All Chapters of Protected by the Moon Goddess: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
85 Chapters
Addom gives me a sexy smile that shows off his overgrown canine teeth. Heat throbs between my legs. It's a good thing we're in the water at the moment, so Addom doesn't feel the embarrassing arousal seeping from my slit into his chest."Maybe I was," I reply. "You can be a little scary.""I just want to protect you.""Really?" I ask. "Because it looks like you want to eat me alive."Addom's smile gets bigger, and his nostrils flare as he sniffs me. I suddenly realize the unintended double meaning of what I just said and try to change the subject."Besides, it's not like I'm totally helpless."Addom snorts.I stifle a moan as he lowers me down and the hardened bud between my legs rubs every ripple on his forehead, eliciting echoes of the multiple orgasms I experienced the night before under Hasker's skillful tongue and fingers.Then I scream when something long and hard hits me right between the legs. It looks like his erection didn't go down on its own. If anything, it seems even more
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I drag my eyes down his muscular legs. Kadmon are soft, lean and tanned. The Hasker are hairier, more strongly built, and scarred from battle.As my eyes travel higher, I swallow.The two alphas are towering over me, their cocks erect and pumping with their wrists. Kadmon shoots me a smile. Hasker just looks at me intently."You three?" I sigh as they approach. "You three are going to..."My voice drops, unable to complete the sentence. From behind, Addom's voice fills in for me."Fuck her?" he laughs. "Yes."My body is tense. There's no way I can handle being fucked by one of those Alphas, let alone all three. Will they take turns using my body? Or will they share me all at once?I feel a sudden urge to pull away. Hasker detects this and he steps to the side, widening his stance to block me."Don't worry," growls Addom. "We're not going to fuck you now. Not here. Your body isn't ready yet.I breathe a sigh of relief. But Addom has more to say."First, we must prepare your body." I ca
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“Addom I can't take it. It's too big for me.” “I know,” he yells.He doesn't dive into me like I'd hoped, even though it's clear he wants to. Part of me wants that too, even though I know it's impossible. He would split me in two with that thing.Instead, he shakes the long shaft. His skin shifts over his veins and the hard inner core of his erection.He presses forward a little and his flexible, perforated head pushes a little deeper into my hole. Even that little bit is enough to stretch my tight ring."Addom!" I sigh.His free hand presses down on my stomach, trapping me. I wrap my legs around him. He continues stroking his hard shaft with just the tip of his cock inside me."You are ready?" he growls, his voice tightening. "Are you ready to take my seed, omega?""Yes!" I gasp. "Oh shit, I need him inside me so bad."Addom throws back his head and grunts loudly. The sound echoes between the stone walls of the cave. His cock pulses, shooting a stream of hot semen straight into my ho
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I understand why she infuriates Hasker. She is disobedient. Wild. Indomitable. My body is much stronger than hers, but I'm afraid her crush is more than a match for me.I also understand what Addom meant when he used to warn me about how dangerous an omega can be.And truth. Before we found Orchid, I never thought of disobeying a direct order from the pack leader. But now, with this tiny creature pumping my throbbing cock and rubbing it against her own needy sex, that's about to change."No what?" she whispers again, with a wicked smile."Don't stop," I breathe.The blood is roaring through my veins with all the force of the waterfall. With her other hand, Orchid holds my balls, which are tightening with my impending release. She spreads her legs and rubs my head between her bottom lips."You are so good to me, Kadmon," she wails. Your pupils are dilated again. I want you to come inside me. I want you to enter my pussy like Addom.”If Addom or Hasker caught us now, we'd both be dead.
