All Chapters of Alpha's Deceit: The Omega's Revenge: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
136 Chapters
Chapter Eighty: Fireworks
Aiden's POVI was nervous, no doubt, because I didn't know how Ava was going to react to what I had planned. I told her she was going to love it but I wasn't so sure if she would. If my plan flopped, it was going to be a huge blow on my face. As we walked to the outer part of the venue, I silently prayed and hoped that I was going to get the best out of it and I also wondered if I should have given her a heads up. "You didn't tell me there was going to be a fireworks display!" "I wanted it to be a surprise.""It's beautiful…""I know right?" The time was drawing near and the lights on the sky started morphing into images. First it was a heart, next it was three kids. "Logan, what's going on?" "Shhhh" The next thing written in the sky was ‘i'm so glad I found you’ and then ‘you make my world complete’"Logan, what's going on?" Ava's POVI looked to my left and right and I couldn't still find Logan. I was so confused and lost because whatever was going on wasn't part of the plan.
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Chapter Eighty One: Fireworks 2
Ava's POVand funny how I didn't even realise you were gone.""You we're occupied with playing with the kids and I saw that as the perfect opportunity." "But where did you follow? Because if you had followed the front door, I probably would have noticed. Or did you leave after I went to the playroom with the kids?""Yup. I did. Remember when I popped in to see you guys and I told the kids that I would have loved to play with them but I had work to do..""I think I do.""I left shortly after that." "You sneaky snake!" "Come on! I had to do what I had to do" we both laughed and that moment, we were asked to join in a game. We sat in a circle and then music was going to be played while a bowl containing papers went round. Now, if the music stopped when the bowl is in your hands, you have to pick a paper and do whatever is written in that paper. We started and it was all fun but the bowl stopped in neither mine or Logan's possession until all the tasks finished and they had to get anot
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Chapter Eighty Two: More Fuel
Aiden's POVI sat in my study, totally aware of what I had just done and although it wasn't planned, I couldn't help it. No one had ever spoken to me in that tone because no one dared to, and she herself had also never spoken to me in that manner as well. This was her first time coming at me like that so I should have given her a long rope and tolerated it because I knew she was angry and was probably unaware of her words but I was also angry and that was why I hit her. "There you go, justifying yourself— again!" "Who's there? Who are you?" "No one. I am you!" "What do you mean by that?""I'm that person you pay the least attention to and I'm the one you're most scared of." "I am not scared of anyone, I am an Alpha""Point of correction Aiden, you WERE an alpha. Not anymore." "How dare you say that to me with such boldness!?""How else am I supposed to say it? With fear and reverence? Aiden, I am you so there's little to nothing you can do about it!" "I refuse to be messed with
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Chapter Eight Three: Isabella's Plot
ISABELLA'S POV Aiden thought I was a fool, he thought I didn't know what I was doing which was to his own detriment. I needed to come up with a plan and I needed to do it fast. I didn't need it to be strategic, I just needed it to work. "How do you think your plan will work if it isn't strategic?" "Nope! Not today. We are definitely not doing this today." "Come on! Why not?" "Because your ways are gruesome and usually wrong." "But we…" "Nope! We do not make a good team, let alone a great one." "You're such a killjoy Bella." "And you're also a terrible part of me! You think the only way out of things is through illegitimate means but I don't believe we have to go that route." "No, no, no. You make me sound like a bad person. I don't always suggest illegal means." "Oh really? You want to know something?" "Yeah.." "Your way sounds good at first and then.." "You see! I knew that one day, you would admit that I make good suggestions." "You would have let me finish fir
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Chapter Eighty Four
Isabella's POV"You spoke of a cover, I thought you were going to change my appearance or something magical?""Didn't I?""I've been looking at myself in my rearview mirror and I can tell that I'm the same person.""Really?" "Uh–huh. I think your magic is broken." "Broken?" She let out a loud laugh "that's impossible, my magic can't break–No magic can break!""But yours is! I mean, I still look like regular old Isabella." "Well, just up ahead are Logan's men soo..""What do we do? I can't approach them looking like that!" "And you also can't turn around or else they are going to pursue you!" "Help me!" "I already did Isa! Learn to trust me! Now, stop fiddling around and drive like you own this car. Also, when you get there, A.C.T N.O.R.M.A.L!" "Good day officer.""Good day to you too miss. May I know where you're headed?""Uhm, we're on our way to Clear Crystal Pack.""We? You and who?" What did he mean by that question ‘me and’ who? I stylishly looked to my left and saw Mira s
