All Chapters of His Beta's Daughter: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
139 Chapters
C H A P T E R 99 - Gwen.
When I walked into the house, I felt like it was safe for me to say that I was far from prepared for the stench that hit my nostrils. I did not know what it was, but I did know that it had no business being in a house. And what made me feel somewhat strange, was the fact that I knew Alpha Elijah would have been able to pick up on this smell if he had been here. Which made me question just when the stench had arrived. It was nauseating, and in all honesty, I was convinced that I would be running to the bathroom at any moment now, vomiting up anything that had been in my stomach. "Samantha?" I decided that finding out where she was, would be my first order of business. Once I knew that she was safe, and that her life was not at risk, then I would be able to make informed decisions about everything else. It would also give me some time to recover from my run here, and hopefully, it would be enough and I would feel better. Regardless of how I felt, if Samantha needed to be protected, th
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C H A P T E R 100 - Gwen.
I opened Samantha's closet, finding that there was no one in it - and it seemed like there was barely any clothes in it as well. It was something that I found slightly confusing, since I had been through the entirety of the house already, and there was no one anywhere. And yet, the stench was here. It was most prominent in her bedroom, and yet, there were barely any hiding places here. After all, the only place that was left, was the cabinet. Was it possible that I was missing something, that there was somethign that I hadn't thought of? If that was the case, then I was going to be in a lot more trouble than I knew us to be. It was easy to pick up on the fact that there was someone here, but finding them proved to be tricker than I would have imagined. I had been under the impression that I would open a cabinet and they would jump out at me, but it was not that simple. On the contrary, it seemed like things were far from being that simple. I was not going to be lucky enough to get ou
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C H A P T E R 101 - Sam.
I must have fallen asleep sometime during the time that Gwen had left, but when I came to, I definitely was not in the bed that I had fallen asleep in. I hadn't even woken up in Elijah's bed. I woke up, tied to one of the chairs in the dining room. I had no recollection of how I had gotten there, but when I saw the rogue that we had caught underneath my bed sitting in front of us, swirling a knife in her hand, I could make some assumptions. "Nice of you to join us." I turned towards the voice that spoke, and found no one other than Gwen, tied up in the exact same way as I was. And I dared to say, she looked like she had gotten a punch or two to the face, quite recently, since the bruising had not yet healed by itself. But even as I looked at her, the color started to change from blue to yellow. I turned back to the rogue, feeling a strange heaviness in my eyes, a heaviness that did not feel entirely right. I had been sleeping the whole day, but I also knew that I hadn't felt like t
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C H A P T E R 102 - Sam.
As much as I would have liked to pretend that the statement that the rogue had made, was just another statement, I knew that my true emotions were bound to be showing on my face. After all, it wasn't everyday that someone made a statement like that. To be so easily able to sum someone up, seemed like a dangerous perk to have in your favour. But then again, when you've been a rogue for goodness knows how long, you should be more than capable of judging people. "So, are you going going to make this easy for me, or are you going to make me guess? Because I already have a good idea on which one of you it is." Once again, Gwen and I turned to look at one another, both of us knowing that this was going to be a tough thing to get ourselves out of. I didn't know what to do. The obvious answer would be to mind-link someone else to come and see us, but that was something that was easier said than done. If we involved someone else in this, it meant that it would only be a matter of time until
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C H A P T E R 103 - Sam.
It seemed like Matthew's decision to get the ball rolling was what Gwen needed to spring into action. She had gagged the rogue, and despite the fact that I had believed that I had done a good job in terms of hiding the pills that I had stolen from my father, Gwen found them in a matter of moments. To my complete and utter surprise, she had removed the gag and shoved one down the rogues throat, practically causing her to choke on it before gagging her again. I didn't know what had transpired between the two of them before I had managed to regain my consciousness, but if I had to take a guess, then I would say that Gwen was getting back at her for everything that she had done. And I couldn't blame her for it. On the contrary, I encouraged it. Through it all, Matthew had started to sweep up the mess on the floor, temporarily taping it closed with bin liners. It might not have been the best solution, but he had already explained to me that it would only ensure that he would be able to
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C H A P T E R 104 - Matthew.
