All Chapters of The Billionaire's Love Game: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
101 Chapters
Chapter 11 I'm Not Capable Of Love
Amara Villafuerte PO “Amara, it’s time to come home. I’m getting worried. Dennis is dead. He was murdered.” My father scolds me, like a child, down the phone while Manfred lies beside me, drawing circles around my tummy button and listening intently. “I saw it on the news,” I admit. Dennis’ murder has been headline news, and my biggest concern being that Manfred gets found out, has made me realize how twisted I’ve become. “Enough is enough now, Amara! You can’t expect me to be okay with you disappearing. It's been almost two months. I demand you tell me where you are!” He sounds beyond angry and yet, I don’t fear him anymore. I draw strength from Manfred and the way he looks so proud of me. “I’m not expecting you to be okay with it. But I also won’t be obeying your commands, anymore. I’m not a little girl, and I’m not a bargaining tool. I’m pleased Dennis is dead.” “Amara!” Father sounds as angry, as he is horrified. “I need to go, I called because I didn’t want you worrying
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Chapter 12 I Want To Know The Truth
Amara Villafuerte POV It’s late morning when I wake up, and as the sun creeps through the window and warms my face, I smile to myself. I can’t pinpoint when everything changed, but what I do know is that nothing can ever go back to being normal. Is it wrong that I don’t miss my father? That the only person I want to be around is Manfred? Even if it is, I don’t think I care. I like the idea of the life he has planned for us. The door knocks and when I call whoever it is in, Daniel smiles at me politely, as he places a tray of food on the bed. “So, you’re my servant, as well as my protector, now?” I sit up, making sure I’m covered by the blanket as I examine what's been sent up for me. “Manfred figured you might want to stay in bed today, he’s had to leave town. He will be back tomorrow evening.” “He never told me.” I frown when I realize how much that hurts. “You will learn that Manfred can be spontaneous.” He widens his eyes and prepares to leave. “Wait.” I stop him. “What else c
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Chapter 13 I've Fallen In Love With You
Manfred Valderrama POV “Do you have work to do, today?” she asks, getting up from her seat at the breakfast table and sitting on the table in front of me. I can tell she’s still mad at me for leaving without saying goodbye, but some things require urgency, and what I had to do couldn’t be avoided. “There is always work to do.” I smile, taking her hand and licking the syrup from her fingers. “Did you have something in mind?” “A walk around the gardens, maybe a drive into the local town. I don’t even know where that is.” Amara plays with the cuff of my shirt and tries being all cutesy, maybe her little act might work if I hadn’t woken up with her lips wrapped around my cock. I swear the girl is developing some kind of syndrome, you hear about people falling in love with their captors as a coping mechanism. I don’t want to be Amara's coping mechanism. I’ve learned over the past few weeks that I want to be the start, and end, of her world. “It is not safe for us to go into town, not
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Chapter 14 Amara Meets Manfred's Mother
Amara Villafuerte POV “You look pretty today.” Manfred stares at me as he does up the cuffs of his shirt. It’s amazing what a compliment from him can do. It puts an instant smile on my face and makes my stomach flip, especially when he sits on the mattress next to where I’m laid and rests his hand on the other side of my body. “Your period is due,” he whispers, leaning over my body, so his breath tickles my ear. “How do you…?” I give up asking. I would say I’m surprised but nothing about this man shocks me, anymore. “I have an app on my phone.” Manfred kisses my cheek before standing back up and lifting his suit jacket from the end of the bed. “You shouldn’t get your hopes up. Women are late on their periods all the time. I’ve never really kept track of mine.” I shrug, starting to feel a little pressured. I know how disappointed Manfred was last month when I came on my period, he didn’t speak, touch or look at me for five days. I don’t know how I’ll cope if he does that to me, agai
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Chapter 15 I Want A Family
Manfred Valderrama POV I find Amara in her room, sitting in the chair that's placed in the corner, with her arms folded and a scowl on her face. She looks pretty when she’s angry, and that makes me want to punish her even more. “Come.” I go straight to her, taking her hand and dragging her up on her feet. Then, leading her into the bathroom, I take the pregnancy testing kit from my back pocket and start opening the box. I can see the confused way she’s looking at me from the corner of my eye when I neatly unfold the instruction leaflet and lay them out on the basin unit. “You want to do that, now?” She doesn’t look angry anymore. She looks nervous instead. “Yes,” I answer, taking the plastic stick in my hand and removing the cap from the part she has to pee on. My eyes gesture to the toilet and she makes that sarcastic, little laugh that sends me fucking crazy. “While you're in the room?” Her eyes stretch in disbelief when she realizes I’m not going anywhere. “Manfred, I’m not gon
