Semua Bab Alpha Zach's Dark Promise: Bab 51 - Bab 60
60 Bab
The Truth Or Death
Chris’s grip tightened on my arm, his eyes flashing with frustration, concern, and annoyance. “I need to know what’s going on, Linda. You can’t keep shutting me out like this.” I struggled against his hold, but he was strong. He was holding me tight enough so I could not get away, but not too tight that I would be in physical pain. “Chris, I have nothing to tell. Deal with that, won’t you?” I raised my voice a bit, still trying to get free. “Lies, lies, and even more lies. You ran out of here as if your life depended on it. I saw it all on the security footage, Linda. Why won’t you just tell me the truth? I’m your husband.” I chewed on his words in my mind for a few seconds. But honestly, not telling him would be for his own good. He would be safer that way. My parents would be safer that way. I would be safer that way. So there was no way I would explain what I had done to him, maybe except if Fallon gave me permission, which I highly doubted would ever happen. I shook my head s
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Fallon And Her Commands
“I can’t do this anymore, Fallon,” I said, my voice trembling with emotion. “I don’t want to be like this, hiding behind lies and deception. I need out.” There was a moment of silence on the other end of the line, broken only by the sound of Fallon’s soft laughter echoing through the receiver like a sinister melody. “Out?” She repeated, her voice low and dangerous. “Oh, Linda, you should know by now that there is no way out for you. You’re in too deep, and there’s no turning back. You killed a man, dear.” A cold knot formed in the pit of my stomach as her words washed over me, a reminder of the grim reality that awaited me if I dared to defy her. “But if you insist on playing this little game of yours,” Fallon continued, her voice taking on a hint of malice, “Then be prepared to face the consequences. Because believe me, Linda, there will be consequences.” A picture of my parents flashed in my mind before one of Chris did too. I wanted to hang up the phone and just find a place
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After those few seconds of acknowledging my presence, he peeled his eyes off me and walked away. I released a heavy sigh and swallowed hard. This was not easy. I loved him. I really did, so our marriage being like this right now was killing me. I decided to get myself out of the house, remembering that I did not have all the time in the world. As I stepped out into the cool air, I could not help but feel a sense of foreboding wash over me. The walk to the front gate was quiet and only a few guards looked my way, not trying to stop me in any way. I knew that I needed a car but I did not want to use one of Chris’s cars. Not like I was not allowed because we were not on good terms, but because I did not want to make things worse than they already were. So finding a cab was my plan it would be the way I would get to the club. Glancing at my watch and seeing that it was already past 11:30 PM, I haired the cab, and gave the driver the address for Vogue’s, my mind racing with thoughts o
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A Fatal Request
Fallon was seated at a table in the corner, surrounded by a group of well-dressed men and women. Her hair was pulled back into a sleek ponytail, her sharp features illuminated by the soft glow of candlelight. As our eyes met across the room, a cold smile curled the corners of her lips. I let out a shaky smile as my heart skipped a beat while anxiety silently beat me up. As I walked in her direction, she kept her eyes on me, her creepy smile making me feel like I was in a horror movie. “Hi,” I greeted her when I reached her table. The men and women that were at her table talking all went quiet as they watched me. “I would have to excuse myself, people. I have some important business to be done,” She said as she stood to her feet. The dress she was wearing was very short and it showed off her breasts very well. She flashed her colleagues a smile before walking away with me right on her tail. We went to a much quieter part of the club, and when I said quiet, I did not mean that the
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Secrets And Seduction
With Fallon’s chilling instructions echoing in my mind, I felt a wave of panic crash over me. How could I possibly carry out such a task? I was no killer; I was just an ordinary woman caught up in a nightmare of lies and deceit. She flashed me a cold smile before walking away, leaving me standing there by myself with so many thoughts running through my mind. What was I supposed to do now? At first, when I had the CEO killed, I did not do it on my own. I had help from Maddie, Jojo, and the guy in the suit. But now, I was alone and the pressure was killing me. The risks were high and I was in no way trained for this. But again, time was running out and I could not afford to hesitate any longer. Taking a deep breath, I tried to push aside the fear and uncertainty clouding my mind. I needed a plan, a way to approach this situation without putting myself or anyone else in danger. But every idea that crossed my mind seemed futile and reckless. With trembling hands, I reached for my ph
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Making It Out Of The Club
Victor leaned in, his words hung in the air, causing my breath to hitch. I sort of knew that he was going to say something along those lines but hearing them still came as a shock. This could be a way to do what Fallon had asked me to do. It was risky and made me feel very dirty but if it would be the cost of getting this done, then I think I was going to do what he was suggesting. But hold up! I don’t mean actually having sex with the guy! Just leading him on until I find a way to end his life. Gosh, this was certainly not the life that I had envisioned for myself. “Really? Who said that?” I led him on. He chuckled deeply, enjoying that I was entertaining his little game. He shrugged. “I don’t know, a blog, scientist, or someone important. I don’t know, but I do know that it works.” He proceeded to place his hands around my hips. I felt the need to push him away but I needed this charade to be believable, so I let him do what he was doing. Gosh, this felt all kinds of wrong. A
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Cue The Action!
