All Chapters of Cursed to be my Mate: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
110 Chapters
A Comfy Bed!
~ Rhys ~After organising the distribution of medicines and securing the city, making sure any casualties were sorted, Rhys settled down in one of the rooms in the Gilded Fur Lodge. He didn’t expect the rebels to aid others in the city. They’d issued orders to those living in Willowbrook that they may stay but will be ruled by the rebels.It was mainly to assert dominance over the guards and pack members of Alpha Evander’s pack, the Eternal Moon. They allowed others to leave if they wished, but many were unsure of what to do. Rhys had also been watching the citizens of Willowbrook, aware of their wealthy status. Many nobles and wealthy werewolves inhabited Willowbrook. The grounds and housing were to a pristine finish without any rubbish or muck on the ground or homeless sleeping on the streets.Rhys wondered, now that the rebels had taken over Willowbrook, what it would look like after. He’d only investigated the towns they’d taken over from a distance but was not aware of how they m
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~ Rhys ~Rhys swiftly followed Oclan through the opulent walls of the Gilded Fur Lodge. He wasn’t amazed by the furniture, the pleasant smells and the crystal chandeliers like some of the other rogues. Though he saw a few grumbling about it and the fire in their eyes burning brighter than before.Once they made it to the breakfast bar, Zayyan marched over to Rhys. There were others in the room, but it looked as though they were the same rogues that seemed to always accompany Zayyan and Amira.“Any updates?” Rhys asked quietly, glancing at the other werewolves. Unlike Oclan, they did not shift on their feet or seem nervous. Zayyan probably already briefed them.“As you predicted, Alpha Evander retaliated quickly. The Alpha and his pack travelled overnight and have probably surrounded the place by now.”“Why weren’t we alerted during the night?” Rhys asked, flinching slightly as he realised he didn’t command such orders and only presumed from his years as king that this would have been
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Alpha Evander
~ Rhys ~Nisha charged towards the large white-grey wolf that was thrice her size. It did not deter her. Though Rhys had a second of doubt upon seeing Alpha Evander’s size. He hadn’t seen his wolf before and only conversed with him in person in the palace or if he ventured across his lands.Alpha Evander was of similar size to Rhys, which was most concerning.‘Stop distracting me with your negative thoughts,’ Nisha hissed, bracing herself as Alpha Evander raced toward her.Rhys quietened and watched in tense silence as the Alpha lunged for her, but in Nisha’s nimble style Rhys was growing used to, she leapt over him, twisting her body to land on his back. The moment her claws almost landed on his white fur, the Alpha dropped to his side and caught her face with his sharp claws. Nisha’s head snapped to the side to the sheer power of his paw.The Alpha was on her in a split second, his speed something Nisha nor Rhys was used to. His paws pressed on her neck first, almost crushing her wi
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Captured (1)
~ Rhys ~“Hmm..” Groggily, Rhys opened his eyes, squinting against some of the light pouring in from what looked like barred windows. Sharp pain throbbed around his wrists and ankles, and his body felt heavy, his eyes stinging.He moved his hand to cover his eyes, pausing after hearing the clinking of metal and the metal weight rubbing on his wrist. His slightly blurred gaze flicked to his wrist, and his nose wrinkled upon seeing silver cuffs around it and around his ankles. He dropped his hand and looked at his surroundings.Rhys’ body was slumped against the rough wall of a private cell. His naked body was full of dried blood, bite marks and bruises. The only light filtered through the two small, barred windows at the top of the wall. It was silvery, and from the darkness outside, he knew it to be the moon.So he was in a cell. He almost scoffed, pissed off that he was in this situation after being forced into Amira’s body. This was all of the rebels doing, and now he was here. He w
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Captured (2)
~ Rhys ~Evander approached him and crouched down. The Alpha peered at him intently, those shimmering eyes almost hypnotic, which made Rhys frown and look away. Evander reached out and grabbed him by the chin and turned his face to meet his eyes.Evander’s gaze was not lustful but more intrigued as he continued to stare at Amira’s features. “So, you’re the Alpha King’s mate.” Rhys stilled at the Alpha’s words, meeting his silver gaze.One side of Evander’s lips slanted up, amusement filling his eyes.Instead of falling for his bait, Rhys asked him something that had been playing on his mind. “What are you?”“Shouldn’t you be worrying about yourself, rogue,” Evander sneered, releasing his face.Rhys rested his head back, fully aware of the pierced holes in his neck; they almost tingled the closer Evander had been to his face. “Well, it’s apparent what will happen to me from here. Certain death, torture, imprisonment… I’m more curious about what you are.” He really was. Whatever happene
