All Chapters of INTO HIS ZODIAC : Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
33 Chapters
Chapter 21
Meanwhile, amidst the revelry, a distinct knock echoed through the bustling house. Ethan, intrigued and somewhat taken aback, swung open the door, only to find himself face to face with none other than his former flame. Surprise flickered across his features, a blend of curiosity and a hint of exasperation coloring his reaction. Despite his initial bewilderment, he motioned for her to enter, unable to completely deny her presence.Once inside, Ava's eyes met Ethan's, the gaze they shared brimming with unspoken history and emotions. The room seemed to hang in suspended silence for a moment, as if time itself had paused to acknowledge their reunion. Ethan's voice broke the stillness, his words carrying a blend of frustration and intrigue. "Why do you finally have to come back?" he inquired, a touch of exasperation laced with an undercurrent of unresolved feelings.Caught in his gaze, Ava felt a weight settle within her, a mingling of vulnerability and determination. She hesitated, her r
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Chapter 22
As the door swung open with a resounding creak, the room bore witness to an eruption of sound, a voice marred by uncontainable urgency repeating a relentless refrain, "Where is my daughter? Where is my daughter!" The weight of that voice, laden with paternal concern and dread, belonged to none other than Ava's father. In this charged moment, Ethan found himself thrust into the throes of an impromptu and palpable confrontation, the very air pulsating with tension like a coiled spring.Desperately striving to maintain an outward veneer of composure, Ethan squared his shoulders, facing the formidable force that was Ava's father. The man before him was a formidable figure, his very presence a testament to authority and influence. Ethan, in a voice tinged with earnestness, responded, "Ava..? Sir, please, I know nothing about her whereabouts. We are no longer in touch."Meanwhile, in the shadowy recesses of the room, Ava had instinctively retreated to a corner, her heart a relentless percus
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Chapter 23
In that defining moment, a moment that shattered the illusion of control he had clung to so fiercely throughout his life, Edward confronted the raw and unvarnished consequences of his own actions. The choices he had made, the paths he had chosen, had brought him to this precipice, where his daughter's life hung in a precarious balance, her vulnerability laid bare for all to see. In a city that often bent to his will, where power and influence had been his steadfast companions, he was now confronted with the undeniable truth of his own fallibility. As the ambulance's doors swung shut, encasing Ava's fragile form within the sterile cocoon of its life-saving sanctuary, Edward's heart raced with a tumultuous symphony of emotions. Regret coursed through his veins like a poison, fear gripped him with icy fingers, and a newfound understanding of the fragility of the power he had wielded for so long settled upon him like a heavy shroud, a stark realization that life, in all its complexity and
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Chapter 24
As Ava's gasps filled the room, their hearts raced in tandem, their concern for her well-being overpowering any other sentiment. Nurses were summoned, urgency lacing their movements as they swarmed around the bed, their expertise the only barrier standing between Ava and the precipice of something far worse. Her family's earlier machinations were forgotten in the face of this new crisis, the fear of losing her transcending any previous transgressions.In that hospital room, the line between perpetrator and victim blurred, and in the midst of her unconscious struggle, Ava's fractured reality was a testament to the fragile nature of trust and the depths of human betrayal.As the night settled in, the shadows deepening around her hospital room, Ava found herself roused from the depths of unconsciousness. Groggy and disoriented, she blinked against the harsh light, her surroundings unfamiliar and surreal. As the fog of confusion lifted, the reality of her situation hit her like a physical
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Chapter 25
Ava's initial confidence wavered in the face of Lena's guarded response, but her resolve remained steadfast. Though met with skepticism and resistance, Ava was not deterred. The weight of her purpose bore down upon her, a reminder of the urgency that had driven her to Miller's Corp in the first place. She steeled herself against the nonchalance and the challenges she encountered, knowing that the answers she sought were nestled within the walls of this corporate labyrinth.In that charged encounter, Ava's journey intersected with Lena's, two women whose paths collided against the backdrop of a bustling corporate landscape. With every fiber of her being, Ava was committed to breaking through the barriers and unearthing the truth that lay dormant within this realm of suits and secrecy. The way forward might be fraught with obstacles, but Ava's determination to unravel the mysteries that bound her fate was unyielding, as resolute as the beating heart of the bustling corporation itself.A
