All Chapters of WHEN DESIRE IS WRONG: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
66 Chapters
Damon Westwood Sasha has just left and I feel like she just left me in the middle of an erupting volcano. Ella looks like she's about to explode and if she does in the hallway we risk becoming the subject of gossip for days to come. This has already been the case for a while but I didn't care but now it risks ruining my plan if it reaches my father's ears. I pull her into my office before she starts making a scene. -Let me go Damon!! Let go of me right now! She breaks free from my grip and glares at me. -How dare she show up here? And behave like this? She comes and goes in my office and I just sit on the couch in my office. -And you let her do what you want! No, but what’s wrong with you? She's so mad with rage that I think smoke is going to come out of her ears. As for me, his spectacle neither warms nor colds me. I just stare at her, looking perfectly bored. -Tell me Damon, where were you with her? -On the roof -And why do ? -She needed comfort and a quie
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Sasha J. Morales -Are you going to continue to sulk at me for much longer? Jonathan tries as best he can to cheer me up but I don't make it that easy for him. It’s true that he was educated in a united and loving family, I was not as lucky as him. And I understand that he insists on reconciling me with my parents. I don't mind his ideal, but the fact that he doesn't support me puts a damper on my morale. -I'm not sulking at you, Jonathan, just that I don't feel the need to talk to you at the moment. He probably looks annoyed by my behavior but I don't care if he's annoyed that he's having a drink like I'm doing. That will surely calm him down. He pulls out the stool in front of me and grabs a drink. He imitates me and we drink our respective drinks in cathedral silence. The house is empty, my parents are out shopping and it's just us. He puts down his glass. -Sasha please. He said in a whisper. I hate it when we're cold. Already with your parents, the atmosphere at home is not
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Damon Westwood -Come on, everyone, let's get busy, everything has to be ready on time. It was the day of the show and fashion week had started two days ago now and the city, which was already bustling, was full of people, whether fashion personalities or even big names in influence. The streets were almost empty and the models were running from show to show. It was madness. Sapphire gave their fashion show yesterday and I must admit that it wasn't bad but they remain a little too much in their comfort zone, their news is only seen and seen again. Jonathan must seriously think about renewing his teams otherwise Sapphire risks not lasting long in the industry. Ours was this evening with June we are there to sort out the last details. After a fierce struggle with other houses we were finally able to have the central for our parade. We were near the lake and the atmosphere was perfect. -Come on kids, clean this aisle properly, Christian almost fell during rehearsals and I don't want
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Sasha Morales -And you decided to give them to him? We had moved away from the crowds looking for a quiet place to chat. I can't quite decipher John's emotions. He looks confused and angry. -I was angry and I wanted to teach you a lesson after you forgot me when you invited my parents and I was tired of being refused, so I tried my luck elsewhere. -And it was at Haute Hera that you decided to try your luck?? Why exactly? Why not somewhere else? I really don't know what to say -June is my friend and I already worked at Hera, you know that well, so for me it was an obvious solution. Jonathan's face softens and I'm a little surprised -Are you sure this is the one and only reason? -Yes…Why would there be another one? He looks around before spotting a bench not far from a tree. He takes me by the hand and leads us there. We take a seat and he runs a hand through his hair. -Sasha, you are sure that you have nothing to tell me, nothing that I deserve to know. I frown -No, I do
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Damon Westwood That's it, it's over. The applause rings out, the hugs and congratulations quickly replace the shouts from earlier. The parade went well and the reactions from the public were more than satisfactory. Despite the traffic jams, model Zuleyka was able to arrive on time. It was she who gave the opening to Sasha’s creations. I was behind the scenes but I was able to see his reaction thanks to the cameras we placed here and there. She was moved, completely absorbed by the parade and it was one of my greatest rewards. I spotted June being congratulated by her parents and I was really happy that they were able to come. It was particularly important to him that they were present. -A colorful parade if I can say it that way. I turn back to my mother who took the time to come towards me. She hugs me and I guess she liked my work. -Congratulations, big guy, it was really splendid. Your efforts have paid off, these last few months have been complicated but you succeeded. And
