All Chapters of Kindly Sign the Divorce Papers, Curt: Chapter 791 - Chapter 800
884 Chapters
Chapter 791
As a father, Curtis was given a second chance at life, but his daughter did not return, and that was the pain of his lifetime. If Margot continued to keep someone else's child around, he would feel this pain every day. He would constantly wonder where his daughter was and whether she had gone to heaven. When Lilac passed away, she was covered in injuries; it must have been very painful for her.Even in heaven, she would miss her parents, right? If she saw another little girl beside her parents, how sad would she be? Margot insisted by saying, "I'll keep her with me for a week. Is that okay?" Curtis refused. "The longer you stay with her, the deeper your bond will be. Then, if something happens to her, you'll go looking for her, and it will be even harder to separate from her. Just send her back tomorrow morning."Margot was unhappy with Curtis' firm attitude. "What right do you have to tell me what to do? Who are you to me? Aren't you supposed to go back to your company and
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Chapter 792
Curtis was feeling uneasy, so Natalie comforted him by saying, "Lilac might be as lucky as you and have been saved by someone already. Don't be too pessimistic. Maintain your current life well and accompany Margot and Louis. Don't go out at this late hour. Without a man at home, Margot and the child might feel insecure to some extent."Curtis glanced at his watch. He said, "I'm going to the cemetery and will be back soon.""Why are you going to the cemetery?""Nothing."His voice was low as he started the engine. He knew that staying would only add to his sorrow. Going to the cemetery to atone for his daughter might make him feel a bit better.Since she couldn't persuade him, Natalie could only watch him leave. Finally, she went back to her own room to educate her son.Margot accompanied Sabrina to do homework for a while. Half an hour passed but Curtis didn't return, so Margot felt somewhat disappointed. When she walked to the door and saw that the car parked there was
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Chapter 793
She spoke in a slightly hoarse voice, "You... cried?"Those swollen eyes were a sign of crying. Was it because she had spoken to harshly just now and hurt him? Was he really this fragile?For some reason, at this moment, Margot really wanted to hug him and comfort him. But considering their still somewhat awkward relationship, she restrained herself."I didn't cry."Curtis defended himself, "I just went out for some fresh air, and sand got into my eyes."He went to the cemetery to see Lilac, to speak with her and his father. Knowing that it was his own actions that caused his father and daughter's deaths, he couldn't forgive himself. If it wasn't for Chester telling him about Margot and Louis at home, he might have passed out in the cemetery with no one knowing.In Margot's eyes, the man in front of her was tall and imposing, but she never expected that deep down, he was so fragile.She had only said a few words to him, yet he went off by himself and cried. She felt that
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Chapter 794
This was the Margot he wanted to see, which was why he hid the reason for his daughter's death. He then agreed with her words and forced a smile.Margot pinched his face. "This is better. How can a grown man cry so easily? This is the first and last time. I will laugh at you if I see it again."Perhaps it was because she had a strong attraction to him originally, but now when she touched him, she didn't shy away.Curtis sat there without moving a muscle. "Then tonight, will you sleep with me and Louis?"Margot's expression changed. He could guess what she was thinking, so he immediately raised his hand and swore. "I promise, I won't do anything."Margot decided to compromise for once since together was not a big deal. After all, they both even had a son together.She replied and made a gesture with her hands, "You sleep on that side, I'll sleep on this side."Curtis immediately complied. He placed Louis in the middle while they slept on either side.It was late now, and they
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Chapter 795
Natalie insisted on leaving but Sabrina held onto her leg tightly.Tears streamed down her face uncontrollably, as if it was easy to do so."Mommy, I'm sorry, I won't make you angry again. Mommy, please don't leave me. I want to be without mommy. Boohoo, mommy, mommy..."As she cried harder, Margot, who was recording the video, watched Sabrina perform with such sincerity and felt uncomfortable for some reason.Sabrina was crying for real, so Natalie hurriedly turned back and squatted down to hug her."It's okay, it's over, can you stop crying now?"As soon as she heard it was over, Sabrina stopped crying immediately and even smiled. She wiped the tears from Natalie's cheeks and asked, "Did I do a good job?"Natalie was stunned, and thought to herself, "My, this child is clearly cut out for acting. She can handle her emotions so well, something even some adult actors can't do!"Natalie immediately said to Margot, "Give me her father's contact information. I'll contact him right
