All Chapters of Thrill of the Chase: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
127 Chapters
Even when I'm grown up, I can't resist doing a happy dance when I win something. My friend Justin joins in by giving me a fist bump to say congrats. We get our prize and gather our stuff before going back to the lobby.In the lobby, Justin tells me, "You're really good at laser tag."I grin and say, "You're not bad yourself," giving him a playful nudge. But he seems a bit off, looking at his ticket and then at me.Before I can ask what's up, he hands me his ticket and says, "You won, so you should have both."I try to give it back, saying, "That wasn't the deal."He insists, "I changed my mind," wanting me to have the ticket he earned.Confused, I start to ask why, but then I see a girl Justin's age nearby. It clicks – he entered the game to win tickets for both of them.Smirking, I tease him, "You wanted to go on the ride twice, huh?"He denies it, looking puzzled. "No way! I just wanted to ride it again!"I raise an eyebrow, teasing, "So you gave up the extra ticket just because you
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I didn't get how much it hurts until I found myself lying on the bathroom floor, tears rolling down my face, struggling to breathe, and crying a lot. It was like all those people who felt heartbroken before me. And you know what's worse? It wasn't Max who broke my heart; it was me, myself, and I. I didn't understand myself, didn't get what was going on, and, most importantly, didn't trust myself.... —FLASHBACK—My Last Day on Hayman IslandThad met up with Justin as planned, and I enjoyed every moment of him talking about his date with Ariel. They met during the laser tag game. But after that, things went downhill.Why, you ask?Because I'm just dumb, that's why. I'd soon realize I didn't deserve someone like Max Blackwell."So, this is it, huh?" Beth said as I packed. "The book's almost done, so you're ready to go.""That's why you brought me here, right?" I said with a smirk, even though my chest hurt a bit. I realized that tomorrow, Max would start a new life with the same woman
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In the next half-hour, Max becomes completely unconscious, and Vivien takes advantage of this time to undress and lie down next to him. My anger flares up, especially as the footage shows a devastated Isabella entering the room and fleeing at the sight of the staged scene.Now, my anger is directed at myself.I said harsh things to Max that he didn't deserve.I never gave him a chance to explain his side.All I did was blindly accept what I saw, and that was my biggest mistake.Throughout our relationship, I worried about his lack of trust in me, but in reality, I never trusted him as he deserved.I've been a hypocrite and a coward all this time, and I'm completely sure of it now.The footage ends with Vivien getting dressed, taking the camera, and leaving. The screen goes black as soon as she steps outside our bedroom.I let go of Max's hand when Christian closes the MacBook, and we finally look up at him, eager for the rest of the details he promised."They used Rohypnol, a common d
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—FLASHBACK—During the time when Christian chose to leave us for some alone time, I didn't expect that Max and I would fall into a prolonged silence.But now, here we are, still holding hands, without saying a single word.Initially, I made my decision without much hesitation, thinking it was the right thing to do. However, as his strong fingers hold onto mine, it suddenly feels like an impossible task.I know I must let him go. I understand that very well. Maybe that's why it hurts even more this time. When I first broke up with Max, I believed that he was the reason for our downfall. Now, I realize that it was my fault all along. I didn't fight as hard as he did, and I will always have to face the consequences of my actions."I guess I owe you an apology," I finally break the silence after a long pause. But he doesn't respond. I can't blame him, though. I give him a few more moments alone before reluctantly releasing his hand. Then, I ask, "Do you remember the morning after our firs
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So, here we all are.The past eight years have shaped my love life, or the lack of it. Sitting in my office, eagerly waiting for Beth and my editor's thoughts on my final book draft, I take a deep breath.Especially the last three years have been like a crazy roller coaster. A lot happened—hearts got broken and patched up. But looking into his deep chocolate brown eyes one last time made every tear worth it. He'll always have a special place in my heart.I smile, checking out the matching ring he gave me years ago. I hold onto the journal of his writings he gifted me that same year. Surprisingly, Max's words became the true inspiration for the rest of my book.Like the ring I kiss, these things remind me that I once dared to trust another man after the one who should have protected me let me down. Max Blackwell will always be a part of me. Although my tears flowed freely on my way back to the States yesterday, I hope the pain will lessen with time.That's what I've been telling myself
