All Chapters of From Pastel Shades to Red: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
86 Chapters
Chapter 21
"Speech therapy... I forgot," she said softly, trying, but failing, to hide how much it upset her.The mention of his sessions with the speech therapist always completely changed the mood of the dark-haired woman. The treatment was part of a set of changes that Harry had adopted, and they were gradually pulling him away from everything he had been when she first met him. The profile of the perfect submissive was becoming a thing of the past, as he no longer wore the "grandpa" outfits, rarely opted for glasses, and was no longer as shy or stuttered thanks to the speech therapy sessions and his weekly visits to a therapist. Kath had thought about trying to make him give it up, but she hadn't, as she realized that the changes were important to him and she feared losing him by pressuring him, as much as she feared being without him due to the transformation."Where are you going?" He asked, surprised, seeing her get out of bed, holding the semi-untied corset against her body."I'm going t
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Chapter 22
Seconds after feeling Harry's warm and soft lips touch hers, Kath gently pushed him away and stared at him, her eyes wide and her breath labored. The surprise at his unexpected action left her speechless, paralyzed, and dumbfounded, and the reactions she provoked, like trembling legs, a racing heart, cold hands, and her whole body yearning for more, left her scared and panicked. This was why gestures of affection and intimacy, like kissing on the mouth and falling asleep in the same bed, had to be avoided. They could weaken the dominator, make him forget his position, and lose control."Kath?" Harry called her, snapping her out of the sort of trance she had fallen into."What?" She tried to appear indifferent to what had just happened."Say something... Do something! Yell at me, curse me, slap me in the face, anything... but have some reaction, for God's sake!" He pleaded, nervously and irritated by her coldness."Of course, I will." She replied, sternly. "You can be sure that you'll
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Chapter 23
"I really wished you'd stay, Harry. I li- like having you here a lot." She couldn't say she liked him; it was really hard for her. "I have reasons... motives not to get involved with anyone, not to let go of control, and... It's not personal! You need to know that... understand.""I believe you, Kath," he reassured, giving a smile that didn't reflect on his face. "I understand it's a lifestyle you lean on... and liking someone isn't part of it and can even be a hindrance. But it's not my style, you know? I want someone I can love and who can love me. I was yours... I AM yours... and maybe it's not that easy for me to stop being, right here." He spoke, placing his hand over his left chest. "But if you can never be mine too, I need to step away because just having sex with you is not enough for me."She didn't know what to say, so she remained silent as he went to the room that had been his for the past few months to grab some essential personal items, like his wallet and apartment keys
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Chapter 24
However, her day didn't get any easier when she arrived at the office. Among the many meetings to attend, numerous phone calls to answer, various messages to reply to, and countless orders to give to her subordinates, one concern stood out when one of the directors entered her office, informing her that the human resources department had received a resignation letter from the head of accounting."The guy has been here for a short time, but he's an excellent employee! He came with several recommendations and has been doing a remarkable job. HR was instructed to always inform me or Dafne when there's a resignation request from anyone in a managerial position because we try to negotiate, but I spoke to him, and he's adamant, even though he's not giving a specific reason for leaving.""What did he say?" She asked, pretending curiosity, as she knew very well his reasons, and at the same time, knew he wouldn't tell the truth to anyone."He said it's personal reasons only, and... Kath, don't
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Chapter 25
"It's serious," she sighed, sinking into an armchair. "It's really serious!""Tell us! You're making me worried," Harm requested, and Kitty nodded, shaking her head."My sub left me, and it shook me... and that has never happened before.""How do you mean, it shook you?" It was Kitty's turn to question."It shook me... for real. It got to me!" The friends continued to look at her questioningly. "I... miss him," she sighed heavily. "I even cried," she added, very softly, burying her face in her hands."What?" One of them asked, not out of astonishment, but because she hadn't heard correctly."I CRIED, DAMN IT!" She shouted. "I just started crying like a crazy person, out of control, when he left." The two friends exchanged glances while Kath kept her eyes fixed on the carpeted floor."You're in love," Harmony said carefully."WHAT?" Beauvoir shouted again. "No, I can't!" She shook her head, denying it nervously. "I can't. I CAN'T!" She continued to deny and got up, pacing back and fort
