All Chapters of Twisted Love Knots: A Billionaire's Substitute: Chapter 81 - Chapter 90
151 Chapters
Chapter 80 - She Tricked Him
She was not running away with him, Marcel discovered - to his disappointment. He couldn't understand himself these days, no, to be precise, ever since Arianna came into his life.It was stupid to think that Arianna would run off with him in the first place. There was no way on earth he would leave the Luciano clan for a few hours or days of pleasure with her, however, the thought still flattered him. Sadly, Arianna would never escape with him.Arianna just wanted him to take a breather. They were not fleeing to some utopia or whatever. Even if she were, she would never consider him, it was Elijah for her. Marcel was even surprised she was being this gracious to him after what he did to her - and would do.Her idea of running was hilarious yet it helped. The cool night breeze stinging his face as he ran made his head clearer and he had to concentrate on his breathing so it didn't give him the time to think about other things like his problems. It was a good distraction.At first, Marc
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Chapter 81 - Marcel Was Beginning To Scare Her
Arianna ran the fastest she had ever done in her life, pushing away shrubs in her path and standing up each time she tripped over roots.She needed to get away from Marcel, but was it worth it? The question suddenly hit her and she stopped.Looking down, she was dressed in the costume that made her look no different than a hooker. Even if she escaped from here, she didn't know the neighborhood at all, and anyone who attempted to help her could in the end be working for Marcel and drag her back to this hell hole.Aside from that, how would she survive the cold with this flimsy material on her body? In her haste to escape, she might die on the streets, her dreams forever gone and short-lived.Finally, let's say she successfully escaped, what life does she have left? She can't go back to her uncle's family. They would chase her out and willingly hand her over to Big Joe before he even comes to capture her.Mimi would hide her - without a doubt - but that would put her in danger and she
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Chapter 82 - The Challenge
She was a good pretender, a perfect liar, and an actress. Marcel bet she didn't even have to think twice about her excuse, it just flowed out of her mouth freely.So he grabbed her hair, intending to show her that no one makes a fool out of him. He should show her pain. He was Marcel for Christ's sake - yet what would mama think of him?That thought hit Marcel like a brick to the head, what would his mother think if she saw the way he treated Arianna? She would be disappointed that was for sure.But then, she was dead and he gave no fuck. If his mother had been so concerned about what he would turn out to be, she shouldn't have left him. No, she shouldn't have brought him into this world in the first place.Then he looked into Arianna's green eyes, those warm, cautious orbs that were curious of his plans for her. His gaze then moved to her lips, that wicked thing that poured the lies she told him.If Arianna was going to lie to him, she should have wiped the dirt on her knees where s
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Chapter 83 - Thirst For Revenge
"Come on, let's toast to the growth of our clan!" One of them shouted, raising his cup, and was ready to declare the toast."Of course," Another person agreed and was up on his feet immediately as if supporting his brother's decision.Soon, a series of "Yes, we should," Filled the restaurant as a group of able-bodied men rose to their feet in agreement."To the progress of our clan!" The first man declared with vigor and the rest of them echoed his statement with their glasses raised before gulping down the whole thing.These people were no other than lower-class members of the Luciano gang who were not invited to the party going on at Marcel's place but decided to have a good time somewhere else.They had rented out the whole restaurant so one came to interrupt their fun. Almost immediately, as if on cue, the door to the restaurant was opened and women in skimpy and tight dresses sashayed in."They're finally here!" A man announced with almost tears in his eyes. He had been waiting
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Chapter 84 - The Spoiled Brat
Marcel noticed the way the environment changed as soon as those words left his mouth. She stiffened and there was a brief look of panic in her eyes making her look like a scared animal in the lion's den.Marcel felt a guilty pang hit him in the chest, they had been having a good time until he ruined it. But then, it was the truth, no matter what happens tonight, he would hand her over to the Red Giant tomorrow. But no matter how right Marcel thought he was, none of that could erase her haunted look from his mind, it stirred up his protective instincts. He had to leave here before he does something stupid."Let's go in, you've spent enough time here already," He told her, reaching for her arm to drag her inside knowing that she would resist him."I don't want to," Arianna refused him as he predicted, nudging out of his grip when he tried to touch her."Don't tempt me!" He warned her, a low growl in his throat. "I said I don't want to!" She snapped back at him, "Can't I get a little
