All Chapters of Saved By The Alpha : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
118 Chapters
Chapter 91.
Rune. I took Soph’s advice and tried my hardest to stay away from Kane, which felt like the hardest thing I ever had to do since we shared a room and couldn’t even talk to each other. Yes, I was still mad at him for what he did, but over the past four days since that night, my anger had died down and I was only mostly annoyed that he didn’t try to apologize to me.Looking on the brighter side, it meant Soph was right about Kane staying away from me since he thought I was angry with him. Our situation made it easy to have the meeting for the mission and how it would go down. Myself, Soph, Kimi, and everyone involved, were counting the hours till the m would be set in action, and as the day drew closer, my heart beat faster. I didn’t think I’d be capable of going through with it, but every time I voiced my concern, Soph and Kimi would calm me down and tell me everything would go according to the plan. Their words helped, but just a little—at least until they left and I was alone wit
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Chapter 92.
Rune. “Rune, are you okay? You don’t look too good.” Soph pointed out. I raised my eyes from my empty plate to meet her narrowed ones filled with concern. “Huh?” I widened my eyes to appear brighter, “I’m fine. It’s just that…” I gulped hard. “Just what? Don’t tell me you want to back out when we’re just hours away from doing this,” she said, referring to the mission. I sighed. “No. I don’t want to back out. I can’t,” I sucked in a breath. “Then what is it?” She probed.“I might’ve reconciled with Kane last night,” I bit my lower lip in shame. Soph’s eyes widened, along with Kimi’s. Kimi was up to date with everything, including the plan to put a little distance between myself and Kane. “He came at me unexpectedly. I tried to stall but it didn’t make sense to keep being annoyed after he apologized.” I explained. Soph sighed, rolling her eyes. “This is what I hate about wolves in love.” She barfed, rolling her eyes again while I froze. Wolves in love? As in I was in love with
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Chapter 93.
Rune. We didn’t get caught. At least up until we infiltrated the dungeon. It wasn’t by any means an easy task, but with the rigorous planning, we were able to go in undetected. The dungeon was nothing like I imagined it to be. Surely, it was an underground building with huge iron rods here and there that made up most of the building. With cells that were equipped with silver doors making it impossible for the wolves held inside to escape even in their wolf forms. It was dark and eerie, and the overall stench of the place could send normal humans into a heart attack, but I had expected it to be smaller and tight. “What are you looking at? Keep moving!” The hefty guard in charge barked at Soph and me, causing the tray in my hand to falter. Soph and I disguised ourselves as serving guards for the prisoners, and thankfully, we found a way to situate Aaron at the first gate and Rodney at the second gate, or else it would’ve been impossible for us to make our way in. The guard in charge
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Chapter 94.
Rune. “Whew! I’m happy we didn’t waste so much time there. We have enough time to treat ourselves to a midnight snack before heading home. You in?” Soph whispered as we retraced our steps away from Caden’s cell. I heard her and understood all that she was saying, but my mind was focused on something else. I was right there in the dungeon, the same place my mother and sister had been kept for almost ten months now. I’d been dying to see them, to let them know that I was alive and working to find a way to let them out of bondage even if it would take a while. “Are you even listening to me?” Soph nudged my side and I turned to her. “I need your help,” I told her. Soph sucked in a breath, as though she could already tell what I needed her help with. I blinked a few times, letting my eyes roam around the long hallway to see if we were being watched. Thankfully, the Commander guard was nowhere to be found and the hallways were empty, save for us. “Rune…” she dragged. “I just want to s
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Chapter 95.
Kane. There was nothing I loved more than playing my role as Alpha. I’d been at it for years and I never thought I needed a break until Jett’s interruption in my plans. I wanted to spend time with Rune to make up for everything that had happened in the past days, but I couldn’t do that. I released a sigh, pulling myself out of my thoughts and focusing on Irem, one of the squad commanders of the pack. Irem and his squad were out patrolling and they came across a freshly dug hole just a stone’s throw away from our border, with lots of charms in it. It was the first I heard about such a thing even from the other alphas, which only added to the severity of the case. “We’re being targeted, and we can’t tell who’s targeting us,” Irem said and I scoffed. “You can’t tell? Isn’t it quite obvious?” I asked him and murmurs erupted. “Alpha, we can’t be so sure Alpha Levi is behind this,” Greyson said and I shot him a glare. The goddess was a witness that I never felt satisfied with the vic
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Chapter 96.