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Chapter 26
It was around eleven-thirty when they left the club, and it was not even twelve-ten when Kath arrived at a low, old building located in one of the few completely residential neighborhoods in Philadelphia. It was quite different from the skyscraper where she lived, closer to Market Street, where the company offices were located. It reminded her of the place where she had grown up but, more importantly, it had the same unpretentious charm as the person she had gone to see there.Getting the address wasn't too hard, unless you consider it difficult to wake up the guy who had been working as a driver and security for the person for some time, and make him go to the car parked several floors below to look up an address in the GPS. It was even easier to get there with a car like hers, also equipped with a global positioning system. The complicated part, probably, was going to be the conversation she would have with the occupant of apartment 202.Harry took a while to answer the intercom bec
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Chapter 27
All Harry wanted was to wrap his arms around Kath, press his body to hers, and turn that brief lip-touch into a real, breathtaking kiss. Despite having left her house not long ago, he missed her smile, her gaze, her voice, her scent, the softness of her skin, the taste of her intimacy, the warmth and comfort of her being, and he wanted to experience all of it again. He even missed those wet lips, which had been so briefly in contact with his, and he would give almost anything to get to know that mouth better, the mouth that promised so much sweetness.However, he was too confused to do that. After all, he had no idea what her words meant and her sudden act of kissing him, when it was precisely by rejecting a kiss from him that she had led him to make a decision and leave her house. There were questions that were more important to him now than all the things about Kath he missed. His dignity, his pride, his freedom of action, his unrequited feelings were top priority, and he wouldn't f
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Chapter 28
He began to kiss her slowly again, until he stopped, panting, and stroked her hair, tucking a stubborn strand behind her ear, while his lips formed a crooked smile, one of his trademarks, and it made beautiful dimples appear on his face. Without thinking, she pulled him down and kissed the spot where his "little dimples" were on his cheeks, repeatedly, making him burst into a hearty laugh as he lifted her in his arms, as if she were a bride, and carried her to the bedroom.Stopping by the bed, he set her down on the floor, and the two resumed kissing leisurely. Harry pulled up the silk shirt Kath was wearing, and she raised her arms so that he could get rid of the garment, all the while looking at her breasts with such admiration in his eyes that an onlooker could swear he had never seen them before. During another kiss, he squeezed the brunette's buttocks, and, bothered by the thick jeans covering her, he knelt in front of her to discard the pants as well.While he unzipped, and the
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Chapter 29
After returning to the bedroom, as Kath had promised, they spent some time talking. He told her almost everything about his life, and she shared all the things she was prepared to tell. There were some delicate aspects of her life that almost no one knew, and she wasn't even sure if Harry would ever need to know. She didn't feel guilty about omitting some things, as he seemed so open, because these were things she would erase from her own memory if she could.They made love again after a while, and were once again talking, cuddling, and exchanging affectionate gestures when Harry took her by surprise after a longer kiss."I'm crazy about you, you know?" he said, smiling, and she mirrored his smile. "I love you, Kath Beauvoir," he declared without fear."Love?" She shifted uncomfortably in bed, and her smile immediately disappeared."What's wrong, my love?" he asked, sitting up, just as she had. "What's happen—""You said you love me, Harry," she interrupted nervously."Because I do lo
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Chapter 30
"Ah, I don't even know. Waffles, pancakes, croissants... anything Kevin makes is delicious!" she affirmed, referring to the young chef who supervised the kitchen at the company cafeteria and came to Kath's house occasionally during the week to personally prepare her meals. In the beginning, Harry referred to him as Mr. Hummel, but after they started meeting frequently, the guy asked to be called by his first name.The couple quickly got dressed, and within minutes, they were outside the building. She was, of course, wearing the clothes from the previous night, and he opted for jeans, a black T-shirt, and Converse sneakers, planning to shower and adopt a formal work look only after breakfast, since Kath's house had clothing of all kinds."What kind of car is this?" he asked as he saw the brunette heading toward the white Maybach Landaulet parked near the building."It's my personal car. The other two belong to the company," she explained. "Do you want to drive?" She dangled the keys in
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