All Chapters of Mikayla's Mistake: A One Night Stand with the Billionaire: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
82 Chapters
"Come here, Abe. Let me tie your shoe," Mikayla called to the boy that was running at an alarming speed around her living room. A few weeks ago, she'd had to baby proof her apartment to keep Abe from hurting himself.It felt like he'd taken on a new burst of energy suddenly. He was always running or wanting to play or something or the other. It left her exhausted. Happy, but exhausted. It meant he was acclimatizing well to his new life with her.Abe was also doing well at school. He'd made tons of friends. In fact, one of those friends had invited him to a birthday party and that was where they were going. He came whooshing over, flying his arms like an airplane.Mikayla ducked her head just in time to avoid him hitting her in the face. "Careful, Abe. You almost hit me.""Sorry, Mik!" He said and stood still. Mikayla moved quickly, putting on his shoes and tying them up as quickly as she could. There was no telling how long he'd stand still for. "Done," she declared, dusting her
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Mikayla ran her hand over her eyes. She was extremely tired. She hadn't slept all night, recalling the events of the previous day.When she'd broken through and seen that broken leg, her heart had flown into her throat. For a few seconds, she'd been frozen which was crazy because she'd seen worse injuries over her career.But thankfully, it had only lasted a few seconds before she sprung into action, muscle memory kicking in. She'd ordered everyone to stand back and had tended to the leg as best as she could there while they'd waited for the ambulance."Abe, honey. Come here! It's time to go," she yelled. Abe came running from wherever he'd been playing. He flung his arms around her legs. She smiled and picked him up, tucking him into her side.It felt like she'd gained a new appreciation for him since yesterday. When she'd heard the yell and seen the kids gathered, she'd been filled with a crippling fear that it was Abe that something had happened to.She'd practically become a
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Mikayla didn't wait to hear any more. She rushed around the partition to see Abe lying in bed. He looked so small and frail, dwarfed by the size of the bed.She grabbed his hand and clutched it in hers tightly. "Abe? Baby? Are you okay?" The irony was not lost on her that she was the prefect picture of the mum from the party and she was reacting the exact same way. Abe opened his eyes slightly. He seemed to struggle to focus on her before shutting his eyes again. "He is not speaking?" She asked over her shoulder, knowing that the nurse would have followed her in."He threw up so much that he is very weak right now. I've been giving him some fluids but I think he should go to a hospital as soon as possible. He was talking before, asking for you."The doctor in Mikayla took over. "How long ago did he get too tired to talk and keep his eyes open?" She asked, looking at her watch."Not long. He was still talking until about ten minutes ago," the nurse supplied."Can I see what he thre
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Mikayla was embarrassed!She was in the middle of a small crowd that had gathered in front of the hospital to see Abe off. In three days, he'd managed to become the hospital sweetheart. Every time she went to see him in his room, she met at least three hospital staff at a time fawning over him.Meanwhile, Abe basked in the attention he was getting in the hospital. The little celebrity had been showered with so many gifts that there was hardly space left in his room. So much so that he kicked off a fuss when she told him he would be going home today. At least his new friends had come out to bid him goodbye!Right now, he was in the arms of one of the nurses while the other crowded around him. They were waiting for Cael to pull the car around. Sweet Cael! He's been on ground these past three days, taking care of Mikayla and Abe simultaneously.It was Cael who'd brought her change of clothes each day. It was Cael who'd ordered food for her and made sure everything was fine while
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Armani pressed the doorbell again. The sound caused Mikayla to jump. She self-consciously ran her hand over her hair and body, making sure everything was in place. Armani often had that effect on her. She was always so beautiful, well put together and chic. She made Mikayla feel like a slob.She opened the door and smiled nervously at Armani. "Hi.""Hello," Armani said. "Can I come in?"It strick Mikayla as odd that she was asking her if she could come in. From what she knew, Armnai frequented Cael's house as often as she wanted. They were that close. So why did she feel the need to ask her?"Yes, of course," she answered and stepped back for her.Armani walked in and stood waiting. Mikayla blinked. "Erm...this way." She shut the door and led Armani to the living room. "Cael is asleep right now but I can wake him up if you want..." Armani smiled and shook her head. She sat down. "Don't bother. I didn't come to see him anyway. I came to see you."Mikayla sat down slowly. "To see
