All Chapters of BILLIONAIRE'S ONLY LOVE: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
60 Chapters
CHAPTER 20: MY WOMANFlashbackDaniel's naked body laid unashamedly on the bed, he slept near a naked blonde haired lady with extremely heavy makeup.She chewed her gum loudly and pressed her phone."I heard Jason Pierce is here in Bana," she said whilst pressing her phone."Are you joking? If he was here in Bana, she would have called me."She pushed her phone forward to his sight. "See." An entertainment channel that featured billionaires and top important people in the country had carried the news.It read: 'Jason Pierce, son of Jackson Pierce, a billionaire is said to be in Bana. A small town where everybody knew everyone, he was seen in Mary's Eatery early this morning having a hot chocolate and a snack.'Daniel jumped from the bed after reading the news, a picture of Jason, smiling was attached to the news article.His phone rang at the same hour, the call he dreaded picking was the same one calling.He picked up after the third ring after hesitating.The caller's voice boomed f
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He tried touching her but she flinched, scared of what he might do to her."Hey Cara, it's me. It's me Jason, I would never hurt you, I swear," his voice became gentle as much as it could."W-Where's my son? Where's Mason?" She turned around frantically, searching all over the room."He pushed my baby away, he kicked him," she continued with whimpers in her voice. "Where's Mason?" Her voice raised a notch.Jason tried to soothe her but it wasn't doing the trick. "Mason is fine, Mason is fine, believe me Cara. I'm so sorry I let this happen to you.""Bring him to me, let me see him. I want to see him."Jason, seeing that she wouldn't let him touch her until she sees her son, rushed out to get Mason from the car.On sighting her son, she sprinted and grabbed onto him tight.Her left eye was swollen and red, the flesh around it covered up the eye, making it difficult for her to see clearly.She wrapped him in her embrace, crying."I'm so sorry baby, mummy is so sorry that she let this ha
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Jason walked into his hotel room in the early hours of the morning, tired and confused. He fell to the bed without flipping the light switch on.It's been less than a week or more since he left New York, his mind drifting to Alexander. How happy will he be knowing his daughter is well, literally not well but close enough.He picked his phone up and called him."Sir Alexander, good morning. Sorry to have woken you up," he said.The gruffly voice of Alexander echoed into the phone. "What do you want, Jason?""I just thought to check on you and also talk to you about Cara.""Easy there child, stay away from Cara. If you ever see her, stay away from her life."Jason dropped the phone to his line of sight."Sir? What do you mean? I promised to find her for you and-""My child wouldn't want to be with a married man, if you will excuse me, I need to go back to sleep."Jason sighed, thinking about what just happened. He had no idea various posts about him had blown social media up.The only p
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Amber took a break from work, calling in sick. She stayed with Cara throughout the day, trying to make her laugh and play. Cara would flinch unconsciously without anyone touching her. She would mumble in her sleep, sometimes crying out loud. Amber watched her friend suffer from trauma, there was little to nothing that she could do."Come on Cara, remember our favorite TV show? Keeping up with the Kardashians? It's going on right now, let's go."She looked at Amber, the swells on her face were reducing and her bruises healed fast."Where's Jason?" She spoke up after a long time. "I want to see him. He saved my life, saved me from that monster."Jason had texted Amber on his way back to New York, explaining all that transpired. He begged her not to tell Cara about him leaving."Jason went for some work, he promised to be back as soon as possible.""You are lying Amber, he has left again, right?" Tears formed in her eyes, ready to unleash the dam in her eyes.Amber warmed her up in her e
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The huge house could be compared to a graveyard; silent, still and motionless. The news Jackson bore the other day affected him, he wondered if it would still be fair calling him his friend.Right from their early days, they managed to build their wealths and promised their kids to one another. And when suddenly, they heard Jason and Cara got married, their heart knew no bounds. The sudden wedding was alarming and they didn't get angry, instead they were fulfilled.Now it was all him, left alone with no child to call his one. His anger raged as he remembered the last time Jason visited, promising to find his girl for him."Sir Alexander," his closest help, Ethan dragged him back to the surface."Yes?" He leapt from his chair forward. "What can I do for you?""Sir, it's Jason Pierce. He requests to speak with you.""Where is he? On the phone?""Not at all sir, he's in the waiting room. Should I let him in?"Alexander weighed his options carefully, seeing him would only confirm what Jac
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Alexander packed a small bag, he hoped to spend at least 3 days with Cara before coming back to New York. The surprise swelling in his heart just to see his girl radiated throughout his entire body.His face beamed up and his appetite was really low. Ethan walked up behind him."Sir, what would you like to have for breakfast? I can tell the cook to prepare it as soon as possible.""You don't have to worry about that Ethan, I just need to step out real quick. I wouldn't be long," he said, thinking about the discussion he had with Jason a few days ago.Ethan sighted the bag behind him, just before he could hide it."Are you traveling sir?""Not at all, I just need to drop this bag with someone, right across the street.""Do you need me to go instead? You could rest, I would go in, your place," Ethan pressed further.He placed his hands on Ethan's shoulders."It's fine Ethan, I can go myself. I just need to stretch my body, and take a walk. Don't worry, it's all fine.""Are you sure sir?