Rune. I sat with my head hung low, and hands pressed between my thighs, my heart beating loudly with Soph’s, who sat beside me, with her lips pressed tightly, while Kane paced around the room, a frown on his face.I raised my head slightly, turning to Kimi, who looked like she was about to cry. I understood her completely; she had never witnessed Kane’s anger firsthand, and his red glowing eyes were just as terrifying as his silence.Soph had received intel from Rodney that wolves were on their way to the dungeon with trays in their hands, and it would be best if we left before they arrived. With what little strength I could muster with Soph’s help, we were able to get out of the dungeon, but we couldn't leave the area yet because we weren’t fast enough. Aaron helped us hide just outside a pile of rubbish at the side of the first gate, where I almost died from the stench of the place, but I had no choice. It wasn’t until the guards arrived that I realized that we were so lucky we pl
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Chapter 97.
Rune. Neither I nor Kane spoke about the situation. We didn’t bring it up or reference it in any way, making it seem as though it was just a fraction of my imagination. It wasn’t, of course, because I remembered vividly what I felt when I was met with the empty cells, and those prisoners’ words before I was pulled away, but in the two days since it happened, Kane hadn’t said a word to me and likewise; although I was curious to know how he’d salvage the matter, or when he would come to me with the truth. In the meantime though, I focused all my attention on the recent happenings of the pack, that is the full moon and the event that would follow. Caden’s punishment.On that account, I tried not to seem too disturbed by it for the sake of Soph, Kimi, and everyone who had been of help to me in some way concerning my meeting with Caden; for them, I put up an unbothered front, but I was bothered. I was worried sick about the outcome of my meeting with Caden and how it would play out. I
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Chapter 98.
Rune. “We’ll take our leave then, Alpha.” Jett bowed, with a little motion of his hands, urging Soph, Kimi, and Marian to leave the living room with him. Now alone with Kane, I let out a deep sigh, my eyes never leaving his tall frame.“Why are you acting like this?” I motioned towards him, and he responded with a furrow of his thick brows.“Like what?” He asked dryly.“The way you’re acting, ignoring me,” I paused, “If this is because of that night, you know I didn’t do it because I thought it would be fun to sneak in and sneak out of the dungeon, right?” Kane released a sigh at my words, pinching the bridge of his nose with his thumb and index finger.“You think I’m like this because you went there?” He raised a brow and I pouted my lips in confusion.If it wasn’t because I met with Caden, then what was my offense?As if hearing my thoughts, Kane took in a breath and closed the distance between us, looking down at me intently.“I’m not avoiding you because I want to, but because you
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Chapter 99.
Rune. Upon my arrival to the field, Soph, Kimi, and I were well informed of our lateness from the death glares and overall horrible stares we got, everyone, staring at me instead of the wolf who was speaking.I didn’t let it bother me though, because I knew the wolves were hating simply because I was pregnant and they couldn’t punish me for Caden’s confession.The field had been prepared into an execution ground, with a small round elevated podium that looked like it could fit five people, and wooden spears around it serving as a fence to demarcate the criminal from the masses.We all stood around the wooden spears, forming a huge circle as we eagerly waited for Caden to be brought out.“Well, if all goes according to plan today, your name will be cleared and we’ll have to gear up for the next rumor,” Soph said, fanning her face as a drop of sweat rolled down her face, her voice drowning out other sounds around me.Kimi nodded with eyes so hopeful if anyone saw her they would think s
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Chapter 100.
Rune. With the full moon in sight, and yellow burning torches coexisting to brighten up the rather night, the proceeding began and was in full swing with wolves hollering at Caden, who had a blank expression on his face, and Elder Tristan speaking despite the noise. While I paid attention to everything that was being said, I couldn’t help but take note of the group of elders standing a little distance away from me.Amelie’s father, Elder Martin was surrounded by Elders Greyson, Greg, Henry, and Jordan, all leaning towards each other without their lips moving, but it was obvious they were communicating through mindlink. They all had smug expressions on their faces as though everything was set in stone for them. It made me wonder if Caden’s future confession would have anything to do with it.Of course, more guards were added to the dungeon and Kane devised stricter methods of gaining entrance through the gates since the incident, but who’s to say whoever influenced Caden couldn’t fin
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