All Chapters of The CEO's Unwanted Baby: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
60 Chapters
ATHOSI was crossing the room when Rylee caught up with me.“I do not need you to defend me,” he said from behind me.I rolled my eyes and turned to look at her. Looking at her face, beautiful and young as a doll's, I could not help but slump inside. Memories of last night bombarded me, fierce desire running wild in my veins. A desire that needed to be contained.“Of course you do. She has no idea how to defend herself. Allow a bunch of idiots to humiliate you.— I do not think it is humiliation for me to make my own dish.“It was not just a matter of serving yourself. They were making fun of you, belittling you.Rylee dropped her gaze to the floor, looking embarrassed.“I do not care for that kind of nonsense. People are really prejudiced, but I do not care what they think of me.Her words made me understand that she was also the target of this type of treatment by residents of the city, that she was discriminated against and despised because of the activities she practiced in compli
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I could not go through with my plan to take the day off, so after lunch I had an online meeting with my lawyers and engineers. As they all knew that my real objective in building the pipeline was to destroy ArnaldoBiShop, I brought them up to date on their blackmail, seeking a possible solution to the problem and we ended up reaching a consensus that the most sensible decision to be taken at that moment would be to wait for Ryleea to reach the age of majority before we concluded the work, which would happen in less than two months, because that way, even if that insect spoke to the press about the pregnancy, being of legal age, the scandal would be mitigated and it would reduce the risk of the government canceling our permission.Spending almost two more months in that damned city was out of the question. I needed to dedicate myself to another project during that time, because then that insect would think that I had given up on going over his house and would relax, sparing me a possi
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RYLEE"Girl, what was that stare between you two?" asked Marina, in her usual irreverent way.I still had not had the courage to tell her about what happened last night, when Athos had burst into my room and attacked me, first with fury, then with passion, taking me in his arms, almost making me his.Since then, I could not think about anything other than everything I felt, the taste of that mouth, the strength of those arms.My God! I did not know what was happening to me. At the very least, he must have been going crazy. It would be right to hate this man, for threatening to take my son away, for forcing me to live in his house, even though the experience of living there was not all bad.Since yesterday, after he fired the maid, the other two just had to lick the floor I walked on, such was the flattery. Not that she enjoyed being fawned over, but it was nice to be respected for a change.Despite having grown up in a house frequented by all kinds of men, from the most perverted to t
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On Saturday night, Marina and I were ready to go to the school party, wearing our new dresses. Mine was nude , with small sparkles of sequins, cut shoulder crossed, bodycon slit that started from the bust and emerged towards the side, almost meeting the slit of the tight skirt, which went up to the apex of the thigh. Since my belly still was not showing and my breasts were slightly bigger due to the pregnancy, it had made me as sexy as I have ever been.It was optimism on my part to believe that the tyrant would let me go to this party. As soon as we reached the gates of the house, we were stopped by security and not even when I called him, explaining that it was a school party, did he give me permission to go."You have no right to stop me from leaving!" I snapped, furious, still at the gate, talking to Athos on the cell phone. "You do not own me!"“ Do not forget that your mother signed a document making me your legal guardian, with full powers over you, until you turn eighteen. And
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RYLEEBeing between Marina and Matheus, I felt, in a way, protected from the hostility generated by the prejudice of other people, so I simply decided not to care about them and so I started to have fun as I have done on very few occasions throughout my existence, dancing , drinking soft drinks, eating snacks and taking funny selfies .However, soon came the moment that discouraged me from going to parties, the one when romantic songs were played and couples gathered on the floor to dance. No one ever asked me to dance, out of shame, out of fear that someone would think he was getting involved with the daughter of the biggest crook in town. And that night was no different.Marina still offered to stay with me, but I insisted that she go dancing with her date , as I did not want her to stop having fun because of me and, as usual, I went to sit in a corner, feeling painfully excluded, rejected.Bruno, a guy I almost dated in ninth grade, even approached me, as if he intended to ask me t