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Hard as Wood
~ Amira ~Upon waking up, Amira was startled to find herself in the king’s bed chambers again. She was disorientated after her dream with Demon because the wolf had fallen asleep in the forest outside of the palace. Did Demon wake up and return…Amira’s gaze fell on the rumpled sheets with dirt on them and the claw marks on the wooden post. Demon did return to Rhys’ bed chambers. With Demon’s return, Amira could feel his energy, much like when she had Nisha. Though it was quieter, Amira could still feel Demon’s emotions, and he seemed to be able to communicate one or two words.With a long sigh, Amira slowly sat up, only to pause and groan at the problem that persisted every morning. For some reason, it felt different this time. It was like she had an itch to scratch, like when she was feeling frisky. Amira glanced at her erection and frowned as the tip had a dribble of semen on it.Her dream with Demon was not a wet dream, but she was left with this feeling of wanting to satisfy hers
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Face-to-Face (1)
~ Amira ~Baltir met the Alpha King in the corridor where Amira began following the butler. Her Beta was quiet and watched her for a moment whilst they walked through the hallways; the intensity of his eyes made her head turn to the side to gaze at him.“Yes?” She frowned.Baltir cleared his throat and shook his head. “N-nothing.”Amira continued to watch him, unconvinced by his dismissal. She didn’t know what the Beta was thinking, though, so she couldn’t ask anymore what was wrong or what was on his mind. Regardless, Baltir was not a priority right now. She had to greet Alpha Evander of the Eternal Moon pack.The she-wolf was only a little anxious about meeting the man, but she mostly wanted to see the Alpha’s expression after losing precious land to rogues and losing in combat to such rogues. Was Alpha Evander just as bad as other Alphas, cocky and entitled, never expecting to yield to those of impoverished backgrounds and without the protection of a pack?Amira kept her expectatio
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Face-to-Face (2)
~ Rhys ~Was Amira really suggesting Baltir was a spy?Rhys was still trying to accept this situation. He knew since his capture that he would be meeting Amira, but he did not feel prepared for it. The moment those doors opened, and that sweet smell of orange and warm aroma of cinnamon before what he assumed was the bond alerted him to Amira’s presence before she entered. His heart raced before he could calm it, and his body heated, urging him to go to Amira.Rhys watched himself and the poor manners that were typically Amira. She was dressed like how he used to in his former years. Back when he was the Crown Prince, his mother used to always scold him, and once he became king, he cleaned up his act.It was the least he could do for his deceased parents. Yet now, Amira was acting like some man whore, displaying some of his finest jewels. One thing Rhys would compliment her on was the capacity to look so nonchalant and relaxed whilst discussing such a precarious subject. She was accusi
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Imprisoned, really?! (1)
~ Rhys ~ That little biiiitch. Amira used her fake authority to throw me into this damned cell! Rhys raged as he paced the small, dank cell. There was a thin, stained mattress left on the ground, and the entire cell smelt awful. This was the worst treatment he’d received since becoming Amira! How in the moon did that happen?! Evander even insisted Rhys bathed and provided him with these awful change of clothes. Though Rhys assumed this had more to do with delivering the Alpha King’s mate in pristine condition and without putting the she-wolf into sultry clothing that another man would gaze upon for hours in a carriage. It would piss him off. How could she do this? Actually, Rhys expected to be treated much worse. But after seeing Amira’s eyes light up a violent red, revealing Demon’s presence, she must have known Nisha was with him. How could she do that to her own wolf? ‘It’s nothing personal,’ Nisha spoke up, defending Amira. ‘Have you not seen who are in the other cells? Ami
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Imprisoned, really?! (2)
~ Rhys ~A menacing growl erupted through Rhys’ mind, startling him out of sleep. He jolted, pushing off the adjoined living room floor, frowning at the books and parchments stuck to his hands. His large, manly hands.Rhys slowly rose to a seated position, massaging the throbbing sensation at the sides of his head. Was this another dream with the Moon Goddess? Or just one where he was in his original body?This was far more pleasant than the cell he was currently sleeping in. Rhys frowned, feeling the overbearing, weighty presence of an angry wolf. The papers and books surrounding him all pertained to his family's history, and the crackling fireplace provided warmth, alleviating the chill of the floor. A blanket at his feet indicated that the butler had come by and cared for him while he was unconscious.Rhys had no recollection of any of this. He glanced down at his attire, and his heart fluttered at the sudden excitement of an incredulous realisation. He would never dress this way i
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