All Chapters of TRUE OMEGA: Chapter 11 - Chapter 20
57 Chapters
Chapter 11
POV LANCEI hate talking to my Dad. He is a ruthless Alpha and he is heartless. He is cruel and cold. My brother isn't any better. They are everything I don't want to be or associated with. I have found that I just need to tell him what he wants to hear so he doesn't come out here. His visit would be a disaster and I didn't want him to meet my mate until she was officially mine. He would scare her and try to mistreat her.I was relieved when this position was offered to me by the council. I wanted to get away from my father and his ways. That was no way to run a pack. I had always taken more after my mother. She was a wonderful woman and I missed her terribly. My father and brother were always awful to her and I vowed to never make my mate feel like that. Ever. Mate's were a gift and should be treated with love and respect. I would never harm my mate or make her feel bad if I could help it.I felt guilty about the things I had to say to my father about my lovely mate. I would never st
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Chapter 12
POV LanceI knew that there was something going on with my mate she avoided me the rest of the day, especially after I caught her crying. That's why I added a guard. I had my suspicious confirmed when I saw her face as I told her about the change. After I walked away from her, I ended up tearing my office apart in anger and sadness. Fear was overwhelming me at the thought that she wanted to leave me.My heart was breaking. I already loved her. I craved her. I needed her by my side but I needed her to want to be by my side. I needed her to want me as much as I wanted her. It was breaking me to know that she didn't. I knew that we could be good together. That she could be happy with me if she would just give me a chance. I would do anything to make her happy again. All I needed was one chance."She is going to leave. She is trying to run" I muttered and my wolf agreed."That's not going to happen" I declared.I calmed myself and thought. Suddenly, I had an idea."If she is going to plo
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Chapter 13
POV SamanthaWe drove for an hour when suddenly gasped and everyone turned to look at me."Jules! What about Steph?" I lamented and he smiled at me."Alpha asked if she wanted to go with us but she had too many duties at the pack hospital. It will be tough to be apart but she and I can call each other and she may meet up with us later." Jules explained as he drove.(They have been fighting a lot lately. She wanted to break.) Troy linked me and I nodded."We need to ditch this car. There is probably a tracker on it." Gavin said."Let's drop it at the train station and take a cab to airport." Troy suggested and the rest of us agreed.Gavin quickly looked up directions to the nearest train station and airport. He directed Jules for another hour until we finally found it.(FUCK! Lance knows. Go on a plane, he is livid) Dad linked us and we all tensed.I was surprised that he was still able to link us since we were so far away.How did Lance find out so quickly? We had expected to have mos
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Chapter 14
10 Months laterPOV SamanthaI turned to Gavin and hugged him with a sad high. We had loved our time in Scotland but it was time for us to go. These last few months have been both fun and terrifying. Lance almost caught us in London. He had tracked the number of our burner phone and found where it was purchased. Luckily, Dad called and tipped us off.After London, we went to Sweden. We never stayed anywhere longer than a month. It was fun and we had some great adventures but roaming was tiring.We haven't heard from Dad or Mom since London though. We couldn't risk it. We had managed to hear that they are all right and back with our pack through some of the other packs we have visited. Thankfully, most packs are more loyal to my father than they are to Lance and they have done a good job in keeping us secret when we run into them. It did nothing to help our homesickness though.Once such pack is the one we have been with in Scotland. It's good thing, too. Gavin was able to find his lat
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Chapter 15
POV LanceIt's been 10 fucking months since I have seen my mate's face! Heard her kind voice! Felt her soft skin! My wolf and I have on edge the entire time. The only thing that is kept me sane is the fact that I never felt the pain of Samantha bring harmed or cheating on me. I knew that she was alive unharmed and faithful.Of course, that doesn't mean that I am not angry at her for running. I was livid when I found out. When I figured out that she had overhead what I had said a while ago, I understood but then I was angry all over again for her not coming to me to talk to me about it. Instead, she chose to run.I knew that her father and family were helping her and a dark part of me wanted to go to war over it. I knew that they, probably even encouraged her to run. Thankfully, my Beta, Trevor, talked me out of a plan that could have killed countless Werewolves. He also helped me understand why Sammy would ran.As much as I hated it, I did understand. Now. She had been hurt by an Alph