I continued to play my part, feigning a mix of annoyance and seduction as I leaned against Victor, waiting for the tension to ease. There were obstacles, but everything was still going according to plan; not that I had some fixed plan anyway. As the guards reluctantly stepped aside, he led me away, his presence as a shield against any further interference. With each step, I knew that this was getting more real. Once out of earshot, Victor turned to me, a smirk playing on his lips. “Looks like we’re free to go,” He said, his voice tinged with amusement. “You handle pressure quite well.” He seemed pleased. I forced a smile, masking the turmoil within. “Just part of the game,” I replied, my tone casual despite the turmoil brewing beneath the surface. We walked out of the club until we reached the parking area. “Damn, I want to f*ck you so bad,” He said to me as we walked to his car. But I did not want us to use his car, it could tracked. I did not want anything to lead back to me. “
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Do or Die!
Was I going to do this? Was I really going to do this? An image of Chris flashed in my mind and I could not help but feel a pang of pain his my chest. This would be the second time that I would be doing something like this. The first was with the CEO, and now it was with this mafia boss, or whoever he was. I did not like it. I did not like it at all. I just wanted to close my eyes and when I opened them, it’d all just be a dream. But in this case, a nightmare. “What are you waiting for?” A voice startled me, dragging me back to reality. I then noticed that it was Victor. “Wh–what?” I asked, still trying to process it all. “What are you doing? I told you to take off that dress, didn’t I?” He spoke in a tone that annoyed me. But as I said, I was on a mission, I could not let my emotions get in the way. I swallowed, proceeding to reach for the zipper for my dress. It was located on the right-hand side so it was much easier to undo myself. He watched me as I did, like a lion watchi
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Desperation And Negotiations
My heart raced as Victor’s eyes blazed with fury. I scrambled to my feet, clutching the razor tightly, my mind racing for an escape plan. Because how in the world was I going to fight this man who looked like he could lift ten times my weight in the gym.But before I could even take a step, Victor lunged at me with a ferocity that sent chills down my spine. I dodged his attack just in time, feeling the rush of adrenaline coursing through my veins. I was going to die!With trembling hands, I held up the razor defensively, ready to use it if necessary. This was so much different; so much chaotic than when I had to deal with the CEO. “You think you can betray me?” Victor’s voice was a menacing growl as he advanced towards me, his eyes glinting with malice. “You’re nothing but a worthless tramp!” His words stung, even though I knew that I was not who he had said I was. But the thing was, at this point, could I say I was not? In order to do Fallon’s bidding, I had to throw myself at me
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Time seemed to stand still. Everything did as I plunged the razor forward with all the strength that I could muster. It found its mark, piercing Victor’s flesh with a sickening sound that made me nauseous. His eyes widened in shock and pain as he staggered backward, a crimson liquid gushing out of the wound. It seemed like he wanted to fight back but he could not bring himself to do that. For a moment, there was silence, broken only by the sound of our ragged breaths. Then, with a low groan, he collapsed to the ground, his lifeblood pooling around him. I stood there, trembling with a mixture of fear and adrenaline, unable to comprehend what I had just done. But as the reality of my actions sank in, a sense of grim satisfaction washed over me. I had done it. I had taken down the man who stood in the way of me doing Fallon’s bidding. It felt so good but also so awful. I was relieved, I would say that. This man could have easily killed me. So now, this was my second body count. I ha
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