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Chapter 26
Lena, a steadfast presence in his world, met his gaze with an air of professional composure. She presented herself with a grace that mirrored the poise of the surroundings. In her hands lay not only the envelope that Ava had entrusted to her, but also the knowledge of Ava's resolute pursuit to communicate something of great importance to him.Her reply was measured, laced with the familiarity that came from years of working closely with him. "I have something for you," she began, her words carrying a sense of significance that hung in the air like a delicate thread. The atmosphere in the room seemed to shift, the weight of their shared history underscoring every word.Lena gracefully extended the envelope toward him, her movements measured and purposeful. "To give you this," she stated, her voice carrying a mixture of formality and intrigue. The weight of the envelope seemed to embody the young girl's determination, and as it exchanged hands, it symbolized an unexpected connection tha
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Chapter 27
Lena, an indispensable ally whose insights had often proven invaluable, was poised as always. Her inquiries flowed seamlessly, a verbal dance that traversed from the envelope in question to the curiosity that danced in her eyes. Her query, a gentle probe into his intentions, hung in the air, awaiting his response. Leon, his demeanor a mixture of bemusement and seriousness, shook his head in response to her question. The envelope, a mystery shrouded in paper and ink, remained untouched, a silent challenge that dared him to explore its depths.A cup of coffee, freshly brewed and still exuding its warmth, found its way into his hands, an offering from Lena that carried more than just caffeinated comfort. Her conviction, evident in both the beverage and her words, spoke to the urgency of the matter at hand. She nudged him, metaphorically and literally, with the truth that opportunities seldom knocked twice. As she left the room, the weight of her suggestion lingered, the envelope now a ta
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Chapter 28
In this intricate web of longing and uncertainty, the world had taken on an ephemeral quality, reduced to a backdrop for her yearning. Time flowed with the pulse of notifications, and each ding, each buzz, carried the potential to shift her reality. As the days melded into nights and then back into days, Ava's existence became intertwined with the device that held the key to a door she desperately wished to open.Her phone, once a constant companion and harbinger of anticipation, became a weight in her hand. The persistent staring yielded to a sense of resignation, a realization that the insistent vigilance was claiming too much of her mental real estate. The hope she held onto like a fragile flame was gradually extinguished by the relentless passage of time.It was in the midst of one such early midday, as the sun stretched its rays across the sky, that the familiar ringtone pierced the air. The screen flickered with an unknown number, a digitized beacon in the sea of uncertainty. Un
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Chapter 29
There he stood, clad in a manner that effortlessly exuded charm and authority. It was as if time itself paused, allowing her to take in the sight before her. The man who had captured her thoughts and ignited her curiosity was now standing before her, a living embodiment of her dreams. As their eyes met, a palpable connection formed — an unspoken understanding that held promises yet to be revealed.In that fleeting moment, Ava's nervousness was replaced by a sense of wonder, and the discomfort she had felt vanished in the wake of his presence. The ambiance of the event now seemed to bend and mold itself around them, cocooning them in a world of intrigue and possibility. With his words still hanging in the air, they were poised at the precipice of an encounter that would forever alter the course of their destinies.A month ago :Positioning himself gracefully before Ava, Leon donned a coy smile that exuded an irresistible allure, a beguiling charm that effortlessly seized her undivided
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Chapter 30
Ava met his gaze, her eyes steadfast and resolute. "I want to get to know you better," she confessed, her words carrying the weight of her determination. With a half-smile that revealed a touch of enigma, Leon responded, "Be careful what you wish for.... It will cost you."The words hung in the air, a subtle challenge that resonated with the promises and mysteries that had woven their paths together. The masked ball had become more than an event; it was a turning point, a juncture where their worlds converged and diverged, each step they took on the dance floor reflective of the journey that lay ahead.Drawing on her own well of courage, Ava took the initiative, flipping the script as her curiosity drove her to voice the question that had lingered in the recesses of her thoughts. With a steadiness that belied the racing of her heart, she inquired, her unwavering gaze fixed upon him, "Why did you agree to go out with me?" The weight of her query hung in the air, a palpable undercurren
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