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Chapter 16
POV SamanthaI looked at Lance with horror in my eyes but I must admit that some small part of me relaxed at the touch of my mate. He looked angry but his eyes softened as he looked into mine."LET HER GO!!!" Dad, Troy and Sean screamed.I was breathing heavily and looked up in a panic."Calm down little mate. I'm not going to harm you. I would never hurt you. I just need to talk to you. I swear. I will let you leave after we talk, I just need for you to hear my side. If you want to go back to your family and pack afterwards, I won't force you to stay. Please baby? I just need for you to know me first." He whispered in my ear.I looked at the family in the car in front of me. They were so close and I had no idea what to do."Alpha Lance, if you don't let my daughter go, I will start a war. I know that neither of us want that." My father threatened and Lance stiffened."I will let her go with you but only if I can come with. I need to discuss things with her and I need to make sure tha
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Chapter 17
POV LanceI started at my little mate I vaguely heard her Dad suggest that we get started. I was in awe of her. I couldn't believe that she was actually sitting next to me after all this time. I looked up startled when her father cleared his throat. Everyone was smirking at me and I sighed."What?" I growled."What do you want?_ her dad pressed and I rose an eyebrow."You know what I want. I want my mate to come home with me and join me in running our pack" o began.Samantha looked pained at my words and her family glared at me after I said that so I continued."But, I want Samantha to be happy, safe and comfortable even more than that so I will do what I need to do to ensure that she is." I added.The room seemed to relax and Eddie smiled at me in encouragement. He looked proud. Samantha's Mom and Stacy both looked pleased at my answer but her Dad, Troy and Sean still looked suspicious. Samantha looked at me with a questioning look."Even if that means that I go back to live with my
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Chapter 18
POV LanceI felt relief after we had decided everything. At least we had a solution and my mate would be safe and happy. It wasn't perfect and it was going to be awful to be without her but she was giving me a chance. I would be able to talk to her daily and she would be near me at least a couple of days a month. I would have to be happy with that for now. I wouldn't waste this chance. Samantha would be mine."I will write up the contract." Stacy, Troy's mate offered and the rest of us agreed."It'll be done in less than an hour and then everyone can sign it." She added.She smiled at my Samantha before she pulled out her laptop and started typing. As she worked, I cuddled with my little mate on the couch. Troy glared at me but didn't say anything and I was happy to see that Samantha didn't seem uncomfortable in my arms either."What will happen now?" She asked after a few quiet minutes.She looked to her father and then to me."Since I am over here, Troy and I should meet with a few
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Chapter 19
Stacy finished the contract and everyone read and sighed it. Samantha was exhausted and she could tell that the others were too."Okay! Everyone to bed! Samantha, you are staying in this suite in the other bedroom. Your Mom and I have the master bedroom in here. Sean, you will be in the room the next door. Troy and Stacy, you will be on the other side. Lance, here is the rest of your rooms for your warriors. Sean here is the rest of ours, please sort everyone out for me. We will meet in the lobby at 8am for breakfast and then plan The rest of our stay." Her Dad ordered and she shook her head at him."Do you think that I should even try to ask for you to stay with me?" Lance whispered in her ear and she blushed." No way. First of all, I say no.Secondly, my Dad and brother would kill you for even suggesting it." She snapped and he chuckled."Fine." He agreed as we stood."I will come by here around 7: 45 so we can go downstairs together, alright?" He tried.A part of Samantha wanted t
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Chapter 20
POV SamanthaWhen I woke up the next morning, I was startled to find Lance in my bed. Not olnly that but was cuddled close to him with my head on his chest. I jerked to sit up and woke him in the process. He grinned at me as I scowled at him."What are you doing in here?!" I demanded.His eyes softened."You had a nightmare last night and your parents couldn't wake you. I heard your screaming so I came. You relaxed when I held you so I stayed to make sure that you didn't have another one." He explained quickly.I blushed and looked down in embarrassment. I felt so defeated. No matter how much I worked or how hard I tried, I was still that little girl that Alpha David abused. I was weak. Lance growled and cupped my chin. He gently pushed face to look up at him."Don't be embarrassed baby. You are so strong. I can't believe all you have had to go through. You are so brave and I am so glad that at a young age and still be so kind and caring is nothing short of a miracle and you need to u
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