All Chapters of HER MATE IS THE PLAYBOY PROFESSOR : Chapter 21 - Chapter 29
29 Chapters
Blossoming Romance
Bella's POVI glanced at my wristwatch as the lecturer explained some topics. This was my last class for the day, and I was already getting tired. Glancing at my wristwatch, I realised that the time was almost six o'clock. The class should have ended thirty minutes ago, but this particular lecturer loved using extra hours and it was fucking frustrating.I groaned in frustration as I returned my gaze to the professor who didn't seem bothered by the angry and tired gazes of everyone in the lecture hall. Most of the people in the lecture hall were already tried, while others were angry and frustrated."That'll be all for today," the lecturer said as he finally ended the lecture."Thank goodness." I muttered and let out a sigh of relief. I rose to my feet and began arranging my books inside my bag.Sandra also rose to her feet, and she also begin to arrange her books inside her bag. She had an earpiece plugged in her ears, and she was listening to music. We hadn't said a word to each othe
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His Plan
~Blake's POV~After driving for about thirty minutes, we arrived at Taste and Bite restaurant, which was one of the fanciest restaurants in the city. Parking the car at a spot in the parking lot, I turned off the car and removed the key from the key slot.I turned my gaze to Bella and smiled before saying, "We are here."She smiled and nodded in response, then we both stepped out of the vehicle. I exhaled softly before walking over to meet her."Let's go," I said, holding her hand gently, then we both began to approach the restaurant's entrance.The doors were opened by the security man and we stepped inside the lobby which was filled with customers, occupying various seats."Welcome to Taste and Bite restaurant," a waiter welcomed us with a smile. "Follow me," he added and began leading us towards an unoccupied table. Following the waiter's lead, Bella and I followed him through the maze of tables and chairs. The ambiance was lively, with the clinking of cutlery and the murmur of co
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~Bella's POV~The moment I stepped inside the room I share with Sandra, she stepped away from the window and she gazed at me before averting her gaze to the shopping bags in my hands. I couldn't help but wonder why she was standing by the window at this hour."Hey, Sandra," I greeted with a smile as I shut the door, then I stepped fully inside the room."Hey," Sandra replied with an expressionless face as she walked to sit on a nearby couch."You look sort of moddy," I said as I set down the shopping bags, then I sat beside her. "What's wrong? Did something happen to you?""I'm fine, Bella." Sandra replied with a smile."Are you sure?" I asked, with my gazed fixed on her face."Yeah," she nodded. "I'm totally fine.""Okay." I muttered, knowing fully well that she was lying about being fine. I knew Sandra too well, and I knew she was angry about something, but I decided not to press further."By the way, I saw you coming out of professor Blake's car," Sandra said, and I nodded."Yeah,
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caught in the act
~Blake's POV~"Hey, angel, wake up," came a sweet, angelic voice that broke through my peaceful slumber.I kept my eyes shut, hoping to cling onto the remnants of sleep, but a gentle hand tapped my chest, coaxing me to consciousness. With a soft groan, I reluctantly cracked open my eyes, greeted by the sight of a lovely lady leaning over me. She was donning a sheer bra, showcasing her rosy nipples."Good morning, Mr. handsome," she greeted me with a dazzling smile, accentuating her beauty."Morning, sweetheart," I murmured huskily, squinting against the bright morning light flooding the room through the blinds."How was your night?" she inquired, her fingers tracing patterns on my chest, her smile oozing seduction."It was good," I replied, struggling to sit up. "And yours?""I had the best night ever, thanks to you," she purred, her smile widening as she continued her tantalizing touch. "You know, we could pick up where we left off," she suggested, perching herself on my thighs, her
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A Surge Of Desire
