All Chapters of Fated Power - Fated Destiny: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
117 Chapters
Chapter 21
DANTEWhile Ziyah was getting cleaned up, Byron and I were going to introduce our pups to those in the waiting room.We wrapped them in their individual blankets first. Blakely’s was lavender, Grenza’s was teal, and Asher’s was silver.“We’re dads now. Can you believe it?” Byron whispered without taking his eyes off of Asher.“Absolutely not. It’s fucking surreal. I knew that I would love them immediately, but I never thought it would be so powerful already. It’ll only deepen with each new experience. We’ll make sure that they have everything that they’ll ever need and be the best dads that we can be.”I exchanged a smirk with Byron when we walked through the doorway to the waiting room. Damn. It was filled with family and friends. I knew there would be some people but did not fully anticipate this many. That just showed how great our people were.Elle was the first one to see us, so she shot over towards us before anyone else could. I would expect no less from her. Everyone else follo
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Chapter 22
ELLE Ziyah had asked for me to come over at my earliest convenience but without elaboration. She had a serious edge to her voice, so the reason could be anything. Kade and Dante were over at the Slater pack, checking in with the progress thus far. So, it was just me, the boys, and Caiathus that would be going over. The boys were really eager to see their cousins, and so was I. There was no doubt in my mind that they would be close as they grew up. I had once worried that I might not make a good mother because I never really had anyone to show me what it meant to be one. Thankfully, it came naturally. There were days that was smooth sailing but others that were highly challenging. I would not give even a moment of it up though. Each moment was precious and would one day be only a memory. That thought always had a sobering effect whenever I got overwhelmed. Our boys were extremely well-mannered, but they were still just pups. I would have them no other way though. Their journey ahead
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Chapter 23
ZIYAH I have loved motherhood thus far. Part of me had been terrified that I would not be able to adequately care for three babes at once, but I had pleasantly surprised myself. Plus, Dante and Byron have both been amazingly helpful. They were the best fathers already. They insisted that I get as much sleep as possible, so they would take turns feeding, changing, and caring for them at night. There was so much happiness that radiated through the bond in relation to our aiyanos and me. I watched as the twins were entertaining the triplets with holograms and funny faces. It was so fucking adorable. They would definitely look after their cousins. There was no doubt about that. Elle asked me a question, but my attention was snatched away into a vision before I could even answer her. - Dante held me from behind as we watched our children sleeping. They had been fussing unless they were together. So, we had a specialty crib made that still separated them safely but let them be together
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Chapter 24
ZIYAH The strategy meeting was set for 10:00 A.M. There were going to be many people involved, so we decided to have it in the building where my Luna ceremony had been held at. It was large enough that we would not be crowded. We had quite a few volunteers who set up the long tables, individual seating for those who were more comfortable that way, and a breakfast buffet for anyone who was hungry. This meeting was intended for leadership and those they felt would be able to add to the planning stage. One thing that I loved about our pack was that there was never a shortage of volunteers. It was the same with Nightshade. All of us were more than pack. We were family. From Dark Moon – Jackson and Imeela were not coming, but Brynn, Theo, Dustin, Dahlia, Cadence, and their Lamias were able to head this way. Tris was also coming since she was Brynn’s Vessel guide and would be an asset. Valis was sitting in for Imeela because he understood her abilities and what she could bring to the ta
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Chapter 25
ZIYAH “We want to thank each of you for coming out on such short notice. There is plenty that needs to be discussed, and it will be your choice in the end if you choose to stand and fight beside us. Nobody will look down upon anyone who chooses not to.” I paused and looked out over the hundreds of individuals who were here this morning. The ones who dropped everything and came to this meeting. My heart was elated at such camaraderie, but it clenched at the thought of the potential danger this battle could pose. “My name is Ziyah Trelinin. This is Alpha Dante, my fated mate and bonded. Thirty-seven years ago, I was betrayed by my sister and handed over to the Klarish clan. For those who are unfamiliar with them, they are a dangerous clan of Dark Fae who have destroyed not only Light Fae clans but are also responsible for the eradication of other covens, clans, and packs. They don’t discriminate between supernatural species.” The screens on either side of us show a slide that we had
