All Chapters of The Billionaire's Love Game: Chapter 61 - Chapter 70
101 Chapters
Chapter 61 The Fire Of Killing Thorton Gallardo
Thorton Gallardo POVThe moment I get the words out, Zandra immediately uncrosses her legs and tries to kick me in the groin. I’m prepared for it, could see the thought boiling behind those pretty blue eyes of hers. With one hand, I’m able to grab her by the knee and force her down. “Easy, princess,” I say lightly. “This doesn’t have to be hard. All you have to do is be a good little girl and—” She slams her head forward, nailing me with a perfectly placed head butt. Thankfully, the difference between our angles means she can’t put all her strength behind the move. Still, I’m forced to take a step back, growling as I check my nose. Thankfully, I’m not bleeding. A good thing, too, because I’d hate to ruin my favorite suit. “Touch me again and I’ll bite your fucking hands off!” she hisses, her plump upper lip curling into a sneer. I guess it’s true what they say—redheads really are fiery.Over the past few months, I’ve had my brothers watch her from afar. I’ve only seen her through vid
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Chapter 62 The Gallardo's Mafia
Zandra Valderrama POV “So,” I say, smacking my lips. “How’d it happen?” “How’d what happen?” One-Eye grumbles. “Your scar.” “None of your business.” I huff, exasperated. “You’re no fun. What about you, big guy? You much of a conversationalist, or do I have to entertain myself?” “Shut up,” the brute snaps. I groan, shifting in my seat. It’s starting to get uncomfortable. How many hours has it been? Regardless, my left foot has fallen asleep and the incessant tingling is borderline painful. “Can you at least send the other guy back in? What did you call him—the Closer? He seems like fun. Why do you call him the Closer, anyway?” “He negotiates our contracts,” the bigger man says. “Contracts? What kinds of contracts?” One-Eye shoots him a warning glare. “Don’t tell her anything.” But it’s too late. All I need is a bit of information to get the ball rolling, and now that he’s given me what I want, there’s no stopping me. “Oh, so he’s like your front man. I understand. My Uncle
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Chapter 63 Detective Gregor Rossi
Thorton Gallardo POV “We move in tonight,” I inform my younger brothers. I drag the tip of my finger over the map splayed out over my desk, drawing everyone’s attention to one area in particular. “Take our men and start here in Milan up to Naples.” “We’re not starting in the Financial District?” Damien asks. He sits just off to the side in one of my office’s guest chairs. My brothers have gathered around my desk, so there isn’t enough room for him to squeeze in. “According to Roman’s intel, the Valderrama have a heavier presence there,” I explain. “It would be a mistake to face them head-on where their numbers are far greater than ours. Right now, we need to focus on getting a foothold—that’s all. We can work our way up from there.” “And what about—” Three sharp knocks at my door alert us of an unexpected visitor. In walks none other than Detective Gregor Rossi, a senior officer with the Italian Police Department and a massive thorn in my side. He smiles good-naturedly, the cor
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Chapter 64 Codename - The Bastard
Zandra Valderrama POV “Come on, Ms. Valderrama,” the guy says as he holds the spoon to my lips. “You have to eat something. Do you really want to starve to death?” I turn my face away with a huff. It’s been three days since I started my hunger strike. I trust these assholes as far as I can throw them. I know I’m a high-value hostage, so the chances that they’ve poisoned my food and water are slim, but I’d rather not take any risks. For all I know, they could have mixed everything up with a powerful sedative to keep me compliant. Like fucking hell. I glare at the man feeding me. There’s something strange about him. I’ve been observing them all very carefully the past few days, and I’ve noticed the other men don’t treat him with the same level of respect. They never include him in group huddles and never bother talking to him unless he speaks first. He’s an outcast, shunned for reasons I don’t yet know. But I’m going to find out. “What’s your name?” I ask hoarsely. The back of my thr
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Chapter 65 Thorton Life's Reflection
Thor Gallardo POVFor the love of all that is good and holy—what the hell am I doing? I never should have kissed her, let alone twice. More importantly, I shouldn’t have let Zandra Valderrama get under my skin. It must be her superpower or something, because the moment I was trapped in her blue-eyed gaze, I was no longer myself. Logic and common sense toppled straight out of my head and catapulted themselves out of the window. It can’t happen again. I’ve got too much on my plate right now and I simply can’t afford the distraction—no matter how gorgeous and delicious that distraction might be. My entire focus should be on building up the Gallardo, not on the taste of Zandra’s lips and the sound of her languid moan ringing in my ear. Fuck. I trudge up the stairs to the ground floor and march straight across the depot. Several mechanics tip their heads out of respect as I pass, but I pay them no mind. Right now, I’m too fucking steamed. I’m convinced Zandra Valderrama must be a witch. Ho
