Semua Bab Save the Last Dance For Me: A Billionaire's Game: Bab 41 - Bab 50
77 Bab
Evil Side of Him
The next morning, Norman and Noah were already in the dining area along with the rest of the family. I have no idea what was the occasion but everyone was present. But imagine our surprise when Jennifer and Jennie were in a race departing their seats and offered me one next to my son. even Mauricia stopped filling her mouth with the food. "Are you two having a high fever right now?" I could not help my curiosity but ask as I settled at the table, pointed my eyes at Norman, and uttered without moving the corner of my lips, "What the hell is going on?" Instead of saying it with words, Norman lifted the tip of his shoulders and smiled at me. Wait does it have to do with what Tanner told them at the Gudiance Office? Who could have thought, huh? My plan of threatening them both worked perfectly. "Can I have my breakfast now?" I broke the awkward sensation in the dining area. After the scrumptious meal, all of us separated ways like we always do. Norman went to the c
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The Billionaire's Bet
"Are you alright? Did anyone dare lay a finger on you? Tell me, Yvanna!" Norman growled, his blazing madness toward those reporters was like an electrical current that crawled inside me. Before the sensation went deeper, I lifted my body away from Norman's hand and blazer, "I'm fine," I defensively replied even if I was not. Then I faked a smile at everyone to make sure they would not be suspecting us. "You all scared my wife," Norman said in front of everyone's cameras. "If something bad happens to her because you all pressured her with those nonsense questions, will you take responsibility for it?" Everyone suddenly shut their mouths but the shuttering of their cameras was inevitable. In some ways, Norman's threat worked somehow. "If you have questions, ask me instead of my wife. She still needs more rest these days." he announced, "I'm gonna answer all your questions to the best of my knowledge. Thank you!" Despite the atmosphere around us already changing,
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Offer Still Stands
In the middle of our journey, a part of me wanted to scream, to let out all the anger, frustration, and hatred that put weight on my shoulders. But the only thing I could do was grit my teeth while holding onto that thought. Good thing the chaperone did not ask me anything about how I ended up almost getting naked. Because if he did, I could have growled at him already - lashed out at him with everything that burned inside me. How dare Norman do this to me? The audacity to use me to win the bet. For what? For a million dollars? To protect his noble fat ass? He even had the face to tell me that he wanted to do everything to get me back. He even lured me with that fucking 30 million dollar evening gown to fall for his trap. Love my ass. If that woman hadn't shown up, Norman could have been smiling in silence, knowing he fooled me with the tip of his fingers. I was supposed to reach out to Justine, to come over and pick me up, but I forgot to bring my phone with me. A
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A Stolen Kiss
There, right in front of me, the footage made the balls of my eyes remain wide open. It was footage of the incident that happened last November 13, 2023, at 7:36 in the evening. The same night I had a car accident. And what's in the footage was enough to blow your mind. And I couldn't find inside me the right path to believe it. I remembered now. Norman got the footage from the man who reached out to me claiming that he witnessed the incident. He offered the man twice the price of his original demand once proven his claim was reliable and authentic. Does this mean, he already has this footage thoroughly checked? Despite the darkness that swallowed the side roads, it was as clear as day that the other man who stood in front of the upside-down wrecked car was none other than -- Justine. He was talking to the man in a mask who, if I am not mistaken, is the one who bumped into the car I was in. Several thoughts ran wild inside my brain when they were discussing s
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Yvanna Is Back
All parts of my body, including my brain ceased to function at the moment. Even my heart softly beats twice within what felt like an eternity. A part of me wanted to push him away but my hands were numbed. The feeling was like his kiss was mixed with a dark magic spell for me to not do anything that he called, "stupid". If my counting served me right, the kiss lasted for about ten seconds or more, long enough everyone thought that I kissed him back. "Let's get back to the mansion, Yvanna," Norman said the second he moved his face away from me. "Our son has been waiting for you to come home." He reached out to my hand and dragged me out of the club, not by force, but my entire body was like voluntarily following him to the parking lot. Then he even fastened my seatbelt and took off afterward. After the magic spell he cast on me expired, I turned my head back to the nightclub, worried that something bad might happen to Tanner. "What do you think you're doing, No
