All Chapters of THE SICK ALPHA AND HIS LYCAN LUNA: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
70 Chapters
Chapter 11
~CIARA'S POV~I shivered from the cold.  “Shh! You're okay. You're fine.” A man's voice whispered to me. My vision was hazy but I noticed that someone had put a blanket over me and I embraced it to myself. I noticed that I was in a real room and on a really soft bed. It felt like a band was playing drums in my head. It ached so bad that I felt my head would split open. I shut my eyes and grunted in pain. My body was badly bruised and I was in excruciating pain. I don't know for how long I had slipped in and out of consciousness but I was exhausted. Each time I opened my eyes, I was greeted by that pain, the pain of one with a battered body.“Here have this.” A pill was slipped into my dry mouth and I was lifted from the bed just enough to take a sip of water. I swallowed. “Thank you,” I murmured.
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Chapter 12
~CIARA~I stepped out of the room I had been in on the fourth day. I was much better and could move around as well. I decided to take a look around. I caught a scent as I came out but just then, I heard the sound of the door locking. It was Noah at the door. The door had so many locks and alarm systems that even if a burglar thought of this place as one to be robbed, the burglar would be confused as to where to touch so as not to let on an alarm. Noah was carefully putting each latch into the lock until he was done with the last one. Why does it have that many locks? “Woah!” Noah was careful to take his hand off before touching something wrong, but he sighed, smiled, and put his arms on his hips. He rustled his hair back and stared at me and the move made me almost melt into a puddle at his feet. He smelled so good and he still wore
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Chapter 13
~CIARA'S POV~I woke up with a rush of excitement flowing through my body's veins. I was humming a song while making the bed because I felt so happy. Today was the day I'd spend time with Noah exploring the wonderful city of Rome. I made a list of everything I wanted to see and experience, including the Pantheon, the Colosseum, The Vatican museums, climbing the Spanish Steps while enjoying real Italian gelato. I was so excited to make the most of our time together, so I hurriedly prepared.As I stepped out of the room, eager to begin our tour, I was surprised to see a complete stranger in the house. My mind was a mixture of both curiosity and caution as I approached this gorgeous lady. She sat comfortably cross-legged on the kitchen stool sipping coffee, wondering who she could be."Excuse me, but who are you?" I asked. I couldn't help but give her a once over. She was the
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Chapter 14
~CIARA'S POV~I didn't know what I was until I turned sixteen. I kind of already knew I was a supernatural being, my grandma who I had lived with since I was old enough to walk told me my dad was a werewolf and my mum a lycan, which had seemed fictional and surreal to me, I had laughed. I was seven at the time and I acted older than my age. I wasn't the type who believed in things like that. My Nana had stared at my reaction.‘I need to put the fear of the goddess into you as she had said.’Nana always referred to the higher deity as ‘goddess’ but I didn't understand it then.She had then taken me to a ritual dance at night to see how ‘my kind’ looked like. It was a festival of some sorts, many art were being displayed, gory at best, a man was giving a prophecy about someone who would bridge the gap between t
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Chapter 15
~CIARA'S POV~The day I met Noah was the day I knew he was my mate.It was a moment I would never forget.FLASHBACKI hadn't done badly for myself— or so I believed. I had taken up a job at the Lycan community primary school and I taught the little lycans the way of the world.Nana always said I was trying to pursue other things so I wouldn't have to think about the fact that I was a lycan. She had been persistent ever since I had vowed never to shift again to make me come to terms with it.“You cannot reject it. It's a gift! You need to harness it, because there in lies your power.” She had said severally.“This ‘gift' as you
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Chapter 16
~MARIA'S POV~*FLASHBACK*My studies on supernatural creatures had brought me here, to this small American town which is said to be home to werewolves. My mother had always scolded me for having an overactive imagination. She was a realist, and she felt it ridiculous that the village in Rome where I grew up had such beliefs and even harbored an antipathy toward such creatures.No, werewolves don't exist.There are no vampires. She would say to my never ending questions.Unlike the parents of other children, she never once mentioned to me that Santa Claus came down the chimney to bring me gifts for Christmas. She always told me she had bought them herself.
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Chapter 17
~NOAH'S POV~The sound of the door interrupted our discussion. “Just a moment…” I stood up and went to answer it.I was grateful for the interruption because I was beginning to see black spots. Now that Ciara knew about my sickness, I felt she would take it more personally than me. I stood at the door with great difficulty. Before I opened it, I sensed it was Signor Russo scent."You've got to be kidding me! What do you want?”“I'm sorry for how I behave and I was hoping we could start on a nice footing."“Yeah….. Thank you.” I moved to close the door."Since we are g
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Chapter 18
~AVA'S POV~The pack was in disarray and in need of their Alpha. Alpha Noah had done the most irresponsible thing— eloping with his mate and leaving his pack unattended to.It was hard enough keeping things intact when a spy was brought in from the borders to the packhouse.We were still having our trainings to keep the younger wolves fit and more in control during the next full moon but I could see the unease even in their young ones eyes.They knew better not to ask for the whereabouts of their Alpha but they got home and told their parents their fears that the Alpha had run off.Every day since he left, I had to entertain questions of where he was and when he would be back. I was getting really frustrated but I tried my best to quell their fears but it was only getting very difficult because I didn't have the authority or the voice of an Alpha to shut these werewolves up.The Beta of the pack, Ross, was completely useless since he had found his mate. Riley was the next but he was o
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Chapter 19
~AVA'S POV~There was an eerie silence that lingered in the air after his abrupt absence. I knew someone had to keep the pack stable and in order because the Beta hadn't returned yet, but something inside of me began to rise.I spent every waking second thinking about taking the coveted Alpha rank. However, there stood one thing in my way: Noah, the pack's current Alpha and fierce defender of its legacy. I had to take him out of the picture if I wanted to win. In my mind, the plan started to come together.The park was preoccupied with what they were doing and had no idea of my secret preparations. I knew the secret to Alpha Noah's location lay in his study, and I was going to find it. I moved inside his study as stealthily as a shadow.Surrounded by mysteries that Noah had carefully kept to himself, it was a forbidden haven full with artifacts from the pack's past.I could smell something musty as I carefully pushed open the massive oak door. The only form of light in the room was a
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Chapter 20
~NOAH'S POV~Maria's weekend house had big windows that let in plenty of light in the morning. I had tried to keep my feelings of paranoia aside because of Ciara. But still, I felt windows were a little too many that I always felt it would be easy to be spied on. I pushed aside my concerns, smiling contentedly, I took a sip of my coffee and relished the quiet environment. Maria laughed at something Ciara had said as she sat across from me. "You should have seen the look on his face!" Ciara laughed. Maria answered with a smile. I grinned, pleased that my friend and mate were getting along so nicely. Our outdoor brunch was the ideal way to begin our day in Italy. At that moment, Maria's phone began to ring from inside the house. She got up from her chair and apologized, saying, "Excuse me, I'll just go grab that." While she was gone, Ciara and I carried on our conversation. It was barely a minute later that Maria was back, her brow furrowed and she was still holding the phone in one h
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