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Michelle stood in Cael's doorway, clad in an expensive designer coat that barely reached halfway to her thighs.She also spotted glittering silver shoes that probably cost more than Mikayla's phone!"What the hell are you doing here?" Mikayla exclaimed.Cael heard the sound of her voice and came running to the door, Abe in his arms. "Mum!" Abe squealed as soon as he saw her and reached for her."My sweet boy!" She cooed, taking him from Cael. "Did you miss me? I missed you a lot.""I asked you a question," Mikayla repeated through clenched teeth. "What the hell are you doing here?""Is that any way to talk to your mother?" Michelle chastened and walked into the house, almost shouldering past them. She headed straight to the living room as if the place belonged to her."Do you know how difficult it was to find you?" She demanded, oblivious to the shock and discomfort of the rest of them. She sat comfortably. "I went by your house and there was no one there. It didn't seem like anyo
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After Cael handed Abe over to Michelle, Mikayla fell into a pool of grief. She sat listlessly on the floor for what could have been minutes, hours or seconds. She was completely unaware of Armani's gentle presence, rocking her gently. At some point, Armani left to go home and still she didn't notice.When Cael decided that she'd been on the floor long enough, he picked her up to take her to the bedroom. At that moment, something inside of her snapped. With a snarl, Mikayla launched herself at Cael and began pounding at him.He fell on his butt in surprise. She pounded him with every ounce of strength in her body. She hit every inch of skin she could reach, growling like a wounded animal with each punch. There was so much pent up fury in her head with no exit route. So she pounded it out.Cael took the beating like a champ. He sat rock still and waited for her to finish, pinning her with those black, glittering hawk-like eyes. "How could you! How could you!" Mikayla snarled in
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"Good morning, boss," Nurse Rachel called cheerfully to Mikayla as she came into work that morning."Morning," Mikayla answered quietly and headed into her office.Rachel caught Kim's eyes and raised a brow in a silent question. "What now?"Nurse Kim shook her head and nodded towards the office. "Go do your job," she said.Rachel sighed and went after Mikayla. She met her putting on her coat. "Dr Wall, is everything okay?"Mikayla gave her a tight smile. "Everything is fine, thank you."Rachel raised a brow. Obliviously everything was not fine. But she didn't press the issue. She decided to ask a different question."And how is Abe doing this morning? We've missed him a lot! The night shift nurses were shocked to hear that he'd been discharged. They made me swear to ask you to bring him in one of these days do they can say hello."A lump developed in Mikayla's throat. She swallowed thickly. Her eyes watered. She turned away from Rachel so she wouldn't see. "Abe is no longer with me
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Mikayla stood in front of the door to her beloved home. It'd been two weeks since she last stepped here. During those two weeks, she was staying with Cael at his mansion. She'd finally summoned the courage to come back and pack up Abe's stuff.She took a deep breath and turned the key. Suddenly there was a revving sound behind her. Mikayla turned around to see Cael's cars pulling into her driveway. "What are you doing here?" She asked in surprise."I couldn't let you face this alone. I'm here to help," he answered, walking up to her.She smiled. "But you didn't tell me you were coming! We spoke about me coming here this morning."He smiled back. "I wanted to surprise you," he said. "Are you ready to go in?"Mikayla nodded. "I was just psyching myself up to go in when I heard your car pull in. I guess I just have to rip the band-aid off and get it over with."He nodded. "I'll help you." He opened the door and entered first. Mikayla followed behind him.She looked around her house.
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"Hello?" Mikayla said tiredly into the phone. "What's up?" "Hi, love," Cael's voice said over the speaker."Oh, hi, Cael! Sorry, I didn't look at the screen when I picked the call!" She was barely keeping her eyes open so she'd simply swiped without looking.Cael chuckled. "That tired, Hun? Well, you're about to come wide awake. I have good news."Mikayla perked up immediately. "Really?" She said, sitting up. "What is it?""Remember that call I got at your house?" He asked."Yes," Mikayla answered. How could she forget? She'd found herself thinking about it from time to time. He'd managed to distract her that night but she'd been wondering about it since then. Especially because Cael seemed to be in a perpetual good mood since the call. He walked around the house whistling. She'd even caught him smiling to himself a few times. The horror!"Well, you remember that meeting we had withr Marcus a while back about expanding the hospital?""How could I forget?" she said."Well, I got
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