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Chapter 796
Branden put away his phone and walked toward the group of students in front.The students were gathered around as they watched Lena fighting someone. They even recorded a video of her fighting.As Branden approached, he saw Lena still sitting on top of the girl, who looked extremely disheveled from being beaten. He couldn't help but find it amusing.Indeed, his well-trained disciples were fierce fighters, completely disregarding the fact that they were girls.Look at what a mess she made of the other girl, who was supposed to be a young lady from a wealthy family."Enough, stop it." He spoke slowly.Only then did Lena get off the girl, but in front of everyone, she couldn't help but kick her."Listen to me, this is just a warning today. If you provoke me again, I'm gonna make sure you regret it."The girl got up. She cried and ran toward the instructor. With a fake sweet tone, "Sir, she hit me, you have to stand up for me."The other students nearby joined in."Lena is way
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Chapter 797
Even though Lena was about to do push-ups, Branden called out to her."Lena, you don't need to do them. You supervise them. If anyone does one less, I'll hold you accountable."Lena complied and quickly stood in front to scan the twenty-nine people before her, mentally noting down the number of push-ups they did.She hadn't expected the instructor to be so righteous.While supervising her classmates, her gaze unconsciously swept over her instructor.His handsome face and imposing posture exuded an indescribable sense of intimidation even though he remained silent.As a result, the students on the ground still struggled to persevere even though they couldn't do a hundred push-ups.During lunchtime, Branden intentionally sat next to Lena with his tray.Lena, who had been isolated by the entire class, didn't expect the instructor to stand on her side several times.Originally, she had promised Anthony not to interact with any males.But facing the instructor who constantly prote
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Chapter 798
"Lena, hello, I'm Luke Wesley. Can we be friends?" Lena glanced at the instructor, then at her classmates. She remembered her promise to Anthony not to interact with any opposite sex. Hence, she stood up expressionlessly and said, "Sorry, I don't need any friends." She walked past the young man, leaving him standing there with a dark expression. He was embarrassed beyond words. Branden chuckled lightly, shook his head helplessly, and walked away.……Afternoon training was over. Lena was covered in sweat and just wanted to hurry back to the dormitory to take a shower. But as she pushed the door and entered the dormitory, a figure suddenly loomed over her, pressing her hand against the wall while kicking the door shut with one foot. Before Lena could react, the man's kiss came unexpectedly, which caught her off guard. She frowned and struggled. Then, she slapped him with her hand. Anthony slowly loosened his grip and let her go when he saw her resistance.Finally, he
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Chapter 799
Lena smiled. "That's not what I mean. I'm afraid I won't be able to control myself." She had to control herself. For the sake of her future with Anthony, she had to pass the assessment. So now, no matter what, she couldn't do it with Anthony again. Anthony still didn't give up. "Then please, just take me!" "I won't." "Eat me, I'm very delicious." "Get out quickly." Lena laughed and pushed him away. Anthony had no choice but to leave the bathroom. As the frosted glass door closed behind him, he smiled helplessly. But he didn't want to leave. He stood by the door, listening to the rushing sound of water inside, feeling as if it was a kind of enjoyment. When Lena was almost done showering, he finally went to get her clothes. Lena changed into her pajamas and walked out. When she saw Anthony bringing food over and arranging it for her, she walked over while rubbing her wet hair and asked, "Any good food?" Anthony knew that Lena was a foodie and not picky. He bro
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Chapter 800
Lena frowned. She did not understand why a man would come knocking on her door. She didn't have any male friends here. She looked at Anthony beside her and stood up. "I'll go open the door. Do you want to hide for a bit, so others won't see you?"Anthony's face darkened. "Who is it?""I don't know, I'll find out when I open the door."Reluctantly, Anthony got up and went to the adjacent bathroom. Then, Lena went over and opened the door.Outside stood a guy who didn't seem to affect Lena much. He was carrying food and holding a bunch of red roses, smiling as he handed them to her. "The food in the cafeteria isn't good, so I brought you something delicious. These are for you. Do you like them?"Lena was speechless.She was puzzled when she saw the behavior of the guy standing in front of her."Who are you? Why are you bringing me these things?""I'm Luke. Didn't I introduce myself to you at the cafeteria at noon?"The guy smiled and tried to please her.Lena furrowed her
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