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Chapter 66 Cassandra Valderrama's Birthday
Zandra Valderrama POV I repeat his name in my head over and over again, almost like a meditative mantra. Now that I have a name to his face, he’s a lot less intimidating. Human, even because where the Boss was an idea, Thor Gallardo is a living, breathing man, which means he has weaknesses just like everyone else. Weaknesses I’m hoping to exploit. Too bad he hasn’t come to check on me in a while, instead sending one of his brothers to deliver my meals and keep an eye on me. Coward. I’ve officially lost track of days. Have I been here for a week? A month? It’s really too hard to say, but one thing’s for certain—I’m getting fucking anxious. I know Dad said he needed time to rally the troops and figure out a way to extract me, but what’s taking so long? I want to get out of here. I want to sleep in a fucking bed. You never really appreciate the little things until they’re gone. “What’s today’s date?” I ask Damien. He peeks up over the edge of his phone. “August seventh,” he answers af
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Chapter 67 Exchange For Her Freedom
Thorton POV “We’ve done it,” Leo informs me. “The entire southern district is ours.” I sit up, instantly alert. “Any resistance?” “No,” Roman says with a chuckle. “We had those Valderrama bitches running away with their tails between their legs.” “Excellent.” “Now what do we do, Boss?” Samuel asks, taking a seat in my office’s singular guest chair. He makes the thing look kiddie-size in contrast to his massive frame. I don’t even bother hiding my smirk as I pick up my phone. Everything’s going according to plan. “Now you leave the rest to me.” Going through the same process to contact Manfred Valderrama is much smoother this time than it was the last. I’m overflowing with confidence. I suspect news of our conquest has already reached the man. Now all that’s left to do is rub it in his face. He answers on the first tone and boy does he sound pissed. “Who do you think you are?” he seethes. “If I ever lay eyes on you—” “This is what’s going to happen,” I interject. “I now have
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Chapter 68 Cassandra's Release
Cassandra Valderrama POVIf I ever see that son of a bitch again, I swear I’m going to shove my whole foot up his ass. This is the second time they’ve shoved me into the trunk of a car, and I can officially say it’s as bad an experience as the first time. I hate the feeling of being jostled, but I hate being manhandled even more. After what feels like an eternity inside the stuffy trunk, we come to a sudden stop.The screech of tires pierces through my skull, making me dizzier and more exasperated than I already am. I hear footsteps. Shouting. The trunk opens and someone pulls me out. I’m left standing on the ground, the cool air hitting my skin. The car drives away, the engine roaring angrily as someone lays on their horn. It’s all very chaotic and disorienting. Once I’m sure the coast is clear, I pull the hood off my head. The sudden contrast in light stings my eyes, but I don’t think I’ve ever been more pleased to feel the wind on my face. It takes me a couple of seconds to orient
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Chapter 69 Surprise Meeting
Thor Gallardo POV I move quickly, setting up meetings left, right, and center with Italy’s most notorious criminals. Thieves, smugglers, money launderers—the list is endless. It’s no small secret that the Valderrama has had a tight grip on all illicit activity in the country for the last two decades, raking in the lion’s share of profits. But now that I’ve made a big enough splash, everything’s about to change. The Valderrama are not without enemies, though many have been driven deep underground, biding their time. It took a little organization on my part, but in my experience, it’s who you know and not what you know that can give you a greater edge. “Why have you called us here?” Hakim asks, soaking his large feet beneath the water. “I’ll have you know I’m a very busy man.” “As am I,” adds Rustom, a man I’m convinced is made of nothing but bone. I sit on the edge of the wooden riser, breathing in the steam of the bathhouse. I chose this location for a particular reason, the firs
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Chapter 70 New Valderrama Mafia Boss
Zandra Valderrama POV I’ve spent my whole life watching Dad at work, but I never realized how much paperwork was involved with running a mafia. Nothing’s actually physical—because why on Earth would we make the mistake of leaving behind a trail for cops to follow—but the administrative duties of a Mafia Boss are honestly mind-boggling. Treaties, funds transfers, general territory management… “My head hurts,” I grumble from behind Dad’s desk. He chuckles beside me, tapping the computer screen with a patient smile. “You’ll get used to it. It’ll come easier with time. You’ll be doing all this stuff with your eyes closed before you know it.” I push his keyboard away and give him a hard look. “Did you remember to take your medication today? Shouldn’t you be in bed? You need to rest and—” Dad pats me on the shoulder. “Don’t worry about me, sweetheart. Your mother’s giving me enough grief as it is.” “A heart attack,” I grumble, still in disbelief. Dad’s always been as fit as a bull. I
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