All Chapters of The Mafia's Stolen Bride: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
122 Chapters
11. A Monster
Dominick approached, walking closer. "She's scheduled to marry Ernesto Satori in two days. It seems to be an arranged marriage, and it came together quite quickly. The union will bring significant wealth, and the connections are almost as valuable as the money." "As I've said, the man is nothing but a despicable individual," Aleksei growled. "Damn. That's perfect," Lorenzo muttered quietly. "What the hell?" My anger transformed into rage, and spots appeared before my eyes. Everything, even the movie, had been a setup. If I had been closer to my father, I might have detected this scheme months ago. "If that's the case, they can easily dismantle my father's control over California and the entire West Coast." "Exactly," Dominick said, smiling. He moved even closer. "You need to take action regarding this." "What can I possibly do at this stage?" I already knew the answer, understanding exactly where Dominick's twisted mind was leading. "You can stop the marriage and make a firm stan
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12. Volatile Predator
MADELINE Caught. Abducted. The concept had never crossed my mind until now. Although my father had been an exceptional instructor, teaching me various forms of combat, he had never truly explained the harsh reality of falling into the clutches of a predator. And Victor Racini was undeniably a sinister, intimidating, and unpredictable predator. He was also an actor, having abandoned his upbringing for a more glamorous existence. The irony of him being the one to abduct me left me with countless questions. What was his motive? My guess was that he aimed to thwart the West Coast takeover attempt. I was nothing more than a pawn. However, he was engaged in a perilous and intricate game. I had overheard enough gossip about the recent nightclub murders just a few miles from my apartment. His father's men had been slain, gunned down in the streets. His father, presumed dead, had been shot. Perhaps this was merely an act of revenge. How deeply involved was my father in all of this? My fat
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13. Defend myself
Suppressing a whimper, I held my breath as he roughly touched me. In an instant, I recoiled against the wall as his hand grazed my intimate area. At the same time, the file slipped out from my dress, tumbling to the ground. The second man's amusement vanished as he circled the first brute, examining the fallen file. "Interesting. The boss won't be pleased." "What a pity," I muttered through clenched teeth. The second brute shoved me forward. My fists clenched. Another careless mistake. It wouldn't be repeated. Facing an elaborate staircase, I descended deliberately, despite Victor's probable indifference. Whatever his motives were, I was merely a fraction of them. The soldiers followed behind me, gesturing to the left when I reached the bottom step. With my head held high, I approached, though my stomach churned persistently. The room was vast and lavishly furnished, defying my expectations of a movie star's taste. Glimpses through the windows revealed meticulously manicured sur
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14. Nice Glow
My response clearly failed to satisfy him. "Instead of starting with a pleasant dinner and engaging conversation, I will proceed with your punishment right away," he declared. Abruptly pulling away, he snatched the glass from my hand and swiftly returned the file to his pocket. Gripping my arm tightly, he forcefully led me out of the room and down a hallway, eventually bringing us to a spacious and beautiful kitchen. The stainless steel appliances gleamed under the single light above the stove, and the expansive granite counters added to the elegance of the space. "What do you intend to do?" His grip remained firm, his fingers digging into my skin. "Remove your dress," he commanded, while stepping back slightly, towering over me. He lowered his head, bringing his lips dangerously close to mine. I could almost hear the ragged rhythm of his heartbeat, pounding in his chest. The electric intensity I had previously felt surged to new heights, igniting a wave of intense heat between my
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15. I Hate You!