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Chapter Eighty Five: Finding Roots
Isabella's POV"Hello, Aiden? What's wrong? Wait what? So you called me to tell me that you don't know where the eggs are? Come on, you should know they're always kept in the refrigerator." I couldn't believe this man. He had grown so attached to me that he had become dependent on me for everything."You want me to walk you through cooking an egg? Okay. So do you want to fry or boil it? To fry, you place your pan on the fire, add a bit of oil and you crack it open into the pan. If you want sunny side up, when the underside of your egg is ready, you just get it out of the pan and into your plate and if you don't want it that way, go ahead to flip it once the side of the egg on the pan is ready." I rolled my eyes and wondered how it got this bad. "What? You need me to walk you through toasting bread as well?" I looked at Claire and her mum and asked them to give me a little more time."Okay Aiden, listen up. I was in a meeting before you called me and so immediately I tell you this, an
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Chapter Eighty Six
Isabella's POV I couldn't believe my ears. If Ava was the daughter of an Alpha and his queen, that only means that Ava was never an omega. I wasn't even sure if she knew that. This was a whole new twist to the story but how all this information was going to help was something I didn't know. "I have one more question to ask, and after that, I'll be done for the night." "Okay, go ahead and ask. We're listening, although Claire is going to do the answering." "How did you lose her?" "Ava had just entered junior high and was around eleven years of age if my memory serves me right and I had just entered high school so we were no longer together. Apparently, the bullies had reduced taunting and hurting her and by the time she was in seventh grade, she had friends that were not me. Looking back, we were very happy she was adapting and making new friends but we were just as blinded as she was. On a few occasions, her ‘friends’ would come over here to visit her and we would entertain them
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Chapter Eighty Seven: Back Home
Aiden's POVWas that what I thought it was, the sound of a car coming into the driveway? There was one person that had access to where we lived, and that was my mate. I was excited that she was back home, but I also wasn't expecting her back home as fast as this."Babe, I'm home!"I closed the book I was reading and went upstairs to meet her. I had a few things to tell her because I had discovered new things while she was away, but first, I had to find out how her trip went."My love," she turned around and ran into my already outstretched arms. "I missed you.""I missed you too, Aiden. How are you? How did you cope? Have you eaten?""Whoa, slow down. Those are a lot of questions, so where do you want me to start answering from?""You can start from the last question. Have you eaten?""Not today, I haven't. I ate toasted bread the whole of yesterday, and now, I don't even want to see bread for the whole of next week.""You see, if you had learned to cook, you wouldn't have had to go t
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Chapter Eighty Eight: Intruder
LOGAN'S POV"I missed you Logan.""I missed you more, my love. Alphonso asked his wife to keep you company on my behalf, and I was supposed to tell you, but I forgot.""Yeah, she came in a day after you guys left, and I must say, she really is a good person. She and I have become friends already. She's my first friend here.""I know, and I'm happy to hear that you both are getting along pretty well. Now that I'm back, it's time for you to officially begin your duties as queen.""I know. Anabelle briefed me a bit on that, and I must say, they are a lot. Logan, I'm scared. This is something I haven't done before. The only thing I know how to run is a clinic and not a kingdom.""I know you're scared. It's okay to be afraid because that fear is the proof that you're doing a great thing. Besides, I'm here, and you have Anabelle as well as Alphonso with you. We're here to help you through every process, and I'm sure you'll get the hang of it in no time at all.""You have such a huge faith i
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Chapter Eighty Nine: Intruder 2
Ava's POVAs the sun began to set on the horizon, the anticipation was building within me for the evening summit. I had carefully selected every aspect of my attire and appearance to make the strongest impression possible. The gown I chose was a masterpiece - a cascade of midnight blue silk that flowed around me like a gentle breeze. Intricate lace in subtle patterns adorned the luxurious fabric, whispering elegance with every movement. A short train extended from the back, trailing behind me like a celestial comet streaking across the night sky. My accessories were understated yet impactful. A pair of dangling sapphire earrings caught the light with every turn of my head, their deep blue color matching my gown perfectly. A delicate silver bracelet encircled my wrist, its intricate design sparkling as if tiny stars had been set into the metal. When it came to makeup, I opted for a classic yet bold look that would accentuate my natural features. A smoky eye blended shades of deep blu
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