All Chapters of Notice Me, Darling!: Chapter 561 - Chapter 570
578 Chapters
Chapter 561 It Doesn't Change Who You Are
As Natalie entered, Henry acted as though everything was normal and nothing out of the ordinary had occurred.Before Natalie came in, he had actually been attempting to stand.Currently, his legs were becoming more and more sensitive to pain.In fact, during his third acupuncture session with Lavender a few days prior, he'd already begun to experience a dense and prickling sensation in his legs.Lavender had even said that his rapid recovery was a medical miracle.And Henry was deeply thankful for such a miracle. Finally, he was on the verge of standing up on his own again. He could stand before Natalie and Mercy to protect them, and he could be independent again.Only Henry knew how rapid his heart was when he managed to stand on his own and lean against the wheelchair.Later on, he even cautiously attempted to release his grip.And just like that, he was truly standing without any support!It seemed it wouldn't be long before he could stand unassisted too!However, Henry
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Chapter 562 Do You Want Her to Be Everyone's Laughing Stock
After the shareholders left, Cesar remained seated alone in the meeting room for a long while. After having risen to such a position of power, he wondered about its true worth.Not even a flicker of happiness was sparked within him.He had thought that achieving his goal would at least bring him the sweetness of revenge.Yet, now… Why did his heart feel even emptier?Eventually, Cesar stood up and left the company building.As usual, a throng of reporters were waiting outside the company's entrance, eager to extract some news from him.After all, he was a prominent figure in the fashion design industry, and especially amid such a pivotal shift in status, the public was naturally curious about what would happen next.Nevertheless, Cesar offered them no responses.Then, after stepping into his car, he nonchalantly instructed, "Go to the cemetery."He wished to visit his mother's grave.He had secured his mother's final resting place after his return to the Yoder family.Befo
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Chapter 563 He Was Doing His Best to Be Good to Her
Cesar regarded Jonah with disdain as he slowly rose to his feet.Then, just as he was about to leave, Jonah unexpectedly grabbed his ankle.Cesar instantly knitted his brows. He thought that Jonah had something to say. But unexpectedly, Jonah said, "You car… Can I sit in it?"Cesar laughed as his eyes filled with increasing contempt.Then, he gradually raised his foot and forcefully kicked Jonah aside. "Do you think a loser and a fool like you are worthy of sitting in my car? Get lost!"The kick sent Jonah down to the ground and left him in a state of complete disarray.After that, Cesar turned and headed toward his car without any hesitation.He witnessed Jonah struggling to get up through the rearview mirror and couldn't help but sneer again.This Jonah was far from his match.Shortly after, Cesar's car sped away and left behind a cloud of dust.Amid the settling dust, Jonah's eyes slowly sharpened, shedding any hint of its previous vacantness."Jonah."At that moment,
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Chapter 564 Why Risk Your Life to See Him
Lavender accepted the groom's ring from Jonah with a smile and carefully placed it on his finger.The two rings subtly sparkled under the sunlight that filtered through the window, echoing the light of their shared joy.Lavender had always harbored the belief that happiness was just within their reach.…Upon returning home, Lavender and Jonah found Celine engrossed in her phone.Though Celine quickly set her phone aside upon their arrival, Lavender could instantly tell what was on the screen.It was a news article about Shane."Lav, you're back!" Celine attempted to sound casual, yet Lavender couldn't help but notice the slight redness surrounding her eyes.Celine must have been affected by the news about Shane.After Jonah retreated to his room, Lavender approached Celine and inquired, "Ms. Celine, you're worried about Mr. Shane, aren't you?""Worried about him? After everything he's done to us, why would I be? He got tricked by Cesar, and frankly, he deserved it!" Celine r
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Chapter 565 No Longer Merciful
Upon noticing Natalie's hesitation, Lavender could only conclude, "If you can't tell me the reason, then there's little else I can do for you."With that, Lavender began to walk away.But Natalie couldn't just watch her leave, so she called out to her, "Dr. Quince! I'm willing to share the real reason… But I hope that you keep it between us." Natalie's eyes conveyed a deep sense of earnestness.Lavender was not one to spread rumors anyway. So, she nodded solemnly. "Sure."After ensuring they were alone, Natalie lowered her voice and said, "I'm Shane and Celine's daughter."This revelation momentarily took Lavender aback.It wasn't the content of the revelation that was unexpected, rather it was its directness that surprised her.She recalled seeing some photos of a young Celine and realized the resemblance Natalie bore to her.This observation had led her to suspect as much too, though it wasn't her place to broach the subject with Celine directly.And so, she had kept her sus
