All Chapters of Dangerous Liaisons: Love in the Shadows: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
117 Chapters
Chapter 81
Bro, now you're showering her with so much praise. Let's be real, she wasn't really 'that' good!" Jasmine asserted, her words laced with a hint of skepticism. Her response hung in the air, a stark contrast to the warmth and appreciation that Carmine had expressed just moments before.Engaging in an argument with Jasmine was the last thing I wanted in that moment. I let out a soft sigh, opting for silence instead of getting caught up in unnecessary conflicts. Ya know, sometimes staying quiet can say more than a thousand words. It's like a way of showing that I'd rather steer clear of those petty disputes that don't really lead anywhere.As the room was draped in a somber ambiance, a heavy tension hung in the air like a thick fog. It was within this charged atmosphere that Carmine's voice pierced through, his words resonating with the weight of a pivotal event that had unfolded during our mission."Jasmine," Carmine's voice carried a mix of concern and frustration, "do I really need to
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Chapter 82
CLYDE POV:As I made my way through the wrought iron gates of the cemetery, a somber hush settled over me. The air was heavy with a mix of sorrow and reverence, as if the atmosphere itself mourned alongside those who came to pay their respects. Each step I took felt like a solemn pilgrimage, leading me closer to the final resting place of my parents.But as I approached, something caught my eye—an unfamiliar figure, a girl, resting her head on the grave adjacent to my parents' resting place. There was an air of melancholy about her, as if she carried the weight of the world on her shoulders. Her presence seemed to echo the unspoken stories.Curiosity mingled with empathy as I approached her cautiously, not wanting to intrude on her private moment of grief. I could see the tears falling down, reflecting the pain and longing that mirrored my own. It was as if our hearts beat in synchrony, bound by the common thread of loss.Intrigued and filled with a strange mix of curiosity and empath
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Chapter 83
The feeling of the warm water surrounding me was like a comforting hug, giving me a brief respite from the tangled web of life within these four walls. As I emerged from the bathroom, the stillness of the room seemed to amplify the echoes of my thoughts, creating a serene atmosphere that held me captive. The silence whispered secrets, as if waiting for me to unravel the complexities that defined my existence.My heart skipped a beat as I turned to find Susan standing there, right beside the bed. The shock of her silent entrance caught me completely off guard, leaving me bewildered and intrigued all at once. How had she managed to glide into the room without making even the faintest sound?In that moment, wrapped in the echoes of my own vulnerability, I couldn't help but question the intricate role Susan played in this game. Her sudden presence, unexpected and unannounced, hung in the air like a tangible veil of uncertainty, leaving me with a myriad of unanswered questions that danced
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Chapter 84
As the room fell into an uneasy silence, the weight of the task ahead settled upon us all. My heart raced, my mind filled with a mixture of fear and determination. I had entered a dangerous world, one ruled by Clyde's iron fist. But I refused to let fear consume me. I had to stay focused, to find a way to outwit Clyde and save my grandmother.Clyde's voice reverberated through the room, its powerful resonance sending shivers down my spine. He loomed over me, his imposing figure casting a shadow that seemed to swallow the light. His eyes, narrowed with a mix of suspicion and amusement, held me captive, like a predator assessing its prey."I'm asking you for the last time," Clyde growled, his voice dripping with danger. The weight of his words hung in the air, a warning of the treacherous path that lay ahead. "Are you sure you want to join us? This isn't some child's game we're playing."I stood my ground, refusing to let fear consume me. My determination burned brightly within me, shin
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Chapter 85
I told myself again and again that our bodies can sometimes act independently from our conscious desires, responding in ways that defy our rational understanding. I told myself that we are not always in complete control of our physical reactions, even when faced with those who elicit feelings of disdain and animosity.With a sharp intake of breath, I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand on end as Clyde's voice pierced the silence, his words dripping with disdain and mockery. "First you wore my shirt that's barely reaching your mid thighs," he sneered, his tone a cruel reminder of his power to humiliate and degrade."Secondly, you did not wear any bra," he continued, his words a damning indictment of my perceived inadequacies. Each syllable struck me like a blow to the gut. His voice, dripping with contempt, seemed to echo in the depths of my mind."And as if it wasn't enough to seduce me, you drenched the shirt with the water dripping down from your hair," he spat, his words bi