I couldn't deny the fact that I was getting quite worried about Samantha. I did not think that she realised it, but the signs that she was starting to display in terms of shifting, were practically red lights. I was waiting for a siren to start blaring in warning, but I knew that that was not going to happen. Samantha was not a concern to the pack, as everyone knew that she was bound to make the responsible decision and stay somewhere where she would not cause a disturbance. Except, right now, that was the exact opposite of what she was doing. She was galavanting around in the open, and if she started shifting now, everyone would know. It would not be an ideal situation to find yourself in, especially considering the fact that I did not know how to deal with a shifting wolf. It was something that I had never done before, and if I was being honest with myself, it was something that I did not want to do either. I knew that when I met my mate and we had children, I would have to step i
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C H A P T E R 105 - Elijah.
I knew that I had only started running an hour ago, but it still felt like I had been on the run for ages, for any eternity. I knew that it was just my mind playing tricks on me, but it felt like there was something drawing me back to my pack. I kept telling myself that I could ignore the feeling, but the further away I got, the less confident I became in that fact. I had a sinking suspicion that it had something to do with Samantha. After all, she was the only one who had any kind of draw towards. As much as I would’ve liked to tell myself that it was anything else, I knew that it was not. But I also knew that I couldn’t just turn around and go back for her. This was something that I had to do, regardless of how I felt while doing it.Just because I thought that Samantha was my mate, did not mean that I could just put her above my pack. There was certain things that I couldn’t couldn’t do. And for now this was one of the things that I couldn’t do. Even though I couldn’t turn around
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C H A P T E R 106 - Gwen.
Once the rogue was restrained, strapped into the chair which I planned to torture her, I could not keep myself from taking a moment to breathe. Everything felt like it had been happening on top of one another, leaving me with no time to process what had happened before I was forced to focus on the next thing. I hope that being you with the rogue would now give me time to calm down, and perhaps, it would also give me the opportunity to get rid of some of my frustration. I doubted that it was the ideal solution to the way that I was feeling, but it was better than nothing.“Well, I guess that the two of us are going to be spending quite a bit of time together, so I might as well take off that gag of yours.” I wanted her to feel like everything that I was doing for her, was a favour. I wanted to make sure that she knew that there was not an ounce of my being that felt sorry for her, or that wanted to be kind to her. I was doing what I had to do, not what I wanted to do. If I had a choic
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C H A P T E R 107 - Sam.
When I walked into Gwen's house, I made sure that I locked the door behind me. I had been able to pick up on the fact that there had been no one else in the house since she had last been here, because her scent still covered every inch of the place. I knew, without a doubt, that if there had been someone else here, then I wouldn't have been able to pick up on her scent as clearly as I could. It would have been mixed in with the other scent, and that would have been a tell-tale sign to me as well. I did not know what I was going to do while I was here, but I also told myself that it was not going to be likely that I ended up doing things, because I knew that it would only be a matter of time before I ended up shifting. I could feel that it was going to happen soon, feel the edge that I was on. If I had any hopes of just sitting quietly and allowing the time to pass, then I was going to be in for a big surprise - or rather, a big disappointment. I wasn't going to be able to do anything
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C H A P T E R 108 - Gwen.
I unwrapped the cloth that I had around my hand, doing my very best to make sure that I did not touch the blood that had seeped into it when I had used it to punch the rogue in the face. It had helped me to get majority of my frustrations out, but I had to admit that it might not have helped my cause in terms of getting her to share information with me. On the contrary, it seemed like she was more than determined to keep that information from me now. The possibility stuck in the back of my mind, but even so, I knew that I would deal with it if that was the case. "This would be a lot easier - for the both of us - if you just tell me what I want to know. As much as I enjoy getting back at you, it still tires me out to do it." She looked at me with her blue eyes blazing, seeming to stand out against the redness of her skin. The fact that her eyes were not swollen shut, was a miracle in itself, especially since she had a cut on her cheek, and a busted lip. I knew that it would be no mor
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