All Chapters of After Divorcing, She Stunned The World: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
120 Chapters
Chapter 61 Forget about the engagement
His car stopped in front of the house, as he got down the car, he saw Tess and her parents waiting for her in front of the door to the house. Tess walked to his side with a smile on her face and welcomed him. They all went into the house and Megan offered them all a glass of wine but then, Oswald kept his aside without taking a sip of it.Tess saw this along with her parents, when she was about to talk about it, Megan eyed her to keep shut. Hubery finally spoke,Oswald, you are welcome to our place, please let us know the reason behind your visit.Oswald kept the document in his hand on the table in front of them and pushed it towards Hubery. They all watched him wondering the need of a file when they were about to talk about marriage but they kept their enquiry to themselves. Hubery took the file while asking,What is this …When he saw the contact in his hands, he looked up at Oswald and asked,Why are you giving me the contract now when it was discussed that it would be signed afte
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Chapter 62 What is this feeling?
Oswald walked into the company with a brighter face and some elegance. He hadn’t frowned and his shoulders were slightly matching his body and it wasn’t the usual lifted one that looked like it was ready to fight in any second. Rod saw him entering his office with this expression and he wondered if an angel had visited him. When Oswald entered his office, Rod joined him quickly but before he could ask the reason for the change in his expression. Oswald said to him changing into a work mode,Assemble all the files that needs to be taken care of today, we have a few hours to get them done. Take a chair and join my desk until we are done, no one is getting up.Rod squeezed his teeth and thought,Damn, I shouldn’t have rushed in here out of curiosity. I haven’t eased myself when I heard my stomach tumbling before.Oswald saw that Rod was still standing in place, he looked u from the file he was looking through and asked,Why are you still there? If I don’t finish, you will have to finish
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Chapter 63 An independent woman
Elsie’s heart was in her throat and her mind was in a scatter, she didn’t know what to think. Something was happening to her that she didn’t like. She was only planning to play around with Oswald, so where from those strange feelings? As she thought about this matter, she arrived at her apartment and made it towards her room. Because she was in her thoughts, she didn’t realize that there were two people standing by her door until,Are you blind or something? Are you trying to imply that you can’t see us or you are pretending?Elsie finally broke out her thoughts and looked at the person speaking, it was a young pretty lady but her expression contracted her pretty face. As she watched her, she heard another person say,I think she is out of her mind. Elsie Alfred, are you trying to mean that you don’t recognize your own sister and mother?Lily and Linda?Elsie sighed and shook her head trying to get her head straight. Lily looked at her confused and asked,What? You don’t recognize us?
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Chapter 64 This man is heartless
She drove to the company and stopped in front of the building, before she parked her car, she saw a figure. It looked familiar to her, she parked and came out, the figure was clear enough,Tess? What is she doing here at this time of the day? Elsie thought.Elsie had gone to the Croft’s company to put finishing touches to the hotel project with Oswald. When she saw Tess, she thought she would be allowed inside but to her surprise, the security man had stopped her. When Tess saw Elsie coming her way, she rushed towards her and thought,If they know that I know her, maybe they would let both of us in, I should greet her.Good morning Elsie, are you here to see Oswald as well?Instead of a response, Elsie eyed her from her head to her toe and passed her by. Totally ignoring her, she walked to the security man and asked him,Do you know this lady?The security man nodded his and responded,I do, but her name isn’t on the appointment list, if I let her in, I believe I will be in trouble.T
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Chapter 65 Drunk from the same cup
Elsie arrived at the door to his office and saw that it was closed, she thought to herself, Should I wait here till the meeting is over? I should have stayed at the reception. She stood in front of the door and tilted her body thinking to use the door as support, but she found herself falling back. Her heart rushed in to her throat and her eyes opened widely as she thought that she was falling. But then, she quickly steadied herself from falling as she held onto the door frame. When she found herself safe, she sighed and looked around to see if someone had seen her. Thankfully, I am alone in the corridor, this would have very embarrassing. Elsie looked at the opened door and said to herself, I think he left the door opened so, I could come in and it became my falling trap. If only he informed me beforehand, I wouldn’t go through this. In any case, I will inform him not to leave his door open no matter what. She looked around the room and walked to the shelf when she saw the stor
