All Chapters of The Lost Alpha Heir : Chapter 41 - Chapter 50
75 Chapters
Forty-one: Mia Conner
Forty-one Mia Conner I realized there was a lot to Mason that I didn’t remember. The witches magic that was used to make me forget my past had made me forget a lot. When I was a werewolf, I remembered things that had happened that I forgot about. A lot of things. There had been so many events leading up to Vegas, the first night. So many small, little things…if only Mason had told me the truth, maybe we could have been together sooner. The night at The Hamptons, the incident in the library…. That didn’t even begin to cover everything. Because there was also the night of my 19th birthday. My 19th birthday happened my sophomore year. Brooklyn, Meredith, and I were all living in an apartment together. Well, it was more of an extremely, big loft. The kind of place that could fit several apartments into it at once. It took up the whole of the top floor of some fancy building in New York that was, of course, owned by the Cresce
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Forty-two: Mason Crescent
Forty-two: Mason Crescent There’s this weird thing that happens when you are in love with someone. One day, they go from being just someone you know. To being the only thing you can think about. I’m not exactly sure how that happens. I think that is the real magic. Because, while werewolves have mates, there is no guarantee that love comes with that. Sometimes, it’s all carnal and magic and nothing else. When Mia came into my life, I wasn’t sure what was going on. She smelled different the moment that I met her. Like a werewolf, an Alpha….and yet she claimed that she wasn’t. She confused me. I was half convinced that she was somehow secretly a Carina or a witch working for them to mess with my head. I couldn’t figure her out. That was why I wanted her and I stayed away at the same time. She felt like a trap. But everyone wanted us together. I stayed away for a long time after her birthday. The next time I saw her was that time that B
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Forty-three: Mia Conner
Forty-three:Mia Conner Winter Solstice at The Lodge was unlike anything I had ever experienced. Aunt Rachel and I had a small Christmas together, but most of the time we didn’t do anything extravagant. This was on a whole other level. Everything was covered in snow. Although it wasn’t Christmas the Crescent family celebrated, there was still all of the trappings of Christmas. They still had a tree that was decorated with presents under it. There were stockings hanging from the fire place. All of them had the family names embroidered on them. On my first morning there, I noticed that there was one with my name on it. “Oh hey!” I said to Brooklyn as she came down. “Thanks for the stocking. You didn’t have to do that.” Brooklyn made a face. “You’ve got a stocking?” I nodded and showed her, pointing to the purple and blue stocking that had my name embroidered on it in silver. “You didn’t have anything to do with that?” My friend
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Forty-three: Mia Conner
Forty-three:Mia Conner Winter Solstice at The Lodge was unlike anything I had ever experienced. Aunt Rachel and I had a small Christmas together, but most of the time we didn’t do anything extravagant. This was on a whole other level. Everything was covered in snow. Although it wasn’t Christmas the Crescent family celebrated, there was still all of the trappings of Christmas. They still had a tree that was decorated with presents under it. There were stockings hanging from the fire place. All of them had the family names embroidered on them. On my first morning there, I noticed that there was one with my name on it. “Oh hey!” I said to Brooklyn as she came down. “Thanks for the stocking. You didn’t have to do that.” Brooklyn made a face. “You’ve got a stocking?” I nodded and showed her, pointing to the purple and blue stocking that had my name embroidered on it in silver. “You didn’t have anything to do with that?” My friend
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Forty-four: Mason Crescent
Forty-four:Mason Crescent Rachel wasn’t the only one that had used magic to wipe Mia’s memories. I’d had to do it to. When she started sleep walking in college was the first time. Then…then there was the incident that happened when Mia came to stay with us at The Lodge. She went ice skating with Brooklyn and my brother, and she fell through the ice. I had no idea how it happened. All I knew was that I had visions of her drowning, and I got to the house as fast as I possibly could. I pulled her out in my wolf form and dragged her to the house. She was shivering, and coughing up water. Her skin had turned blue. “What the hell happened?” I demanded of Camden, who had followed me inside. Camden shook his head. “I don’t know!” he said. “The ice was fine and then one minute…it completely dropped out from her.” “Shit!” I hissed. “Get a witch. Please. Get a witch---” “Alright, alright.” “I feel…”
