All Chapters of MATED TO MY POSSESIVE BULLIES: THE ALPHA TRIPLETS : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
173 Chapters
VALERIE Fiona's heels clanked on the marble grounds as she led the way to my new room, or what she said. Hearing they made a new room for me excited me and scared me.It meant they wanted me to be more comfortable. And they cared, to an scared me, because I wanted to hate them, and this way, I wouldn't be able to.The clanking of her shoes stopped and I almost crashed into her before halting in my steps.She turned to me, disgust in her eyes. "This is your room." The first thing I noticed was that it was on the same floor as the three Alphas room, but I ignored it, squashing up the bud of excitement that grew within me.She then turned the key into the knob and pushed the door opened, and my mouth dropped wide open in awe as my breath caught in my throat.The room was beautiful, and I was in awe as I stepped in. The room was a beautiful blend of Violet and white, with white tulips in vases near the bed and the window, my best flowers in every corner of the room.The bed wa
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VALERIE Josh looked livid, while Fiona looked unbothered.Joy filled me at the sight, and I wished I had popcorn."It's not that big of a deal, Josh. I never agreed to anything.""Never agreed to anything?" Josh threw his hands in the air. "We are mates! it's not supposed to be a debate!"Fiona rolled her eyes, checking the time on her watch. "Can we do this later, Honey? I have an appointment to meet.""It's nine thirty, what appointment?" Jsoh asked frustration dripping from every of his words and actions."It's just a girl thing. I'll se you later." She didn't wait for him to reply as she turned and walked away, leaving him frustrated.He let out a angry groan, and his fist landed on the wall, the sound of the wall breaking echoing through the hallway.He silently fumed as his head leaned against the wall, and I found myself feeling sorry for him.Until I remembered his betrayal, and only anger remained. He was barely getting what he deserved. Its karma. Well deserved Karma.I st
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ANSELShe mumbled some words before her eyes closed, and u was left to stare at her soft features as I took her to her room.Getting her a room was a joint decision, but all the details, all the specifics I saw as I pushed the door, startled my mouth open.The room was tailored from head to toe to meet her aesthetics. from the Violet to the tulips and the softness of the atmosphere, I knew Kaden did his homework. It filled me with jealousy. Kaden seemed to know everything, and I don't because he always pays extra attention. So he's able to do things like this, despite us agreeing to get rid of her after we figure out where she belongs.Getting a tailored room was a sign of someone settling in. Worry filled me. Was Grey right about us not bringing her here? Into our everyday life? My jaw ticked as I moved my legs one after the other towards her bed. A walk-in closet. A bookshelf.My brother was getting invested. And when he got too invested, bad things happen.I gingerly placed Vale
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VALERIE My chest burned as I ran, and I pushed myself to run faster so it wouldn't catch up to me. This time, it took the appearance of Josh, his teeth snarling and jaw snapping as he growled."Give me what I deserve!"Panting wildly, I weaved through the woods, my vision blurred by tears as I struggled to escape him, but he was so close, too close.."I'm going to catch you, Valerie."A scream erupted from my lips as his hand caught my hair, yanking me backwards with so much force, I felt the air knock out of my chest.His canines extended and claws trailed on my skin. "Give up, Valerie. You can't run anymore."And then he bit down on my neck, causing a gut wrenching scream to tear out of my throat. The feeling of being shaken awake brought me back to the present."Wake up Valerie. You're safe. Wake up!"A gasp left my throat as I woke up with a start, and I sprang up, pushing away from the hands on my skin."Leave me alone!" I roared, my vision blurred by tears, and my chest pumpin
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KADENStraightening my suit jacket and shooting myself one last look in the floor-length mirror ardoning my room, I walked out with my briefcase in hand, heading to the direction of the car.but my legs had other plans, and I saw myself headed towards the direction of a particular person's room. I had no idea why my efforts to hate her weren't working.I've been constantly drawn towards her, and it's beginning to seem like I didn't hate her, but I did. I hate her so much, but I don't have any idea why all I wanted to see feel and breathe was was the mate bond. I could feel it. Our closeness was getting to me. they did say the closer mates were, the more the mate bond grew stronger. Then that's the solution. I had to stay away. but first, I just need to check up on her to see if she hasn't run away yet.Approaching Valerie's room with conflicted emotions, I was intercepted by the last person I wanted to see after what happened yesterday. fiona. I let out a sigh as she smiled
