether or not this is a good idea, but nature takes over, and I’m heading inside, where I pull off my clothes and throw them on the ground before climbing onto the bed and cuddling up against Tabitha so that I can begin to knead her breast while my other hand finds its way between her thighs.“Mmm, Atticus,” Tabitha whimpers, attempting to roll over but stopping as I tighten my hold.“Don’t move,” I murmur, slipping my fingers between
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Don't Wake Him
[Anthony’s POV]My head throbs, followed by my neck, as the world around me begins to come back. Beneath me is hard and cold, causing a chill to enter my body before I slowly pry my eyes open to find that I’m lying on the floor of someone’s living room.Groaning, I slowly sit up while the room around me spins. Fuck, did I drink that much to end up like this? As this thought hits, images of the previous night with Atticus and Tabitha begin to appear, and before I can even piece them together, I’m jumping up.Letting out a growl of frustration, I take in the area around me once more and realize that I had slept on the fucking floor of Atticus’ living room.“Bastard,” I hiss, taking in the cup that I had been given before passing out. Lifting it, I sniff until I can make out the scent of herbs. “He fucking drugged me.”Throwing the cup on the ground, I look at the stairs and begin to move, making my way up them until I spot Tabitha moving silently down it towards what I can only assume i
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An Attack
[Tabitha’s POV]What was I doing? How the hell did I let myself get sandwiched between these two men, one of whom I should hate with my whole being? This had to have something to do with the vampires marks on me, it had to be. That’s right, that was it. Since they marked me, I couldn’t seem to stop myself from wanting to be touched, tortured, and taken by whoever touched me. It was their venom that made me so horny and sensitive.You wish. A small voice in the back of my head giggles.Ignoring it, I find myself deciding this had to be the reason. I let myself become lost in the feel of Atticus and Anthony moving in me until I’m crashing into orgasm.“Fuck!” I moan, leaning my head against Atticus’ shoulder so that his mouth could find mine once more, muffling the moans that were escaping me as I continued to get fucked hard and fast until both men were cumming deep in me.Panting, we remained in place as it became increasingly clear that neither man wanted to move first.Rolling my ey
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How To Tell Her
[Anthony’s POV]I watch with wide eyes as Holly rushes forward out of nowhere with a knife in hand. Not stopping, she lifts it in the air, and when she reaches Tabitha, she attacks. However, before she can make contact, Atticus is moving and grabbing her wrist.Giving a twist, he makes her drop her weapon before pinning her to the ground and pulling out a set of handcuffs.For a moment, I consider moving forward to help him, but that damned draw that I usually felt when Holly was near pressed against me, and I felt keeping my distance would be for the best, at least for now.“LET GO OF ME!” Holly hisses as Atticus finishes cuffing her and then lifts her. “WHO DO YOU THINK YOU ARE TO…”“Your worst nightmare,” Atticus growls, letting his icy aura erupt from him. “I suggest you fucking cooperate before I hurt you.”“You wouldn’t hurt a woman, would you?” Holly gasps, fixing her gaze on his.“If I feel threatened, possibly.”As the words leave his lips, Holly gives him a confused look.“W
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Her Inner Struggle
[Tabitha’s POV]I stare straight ahead at Bonnie as she lounges on my desk with a look of amusement on her face. I knew the minute she came bouncing in and beelined for me that she had seen the two assholes who stood outside, and now she wasn’t going to let me get away with not telling her what was going on and why they were here with me.When I had that run-in with Holly, all my patience was already gone, and my frustration was at an all-time high. Especially now that I knew what that bitch Holly was and couldn’t necessarily stay angry at Anthony like I wanted to.“Well?” Bonnie pushes as I continue to remain silent. “What’s the story?”“I don’t know what you mean,” I respond, playing dumb.“Don’t try to hide it,” she giggles. “You’re radiating with fae energy, and your neck is covered in hickeys. It’s clear you’ve been busy, but is it only the iceman, or are you back with Anthony again too? I didn’t take you as the type to be into threesomes, but…”“Enough,” I hiss, looking around t
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A Strange Vision
[Tabitha’s POV]My eyes fly open to find that I’m lying on what feels like a bed adorned with silk covers. Blinking a few times, I try to clear my vision, only to find that everything remains blurry.Frowning, I attempt to get up but stop as I feel an arm around my waist, and when I wriggle around, I feel a strong body pressing against me.“Are you awake?” A deep voice that sends my heart racing asks. “Why didn’t you say something?”“I didn’t want to bother you,” I hear my voice respond. “You were sleeping so peacefully earlier.”“I wouldn’t have minded waking up to your beautiful face.”Immediately, understanding began to rush through me about what was going on, but I still didn’t quite understand who I was supposed to be in this.“Are you hungry?” The one I’m with asks as strong arms wrap around my body. “It has been quite a while since the last time you fed.”“A bit,” I admit. “But are you sure it’s okay?”“Of course,” he husks, nipping at my neck. “If it makes you happy, then I wi
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A Trick
[Anthony’s POV]I move slowly down the street while trying to calm the raging emotions that are threatening to drown me. Fuck, it was frustrating how things were with Tabitha, but thanks to that fucking succubus, there was no way we could go back to how we were.Fucking supernaturals. This was why I hated them all. They used their abilities to play with you as they please, and they didn’t give two shits if they fucked up your life or not.“Dammit!” I growl, punching the wall beside me while those on the street watch me. “Holly,” I continue, not giving two shits what they think. “When I get my hands on you, I’ll fucking kill you.”It wouldn’t make a difference if the world had one less disgusting succubus, and I was sure I could easily claim self-defense in the process.Letting wonderful thoughts of drawing that bitch's blood cloud my mind, I continue to move until I arrive at Morte Diem and head inside. Since it was early, there weren’t many people around, which meant that I wouldn’t
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A Devious Plot
[Allister’s POV]I sit alone at the bar, eyeing the few people that dance together. Though it was early, I had come as soon as the sun went down so that I could complete my mission sooner. Since that bastard fae had hidden his hiding spot, I would need the help of his same species to help me unglamour it. And I had no luck the previous night.“Are you just going to sit there?” The bartender asks me.“And if I am?” I counter.“At least have a drink while you wait for whatever it is that you’re waiting for,” he responds. “It isn’t fun to be sober in a place like this.”A place like this. It was all but a sex club. Of course, being drunk or high was ideal, but for what I planned on doing, I needed to be completely sober.“I’m fine,” I huff, continuing to eye the dance floor until a man storms in and takes a seat beside me. “What’ll it be?” The bartender asks.“The strongest thing you have.”Fighting the laugh that wanted to escape me due to how fucking sad the man sounded, I begin to go
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A Painful Message
[Tabitha’s POV]I step out of the shower, allowing all the built-up steam to billow around me while I stand in the doorway, taking in the shirtless man on my bed. After leaving my apartment, we came back to Atticus’ place, and I immediately headed to the bathroom to clean myself since I felt dirty due to the vision I had.Even now, what I saw still left me feeling uneasy, and I couldn’t place why. Maybe it was because of how much desire I felt for the one I was with, or maybe it was because of the mummified-looking man I saw beforehand. I didn’t know, and I honestly didn’t want to think about it.“Are you just going to stand there?” Atticus asks, reminding me that I wasn’t in that time and place anymore. “Or are you going to come join me?”For a moment, I don’t move as I listen to the house below us, only to find that it is silent.“He isn’t here.”Nodding, I take in Atticus’ words as they stab me in the heart like a knife. Given what he did, I shouldn’t even care if he was here or no
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