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Chapter 66 He is in pain
Elsie arrived at her apartment and settled into her couch in a thug. She sighed and looked at the ceiling feeling exhausted. She felt thirsty and so, she went to her kitchen to drink some water, when she brought the bottle to her lips, she remembered what had happened in the office and she flushed. Elsie shook her head and drank the cold water without feeling the chilliness of it, when she was done, she brought her cold hands to her cheeks. She sighed and said to herself,Even this coldness cannot bring the hot feeling in my body. This is turning into something that I never thought of. And I don’t know if it is bad thing or a good thing. Oh right, I should try to find my old friend.She walked back into the hall and brought out her laptop from her bedroom. She sat on the floor with her face on her knees, she tried to log in her old account. But then, after several attempts, she couldn’t log in. Elsie hissed and said,Why is this happening? My address is right and my password is right
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Chapter 67 How childish of him
Elsie sat by the bedside holding Dwight’s hand, she wanted to leave after Oswald had arrived. But instead of him, Hulda barged into the room, she rushed to Dwight’s side and slapped Elsie hand away from Dwight’s. it was then that Oswald came into the room, he saw what happened and apologised to Elsie with his eyes. Hulda realized that Dwight was unconscious and so, she cried out and looked at Elsie shouted at her,What did you do to my son? You are just evil aren’t you? Is it because I slapped you? So you got my son beaten up? You should have brought your anger on me, how dare you hurt my son? She complained with questions.Elsie shook her head and explained,He got in a fight, I saw him and brought him to the hospital. Why would I hurt Dwight? Why would I do this to anyone?Hulda won’t hear it, she moved towards Elsie ready to hit her but Oswald rushed in between them and looked back at Elsie. She understood and walked away from the room, but then, Hulda’s words rang in her ears eve
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Chapter 68 I am forced to marry her
In the hospital, Dwight’s eyes opened after a few hours of sleeping. He realized that he was in the hospital, he got up and said to his mother,I don’t want to stay in this stinky place, the medicine stinks. Tell the doctor to discharge me right now.Hulda sneered and said to him,Why do you think I will do that? You almost died because of your foolish act and you want me to allow you to be discharged? In your dreams, you better lay down and have some rest.Mum, I don’t like being in here, I am fine, if I was sick, I wouldn’t be speaking so loud right?I don’t care, until the doctor discharges you himself, you aren’t going nowhere.While they were arguing, someone knocked on the door and Hulda said to come in. the person entered and they realized it was Tess. She came to the bedside of Dwight and greeted Hulda,Good afternoon mom, I just heard what happened, I would have come earlier. Forgive me for this.Hulda looked at her sadly and said to her,No, I should apologise to know about
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Chapter 69 If you weren't smiling so brightly
Things crushed to all sides of the hall and she shouted on top of her lungs, her mother stood by the side trying not to get hurt by the broken items. In the Timothy’s mansion, Tess was running mad after watching the video. She couldn’t do anything about her anger but to throw anything she could pick up on the ground. Her mother tried to stop her but then, she shouted at her,Look on the floor, do you see the broken pieces? Those represents my broken heart!! Mommy, do you know how painful this is? My broken moment was filmed, I was begging her to speak to Oswald and because of this, everyone now know that he has thrown me away.Megan sighed and tried to persuade her,It’s not all over my dear, please calm down. You are scaring me.Tess shook her head and said to her mother,No, it shall not be well, look at these pieces, can you bring them together? You can’t right? You will have to sweep them to the dustbin, my heart’s dustbin is my grave. I will just down this way.Megan held her in
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Chapter 70 The enemy of my enemy
She sat on the couch, her hair scattered and messy, her mascara drawn on her face because of her tears. Her mother sat beside her, her palm slowly caressing her back. Tess’s constant sobs was all over the house, her father sat on the dinner chair slowly sipping wine and his eyes looking elsewhere.Anyone that took a look would know that he has something serious on his mind. The house help brought in dinner and said to Hubery,Sir, please may I serve the food?Her words fell on deaf ears and so, she walked towards Megan and Tess and repeated her words. Megan looked up at her and shouted saying,To hell with you, do you think any of us is in the mood to eat? Take that food from the table!!!Her words seemed to have awoken Hubery from his thoughts and so, he responded to the house help,Serve the food, I am going to eat. If those two won’t eat, no one will force them to.Tess looked in the way of her father and sobbed, she got up from the sofa and walked closer to her father. Hubery didn
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