All Chapters of The Billionaire’s fill-in housekeeper : Chapter 91 - Chapter 100
108 Chapters
Ray and I are the happiest people on earth as we speak. Watching Louis walk Patricia down the aisle was a subtle reminder of how lucky I am. If a magical mirror were placed in the room, my sister would be the fairest of all. I couldn't have asked for a better bride. Brains, beauty—you name it. Patricia Pearl is now Patricia Baker.It was quite a sight seeing Mrs. Charity today, all glammed up and looking a lot different from her usual extra-simple makeup to events as always. My parents were super emotional earlier today at the church, and my princess Ray executed her flower girl’s duty excellently well. It's safe to say Patricia is the ray of sunshine Rachel and I have always needed in our lives.I have a list that I created last month for our honeymoon. It contains so many fun and romantic activities. I chose Italy because, for starters, it is a land for romance, and then secondly, Pat gets to attend the Milan fashion week, and I get to see beautiful timeless architectural structures
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Amidst the clouds and the soft hum of the aeroplane engines, Jordan and I settle into our seats, eager to embark on the journey of a lifetime and to create a cosy movie marathon in the sky.The cabin becomes a private cinema as we both immerse ourselves in the movie we’re watching. As the flight progresses, we move seamlessly from one movie to the next, losing track of time in the happenings unfolding on the screen.As the final credits roll, signalling our imminent arrival at our destination, Jordan and I exchange smiles as the pilot announces that we have arrived at our destination.Milan, the city of fashion and romance, awaits. It's one city I’ve longed to explore after Paris, and to be here right now for my honeymoon is super thrilling."Well, someone is excited,” Jordan comments, seeing my expression.“I am. I can’t wait to explore the city, but first I need a good nap.""And a good nap you’ll get at the resort,"Jordan's hands intertwine with mine as we step out of the jet and
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Under the January sky, the terrace's stunning view of Milan is evident. The expansive cityscape is dotted with the colourful vitality and antique buildings that characterise this Italian city.As I settle down on one of the wooden chairs on the terrace, flashbacks from yesterday resurface. I look at the glittering ring Jordan slipped onto my finger the day before at the altar, and I'm grateful for how my life is playing out. I've never been this happy and fulfilled.I pray nothing comes between our unions. I love Jordan so much, and I don't know if I can live without having him right beside me. During our dinner yesterday, he mentioned he wasn't in any haste to have children, and he's ready whenever I am, which is quite thoughtful.I feel Jordan’s hand snake around my neck from behind.“My love,” he coos.“My husband.”“Why did you leave me all alone in bed?”“You were sleeping soundly.”“Which is strange because you know I'm an early riser.”“Well, blame it on my charms.”“I see. You
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The car pulls up in front of the hospital, and Patricia and I rush in. Everything's a whirlwind - just moments ago, we were wrapped up in the joy of our honeymoon. Now, there's this gnawing anxiety, this heavy sadness hanging over us.Entering the hospital feels like stepping into a different world. The antiseptic smell, the hushed tones—it's a stark contrast to the carefree moments in Milan. As we search for Tony and Brittney's ward, worry consumes me. Seeing Tony pacing, worn out and on the brink of tears, my heart sinks."Tony, we're here," I offer, my hand on his shoulder, trying to be a pillar of support. "How is she?"Tony's face is etched with worry as he tells us there's been no change. It's agonizing not knowing the outcome, the uncertainty gnawing at all of us."We're here for you," Patricia assures him, trying to inject hope into the air, hoping our positivity can somehow make a difference.“How's she?"Tony sighs, worry etched across his face. "No change. She's still in a
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These past weeks have been tumultuous. The hospital has practically become Jordan’s second home. He breezes in and out of the house just to freshen up or eat. Numerous attempts to sway him into swapping days with a family member or me have fallen on deaf ears. His constant response is that Tony would do the same if the roles were reversed.Tony and his family have been consumed with catering to Brittney’s baby, Laurene, since her discharge from the hospital. Juggling demanding classes, late-night studies, and proving myself without favoritism claims has been draining. I'm relieved Ray is safe with her grandparents.“Süsser, are you okay?” Jordan asks, walking into the room with his hospital bag.How do I convey the ache of returning to an empty, cold house for weeks after just getting married, without seeming selfish? I understand his closeness with Brittney, but we're all affected by her condition.“I'm good.”“You sure, sweet?”“Yes. Did you forget something?”“No, Tony forced me to