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ValerieAngry doesn't begin to describe what I was as I eyed Kaden and Fiona and their extremely close proximity. I could hear hearts racing, and the sight left a bad taste in my mouth.Why was I angry? That was the one question I kept asking myself as I shot them a disgusted look and turned back into my room, trying my best to keep my cool.Fiona was a snake. An ugly disgusting stupid snake. I guess Josh wasn't enough for her, and now that he's out of the picture, she wants Kaden. Who after him now that he has stupidly fallen for her manipulative moves?Grey? Ansel?Anger filled me the more as I glared the flower pot filled with tulips, and I wanted nothing more than to fling it apart.Fuck you Fiona. Fuck you Kaden.I stormed up to the tulips, my hands itching to tear something apart. But they were too beautiful. whoever gave the instruction of putting them here knew me so well and my weakness for tulips.I turned away from it angrily. Well fuck them. I hate these men. Nothing they
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VALERIE Not leave the house? Who the fuck does he think was to tell me not to leave- Thats it. I'm done sitting prettily waiting around for nothing. Today, I would leave the house. They could go crazy for all I care, but I'm leaving this house today.Of course I would return, but they had to know they didn't own me in any way. I would do what I wanted when I wanted. they want me to live here, that I would, but every other thing would be according to my terms.spotting a wicked smile, I scrambled off my bed, but as the big question, 'Where would I go?' came to my mind, my smile fell off quicker than I could think.I had no friends. Being a loner because I was constantly bullied by the Alphas and Fiona, people stayed away from me like the plague, avoiding me like I had a one wanted to be my friend. No one had the guts.Sighing, I walked back to my bed in shame.Guess I would just do how my Alphas commanded.My whole body was against that. I refuse to.Springing off my bed a
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VALERIE Ansel and I both stared at Skylar in shock as the words left her mouth, and her eyes darted between the two of us. She rolled her eyes, folding her arms. "Oh I see what's happening here.""Cousins?" I blurted out, still trying to wrap my mind around that.My eyes darted to Ansel's, ignoring the blush that crept u to my lips as he stared at me with confusion written all over his face."She's your cousin?"I instantly felt stupid as he nodded slowly at the stupid question that left my lips, while I struggled with myself. I really thought she was his girlfriend. But they were just cousins?And what she said about-I gasped, ny hand flying to cover my mouth as my face heated on its own accord. "We aren't in laws!"Skylar roared with laughter at my out burst, while Ansel's eyes gleamed with mischief."What's so wrong with her being your in law, little wolf? Does the idea of being with us irk you that much?""Yes! You guys are pigs!"Skylar's laugher doubled, and I rolled my eyes
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AnselAs I walked away from Valerie and my nosy cousin, a stirring occurred in my chest, one that gas been happening way too often when I was around her. It wasn't a coincidence. She was causing it, but I didn't like it.This just deepens my need to get rid of her. without my brothers knowledge, of course. Neither of them wanted to let go. They claim to hate her, but only i know the signs because I have felt love once. At least, what seemed like love. I was fifteen and weak. A phase in my life I would fight heaven, and he'll make sure stays buried forever.She caused Ansel to die. This Ansel would never let another woman come close to hurting him.She would be gone before she knew it, and that was what would happen to Valerie.Oh no, I wouldn't kill her if I don't need to. she was connected to our destinies.But i would make sure we never see her again.Before she ruins my brothers and I. kaden didn't notice. He was obsessive. That was his flaw. He hyperfixates, then becomes obsessed
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VALERIE"Are you telling me you do not have a single lingerie here? wait, do you even know how a lingerie looks?"Skyler, my self-proclaimed best friend who I just met a few minutes ago, yelled as she destroyed my closet, making it resemble the aftermath of an elephant stampede in the jungle.I rolled my eyes as I snacked on some cookies I found in my cupboard. she was such a drama queen. What the fuck woykd I need lingerie for? I had no love interest, and I'm so not dressing up in that way for her stupid cousins to see.If they wanted to see a half-naked woman juts for therm, I'm sure Fiona woykd be happy enough to give them a show."Stop ignoring me, you." She threw a shoe at me, but I expertly dodged, years of things been thrown at me have finally come in handy.She peeled herself from the floor where she sat in the closet, and ran towards me with so much speed, making sure I couldn't avoid her as she crashed into me like a sea diver."ughh, what do you want?" I groaned as I attem
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