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Chapter 26
DANTE ‘Our aiyanos are with me in the magic room. Love you.’ I groaned when I read the note that had been left on her pillow. She was up early again. While I understood her need since everything was counting down, she still could have woken me up. I knew there was not much I could do, but I could at least still support her. ‘Let’s take her some coffee,’ Byron said, yawning and stretching out. ‘Do you need one too?’ I teased him. He flashed me a grin and nodded. Coffee was one thing that he drank plenty of when he had his own body for twenty-four hours because he had loved the taste. I threw on a pair of shorts and a tank since we would be training soon. It was only 7:30 A.M. so there was still a little bit before we had to head out. Coffees in hand, I made my way to the magic room. I smiled at the sight that greeted me. Ziyah was using her magic to create a carousel of magical creatures right in front of them. They were mesmerized by it. “Look who’s here! Come on in, Daddy.” “
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Chapter 27
ELLE This was the first time that I had noticed the power that was radiating from Jackson and Imeela. Not everyone was sensitive to energies, but I had always been sensitive to feeling the strength of auras. “I want to see you both unleash your auras,” I told them. “My girl is the one with the super aura. Mine’s just a typical Beta aura.” His head tilted to the side as he tried to figure out what prompted that request. I just gave him a wide grin and waved him forward. He knew me well enough to know that I would not drop it, so agreeing to it was the easiest course of action. Imeela kissed his jaw and stepped away from him. Her arms hung loosely at her side. Jackson followed suit and gave me one last questioning look. Their arms shot out at the same time, palm out. The auras responded immediately and rushed outwards. ‘Typical Beta aura’ my ass. That was steps above an Alpha aura, but I was not surprised because he was fully mated to Imeela, and strength was shared during the mar
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Chapter 28
ELLE Imeela had reached out to Ziyah and related everything that she and Jackson had witnessed during their astral projection into the coven. First, Toris Klarish had procured some of Loki’s essence to be used against Ziyah. It would completely strip her ability to use her magic. Ziyah had said that Yincenzi was a concoction that contained his essence and specific ingredients which would make the binding permanent. Apparently, Loki despised that Ziyah had found favor with the gods but also because she had made it impossible for some of the fucked-up ventures to continue with the ridiculous powerful boundaries as well as being the one to lead the charge against Blantay. Second, Loki had only allowed Andrei to believe that he would be the one to receive the power from Hecate’s blessing when it was extracted from Imeela. However, it would be Loki’s to receive. It would amp up his power level but would require a sacrifice of thirteen bonded pairs. That was where the forced markings woul
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Chapter 29
ZIYAH Dante and I stood in front of the specialty crib that he had made so that all three could sleep in the same one, just like the vision had shown us. Our aiyanos were fast asleep, so we did not want to wake them up. We did not want to leave them, but we had no other choice. We had to eradicate this threat so that we would all be safe. “We’ll be back with them in no time, babe,” Dante said as he wrapped his arm around me. “I know…” I sighed. “Did you make sure to notarize the will?” We had decided to leave a detailed will in the event that we did not make it back from this. It outlined that his parents would be the legal guardians of our children and would hold the Alpha and Luna title until the Alpha title could be passed onto the triplets. Separate accounts were opened for the three of them that held their inheritance, which would grow with each passing year. I also left my mother’s protection bracelet here since the protective magic was bound to me for a week after it was re
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Chapter 30
DANTE It was a great thing that we had brought so many people because the enemies were numerous and filled with some serious fucking power. Byron and I wanted to rush out there and rip the fucker’s throat out with the way that he was looking at our mate and the things that he was saying. However, what kept me grounded was knowing that she and our people could be caught in the crossfire. I could not allow that to happen. Did you want to know something seriously fucking amusing? How easily my girl got underneath the fucker’s ugly fucking skin. He was either the star of or the instigator in most of her nightmares. He was the one who imprisoned and tortured her in every single fucking way possible. Watching Elle up against the bitchy Bandore or Brynn up against the fucker who murdered her mother had nothing on this showdown. I had been threading the enemies vines together since the moment that they showed up. Not only had I put in a lot of time and effort to master this, but my girl a
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