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ORCHIDThe alphas' howls echo through the night forest.The woods are mysterious and blue in the moonlight. I run through the trees. The bushes bloody my ankles and branches whip my face and sting my eyes, blinding me. I tap on the rough bark of a log. Spinning around, I stumble and fall to the ground, scraping my knees on tangled roots and rough rocks.I struggle to get away, panting, fingers clawing at the ground, feet slipping on the carpet of dead leaves.But it's too late.The alphas are already here. They surrounded me.There are four of them. Four huge silhouettes. They are around me at the four points of the compass as if preparing for a dark and primal ceremony, and I am the sacrifice. His mirrored eyes glint dimly in the moonlight. Plumes of steaming breath curl around their heads."Help me!" I scream.My voice is high pitched but has no echo. The dark forest simply swallows her up, like a coin dropped into a bottomless pit.The alphas laugh grimly as they slowly approach me
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A few minutes later, I'm on my feet. I still feel a little wobbly, so I have to lean on Kadmon as he leads me around the perimeter of the room. Hannah walks beside me, while Hasker and Addom walk ahead of us, silently discussing something.We are circling the Source, the enormous device that dominates the center of this enormous space.Anyway, I think it's a device. It's like a huge sphere, but instead of a smooth surface, it's covered in matte black cones. Other groups of men and women are also circling the Fountain, and their heads are bowed as if they are praying or meditating. Others are lying on pallets similar to the one I woke up to, seemingly healing wounds or illnesses.One thing's for sure: this weird vibrational feeling I've been feeling since I came too? It definitely emanates from that thing."So… what exactly does it do?" I whisper to Hannah.She shrugs."Honestly? I don't have a clue." I can't help but laugh at Hannah's blunt behavior. She continues, "All I know is that
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At the back of the dark, cavernous hall, there are three huge Alphas lounging and talking. They look up when we approach and easily shake hands with my guys. Behind them are a series of wide archways that open onto a room filled with swaying skeins of bluish light reflecting off the water. I'm expecting a swimming pool, but what I find inside is a little different.The air inside is thick and humid. A classically styled colonnade and tiled floor surround some steaming shallow pools that I realize must be hot baths." Orchid!"There, waiting for us at the water's edge, is Hannah. I know the alphas sitting outside must be his mates.She rushes over to greet us, throwing her arms around me in a big hug, like we've been best friends all our lives. His piercings are cool against my bare skin. Nude hugs are a surprise to me. It's certainly not something friends would do in the city hive.On the other hand, considering everything I've been through this past week, that's nothing. Also, for al
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ORCHIDAddom said there was a lot to prepare for, but it certainly doesn't look that way. Hannah and I spend the entire day relaxing in the baths, stepping outside whenever we start to get too rotten. At one point, Kadmon and one of Hannah's alphas bring us a tray of fruit to eat. I practically feel like an aristocrat on the upper level of the city's hive, with servants waiting hand and foot.It's nice and relaxing and chatting with Hannah. In fact, for a while, I even forget my apprehension about what lies ahead.But finally, the day draws to a close, and the bathhouse grows dark as the sun sets outside the narrow, misty windows."It's almost time," says Hannah. "You need to dry off."She brings me a towel from a cupboard by the wall."Hannah" I ask. “Will there be other people there?Like... watching?She nods, and a flush fills her cheeks. I remember that she went through this process relatively recently."There will be," she says. "Claims have been announced throughout the communi
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ORCHIDThis is beyond shameful. I'm coming on Addom's tongue while hundreds of unfamiliar eyes watch from the shadows.No matter how much I struggle to contain my happiness, it's useless. His soft lips suck my clit and his hard teeth bite me lightly. His rough tongue separates my folds and dips into my hole, licking me from the inside.Screams of pleasure erupt from my mouth as my body writhes and squirms in the Alpha's arms.Everyone can see how much my body is enjoying this. Even though I could stifle my screams, the high peaks of my nipples gave me away. And then there's the stain flowing from my hole. There is so much that drips onto the moss like wax from the melting candles that surround us."Is that good, Orchid?" Kadmon purrs as he kisses my throat."Yes!" I sob. "Oh God, don't stop.""Don't worry, omega," Hasker growls. "We're just getting started.My hips buck as Addom takes another series of shocking orgasms between my legs. My thighs squeeze his head as he feasts on me wit
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ADDOM"How you feel, little one," I purr as I lower myself to her."Good," she gasps. "So good."Her chest is heaving as she struggles to catch her breath after the rough whacks Hasker has given her. My eyes follow the hypnotic rise and fall of her rosy nipples. The air is thick with her scent."I am doing well?" she asks.I stroke her sweat-stained cheek. I brush away the wet hair plastered to her forehead. I claim her mouth in a long, hot kiss that leaves her breathless."You're amazing," I tell her.She shudders in pleasure as I rub the head of my pierced cock against her erect clit. She is hypersensitive. Your body responds to every touch like an electric shock.Her skin is hot. She's practically burning up. I kiss her neck, savoring the salt of her sweat and the scent of her skin. His heartbeat beats against my lips. My mouth carves a path to her chest. I dip my face and kiss her nipples, sucking them hard into my mouth, stretching them to peaks and then letting them bounce back.
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