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Present Day - Summer of 2024 - Isabella Vega**"He said it's not over. It's still not over!" He blurts out before I can utter a word. My stunned posture makes it difficult for me to articulate a response.Instead, my thoughts race.Among the myriad thoughts flooding my mind, a memory from my freshman year of college surfaces: the Wattpad characters Avery dared me to read about.And why does this matter now?Well, at this moment, I realize that I've always glimpsed aspects of those improbable male protagonists in the man standing in front of me.He possessed a keen eye for detail like Sam Cahill, revealing it only when it suited him.He had the resilience of Ryder Daniels, who would still yelp when I playfully teased him.His demeanor mirrored the danger of Jake O'Connell but concealed a softer side.He could be as guarded as Keegan Meth but knew when to extend trust to the right people.His past was turbulent, reminiscent of Hardin Scott, yet he refused to let it haunt him.To me, he
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Max"Oh, darling, those tears of yours." A sincere laugh escapes her swollen lips as I also chuckle at the scene unfolding. My thumb gently brushes away the tears under her eyes, and in that moment, I try my best to suppress my own.However, I fail miserably when I fully grasp the vulnerability she's displaying. The realization that she's finally in my arms after all this time doesn't do much to alleviate the situation. My heart can't help itself, and tears begin to coat my already warm cheeks."Damn," I mutter, wiping them away, even though they've already been noticed."Max, are those tears from you too?" We share a laugh and continue shedding tears together as I nod my head. "Come here, baby," she says, reciprocating the hug I had just given her—only she somehow elevates it to an extraordinary level—and I bury my head in the crook of her neck. My arms envelop her once again, never wanting this moment to fade.We linger like this for a while, at least ten minutes, our silent tears f
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~Three Months Later-IsabellaI'm aware of the assumptions, folks, and yes, my challenging partner and I have indeed come this far—quite far, to be exact. Our communication might have hit rock bottom back then, but we've dedicated ourselves to improving it during the past few months we've spent together. Surprisingly, we've never been in a better place.A lot has changed, without a doubt. But, as I've been observing a lot lately, everything unfolds for a reason.Max and I, for instance, have been cohabiting since he executed a daring move, reminiscent of Henry Court, pursuing me across the globe. Well, without the whole motorcycle-racing-down-the-runway-and-proposal affair, but it was still undeniably intense.The initial weeks of our reunion were consumed by reminiscing about the things we've missed in each other's lives, always culminating in pledges that we were genuinely committed to keeping this time around.Then the second month arrived, prompting us to come clean to our loved o
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~Friday, February 14, 2025 - Valentine's Day in Santa BarbaraIsabellaMax and I reached Santa Barbara last night, opting to reserve a penthouse suite for a private Valentine's Day weekend. Yesterday involved exploring the city where our paths first crossed, but tonight promises an entirely different level of intimacy.The evening kicks off with the comical Valentine's Day cards we exchange..."Why am I not surprised?" I chuckle at Max's card, shaking my head at his cheeky sense of humor."Oh, please," he retorts, "like yours is any better." He displays the card I gave him, eliciting another round of laughter."Touché, touché," I concede, winking as I delve into the heartfelt note inside.Here's my love, take it.Here's my soul, use it.Wait a minute....Completing the remainder of the message, I smirk as my initial suspicion is confirmed.I glance up to find Max beaming at me proudly."What? Did it render you speechless with its brilliance?" He playfully raises his eyebrows."You cam
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Later That Day"Five more minutes, I promise," I call back, securing the last bobby pin to keep my wild hair in check. I'll be surprised if they manage to hold anything given where we're headed tonight, but hey, I'm too lazy to take them out now."Take your time, I'll be in the living room!"Once I've tucked away the last bobby pin in who knows where, I check myself in the mirror one final time before joining Max."Sorry I took so long," I grimace when I find him on the couch engrossed in Real Housewives of Atlanta."No worries, ba—" His words vanish into thin air the moment his eyes land on me. I can't help but smile when they're replaced with a groan as he bites his fist."How does it look?" I ask, walking over to the door to slip on my white Converse."Like I'm not going to last long tonight," he replies smoothly, turning off the TV to stand up and join me at the door. "Holy fuck, I'm the luckiest motherfucker alive."Melting in his arms when he kisses my forehead, I thank my lucky
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