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Chapter 16 Baby's Heartbeat
TWO MONTHS LATER Manfred Valderrama POV “Why are you so tense? Today's supposed to be exciting.” Amara swallows the last of her pancake from the fork, I’m holding to her mouth. I have to be really strict with her at meal times, if she had her way she wouldn’t eat, at all. Since she’s been pregnant, the baby’s only been making her feel sick, luckily she keeps whatever I can get into her, down. “I am excited.” I stroke my hand across her tummy, there's still no sign of her condition from the outside, but it won’t be long before she starts to show. “Are you scared there might be something wrong? I’ve done everything your doctor friend told me to. I’ve eaten the right food, taken that folic, whatever, tablet. Apart from the nausea, I feel great.” She tries to reassure me, but that's not why I’m anxious about today. I have kept Amara in my protective bubble for the past four months. Today we are having to step out of it, and that concerns me. “Not at all, our child’s going to be perfe
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Chapter 17 Amara's Pregnancy
ONE MONTH LATER Amara Villafuerte POV “Do you think she’s going to notice?” I study my figure in the mirror. Over the past few weeks, my stomach has become noticeably rounder, and it now sticks out over the waistline of my panties. “I don’t care if she does.” Manfred steps up beside me, placing his hand over my tiny bump. He can't seem to get enough of it, which I guess is a good thing since I’m only going to get bigger. Since seeing our baby on the screen for real, Manfred has barely left my side. I’ve come to learn a lot more about him, and the more of this side I see of him, the easier it becomes to forget how I got here. “Are you sure this is a good idea?” I look up at him warily, the last time I met Manfred’s mother I was a nervous wreck. Her coming here for lunch, today, isn’t something I’ve been looking forward to. “Now's as good a time as any, to tell her she’s going to be a grandma.” He shrugs. “Wait, you're going to tell her about this?” I stare back at him in shock.
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Chapter 18 Daniel's True Colors
Manfred Valderrama POV “Today must have been tough for you.” I pull back the covers when Amara starts walking toward the bed. She’s wearing just her panties and seeing that tiny bump of hers sticking over the waistline of them has my cock steel, fucking, hard. “It was awful.” She slides in beside me, snuggling into my chest and looking up at me through her lashes. “Talking about varicose veins and piles over a Caesar salad was not my idea of a fun afternoon. I swear she managed to cram every pregnancy horror story, she’s ever heard, into that hour,” she points out, but soon eases up when I slide my hand into the front of her panties and start rubbing my finger against her clit, she mewls like a satisfied, little kitten. I love the way she gets turned on so easily, and when I start to slowly tease her entrance, she grabs my wrist to hold it steady. “I won’t let you distract me from the conversation we need to have.” She moves quickly, shifting her body so it’s straddling mine.“Now,
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Chapter 19 Caring Father?
ONE MONTH LATER Amara Villafuerte POV “Your son grows strong.” Manfred’s housekeeper, Anna, smiles at me as she places the sandwich, she’s made me, on the coffee table. She’s never really spoken to me before, so it comes as a surprise, it's an even bigger shock when she takes a seat beside me and places her palm, flat beside where mine rests on my stomach. “Do you feel him wriggle yet, Miss Amara?” She smiles. “No, the books said it could be any time now, but I don’t feel him yet.” I’m starting to get a little anxious about it. This past month my stomach has gotten much bigger, there is no hiding the fact I’m pregnant, now. We had an appointment with Dr. Jonathan Ferrero last week and heard his heartbeat again, and now I’m desperate to feel him move. “Soon enough.” She taps my bump, lightly, before she gets back up and heads into the kitchen. I look at the sandwich she’s left behind and sigh when I think about eating it. Despite what Dr. Jonathan Ferrero, and the books, have said
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Chapter 20 The Valderrama Heir Is Growing Fast
Amara Villafuerte POV I notice the bowl of lasagne that I figure is what I left at the dinner table, earlier. I’d managed to persuade Manfred that the salad and four new potatoes, I’d eaten, had filled me, and as tasty as Anna’s home cooking is, it’s not what I’m looking for, now. I find the punnet of strawberries and pull them out, popping one in my mouth as I place them on the counter, and search for more things that appeal to me. I figure whipped cream will come in useful and I check the coast is clear before I take that out, shake it, and spray it directly into my mouth. The satisfaction it brings makes me smile, and after I’ve gotten myself a little collection of random things to experiment with, I hoist my ass up onto the kitchen counter and start to tuck in, using the glow from the open refrigerator door. Strange ideas for the food in front of me start to combine themselves in my head, and I can’t resist dipping my fingers into the pickle jar and pulling one out. The smell do
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