All Chapters of The Mafia's Stolen Bride: Chapter 111 - Chapter 120
122 Chapters
112: In Danger
"He expressed his anticipation for us to become better acquainted," he stated, inhaling deeply. "However, I must ensure that you comprehend one thing clearly. You are now under my ownership. I came close to claiming you. Very close." He had orchestrated the abduction of me and the assassination of Rafael. "I will never be your possession. Whoever you may be, your lifespan will not be long enough for you to touch me." To my astonishment, the individual chuckled as he approached, dragging his index finger along the side of my face. I had never felt so violated in my entire life. I flinched, stepping back until a solid figure prevented me from retreating any further. I swallowed hard as the leader lowered his head, taking a deep sniff. "I can detect the scent of your femininity from here, sweet Emily. I eagerly anticipate tasting you, savoring your delicate lips." Revolted, I spat in his face, refusing to back down. The burly thug behind me immediately seized both of my arms, restrain
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113: Much Worse
I had to acknowledge the man's audacity if he believed he could dissuade me with his words. He cleared his throat, struggling with a series of coughs. When he spoke, there was a strong conviction in his voice. "There is much more to this situation than... you... understand." After taking several deep breaths, he continued. "Every family has obligations and secrets. The Reigo family is no exception. I hold your father in the highest regard and consider myself lucky to call him my friend." I was infuriated by his insolence. Who did he think he was fooling? Armando sighed, wiping the sweat from his brow, and daring to step closer to me. I was repulsed and indignant, but I stood my ground. "You need to talk to your father," he said, sounding far too casual for my liking. "Oh, trust me. I plan on it." "He'll tell you the truth, including about the blackmail." The words intrigued me, but I couldn't help but laugh. "That's your excuse?" "No excuse. It's the damn truth, Rafael." He pul
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114: Formed an Alliance
Another glance passed between the two men, exchanging unspoken understanding. "No," Aleksei growled. "Damn bastards." He pounded his chest and raised his middle finger. When I raised an eyebrow, he snarled. "Freaking assholes," he repeated. "Who are they?" My instincts told me exactly who they were, but I needed one or both of them to say the name. "Solntsevskaya," Victor said quietly. "The same jerks who threatened the East Coast a few months ago?" I heard the hollowness in my voice. This was the last thing Chicago needed. If it was true, they had some nerve. "Exactly, except now the prized member of the family is in charge. Konstantin Solntsevskaya. He's been groomed since he was a kid to take over from his father." Aleksei sneered as he spoke the words. "And he's been seen in several places in the United States," Victor added. "What the hell does he want with Chicago? Wouldn't New York or Philadelphia be more to his liking?" I asked, half-laughing until I noticed the third lo
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115: They took her
The others looked on silently, aware that the day had come when we would have to reveal our secret meetings. There was no avoiding it any longer. "Then we work together until this is resolved, regardless of the consequences," I declared. Each person in the room nodded in agreement. We had received assistance and information, but what we faced was unprecedented. The fact that sworn enemies had formed an alliance meant someone knew we were working together, and they saw it as a weakness. But we knew better. We were a formidable force, and we had much to lose if we failed, especially the safety of our loved ones. After ending the call with Dante, I walked away from the others, dialing the number again to relay the necessary information to my father. It was a futile gesture, as I knew he would never forgive his impulsive son. "Dante, things are getting intense. We need to organize the soldiers immediately," I said urgently. "Rafael, we have a problem," Dante replied, his voice laced w
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116: On Death Bed
"Who? Who the hell took her?" Through a series of strained breaths, he managed to utter, "Ra..." Blood-tinged bubbles escaped his lips, followed by a violent cough that wracked his body. It was evident that time was running out for him. "Russian." A chill ran down my spine, and I bristled at the revelation. Axel could never be mistaken for a Russian. "Okay, just rest," I urged, despite the conflicting emotions within me. I realized that he might still hold valuable information. Refusing to release my arm, he tugged me down closer to him. "Desk. Look. Drive." I glanced towards his desk, trying to comprehend his words. "Take... it." "Alright." Rising to my feet, I walked over to his desk, methodically opening each drawer. Finally, I discovered a solitary jump drive. It had to be what he was referring to. Returning to his side, I held the drive in front of his face. "Is this what Lucas was going to give Emily?" "Ya... yes. A copy." He began coughing up more blood, his chest heaving
