All Chapters of What Luna Wants: Chapter 121 - Chapter 130
130 Chapters
CHAPTER 122Genevieve's pov.“Everything is gone? It can't be everything, can it?” I asked, staring at the both of them and they looked scarred.“It is everything.” Thorn answered.“You can't be so sure, let's get to the palace, maybe they're all taking refuge there.” Taloria suggested but Thorn shot her a glare.“Why are you talking like you don't remember anything? Did Ginger Carmine's soul in you take all your memory away too?” He fired and she bent her neck.“Do you not remember that when Zeke raided our pack, he broke into the palace first? That place is in shambles!” He barked at her and she sniffed. I did not like that he was talking to her that way, she doesn't deserve it. She was only making a suggestion and he was yelling at her.“It won't hurt to check.” I chipped in but he turned to glare at me, his eyes red with pain and fury.“Genevieve, please stay out of this.” He warned.“Look, I know you're pained right now but I don't think you should take it out on the innocent gi
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CHAPTER 123Thorn's pov.I watched Genevieve in her unconscious state, thinking about what to tell her as soon as she wakes up. Not only did I disrespect her and let her leave in anger, I scared her into hitting her head against a rock. I have a lot of apologizing to do.I had moved her already, to open ground where I was waiting for her to regain consciousness. After a while, she started to move and slowly opened her eyes. I was relieved, at least she's fine. “Are you okay?” I questioned and she let out a groan before sitting up. She looked around, probably trying to understand where she was before she turned to stare at me, like she hadn't seen me before.“What happened?” She questioned.“You um.. you passed out.” I replied, scratching my head. She lifted her hand to feel the back of her head and then winced. She finally remembered everything that happened and the fire in her eyes returned. She was furious.“You fucking pushed me!?” She growled and winced again.“Take it easy, and
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CHAPTER 124Genevieve's pov.Thorn agreeing to follow me back to my pack has to be one of the best things I've heard in a really long time. I was ecstatic and couldn't wait to go back with him. Who knows? We might even end up getting married and live together in wolfang pack. Since the pack is without a leader, we could be the leaders.“Then we should get going, before it gets dark.” I said.“Going back to Wolfang pack is a two-day journey and we need to be prepared.” Thorn stated.“Taloria, take Genevieve around and you two should gather as much food and ammunition as possible while I salvage whatever I can from here. We will meet at the border in an hour.” He instructed. Taloria and I nodded as we left the palace, she took me into the village where we searched the houses for any food, clothes and weapons for defending ourselves.“I think we've gathered enough, besides, we're going back to my pack and there will be plenty of food there.” I told Taloria who was still trying to pack som
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CHAPTER 125Genevieve's pov.“Thorn!! Thorn!!” Taloria's piercing screams filled the air. I turned to find her vigorously shaking her brother who was lying lifeless on the floor already. I looked at Jamie again, to make sure that he was dead for good this time around. He lay there with the dagger in him, bleeding from his stabs, mouth and nose. There was absolutely no chance for his survival and I was relieved.He had tormented me for a really long time and I wasn't going to let him get away with it. Stabbing Thorn was the last straw.Quickly, I rushed over to where Taloria was sitting on the floor, carrying Thorn's head in her arms. She was screaming his name and shaking him to wake him up but he was unconscious already. My whole body was covered in goosebumps as I stared at Thorn's lifeless body. My pupils dilated and I froze at the spot, a strange gush of wind blowing through the forest. I didn't know how to react or what to feel. Thorn is dead? My mate is dead? The thought of it
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CHAPTER 126Genevieve's pov.I glared at them, waiting for them to step out of the way so that I could go in. After a lot of hesitation, they finally moved out of the way and we continued our journey into the pack. I would occasionally look back at Thorn and check to see if he was still breathing. Thankfully, he was still alive but his breaths were getting slow and I knew we would lose him soon if he does not get medical attention soon.We made our way straight to palace, ignoring all the side talks we got on our way there. Indeed, my people now have the worst impression about me.“Isn't that Luna Genevieve!?”“I can't believe she's alive!”“She should be dead, she doesn't even deserve to live, not after what she did to our dear Alpha.”“Imagine cheating on the Alpha with a mere guard! She's absolutely disgusting and I hate her.” “We don't want you here!”“Where is our Alpha? What has she done with him? And who is she carrying like that? Is he dead?”“Isn't that her lover?”“She is i