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Chapter 86
Surveying my surroundings, I found myself engulfed in an atmosphere devoid of warmth or comfort. There was a profound lack of anything visually engaging—no paintings adorning the walls, no intricate details to captivate the eye. The room echoed with a desolate emptiness, mirroring the icy void that defined Clyde's presence and the hollowness within his heart.As I stood in the center of this cold and barren space, it became apparent that whoever had occupied it last had left not too long ago. The faint traces of their recent departure lingered, leaving behind an unsettling silence that enveloped me like a heavy shroud.In an attempt to break the monotony of the room, I cast a glance at the mirror. What stared back at me was a reflection that mirrored the desolation of my surroundings. I looked no better than a beggar, the weariness etched into every contour of my face.The remnants of yesterday's fight clung to my clothes—dirty, torn, and a stark testament to the turmoil that had unfo
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Chapter 87
With a determined effort, I attempted to quell the tumult of emotions raging within me, my nerves stretched taut like strings on the verge of snapping. Gritting my teeth against the rising tide of fear and revulsion, I summoned the courage to push against Clyde's invasive touch, a feeble attempt to reclaim the autonomy he sought to strip away.But to my dismay, my feeble resistance only seemed to goad him further, his grip tightening around my arms with a vice-like force that left me feeling trapped, ensnared in the web of his malice. "Stop!" I protested, my voice a desperate plea for release, but my words fell on deaf ears as Clyde's hold remained unyielding, his dominance asserting itself with ruthless determination."What are you doing?" I demanded, my voice tinged with a mixture of indignation and dread, but Clyde's response was nothing short of chilling. A low, sinister chuckle escaped his lips, a sound that sent a shiver down my spine as he spoke in that smooth, seductive voice
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Chapter 88
Conceding to the cruel reality of my situation, I ceased my struggles and fell into a defeated silence. A sense of helplessness engulfed me as I shifted my gaze toward the ceiling, a silent witness to my plight. I closed my eyes, preparing to gather my thoughts and summon the strength to face the dismal reality of my confinement.The chilling click of the doorknob reverberated through the room, shattering the oppressive silence that had held me captive. A flicker of anticipation surged within me as the creak of the opening door heralded an arrival, yet uncertainty loomed thick in the air.A presence entered. Whoever it was, their arrival carried an unsettling weight, shrouded in an ominous silence that only added to the trepidation gripping my heart.The intruder, veiled in darkness, made no attempt to break the eerie quietude that hung heavily in the room. Their silent entry, devoid of any utterance, sent a shiver down my spine as they closed the door behind them, enveloping us in a
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Chapter 89
He leaned away from me, casually flicking on the bedside lamp. The room bathed in a soft glow, revealing the contours of his face adorned with an unsettling smirk. His smug expression, a stark contrast to the gravity of our situation, irked me further.The sight of his self-satisfied grin, plastered across his face, only added to my vexation. His demeanor, akin to a mischievous child reveling in his mischief, gnawed at my patience. Beneath my exasperation lay a deep-seated annoyance, a frustration at his apparent inability to address matters seriously, leaving me mired in a sense of perpetual conflict and dissatisfaction.My skin crawled as Clyde's touch traced a chilling path from my forehead to my chin. His touch, a grotesque mockery of tenderness, sent a shiver down my spine. I recoiled inwardly, suppressing the urge to flinch away from his invasive contact.With a sinister gentleness, he lifted my chin ever so slightly, his words dripping with disdain. "I also thought you would be
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Chapter 90
The anger that surged within me wasn't directed solely at him; it was a seething fury turned inwards, a reflection of my own feelings of inadequacy. In that moment, I realized the depth of my own incompetence. His words, spiteful as they were, struck a chord of painful resonance because, in a way, they rang true.His accusations acted as a mirror, reflecting my insecurities and self-doubt. I grappled with the bitter truth that perhaps I had indeed failed in overcoming the shackles of my past, perpetuating a cycle of conflict I wished desperately to escape. The blame he laid at my feet served as a stark reminder of my perceived shortcomings, igniting a turmoil of self-recrimination and frustration within me.In the midst of Clyde's cutting words, the swell of emotions within me reached a limit, culminating in an outburst I instantly regretted. The weight of his accusations, branding me as a burden and utterly useless, stirred a tempest of emotions. They triggered a cascade of memories,
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