All Chapters of My Luna my bride: Chapter 181 - Chapter 190
190 Chapters
one hundred and eighty one
Vanessa’s POVI let out a heavy sigh of relief as I settled into the warm embrace of the bathtub, the hot water soothing my tired muscles. It had been ages since I last indulged in this simple luxury. The steam enveloped me, creating a cocoon of tranquility in the small bathroom.As the water caressed my skin, I couldn't help but feel a wave of gratitude wash over me. Dante had returned after weeks away, granting me this precious moment of solitude. Our little one, so dependent on me, finally allowed his father to take over for a while.The sound of gentle splashing filled the air as I immersed myself in the water, relishing the sensation of relaxation that seeped into my bones. The worries and stresses of the day seemed to melt away with each passing minute.I closed my eyes, letting the warmth of the water seep into every pore. The steam rose around me, carrying with it the scent of lavender from the bubbles I had added. It was a moment of pure bliss, a rare oasis of calm amid the c
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one hundred and eighty two
Dante’s POV“Are you okay?” I asked Vanessa, the look on her face showed that she was surprised about the color change also.“Yes….I mean I feel fine….maybe it….”Suddenly I heard a knock on the door “Who is that” I asked “My Lord” I heard the voice of my head guard “there is something you need to see”“Not right now.… I am busy” I replied my attention fixed on the white strand of hair. “I am sorry my lord, but this can't wait” he replied plainly.“Go….I am fine” Vanessa said with a smile on her face.“Are you sure?” I asked and she nodded positively, I kissed her on the chin before leaving.“This better be important,” I said as I trailed my head guard, my mind racing with anticipation. I was certain whatever he had to show me was connected to the witches, the ongoing challenge that had consumed our attention for weeks. But I knew I couldn't give up because the safety of Vanessa and my son, now part of the pack, was paramount. I knew I had to do whatever it took to shield them from
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one hundred and eighty three
Willow's POVAs I sat there in my room my eyes fixed on the intricate map of Dante Palace spread out before me. Each detail, each building, and each hidden passage was meticulously studied. The weight of responsibility pressing down on my shoulders, knowing that our success hinged on the perfection of this plan. The silence of the room was broken only by the sound of flipping pages and the occasional creak of the old floorboards beneath my feet. The urgency of the situation fueled my determination. We had to strike swiftly, without a hint of our impending attack. I knew Dante wasn't a fool, he knows that we are going to attack but what he doesn't know is when we were going to attack.Suddenly I heard a knock on the door and with a deep breath, I folded the map, tucking it safely into my pocket. "Come in," I said to the person at the other side of the door."Not expecting you," I said as the door swung open, revealing Evelyn standing there, sweat glistening on her skin, a silent testa
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one hundred and eighty four
Dante's POVI sat in my office, surrounded by the chaos of my thoughts. It had been days since I initiated the search for the werewolf marked by the crescent moon. Deep down, I held onto the belief that this individual held the key to saving my pack from the impending threat posed by the witches. Despite our strength as Lycans, we were no match for an army of enraged witches. Finding the bearer of the crescent moon was crucial, but the challenge lay in not knowing where to even begin this daunting task. My search party wasn't yeiding any result.“Find the bearer of the cresent moon” The elder's words echoed in my mind, indicating that this person belonged to another pack, which is making it hard to find them, because they are many packs and I don't know where to start from.As I pondered my next move, a mix of frustration and determination knotted within me. The weight of responsibility for my pack's safety pressed heavily on my shoulders, urging me to push forward despite the uncert
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one hundred and eighty five
Vanessa’s POVMy heart was racing as I dashed into the room, knowing that time was slipping away, and the witches could strike at any moment. My main concern was my child's safety, so I had to get him to Elijah's pack where I knew he'd be protected. When I entered the room, I saw him happily playing with Aphrodite. The tension in the air was palpable, and Aphrodite seemed to sense it too, jumping up as soon as she saw me, ready to act."You're going with Dan right now," I instructed, and without hesitation, she started gathering their things, understanding the seriousness of the situation without needing to ask questions. It was a moment of swift action and intense emotions, but I knew I had to keep a clear head to ensure my child's safety.“What about you?” Aphrodite asked when she was done parking,“Dante needs me, let's go,” I said to Aphrodite as I quickly carried Dan and headed downstairs with Aphrodite behind me.“I wasn't able to inform Elijah that you would be coming but imme