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Yvanna Is Back 2
But we are no longer considered a family. A family for me, comprises with parents and children shared care and love. Apart from that, Norman and I already had our divorce papers signed and sealed, my heart couldn't feel any love for him. He doesn't deserve to be loved and cared for unconditionally by me after everything I have witnessed. I love Noah because he is my son; however, I only consider his father as it is to us. Nothing more. Nothing less. And I don't care if hurt his pride, so I added "You like Uncle Justine, remember? He could be your father too. Don't bother Norman because he is now the mayor of the city. More people needed him." "Would Uncle Justine be fine with it?" Noah finally agreed, his gentle voice speaks it as clearly as day. "Can you invite him for me?" "Of course, honey." I eagerly caressed his head. "Uncle Justine would be delighted to hear it. I'll call him on our way to school and let you talk to him, okay?" "But would Dad be fine wi
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Kneel Before Me
No! What the hell is going on? What am I doing here? It was supposed to be Justine who found me after the collision. But what is Norman doing here? "Noah?" I softly breathed out his name after glancing at him from the car, bursting into tears, and his lips were trembling. "I'm taking you to the hospital," Norman uttered before he scooped me with his hands. I was about to dodge his filthy hands but my body was too weak to do it. Norman carried and brought me to the car with all his security guards, tailing us, and scanning the area with their eyes sharp like an observant eagle. Until we reached the nearest hospital. I refused to get admitted but Norman insisted. He and Noah were worried that I lost consciousness almost an hour earlier. "What are you doing here? How did you know that we are here?" Norman's loud voice echoed in my ears behind the wall across from me. "I'm here to see Yvanna." Upon hearing Justine's worried voice, I lifted half of my body and w
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Family Day Part 1
Everyone also let go of their gazes and focused on what lies ahead of us. "Alright, I know you are already aware that for the time being, I will be your professor. Please, turn your book to page..." In the middle of our professor's discussion, the thought of something bad happened to Tanner because of Norman started to bother me. Tens of 'what-ifs' kept on hunting me when I also had my participation in whatever happened to him. He went to join me in the club because I had a problem that I didn't know how to express in words, and he was the only person I could talk to at that time. If something bad happens to him, it's on me. I brought it upon himself. What if Norman ordered his men to beat him up to death? What if he was admitted to the hospital and was on the verge of death, yet here I am, sitting, doing nothing? After all my classes, I went straight home to confront Norman. But I got a call from him in the middle of my trip back to the mansion. "You got to be
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Family Day Part 2
Norman was caught by surprise as we exchanged glances, this not, no longer from the rearview mirror but face to face. He wasn't aware I still used Justine as my second option even if he already come with us to our son's family day. "Focus on the road, Norman." I demanded before I shifted my stares through the window next to me. "we might not be able to reach the family day but to the hospital again." Our intensified conversation stopped since then. The truth is, I was also getting worried about Jusine. I couldn't get a hold of him since this morning. No -- since three days ago -- the same night when he was dragged out of the office. Tanner already reached out to me but Justine didn't. Even though I knew he was doing fine through Mr. Emilio's words, that he had been working in his office for the past three days, it was not enough for me to confirm it. As soon as we reached the main entrance of the school, twenty of Norman's security guards immediately greeted us, an
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The Break Up
I hate Norman would say such heavenly words knowing he is the devil himself. What else could I say? A lot of parents are looking at us, waiting for Norman to let his guard down. "Don't worry, honey," I happily seconded Norman's fatherly's piece of advice. Then I dropped onto my knees to join his father next to him. "For the next games, your dad and I will not let them win, okay?" "Of course, baby. It was only the first game." Norman agreed. "That's how movies work. The hero always fails at first but in the end, they always win, do you know what I meant?" Indeed the two are a father and son. Just like the horror movie we watched that night. The protagonist of the movie was beaten up to death a few times but he stood still despite falling onto the ground a few times. That's life. That's how it works. So for the next game is the parents. I looked into the crowd and searched for Tanner and his daughter. His lovely daughter is Noah's crush, but neither of the two wa
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