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Sasha J. Morales It's going to be two weeks. Two fucking weeks since I heard from Jonathan. Two weeks that I wake up with an empty and cold place next to me. For two weeks I've been watching the door to our apartment as if I were a building guard. I wouldn't have thought it possible for any other man than Damon to be in this state. I'm just walking around our apartment going nowhere, just waiting for him to return. In fact I could very well go find him since I am ninety percent sure that he continues to go to work. But I'm a coward and I faked the flu so I could stay. But I know people at work started to ask questions about my future in the company. Me too by the way. I'm about to light my second joint because yes I have nothing else to do except smoke or sleep, when my mother bursts into my room. I hurry to put out the murder weapon and throw it in the trash. -Sasha? I can enter ? -Yes…you can come in, mom. She walks into the room and immediately frowns. Damn, I'm toast. -I
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Damon Westwood A week earlier I haven't heard from Sasha for a week now. And I must admit that I wasn’t expecting such an eventful end to the evening. After the parade I pretended I had a headache so I could go home without anyone asking unnecessary questions. Ella was left behind to supposedly “present” bullshit to me if you ask me. It's past 2 a.m. and I can't get to sleep. Like the previous days, my decision with Sasha is playing over and over in my head. I feel like I've lost it and it leaves a bland aftertaste on my tongue. Looks like I lost Sasha. For good this time. My little Lexa. I smile at the thought of the nickname I gave him. I think I won't have the opportunity to call him that again. I'm sitting on our garden patio with a joint stuck between my teeth and a glass of whiskey in my hand. A combo to kill my faith and my lungs. At this point it's better than nothing. I'll be in a daze to avoid thinking about her. The sound of the swimming pool is calming and drowns
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Ella Westwood Nothing is right. Everything is going wrong. Damon is determined to divorce and after John comes home I doubt the news of John and Sasha's marriage seems to be in the news anymore. And I start to panic, for real this time. And since my fiasco the other evening I think I made the right decision. I was on my way to his office, I had not informed him of my visit. He will probably be angry but he will calm down when he knows the reason for my visit. I arrive in front of his office and notice that it is empty. Too bad if he's out, I plan to wait for him. I'm not leaving here until I have a solution on my hands. His secretary approaches me to talk to me -Please Mrs. Westwood, Mr. Westwood has an important meeting and will not be available for a good hour. -I have plenty of time, I could even wait for him all day. I open the door to her office and flop down on the couch before shutting her. His office is as cold and unwelcoming as he is. No family photo or
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Sasha J. Morales -When she was little, she spent her time trying on my wedding dress and constantly paraded around the house. She took the bouquet from the dining table and asked her father to act out the courtship. She was so cute. -I hear you mom! I shout over the fitting room. We were at my wedding dress fitting session. My mother and June were there and were both talking. Finally my mother told him about all my exploits as a little girl. I was in the cabin trying on a third dress but I could hear them from here. June wasn't too keen on coming but I told her that her presence was important to me since she was one of my few friends. She tried to sulk for a while but couldn't help but get emotional when I tried on my first dress. -Come on Sasha, hurry up and get out the first bottle of champagne, it's already finished and I don't want to end up drunk. -It's okay June, stop complaining, I'm sure you love the 4000 dollar champagne that you're sipping like grenadine juice. -Shut
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Damon Westwood -For the new collection it would be necessary….. are you at least listening to me? I look up at my friend and she looks annoyed. I get lost in my thoughts and have trouble concentrating. Sasha's wedding is less than a week away and since our little meeting she hasn't contacted me. And from what June tells me, she seems happier than ever. But I find it hard to believe it. Sasha is the queen of pretense. Not to mention that Ella is pretty annoying these days. I don't know what she's trying to do but the result must disappoint her greatly. -Sorry June. I had a… complicated night. -Let me guess. Sasha? I nod. -I think about her all the time and I want to destroy everything when I realize that it’s well and truly over. -Stop it you want, anything can still happen there is still a week before the wedding -You are way too optimistic June. And I thought you were her maid of honor, you owe it to yourself to support her in her wedding or am I wrong? -Not only when she m
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