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"Do you want to eat something else before you go to sleep?" - Athos asked, as soon as we arrived at the house, advancing through the large living room.- No. I think I ate too many snacks.And it was true. I was almost bursting from so many snacks and sodas."Then I think you'd better go to sleep." It is getting late. He gestured toward the staircase, which led to the second floor, and I hesitated.I did not want that night to end yet, I wanted to be with him, return to his arms, relive that charm that made me feel during all the hours we were together. More than that: I wanted him, as crazy as that seemed. I just did not know how to say it to him. Connecting emotionally, or even physically, with a man was not something I was familiar with. But I wanted him too much to do nothing.Then, hesitantly and timidly, I reached over and touched the fabric of his shirt with my trembling fingertips, lifting my face to look at him. The fervor I saw in the expression in his eyes spurred me on.“I
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ATHOSIt had been a few minutes since Ryleea had fallen asleep in my arms, her breathing was becoming slow and long, her beautiful body, completely relaxed, molded to mine.Reluctant to pull away, I got up, being careful not to wake her, gathered her in my arms and carried her up the stairs and upstairs. I went into her room and carefully laid her on the bed.I was supposed to turn around and leave the room, but I just could not move. I stood there, watching her with barely a breath.Despite the fact that Rylee is almost a child, no other woman has ever appeared to me as feminine, beautiful, and attractive as she does. Her thick dark hair spilled over the white pillowcase as it framed her doll face; her closed eyes revealed long, dark lashes. Although she was completely relaxed, her face expressed that air of innocence that shook me as much as it made me feel guilty; the tight dress highlighted every curve of her beautiful body; her firm breasts, with pink nipples, almost bulged from
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"I did not fucking do anything!" I snapped, losing patience.It was then that the two other policemen advanced on me, turning me to face the wall, without my committing the stupidity of fighting them both. The deputy handcuffed my wrists behind my back, and when I turned back to him, I could see the satisfaction in his eyes, which made me understand that this was all a big set up for me, of which he was a part. and which Arnaldo was certainly behind.Holy shit!- Hang on. He did not do anything. He spent the whole night with me,” said Rylee , approaching, frightened, startled.I wish she had not seen this. Hell!“No, miss. He went to the Riviera Club last night, we have several witnesses who saw him there.Rylee looked at me for denial and I could see the disappointment reflected in her eyes when I kept silent.“After spending about an hour with the victim in one of the suites, she was found dead by the maid. She was hanged with the wire from the intercom. We also have reports of Mr.
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RYLEEAs soon as Athos left my room, I headed towards the kitchen and asked the cook to prepare macaroni and cheese, because, in addition to being a quick dish, I had already noticed that Athos really liked pasta .For God! I could not believe that I spent those two days in the most incomparable dread, believing that he had really taken someone's life. The hurt inside me was blinding me so much, that he had left me alone to go spend the night with that woman, that I could not see anything else, I did not realize how innocent I was. However, that innocence was stamped in her eyes when I asked her the truth.Athos was not guilty. He might be arrogant, have the attitudes of a tyrant, but he was not a murderer. After all, he had no reason to kill that girl. On the contrary, he needed her alive to lie, testifying in his favor about what he thought had happened between us at the club.I wish I could believe that my mother was not behind this murder, but the truth was, she would profit from
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Annoyed, Athos answered the phone and finally ordered the security guard to let her in.“Go ahead. I'll come down later,” he said, and I understood that my mother could not suspect what we were doing.- Clear.Hastily, I went to the mirror, fixed my ponytail, checked that my clothes weren't out of place, and went downstairs, advancing through the great room at the same moment that my mother came through the front door, accompanied byRose and Michel, certainly using their son-in-law as their security. If I were in her shoes, I would be afraid of Athos too .She was better dressed than usual, wearing a long flowered dress, high-heeled sandals, and her blond hair was beautifully brushed. As I looked into her face, I tried to feel some trace of longing, or affection, but all I wanted was for her to leave and never come back.— Would you like a coffee or an orange juice? Roseline asked.— You do not need to bring anything, Rose. Can go.The housekeeper excused herself and headed for the k
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