All Chapters of VALENTINE'S DAY : Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
142 Chapters
Bring me flowers
Valentina’s P.O.V“Excuse me?” I drawled, I’m not so sure I heard him properly, but he was thanking me, on my way here, I had thought about a lot of scenarios in my head but some word of gratitude and appreciation was not one of the things I had imagined. “Would you please come closer?” His voice came out pleadingly and I paused for a while battling my thoughts, I wondered if this was not some imposter pretending to be Ethan or if this was some kind of strategy to make me let down my guard. “It’s difficult to talk when you’re standing so far away.” I drew in a sharp breath and I took a few steps towards the bed, only stopping when I got to the foot of the bed, I’m not willing to ignore all the risks. This was a safe distance, even if he tries anything I could run for the door. “You still haven’t told me the reason you asked to see me?” I reminded impatiently; but instead of answering me, he suddenly he pulled away the duvet from his body revealing his pair of long legs on the bed.
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Could this be Jealousy?
Ethan P.O.V “Then I will pay you.” I offered instead. “For every single time you come to visit me, I will pay you three times even five times what you’re paid.” I had no reason for calling her here so late at night, I just wanted her to be close to me, I wanted to hug her and kiss her but I know she wouldn’t allow me. Her eyes narrowed at me and she clenched her fist, I could tell she was about to refuse me, since this version of Valentina is quite stubborn. She wasn’t as meek as I remembered, it’s probably because she is weary of me, but I wanted her to trust me that is the only way I can protect her.I had thought about a lot of things, since all my predictions have been right so far, then this might mean we are slowly walking to history repeating itself. “I refuse.” She said with a frown on her face. “I promise that each time you come here I won’t touch you against your will nor will I do anything to hurt you.” I tried another resort but she still had that obstinate look on h
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Under different circumstances
Valentina’s P.O.V “What do you want?” I asked Travis who seemed a bit hesitant about what he wanted to say, he scratched the back of his neck nervously and my frown deepened. “I’m so tired, I would like to go home to rest, I still have to attend classes tomorrow.” “I would like to drive you home since it’s pretty late anyway.” He said in a quiet voice avoiding eye contact with me, I wondered if this was the same Travis who had come to drag me out of my workplace. He’s almost like a different person now. “So…” “Ethan already booked me a ride, so there would be no need for you to stress yourself, thanks for the offer though,” I answered him as I turned on my heels heading for the elevator that leads to the exit of the hospital. He followed me immediately getting into the elevator with me, and I wondered why he was still being persistent. “What is it?” “I just wanted to apologize for threatening you and using force to bring you to this place.” He muttered without meeting my eyes. “I
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A promise is a promise
Valentina’s P.O.V I woke up to the birds chirping against the window sill, and I felt a sharp pain in my stomach and my head, it was blinding, so much so that I felt paralyzed where I lay. My phone was ringing, I only heard it now, sluggishly, I reached for it. “Valentina, for the love of God, you had me worried.” Melissa sounded over the edge and a small smile reached my lips, I forgot to call her when I got home last night. “Are you all, right? Where are you?” “I-I just woke up,” my voice cracked as I spoke and I cleared my throat before she could notice something. Even though Melissa was my friend I didn’t want her to know that Ron still hits me; she would get even more worried than she usually gets. “Forgive me, I forgot to call you last night.”“What did Ethan do?” She asked in a hurry. “I swear to God if he touched you in any way.” I chuckled softly, at least this was a better way to start my day. “No, he did not,” I answered as I forced myself up the bed, clutching my head
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You are hurt
Ethan’s P.O.V It was getting late, and I was starting to lose hope in Valentina, maybe she wouldn’t come like she promised, it’s not like I can blame her if she doesn’t. A small sigh of disappointment escaped my lips, if only my legs are not so swollen, I would have gone to look for her myself. I’m not even advised to walk short distances, that’s why they had given me the small wheelchair in the corner of the room in case I wanted to go outside. It would be a miracle if Valentina came here, but I wished she did because I missed her. I was feeling a little bit lonely, Junis went home to change his clothes, the old man had been here for six days without a break. I told him I could somehow manage the night on my own and if there was an emergency, I would reach out to him. I only did that because I hoped Valentina would come, I wanted to have some alone time with her, something equivalent to a date. Since I hadn’t gotten the opportunity to talk to her since I miraculous time t
