All Chapters of Auctioned: Slave To His Desires: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
93 Chapters
Chapter 61
The question came as a surprise to Aliyah, maybe he was still trying to make sure what he was seeing between them wasn't just some fabrication or deliberate act to deceive him. That came out of nowhere and she was battling in her mind to think of the right answer she could give. There was no right answer she could think of cause since she had come to know Ben this past few weeks, he was many things, many vile things, but she obviously couldn't say that. That wasn't what the old man was waiting to hear, and saying such would destroy everything they had shown him, even the dumbest person would know that. Aliyah searched in the world of her mind for one redeeming quality that he had that she could narrow upon. 'His unswerving dedication and determination to achieve his goals reached me, I guess' That was the first thing she thought to say about him but she scrapped up the answer and threw it in the bin of her mind. Aliyah was going to have to think of a much more solid and convin
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Chapter 62
Did he figure it out? That this was all a lie. All she said about her affection for Ben. Were her words not convincing enough? Had her face given her act away? The heat of the situation and the blazing flurry of questions engulfed her mind and body. "Now tell me," he continued, Aliyah swallowed the gulp that formed in her throat as she waited on edge to hear the old man's next words. "What's weighing so heavily in your mind? I'm sure it must have to do with Ben, what has he done?" he asked her, displaying pure concern about her. Aliyah's brows quirked in realization. The relief that swept through her was calmly huge, pleased that the words that came forth from his mouth weren't what she had thought he was insinuating. As much as she tried to conceal the issue that had been bugging her mind it seemed like the old man had managed to sniff it out. Since the old man was showing genuine concern, she had to at least say something, there was no better way to build a connection with a
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Chapter 63
"What!?" Cecile blurted out in a rising tone, her discontent with that decision was plain as daylight on her face. ”But we could just hire a professional chef to take me lessons does it have to be her?""I thought you've been wanting to prepare a decent enough meal yourself? I've hired five different connoisseurs in cooking and you just run to me saying they are bad teachers and that I should get you a new teacher. Unless you are no longer interested this is the condition I have." It was not up for debate, her eyes darkened, as she glared at Aliyah. Like she wanted to drag her by the hair and throw her out. Cecile was silent, contemplating the whole idea, Mr. Vawn, her Grandfather made sure to stamp his foot on it and as much as she was a tough nut to crack, he was one person she didn't like to offend, wanting to learn cooking to make something for him made clear how much she held him in high regard. Aliyah glanced at Cecile with soft eyes. Hearing that she had turned away five pro
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Chapter 64
Ben's tone earlier had startled her, she simply obeyed without even trying to utter any word in protest. The pitch of his voice was malicious and bore anger but he wasn't saying anything in the car as he narrowed his vision to the path before him. Aliyah swallowed the lump in her throat, maybe she was just imagining it but he unmistakably had anger in his eyes, and she didn't have to think twice to know that they were directed at her. Did Mr. Vawn say something to him in his study? She wondered in her mind. There was no use thinking of it since she was no mind reader. She had faced his anger before but this time it was different, clearly so, it was more menacing and she feared for herself. He seemed to be in a hurry for an unknown reason as he reached the house quicker than she had expected. She didn't wait for him to tell her to get down when she did. She was striding away from the car when she suddenly felt a violent pull on her arm, the manly strength drawing and swerving he
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Chapter 65
Aliyah took a deep breath as she glanced up at Ben. It was now the supposed day of the reunion and by some miracle, Ben had agreed to let her go. Perhaps, whatever his grandfather said made him change his mind at lastThese past few days, the way Aliyah prayed, she probably didn't think she'd had prayed that much all her life, and to think it was nothing but to get the privilege to go out of the house when she wasn't a 13-year-old that needed constant watch— How the mighty had fallen. Nevertheless, it was a thing of joy for her that he somehow ended up letting her off, though there was a tinge of hesitation in his eyes, which seemed to point to his total district of her. The way Ben warned her, it felt like she was sworn to a secret brotherhood, that it might cost her her life if she spilled valuable and well-kept info to her friends, he warned her clearly that they could lead to dire consequences if she tried to pull a fast one on him and she knew better than to doubt the raving lu