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Chapter 566 Can He Still Recover
"Why didn't you just contact me if you wanted to see him?" Cesar casually tucked his hands into his pockets and strolled up to Shane's bedside. "After all, I have no secrets to hide. If you wished to see him, I would have allowed it.""I've seen him, so I'll be leaving now," Lavender said indifferently. Besides, she had little else to say to Cesar.With that, she subtly signaled to Natalie with a glance, and they both quietly exited the ward one after the other.At the next moment, Cesar's expression hardened, and his eyes reflected a trace of cold determination.When it was time to act decisively, hesitance was not an option. The stakes were too high, and he would risk the potential unraveling of all he had worked for.He had endured for three years for the status and power he had attained. He had also invested immense effort and planning into everything, and he wasn't about to let it all slip away now.…Natalie finally spoke up after reaching Lavender's office, "How did he ju
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Chapter 567 Giving You a Big Gift
Although Cesar's tone suggested a straightforward work-related matter, Natalie harbored doubts about the true nature of this "problem"."Is it a serious issue?" she queried."A visit to the construction site is necessary to grasp the specifics. The project manager is already waiting for you." Cesar evaded a direct response.Given the professional nature of her role, Natalie couldn't simply disregard the matter."I understand, I'll head there immediately to resolve whatever the problem is," she replied."Thank you, Ms. Shepherd.""It's part of my job."After ending the call with Cesar, Henry wheeled himself over to Natalie. "We should be on our way to the hotel now.""You'll need to start without me. I might get delayed."Henry looked puzzled. "Weren't you already ready earlier?" Natalie had been urging Henry throughout the day, yet now, she had a delay."Cesar called me to resolve an issue at the construction site," Natalie explained as her brows slowly furrowed. "I suspect
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Chapter 568 He's Here for No Good Reason
Natalie cautiously approached Nathan, each step measured and slow.Despite it being summer now, the breeze that swept through her felt unnervingly cold."This corridor was intended to be a suspended structure, bridging from here to there. However, regarding its load-bearing capabilities…" Nathan stood and said. He appeared to earnestly critique certain aspects and flaws within this segment of the design.While Natalie listened, her senses remained sharply aware of her surroundings.Yet, some dangers were simply inescapable.Despite maintaining what she believed to be a safe distance, Nathan seized a moment of her inattention and dragged her toward the edge before thrusting her outward.The ordeal lasted only for a few seconds.But fortunately, Natalie's quick reflexes allowed her to catch onto a pole, avoiding an immediate and fatal plunge.Nathan hadn't anticipated her swift reaction, and although his face was covered by a mask, the malevolence in his demeanor was unmistakable
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Chapter 569 Are You Sure You'll Be the Last One Standing
Despite the initial shock of seeing Cesar, Lavender quickly regained her composure.Then, she smiled for her audience and was about to speak when Cesar interjected, "Hold on a moment."Lavender's heart stumbled at his interruption.Clearly, his attendance was not merely as a guest.His voice immediately captured everyone's attention, including Jonah's, who turned his gaze toward him.Undeterred by the surrounding stares, Cesar rose from his seat and began making his way toward the stage. "I need to say a few things to the groom before we continue."He paused as he stopped at the foot of the stage.The host observed the situation, but he didn't know whether to try to lighten the mood or to stay silent. So, he just ended up helplessly standing aside."Cesar, don't push it! Today's my wedding day! Don't create a spectacle here!" Lavender warned with a whisper that was tinged with suppressed fury.However, Cesar maintained his calm composure and nonchalantly ascended the stage.
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Chapter 570 Are You Still Willing to Marry Someone Like Me
Lavender's gaze lifted to Jonah's well-defined jawline.Jonah's eyes were notably luminous too, just like they were in their past.Lavender had always been captivated by Jonah's eyes. They shone so brightly and clearly, like stars that were her guiding light.With the microphone in hand, Jonah surveyed the audience before commencing his address, "As you've all witnessed through those images… The past three years have been exceedingly difficult for me. "Throughout that period, I was unaware of the extent of the disgraceful actions I'd committed, nor can I fully comprehend the turmoil those close to me have endured on my behalf. "Yet, if there's one aspect of which I'm absolutely certain…"Jonah's gaze tenderly met Lavender's as he continued, "The woman standing beside me has truly done so much for me. The mere thought of what she endured, and the resilience she displayed during those challenging times, fills me with both awe and fear. "And the commitments I made to her have be
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