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The gentle breeze of Bana smooched Alexander's soft skin. He inhaled the pure air that smelt like a combination of cinnamon mixed with nutmeg. People minded their business and helped others the way they could, it was really a small town.The word a younger Cara used to say started to live rent free. She would always say, 'one day papa, we would leave New York. We would go to a place where few people know us, where everybody knows everyone and we would live happily ever just like in my cartoons'. It really looked like the kind of environment she wished for.He threw the long handle of his bag across his shoulder, as the airport gate went open for arrival, he sighted a well suited man holding a placard, on it was his name.He found his way to him and dropped his nose mask, extending his hand out for a handshake. "You are my ride?""Yes sir," the driver bowed first, then accepted his handshake. "Sir Jason asked me to drop you home, he gave me your address.""Oh," that was the only thing
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The text staring in front of Jackson's eyes felt so unreal. He pushed Cynthia aside gently, pulling his trousers up.Cynthia had questioning looks in her eyes, she stared at the man who just stopped in the middle of pleasure."What's going on," she asked after he wouldn't say a word to her."Something big, something huge," he lifted her from the floor, gently. "Come by the house later, we will finish what we started."He kissed her aggressively, pouring his lust into the kiss. He knew if they continued, they would make out right there in the office.He stopped it before it could go any further."Can't I at least know what's going on?" Cynthia asked."It's a men's thing, you don't have to worry about it."Cynthia's determination to figure out what was going on heightened. Asking again will have Jackson get pissed at her and find a way to block whatever loophole that might be open."Sure, no problem. I'll come by at 5pm, you should be home by then. Right?""I'll be home, just drop by."
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Jason buried his head deep in work, numbing his environment. His caller tune reached out to him from his inner feelings. He stared at the caller ID, it was his father. On a second ring, he picked up.A scorn was plastered on his face. "Good day to you father, how can I help you?""Is that sarcasm I hear in your voice? Well that is up to you, I want you to see me at home tomorrow morning. As early as possible.""Do I have to? Why can't you just say whatever you want to say on the phone. I have a busy schedule tomorrow," he replied irritatingly.Jason growled slowly on the phone, pissed about the tone his son was using on him."I don't care whatever mood you are in, you better find your way here tomorrow if you don't want to see the other side of me. You know me well, you know me better. I'm still your father," he shouted."Do your worst father, I thought parents were supposed to be hot on their children's happiness but no you chose an outsider's happiness instead of mine. You ceased to
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Jason barged into the house the next morning without any form of salutations. He wore a mean disdainful look proudly on his face."I'm here, what do you want to tell me that couldn't be said over the phone?"Jackson lifted the cup of hot coffee over his lips, blowing soft small air over it."When you calm down, we would talk," he shifted his gaze away from the cup, locking it with his son's own.Upon realizing what his father was doing, he walked into the kitchen to cool off."Can I prepare a cup of coffee for you Sir Jason?" One of the maids offered to help, bowing her head and locking her hands behind her."It's alright, I'll do it myself," he said, dismissing her by the wave of his fingers.He prepared his coffee and reached for the saucer, he placed the cup of coffee on it and walked back into the sitting room with it.He sat opposite him and sipped his cold coffee, he was never a lover of hot coffees, he always wondered what his father enjoyed in it."What do you require my prese
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