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117: Hunger for power
Despite the enjoyable moments we shared watching games and sharing drinks, we had neglected to engage in meaningful conversations. In all honesty, I found myself somewhat intimidated by him – his amiable nature, kindness, and passion for life, which was completely devoid of violence. Perhaps it was time to change that. "Hey there. I heard you're improving," I said, unsure if I expected him to open his eyes or not, but I sensed that he heard me. "Everything will be alright. Just know that I have my best men protecting you." All I heard in response were the various sounds of the machines. Frustrating. Swallowing hard, aware that I didn't have as much time as I would have liked, I held his hand tightly as a solitary tear rolled down my cheek. What had become of our family? "Anyway, I can't stay long, but I'll be back, alright?" There was no response, no acknowledgement of any kind. "Stefan, know that I love you, brother." I squeezed his hand once more, finally letting go. For some in
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118: We would win
He followed closely behind me, mirroring my confident stride. The time for this relentless war to reach its conclusion had arrived. And we were determined to emerge victorious. I inserted the drive into my computer, accessing the array of files it contained. "What are we up against?" Aleksei inquired, his customary vodka in hand. "Lists of names, supporters of our respective organizations," I replied. It was evident that someone had gone to great lengths, investing significant time and effort, to compile such an extensive and incriminating roster. "Blackmail," Miguel murmured, his voice barely audible. Indeed, it was a form of blackmail, but not the kind Armando had previously hinted at. "A weapon of sorts," Victor suggested. I glanced at him, acknowledging his insight. "You're correct. It targets those who work for us, placing them in impossible positions. They are left with no choice but to either yield or flee, eradicating crucial support from the police, city councils, atto
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119: With all of my heart
As I made my way towards the elevator, I noticed the attention I was receiving from those present in the club. Although some of my soldiers were discreetly positioned throughout the venue, it was much easier to identify the members of the Kadik gang with their leather jackets and dark jeans. I confidently approached a group of them, extending my arms. "I have an appointment with Konstantin." As I had expected, they conducted a search for weapons before allowing me to enter the empty elevator. The doors opened, and I could hear classical music playing from the speakers, an intriguing choice considering the nature of the individual I was about to meet. There he was, seated like a king, reclining in an opulent velour chair with one leg casually draped over the armrest. Dressed in a flowing white shirt and loose dark trousers, his appearance would have been almost comical if not for the underlying tension. "Konstantin Solntsevskaya," I greeted him, noting that Emily was nowhere to be s
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120: Not gonna happen
EMILY Love. That single word had replaced the suffocating fear that had nearly drained me of the will to survive, even though thoughts of death still lingered. Despite being assured that the nightmare was over. From the moment that bastard had forcibly taken me from William's house, I had resigned myself to never seeing Rafael again. While the monster had not followed through on his threat, instead locking me away until he eventually dragged me to the club, I couldn't shake his cowardly face from my mind. But amidst the haunting images that I knew would fade with time, Rafael's heartfelt words echoed in my ears. The horror in his eyes when he laid eyes on me confirmed that he would move heaven and earth to find me, if need be. Curled up under a blanket on the couch, my legs tucked close to my chest, I gazed at the crackling fire he had built. The uncharacteristic cold snap had given him an excuse to pamper me with hot chocolate, the fire perpetually ablaze. I would never have exp
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121: His Devotion
I also came to understand that Rafael had his limits when it came to sharing details about his business and his involvement in certain matters. He had mentioned before that it was partly to protect me, although I couldn't be certain if it was solely due to a lack of trust. Regardless, I decided not to push the issue at that moment. Instead, I cherished the time we spent together, enjoying our dinners and the comfort of his embrace. Amidst the chaos of bullets and death, a realization nagged at me, refusing to be ignored. Sensing an opportunity to lighten the mood, I playfully said, "What if I promise that I'll never let that happen again?" Rafael pulled me up from the ground, a skeptical look on his face. "Do you honestly think I would fall for such a promise?" he replied. "Not at all. You're a wise old man," I teased, unable to suppress a grin. Despite his guarded nature, Rafael had shown me various facets of his personality, including his vulnerability. My love for him was profoun
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