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Chapter 66
Anxiety crept into the cracks in her heart, she hadn't seen her friends in quite a while. And for some reason she felt a sudden hesitation, but then she went on. Aliyah took a deep breath as she stepped into the club which Clarice had told her the reunion would take place. Her eyes scanned around the surroundings and for a while, she hesitated to step in as the poor music wasn't pleasing to her ears—nor were the shouts of people partying or even the strong stench of alcohol that hit her nostrils. For a while she stood by the door, unsure of where to head to—Clarice didn't give her the room number so she was uncertain about where they might be right now, and she also didn't have a phone to call and ask her about it. Her gaze traveled around the crowd again and this time, she decided to step in. A large body collided with Aliyah and it had her staggering and almost falling but she was quick to stand straight and regain herself. The man that had mistakenly hit her didn't bother t
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Chapter 67
"Where did you say you are heading to ma'am?" the taxi driver's voice pulled her out of her reverie. Aliyah seemed lost for a while when she realized that she didn't know the address to Ben's house and the time he had given her to return home was already thirty minutes ago— the chauffeur was supposed to come pick her up but she couldn't wait till then. Looking up, her gaze wandered around and her heart dropped when she couldn't tell where she was.She wanted to be as far away from them as possible, she hadn't felt this insulted in a long while and it hurt even more knowing that they were from people she thought were her friends even her cousin was part of it. "Can you just take me to any bar close by?" Back at the club, minutes after Aliyah left, Clarice face palmed herself as she finally made the trio before her calm down "I'm for real disappointed at how you guys behaved. I can't even find Aliyah anymore and don't know how to get to her," she cursed as she stood up from he
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Chapter 68
After painstakingly searching around for a while, Ben drove to the front of a nearby bar and there she was staggering in her wake, embarrassingly drunk to a stupor, as she tried to keep herself from falling. He took a quick look again and noticed three shady-looking guys standing close to where the exit was with one of them pointing towards a lady's direction to his friends.As soon as started down the path out the door, they followed suit with obvious intentions and Ben cursed under his breath. “Hey there, beautiful lady," the first man said as he walked closer to where Aliyah was barely standing without falling over, she wasn't paying attention until one of the men grabbed her by the shoulder.“Hey, we're talking to you, " the second man said with an evil grin sweeping across his face.Although she was drunk, Aliyah was a sensitive person especially when touched, and without warning she turned swiftly and slammed her heavy bag across the face of the man who had just touched her, m
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Chapter 69
Aliyah's eyes flickered open slowly and for a while, she had to shut them back before opening them again and slowly adjusting to the bright light piercing through the windows. She tried to grasp her bearing and her brows creased as she realized that she was tucked in on her bed. Aaahh! She felt a sharp pang on her head like she had been hit by a truck, not remembering much of what had transpired the night before. Her eyes darted across the space before her gaze fell on her hands, still surprised about how she ended up there. The last thing she could clearly remember was when the taxi driver dropped her off at the bar and she walked in— and how she had been attacked, after that, she had no memory of whatever occurred, not aware of how she got home, into her room and even on her bed, it didn't seem like something Ben would do, but other than him there was no one around last night with her.With a wince, she stood up and strode into the bathroom, turning the faucet on and splashing
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Chapter 70
By the time Aliyah arrived at the mansion, she stepped out of the car and was greeted with the sight of Cecile watering the flowers in the garden—her brow creased cause Cecile didn't seem like the type to want to work around the house, looking up Aliyah saw Mr. Vawn standing by the balcony and staring down—she smiled at him with a nod of acknowledgment and he smiled back also before she walked over to where Cecile was."Didn't think you were the type to volunteer to do house chores," Aliyah muttered and was welcomed with a sharp glare directed at her."Why are you here today? Again?" Cecile asked, her face twisted into a frown."Your cooking lessons start today, and that's why I'm here. Depending on how eager you are to learn, we could get on with this as quickly as we can and have nothing to do with one another. So when you are done with watering the fl—" Before Aliyah could complete her sentence, Cecile interrupted her with a scowl."I never said I'm ready to learn under you, talk m
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