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Chapter 85 - How To Comfort A Crying Woman
Arianna wanted to cry alone. She needed to let out the feelings of frustration and helplessness that had been plaguing her. In just two weeks, her life has been turned upside down in a way she never expected nor did she see it coming.Why her? Was she the only girl out there and yet life decided to deal specifically with her. The persecution was too great on her. What did she do so wrong? All her life, she had tried to always be good and kind to people? Was this a punishment? Punishment for what? Why was she being punished?Arianna wallowed in sorrow and didn't notice that Marcel was back to the spot where he had been standing previously. She laid on the ground, bringing her legs up to her chest, and wrapped her arms around herself, looking so tiny and vulnerable.Marcel's heart throbbed at the sight of Arianna lying in that fragile position. Wasn't she affected by the cold? She wasn't even putting on much clothing?He stood there with no clue on what to do. The last time he tried to
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Chapter 86 - He Had A Soft Side
Unfortunately, Arianna doesn't want his presence. So the suggestion was clearly useless to him.Another said, [Assess the situation] There was no need to assess the situation in this case when he was the one responsible for her tears. Could this get any better?[Comfort her] How in the world was he going to do that? [Be a good listener!]She wasn't even talking! Even if they did, Marcel was sure it would lead straight to another argument - that he wasn't ready for.[ Don't tell her not to cry]That was exactly what he was dying to do. Marcel was really uncomfortable and the worst part, he couldn't leave her alone for his own good. What kind of situation was this? In the end, Marcel gave up on the ideas from the internet. They were not helping him - or perhaps, he was too proud to even consider it. Why should he be the one to comfort Arianna when she decided to cry in the first place. Marcel snorted and looked away, refusing to look at her figure on the floor. And it didn't help
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Chapter 87 - He Almost Fed Her Dirty Water
This changes nothing between them, Marcel thought even as Arianna lay asleep in his arms as he carried her into her, no, his room.Where was he going to sleep tonight? Don't get him wrong, Marcel had a lot of empty rooms but he preferred this one to others because of the resources he put in while decorating it. His bed especially was so soft that one would think he or she was floating on clouds while lying on it. Don't stare at him that way, it's his money and he decides what to do with it?Even as Marcel came into the house, he made sure to look out for his men - he didn't want them to misunderstand him carrying Arianna. But then since when did he begin to care about what his subordinates would say?This was not the first time he had a lady in his arms in their presence - usually, his dates would hook their hand around his arm and not him - Marcel - carrying them off their feet into his room.His men would think he was taking her to bed. Surely, it wasn't a crime to take his enemy
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Chapter 88 - Arianna Was Kissing Him In A Dream
What just happened?Marcel wondered even as he withdrew his hand with lightning speed, placing it on his chest as if he was electrocuted and now scared for his life.What the hell, Marcel thought as he stared hard at Arianna and would have bored a hole in her forehead with that kind of intensity, if it was possible.What did that witch do to him now? Marcel was still thinking when she stirred. But instead of waking up, Arianna scratched her neck, muttering some incomprehensible words as if she was having a dream.However, Marcel was not concerned with any of those because his eyes were fixed on her lips; watching the way it puckered up.Marcel gulped, her lips were tempting. Oh no.He looked away at once with lightning speed. What the hell, Marcel? What is wrong with you? Why are you so obsessed with someone else's lips? "Get a grip of yourself!" Marcel muttered, slapping his cheeks as If that would restart his brain and bring back his senses.Why was he staring at her lips? He w
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Chapter 89 - His Wicked Plans
Arianna was having one of her weird dreams again. She was so comfortable on her back that when she felt a certain heat, she opened her eyes and there was Marcel.The bulb cast a halo around him or perhaps it was her eyes playing tricks on her but he looked ethereal and out of this world."Is this a dream?" She thought but the question came out loud."Yeah, it's a dream," He answered her.No wonder, Arianna thought. It seemed surreal. Marcel wouldn't look this calm, soft and innocent in real life. Although Marcel was more of a pretty boy, he had a hint of rugged features and was scary - when he wants to be. Marcel was very handsome and had an effeminate beauty that made him more lethal than the average male out there. When he wasn't scowling or frowning - which he does all the time - he had this ingenous vibe that misled people - only for them to end up dead in the twinkle of an eye. Just like Mimi had not suspected him the first day they met, they would have taken him as an innoce
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