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The door creaks softly as I open it and head to the living room. A heavy silence hangs in the air, save for the rhythmic sound of Patricia's quiet breathing. She lay asleep on the couch, a troubled expression on her face.Last night's argument lingers in my mind. I'm exhausted from the long nights spent at the hospital, watching over Brittany, who still remains in a coma. Patricia's plea for my presence makes me feel guilty for not being able to be there for her as much as I want. I recollect my numerous comings and goings from the house these past weeks, and guilt consumes me even more as I gaze at her, wondering how to bridge the growing gap between us.The memories of our wedding, just a few weeks ago, resurface in my head. The vows we exchanged, promising to stand by each other through thick and thin, seem to echo in this quiet room now. Yet, here I am, caught between my commitment to Patricia and the obligation to be with Brittany during this trying time.I lower myself onto the
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My skin is softly caressed by the morning sun, luring me out of my dream world. I sigh softly and slowly open my eyes, letting go of the sheets' embrace as I stretch and greet the day in a calm manner. My eyes open, and I'm greeted by the calm atmosphere of the room. I smile peacefully, feeling thankful for the new day that lies ahead. I've been feeling low since I received that email from Bryan. Why do I always have to jump from one problem to another? Am I cursed or something? I've been trying hard to hide my emotions around Jordan. Ever since we discussed balance, he insisted on staying home for three days, and then we'll take turns.Being unsure of what to do feels like being at a crossroads, where each path seems promising but also fraught with danger. It's similar to juggling opposing emotions as I attempt to strike a balance between my heart's desires and what my head says is reasonable. Decision-making becomes a struggle between reason and passion, between prudence and longin
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As I sit alone in my closet, deliberating on what to wear, my mind revisits the issue with Bryan, memories of his mail replaying in my mind, haunting me. Bryan had demanded to be paid as soon as possible , threatening to expose Jordan's secret. Faced with an impossible choice, I knew I had to shield Jordan. I sought a solution that would not only salvage our relationship but also safeguard the truth from the world. Consulting with a trusted lawyer, we devised a plan that would turn the tables on Bryan should he act oddly.A meticulous contract was crafted, binding Bryan to secrecy with legal consequences should he breach his end of the agreement. It was a document that transformed my vulnerability into a shield, guarding the cherished secret. The pen glided across the paper as I observed Bryan from a distance. He reluctantly signed the contract, sealing the unspoken pact that would shape our futures. I didn’t want to meet with Bryan, fearing any hidden agendas. Instead, I watched from
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Patricia has a closet full of tons of clothes but still derives joy from wearing mine. I have practically run out of sweatpants, which is impossible to believe. I’ll have to invade her closet to fish out my clothes; otherwise, I wouldn’t have any sweatpants to take to Greece next week.The most intriguing part is she rarely wears hers. As I stroll towards her closet, I begin to ponder where to start my search from. When she gets back from Louis’ place with Ray, she’s going to see I’ve emptied all my sweatpants from her closet.Where would she keep sweatpants? I ask myself, wondering. Since all the visible clothes hanging are outing clothes, it would be best to check the drawers. I draw out the first drawer and see it’s full of lingerie. Couldn’t this be a message? I search for any fascinating one she can put on tonight. I notice a brown envelope peeking from the corner.Why keep a document amidst your lingerie? Ever since Patricia stepped foot into this house, she has never given me a
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The weight of reality hits me hard—I can't believe he found out before I had the chance to tell him. Not that his reaction would have been different, but I wanted to be the one to explain. The door closes behind me, leaving me on the floor, where minutes ago I was pleading with Jordan not to leave.Unable to stand, I remain seated, weeping, and wondering how it came to this. It's only been three months of marriage, and now this. What if he decides on a divorce? I can't lose him; imagining life without him feels unbearable.The gravity of the situation hits me, and I crumble into more tears, my shoulders shaking with the weight of heartache. Realizing I've lost something irreplaceable, coupled with the remorse for not trusting Jordan with the truth, devastates me. I should have mentioned it the very day Bryan sent the message, but I just couldn't. And now, my greatest fear has come true.I don’t know how long I sit crying, but by the time I wake up, it’s past nine. Summoning the courag
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