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CHAPTER 127Genevieve's pov.“What!?” Taloria cried out. “Do you even know what you're saying!? If you can't save him, then who can!? Where's my brother!!?” She tried to run past the doctor but Cara was quick to hold her back, stopping her from dashing into the ward. They were both shedding tears with Taloria struggling to get free from Cara's grip.“Let me go! Leave me alone!!” She yelled, her agony was killing me. I stood there without a single expression on my face. I took a few steps backwards, staring into nothing as tears clouded my vision. I didn't know how to react, I didn't know what to do at that moment, I had nothing but anguish in my heart.“Genevieve! Genevieve do something!! Please save my brother!!” Taloria continued to scream at the top of her lungs, fighting to get away from Cara who was doing a good job holding her down.“Please!! My brother should not die!!” She cried out, tears pouring down her eyes uncontrollably. I couldn't even look her in the face, seeing her
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CHAPTER 128Genevieve's pov.“No! He attacked me! He wanted to kill me! I only tried to defend myself!” I screamed but they didn't look like they were going to believe anything I say.“Liar! Genevieve must die!”“Genevieve must die!!” They started to chant loudly and fear gripped me. Not knowing what to do, I ran back into the clinic, slamming the door shut. I leaned against the door, breathing heavily and withstanding the loud bangs on the door.“Open the door!!” They continued to rage, hitting the door violently. “We need to get you to safety!” Cara ran towards me and attempted to pull me away.“Where to? You want me to leave Thorn here all alone? I can't do that, they'll kill him.” I responded but she bit her lip tiredly.“Where's Taloria?” I asked.“I already sent her out through the back and I sincerely think you should come with me now for your own safety.” As soon as she finished that statement, a large brick landed in between us. The villagers were trying to break in through
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CHAPTER 129Genevieve's pov.I turned my head, my eyes still shut. The terrible odour filled my nostrils again and I scrunched my nose, putting my palm over my nose. I managed to open my eyes, but my vision was blurry and I had an awful headache. Looking around, I saw the decaying body which was giving off the stench and realized that I had been lying next to it. I felt nauseous immediately, and went to stand by the cell gate, putting my face out to receive any amount of fresh air I could get.The dungeon was as silent as a graveyard, I must be the only prisoner in here, the thought of that gave me chills and I wondered how I was going to survive staying down here on my own with this foul stench. “Hello!?” I yelled out but was greeted by the echo of my own voice.“Is anyone there!?” I yelled out again but again, no reply except for the echo.“Hello!!” I screamed even louder and the main doors flipped open immediately, an angry looking guard made his way in and over to me. I guess he
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CHAPTER 130Genevieve's pov.“Help!! Help!!” I yelled at the top of my lungs, fear and agony detectable in the tone of my voice. I cried out for help yet again, before two guards ran into the dungeon, drawing their swords and running towards my cell. “Help!!!” I screamed and they all turned to see Taloria beside my cell, twitching and growling in a low voice. Their fear when they saw her was evident, and they stopped running towards me. “Take one more step and I'm going to kill you all! This does not concern you in any way! Her soul belongs to me and I am here to take it!” She growled, her voice turning completely into the horrifying voice that she used to have when Ginger Carmine possessed her! Could it be that her soul never left?“Who are you!?” The guards asked in fright. “Who I am is not important! I will kill anyone who stands the in my way!” She cackled loudly. The atmosphere changed immediately, fear and danger was clearly perceived. I was shaking in my cell, wondering what
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CHAPTER 131Genevieve's pov.As soon as Taloria fell, I ran to her and held her up.“Stop! She could be dangerous!” The commander yelled at me, trying to take her away from me but I protected Taloria with my body.“It's fine, she's not possessed anymore.” I told them and they backed off a little bit. I continued to try and wake Taloria up but she wasn't responsive. I got scared, thinking that something was wrong. “Taloria? Open your eyes please.” I pleaded, giving her light taps on her cheek. She finally opened her eyes weakly, staring at me with a smile.“Genevieve? What happened?” She asked, her voice was faint. I was happy that she was alright.“You're fine now. Don't worry about it.” I told her.“We are so sorry Genevieve. We had no idea that Jamie was involved in so much atrocious acts.” One of the elders started and the others followed suit, each one apologizing for misjudging and treating me badly. “It's alright. I just want to go back to Thorn.” I requested and they agreed. T
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