I despise you. I despise you deeply! I held back my tears, biting my tongue to prevent any sign of vulnerability. He wouldn't witness me shedding a single tear. No, that wasn't going to happen. "I'm going to administer thirty lashes, Madeline. That should make it clear to you that I mean what I say. I will protect you in this house, but you will not attempt to harm or kill me or my men. If you do, there won't be a second chance." I knew he wasn't making an empty threat. It wasn't a mere warning, but a genuine promise. "Yes, sir," I forced the words through gritted teeth, closing my eyes as he patted both of my buttocks. The sound of the belt swishing through the air felt like an eternity, as if by some miracle, time had frozen. I felt light-headed, refusing to breathe or think. When the thick strap struck the center of my behind, I didn't react at all. There was no pain. Not even a tingling sensation. I shifted my hips, finally taking a deep breath. The second swishing sound wasn
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16: Nobody's Hero
"Very tight. Just as all well-behaved individuals should be. And I believe you don't want me to leave you alone. In fact, I think you desire me to push you to your limits. Perhaps engaging in sexual activities with you daily and claiming every orifice as mine will satisfy you. Or maybe I need to go even further, taking you to extreme measures." He continued to apply pressure, taking his time. The pain was excruciating, biting, and dreadful, and... suddenly, a moment of pleasure overwhelmed me, both blissful and incapacitating. I let out a groan, expelling every bit of air from my lungs. He thrust forcefully and rapidly after a few seconds. "Such a good girl. I suspect you crave pain, don't you? You yearn for a man to fulfill all those urges that awaken in the middle of the night." Curse him! My thoughts were in disarray, my mind unable to make sense of it all. No matter how many times I tried to scream that he was a monster, a dazzling surge of electricity continued to course throug
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17. Blood for blood
"You were a bit harsh on him, don't you think?" Dominick's voice brought an unexpected sense of comfort. While we would never be close friends, he understood the challenges I faced more than most. "Perhaps. Lately, I've been questioning everything. I thought you would have returned to New York." Dominick moved closer, acknowledging Carlo with a respectful nod before wincing as he glanced through the glass. "I had a feeling you might need some assistance. The word on the street isn't favorable, my friend." He spoke softly, choosing his words carefully as hospital staff passed by in the long hallway. "I suppose we'll see. What have you heard?" He cast a cautious look over his shoulder before guiding me into my father's room. The sound of the machines filled the air, creating a rumble in my chest and a hiss in my throat. At least we had some privacy here. As a gesture of reverence, Dominick approached my father's bed and made the sign of the cross in the customary Catholic manner. I
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18. Fear and Hatred
I took hold of the card, examining the printed information before swiftly tucking it into my pocket. "I'm not going to completely hide, Dominick. I can't do that for the sake of the organization. I'm going to have the guys spread the word on the street that I'm taking over as the head of the family." He let out a whistle. "Are you sure about that?" "It's something I need to do for the family," I replied, turning to face my father and managing to conjure a genuine smile. I had always yearned for his approval, and now I had the opportunity. I would avenge the brutal attack. "In that case, maybe I'll stick around a little longer. Hell, I might even check into the Waldorf. It's a prime location to observe the action," Dominick said, a contagious grin spreading across his face. "You know what? I think that's a great idea. The people in this town need to realize that I'm here to stay. In fact, I'm just getting started." He snorted and patted my arm. "I like your style, Kelan. I really d
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19: A Weakness
Later in life, I discovered that he possessed the same brutal and violent nature as my father, effortlessly eliminating his adversaries. Although it was a bit early to indulge in a drink, my intention was not to provoke him. I chuckled as a flood of memories filled my mind. He had been married four times, but never had a child. I had been like the son he never had. Pouring a small amount of bourbon, I stood by the open doorway for a few moments before making my way towards the covered cabana. John Paul sat silently, gazing out at his magnificent pool. I couldn't help but notice that everything, from the furniture to the pool surface, had seen better days. He was losing his touch. "Your father is an incredibly important man. I hope you understand that. Despite the hardship Ricardo has put you through, he is very proud of you." "This is the second time I've heard that today. It's a shame he never had the courage to tell me himself." He tilted his head, giving me a subtle yet powerfu
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20. Good as Gold
John Paul appeared lost in thought for a moment before sharing his advice, which solidified my resolve. "You are your father's son. The fire within you is rare. You'll do what's necessary, even if it means getting your hands dirty. Sometimes, it's the only way. Your enemies will strike back soon, and their methods will be more brutal than you can imagine. As for legitimizing the business, if anyone can do it, it's you." His smirk fueled my determination, although doubts lingered. Perhaps I was foolish to believe I could accomplish such a feat. "There's one thing you should consider: forgiving your father. It may help you break free from the chains that bind you." "Not a chance." The chains were a constant burden, weighing me down for years. But forgiveness wasn't an option. My father had made his choices and faced the consequences. He coughed, covering his mouth with a handkerchief. "You need to see a doctor." Waving me off, he took a few deep breaths. "This place is my sanctuar
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