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Forty-five: Mia Conner
Forty-five Forty-five Mia Conner After I fell through the ice on that trip to The Lodge, Mason disappeared. He didn’t even tell his siblings that he was leaving. The rest of the vacation was me, alone in the family guest room, with the rest of the Crescent family playing board games with me, watching holiday movies, and more. At the end of the trip, I resolved that I wasn’t going to pay any more attention to Mason Crescent. “Are you okay?” Brooklyn asked me when we got back to our dorm. “Yeah,” I said, “I’m fine. I mean, he saved me from certain death and then vanished. What’s the big deal?” Brooklyn sighed. “It’s not his fault. My brother doesn’t know how to love people. Our parents died a few years back, and he hasn’t been right since. He had to take over the family company at a young age and he’s---” “A complete jackass about it?” My friend laughed. “Yeah. He’s a complete jackass about it. B
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Forty-six: Mason Crescent
Forty-six: Mason Crescent I was still stuck somewhere that I couldn’t place. Stuck in my memories of me and Mia. The last one I was stuck in had been that winter she came to the lodge and nearly drowned. After, Mia went home briefly. Rachel must have given her whatever potion she’d been using to suppress her memories. She never brought up that Winter Solstice again. I thought that maybe it was because I had finally gotten through to her. That we couldn’t be together. Then, that year in France happened. Her junior year of college, Mia decided that she was going to work at one of our hotels in France so that she could get more experience working in the kitchen. Brooklyn had actually contacted Cole and Camden to set up the whole thing. It was done without my knowledge. I only found out about it when she didn’t come back the next year to stay with Meredith and Brooklyn at the apartment that we rented for them. My sisters were unpacking when I arrived
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Forty-seven: Mia Conner
Forty-seven: Mia Conner “Don’t listen to her, Mia,” said Brooklyn, “she’s clearly insane. You have a mate and you’re trying to get away from him? Do you have any idea how special that is?” “You don’t know what it’s like!” Edwina insisted. “You’ve never had a mate! I’ve known who I was going to be with since I was a child. And I’ve had to devote my whole life to trying to save him and his family! I was never able to go to school, or have friends. Mia, you’ve got to relate to this. You thought you were human and then you had your life stripped away from you.” I shook my head. “The difference is, I’ve been in love with Mason from the moment that I saw him. I just didn’t know it because I had witches that were taking my memories away from me to try and keep me safe. If I’d had the choice, I would have been with him a lot sooner.” “I knew it!” Brooklyn said with a grin. I glared at her. “Are you seriously getting excited about be
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Forty-eight: Mason Crescent
Forty-eight: Mason Crescent I was stuck in my wolf-form. My body had been taken from me. Sullivan Carina had it. I didn’t know how to get it back. I was lost somewhere in the forest and I kept on going over all of the old memories of me and Mia in my head. If only I had found the courage to be with her sooner, if only, if only…. that was what I was stuck thinking about. My wolf couldn’t shift because my human form had been taken from me. All I could do was focus on my memories of her. Mia spent her junior year in France working at one of her hotels. I couldn’t leave her alone. So, I went and I purposefully spent my time working at the same hotel that she was. On her first day in the restaurant, I placed an order. I then left a message for the Chef to specifically make it so that his newest sous chef delivered it to me just so that I could see her. I watched her come out of the back kitchen, look around the room, and when she saw where I was, her ey
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Forty-nine: Mia Conner
Forty-nineMia Conner “Oh! You’re awake.” I looked up, and Brooklyn was sitting next to my bed. My head pounded, my body ached, and my mouth was dry. “What the hell happened?” I asked. “It was the weirdest thing,” said Brooklyn, “Edwina showed up. But she’s…. she’s been missing, and then you appeared with Mason.” Mason. My heart pounded against my chest. Something about that didn’t sound right. I tried to remember, but my mind was clouded. The hair on the back of my neck stood up. There was something familiar about this feeling although I couldn’t place it. “Where is he?” I asked. “He’s been busy making alliances. He wants to work with the Carina wolf pack. He doesn’t want to fight. Apparently, their Alpha died, and so did Sullivan. Some kind of attack from witches of all things…” I frowned. “Witches?” “Yes,” said Brooklyn, “and Oliver’s mates gone missing so I have reason to be
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