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one hundred and eighty six
Evelyn’s POVI crept through the corridors of the palace with Lilian, our footsteps silent as whispers in the empty halls. The usual bustle and chatter were conspicuously absent, leaving an eerie silence that sent shivers down my spine. The air felt heavy with anticipation, a foreboding sense of the unknown hanging over us like a dark cloud.Lilian and I exchanged a glance, our eyes mirroring the confusion and concern that gnawed at our thoughts. Where had everyone disappeared to? The emptiness of the palace was unsettling, a stark deviation from its usual lively atmosphere. The absence of guards and servants only deepened the mystery, fueling my growing unease.“Where is everyone?” I asked Lilian, my voice almost like a whisper.“I don't know…. Let's check Dante’s room” Lilian suggested and with a shared understanding, we wordlessly agreed to press on, our mission clear despite the unsettling circumstances. Willow's orders loomed in our minds, she had asked me and Lilian to head to
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one hundred and eighty seven
Dante’s POVA surge of adrenaline shot through me. This was our moment, our cue to strike. With a swift signal to my men, we pounced on the witches. Their faces twisted in surprise and confusion, a stark contrast to their usual air of confidence. They never saw it coming, never anticipated our ambush. The tables had turned, and it was our turn to seize control of the situation.As we advanced, the clash of swords and powers filled the air with tension. Spells and curses flew amidst the chaos, a cacophony of magic and might. I could feel the weight of responsibility pressing down on me, urging me forward, urging me to fight with all I had. Every move, every strike, was fueled by a potent mix of loyalty and defiance.As I watched my men engage in combat, a surge of pride welled up within me. The witches' powers proved no match for our united strength. The shimmering bracelet seemed to be working its magic, enhancing our abilities in the heat of battle. Yet, amidst the chaos, my focus sh
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one hundred and eighty eight
Vanessa’s POV“I am not sorry Evelyn, you deserve everything you have, I won't let you come for my child and go Scot free,” I said as I stood over her lifeless body on the floor, the forest felt heavy with the weight of what had transpired. Evelyn's once vibrant spirit is now gone. Despite the finality of the moment, an unexpected calm settled within me, replacing the expected waves of remorse. Our relationship had weathered many storms, filled with moments of love, hurt, forgiveness, and betrayal.I recalled the countless times I had forgiven Evelyn for her actions, always finding a way to mend our fractured bond. But this time, it was different. When she dared to threaten my child, a line was crossed that shattered any remaining semblance of forgiveness. The fierce protectiveness I felt for my child surged within me, overpowering any lingering compassion for Evelyn.As I gazed down at her lifeless form, a mix of conflicting emotions churned within me. The love I once held for her b
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one hundred and eighty nine
Dante’s POV“Vanessa please stay with me, please” I pleaded with tears rolling down my eyes, I felt like it was my fault. “Will be at the hospital soon, I promise” I said as I quickly scooped Vanessa up from the floor, her body limp and blood staining her clothes. As I hurried towards the exit, my heart raced with fear and urgency. The sight of my headguard approaching filled me with a mix of relief and dread. Without hesitation, he took Vanessa from my arms, his swift actions matching the gravity of the situation.Together, we rushed back to the safety of the pack, every step feeling like a battle against time. Vanessa's pale face haunted me, her breaths were shallow and it was as if life is been sucked out of her. The journey to the hospital was a blur of motion and anxiety, the world around me reduced to a backdrop of worry and fear.“What happened to her?” the doctor asked just as we arrived at the hospital.“No time for questions doctor, please save my wife” When the doctor noti
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Vanessa’s POV"Dan, come here!" I called out to my son, his laughter filling the room as he darted around, full of energy. I was supposed to get him ready for the ceremony, but like any child, he was proving to be quite stubborn. “Oh, Dan if I catch you” I called his name again, hoping he would listen, and to my surprise, he ran towards the door, giggling mischievously.Just as I was about to catch him, Dante, my husband, appeared and scooped Dan up from behind, lifting him effortlessly. Dante's entrance into the room, carrying our son as they played together, brought a sense of joy and relief to the chaotic moment.“Please bring that naughty boy here,” I said as I sat on the floor trying to catch my breath after the whirlwind of chasing Dan around.“No, we don't want to wear your clothes” Dante replied jokingly, I couldn't help but smile at the sight before me. Seeing Dante and Dan together, their laughter harmonizing in the air, filled my heart with warmth and gratitude.At that mo
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