~Sandra's POV~The taxi pulled up in front of professor Blake's apartment, and I paid the driver before stepping out of the vehicle. I began walking towards the front door ld the apartment, and as soon as I got there, I pressed the door and waited for a response.I exhaled softly as I waited for professor Blake to open the door. I checked myself out to make sure I was looking good and attractive. I was putting on a red, tight gown which exposed my cleavages and brought out my curves. My hair was neatly styled, and I had a light make-up applied on my face. I also wore a pair of trd heels to complete my dressing.Wondering why I came to professor Blake's apartment early in the morning? Well, the reason is because I wanted to speak with him, and maybe have some fun with him. I know you guys might see me as a bad friend to Bella, but trust me, I don't give a fuck about that. Yeah, you read that right. I don't care what you readers think about me. You might think I'm a villain or a bad fr
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Sex Partners
~BLAKE'S POV~My eyes got wide like saucers when Sandra planted a smooch on me, wrapping her arms around my neck. I couldn't kiss her back because I was just so surprised. I mean, I didn't expect her to make such a bold move.Sure, we hooked up once before, but I never expected her to show up at my doorstep bright and early in the morning. And to top it off, she claimed to be my girlfriend, which left me even more flabbergasted. Why would she say that? Why would she claim to be my girl when she knows full well that her friend, Bella, is the one I'm meant to be with?These questions left me feeling all kinds of vulnerable as Sandra planted one on me with all her passion. But when she realized I wasn't exactly reciprocating, she pulled back and looked right at me."Don't you get it, professor? I'm head over heels for you," she said, her voice soft. "I've been crushing on you since the day you started teaching at our university. I know it might sound strange since we've only just met, bu
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Party Time
~Blake's POV cont'd~My eyes widened in shock as someone walked unannounced into the bedroom. My eyes widened even more when I saw the person's face. That person was someone I never expected to pay me a visit. That person was my mum."Well, look who decided to pay you a surprise visit," Drake, my inner wolf said mockingbird."Shut the fuck up, Drake," I replied telepathically."Blake? What in the world is happening here?" My mom's voice cut through the tension, her frown deepening as she glanced between me and Sandra.Sandra quickly scrambled to cover herself with the duvet, shooting me a puzzled look. "Do you know her?" she whispered, her voice tinged with urgency."Yeah," I replied, hastily slipping into my underpants before addressing my mom. "Mum, could you please wait for me in the living room? I'll be there in a moment."With a disapproving glance at Sandra, my mom exited the room, closing the door behind her.Letting out a heavy sigh, I turned to Sandra. "Sorry about that.""Th
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What could this mean?
~Bella's POV~"How do I look?" I inquired of Sandra, who was engrossed in applying makeup on her face.Sandra paused her task, shifting her attention towards me. Her eyes carefully scrutinized my attire—a black knee-length gown adorned with shimmering diamond stones—before she offered a reassuring thumbs up."You look absolutely stunning in that dress," she complimented."Are you sure?" I questioned, a hint of uncertainty creeping into my voice."Trust me, Bella. When you step into that party, Professor Blake won't be able to tear his eyes away from you," she affirmed, prompting a small smile to grace my lips as I envisioned the scenario."If you say so," I chuckled softly, swiftly slipping into a pair of matching black high-heeled shoes. With a deep breath, I completed the ensemble."Wow!" Sandra exclaimed, her admiration evident. "You look exceptionally gorgeous. If I were a man, If I were a guy, I'd be falling over myself to ask you out."I chuckled at Sandra's playful remark, feel
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~BLAKE'S POV~"Professor?" I heard Bella's voice, and I quickly turned my neck sideways to see her. She had a questioning look on her face as she gazed at me and the lady who was in front of me."You should leave," I said to the lady, who nodded and walked away, leaving me and Bella in the secluded corner."I don't mean to be rude, but who was that lady, and what were the both of your doing out here, in the dark?" Bella asked as she covered the distance between us."Well, that lady is a friend of mine, and she came here to deliver something to me." I replied, gazing at her face under the moonlight."And what did she come to deliver?" She asked, and I smirked as I sensed jealousy in her voice."She came to deliver this," I brought out a mini-sized box from my pocket, then I handed it to her. "What's this?" She asked as she gazed at the box in her hand."Open it and see for yourself," I replied with a smile.Bella gazed at me for a while before opening the box. She gasped in surprised
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