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Delicious Food
Valentina’s P.O.V Maybe it was because I had left my wounds unattended to, but they sting like a bitch now, so much that walking is a problem for me and I don’t even want to talk about how hungry I am at the moment. I watched the doctor as they examined the wounds on my stomach and my back, since I suffered the most there. He touched the small swell that started to form in my wrist and I shifted back in reflex, his eyes narrowed as he sat down holding a small report sheet. “Do you have any sort of pain in your head?” He asked curiously, I wonder if he was referring to the terrible headache that was in front of my forehead. “Yes, I have a slight headache.” I answered almost immediately, I could easily respond to the doctor since Ethan wasn’t here. But wait, there seemed to be something wrong with Ethan, but I just couldn’t explain it. He seemed like a totally different person, and his eyes don’t hold the usual hate they did for me, it was as though he was looking at me. “Were yo
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A vulnerable Foe
Valentina’s P.O.V “Is it possible to have dementia at the age of twenty-one?” I typed into my internet search engine, biting my nails nervously as I watched the page load. “Yes, it is, even though age is a great factor, it’s not limited to older people.” The search engine answered and my eyebrows furrowed together, so it was kind of possible Ethan has dementia, but if he does, they should have noticed it in the hospital. Apart from the fact that he was acting strange towards me, he seemed to recall every other person fine. If it isn’t dementia, then what is it? I thought to myself, then I typed into the phone. “Does high fever aid memory loss?” He had been acting strange since the day he came looking for me in his pajamas, and he had a very high fever that day. “Please be more precise about your question.” The engine replied, it always does this when it has no definite answer for my questions but then it gathered tons of articles that are related to memory loss and mental healt
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Object of Entertainment
Valentina’s P.O.VI picked my hair up in a ponytail as I prepared myself for school, Ethan was discharged on Friday, and I heard from Lucille and the rest of the classmates. I didn’t go visit him after the last time, he didn’t give me any answer to my question.Even though he seemed harmless, I doubted him, and I doubted him a lot.It’s impossible for someone to just change in an instant, so I want to tread carefully.“Give me some money.” I heard Norah’s voice as soon as I got out of my room, there was a small glare on her face. “I need to buy drinks for the girls today.”“You’re fifteen years old, Norah, you shouldn’t be drinking.” I scolded, as the eldest daughter, even though I wasn’t considered a member of the family, Norah is my little sister and I care for her. “I won’t give you money if you’re going to drink.”“It’s not your business what I do with the money.” She snarled and just then my brother, and Norah’s twin, Nathan came downstairs. His brown eyes access the place and th
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Let's get lunch
Valentina’s P.O.V I’m glad I was able to get out of that one without getting hurt, classes went on smoothly, and we even had a test, one that I was pretty sure that I aced. I picked the apple I had bought on my way to school and ate it, just as soon as I bit in, my eyes turned in the direction of Ethan and he was staring at me. What is wrong with this dude? I shook my head as I continued my snack, my phone beeped loudly informing me that I had an incoming message. “Are you avoiding me?” I read and the message was from Ethan, I rolled my eyes as I wondered if I should type back or I should just ignore him.“No, I’m not,” I replied, almost instantly, and he sent me another text. “Good.” With a smiling emoticon behind it. “Meet me at the back when it’s closing.” I stared hard at the text and then turned in his direction, I was immediately reminded that I couldn’t look in his direction too much because Lucille had her eyes on me. “Why?” “You will find out when you come.” “Are you
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A second chance at siblings
Nathan’s P.O.V“We should have collected more, I told you that girl has so much money, I wonder how she got it.” I rolled my eyes even as Norah complained, she had been complaining as we went to school and we were closed from school, and she was still complaining. Valentina might not say it but she cares so much about us and even though the family is like that and Norah keeps on stealing her money she has never taken anything to heart.So I feel Norah could cut Valentina some slacks.“That stingy bitch, she isn’t even grateful that our father lets her stay in our house for free.” She complained bitterly as we headed inside the city center, probably to spend some good time before we decided to go home. “What could we possibly get with this?”“Norah…” I called my twin softly, I wasn’t very angry at her, because I knew her reasoning wasn’t her fault, and up until some weeks back, I thought the same way, if I was going to blame anyone, I was going to blame our parents. “Do you have any
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