All Chapters of THE LYCAN KING AND THE SLAVE: Chapter 51 - Chapter 60
78 Chapters
CHAPTER 51GABRIELI hate that Mia is in that state and there is nothing I can do about it. Just pacing back and forth of this room and the only thing I can think of is how I can just be there for her. I'm still pacing back and forth like a caged wolf when Caleb walks in, his face serious. The moment I see that look, I know I'm not going to like what comes next. "Gabriel," he starts, and I brace myself for impact, "I went to talk to the Council of Luna and Alpha. They're insisting the meeting is tomorrow. They demand your presence, or they'll rule in Alpha Leo's favor."I stop dead in my tracks, feeling like I've just been punched in the gut. "What?" I explode, my voice echoing off the walls. "They can't do that! Mia's in the hospital, for heaven's sake!"Caleb holds up his hands, trying to be the calm in my storm. "I know, I know. But they're not budging. It's like they've already made up their minds."I start pacing again, faster this time, my rage building with every step. "This i
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ALPHA LEOToday's the day, the kind of day that feels like it's been written in the stars. The plan? Oh, it's simple, really. With Gabriel off to play knight in shining armor at some council meeting, Mia's left all alone. Vulnerable. Perfect timing, if you ask me. But then, nobody really does ask me, do they?"Kyle, you're about as useful as a chocolate teapot," I mutter, rolling my eyes. Kyle's my right-hand man, or at least he's supposed to be. Lately, he's been more of a shaking leaf than a steadfast oak. Why can’t I get a more competent Beta like the one other Alphas are having, I am stuck with Kyle."She just gave birth, and her pregnancy was high risk. The baby is still in the incubator," Kyle says, wringing his hands like he's trying to squeeze water from a stone. His worry is evident and frankly, it's irritating.I lean back in my chair, steepling my fingers. "Kyle, my dear boy, have you ever heard the saying, 'Fortune favors the bold'?" I ask, though it's more rhetorical than
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GABRIELWalking into the courtroom felt like stepping into a boxing ring where the punches were legal jargon and the audience was a bunch of stony-faced council members. Caleb was by my side, looking like he’d rather be anywhere else. Can’t blame him; I felt the same.There they were, Alpha Leo and his trusty sidekick Kyle, standing like they owned the place. I braced myself for the inevitable.“Gabriel,” Leo greeted, his smile as fake as a three-dollar bill.“Leo,” I replied, my tone flat. Pleasantries with this guy felt like hugging a cactus.Kyle nodded at us, his smirk wide. “Nice of you to finally show up. Thought you’d chicken out.”Caleb snorted. “As if we’d ever give you the satisfaction.”The pleasantries were rapidly deteriorating, like ice cream in the sun.“So, ready to hand over Mia?” Leo asked, his voice smooth as silk but with a venom that could kill.I clenched my fists, feeling my inner wolf bristle. “Over my dead body.”Leo’s laugh was cold. “That can be arranged.”C
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ALPHA LEOI spotted Kyle milling around during the recess, looking like a lost puppy. Perfect. I stride over, my steps measured, my mind already three moves ahead."Kyle," I start, keeping my voice low, "you're off the hook for round two."He whips around, his face a mask of betrayal and anger. "What? You don't trust me to stand by your side? You think I'm weak, don't you?"I can't help the smirk that plays on my lips. Grabbing him by the collar, I pull him close, our noses almost touching. "Never raise your voice at me again," I hiss, letting my alpha aura seep into the air, thick and heavy. But then, I ease up, a smile cracking my stern facade. "But, I'll give you this; you've got guts talking to me like that."Kyle's eyes narrow, confused and wary. "What's this about, Leo?""Because, my impulsive friend, I've got a job that requires your... unique touch." I release him, stepping back, watching the cogs turn in his head.His posture shifts, interest piqued. "I'm listening.""Good,"
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GABRIELI'm pacing outside the council chamber, the weight of impending verdicts pressing down like a heavy fog. Caleb's by my side, looking as if he's gearing up for a fight, which, knowing Caleb, he probably is."You think they bought Leo's act?" I mutter, kicking a pebble across the courtyard. It skitters and stops, a small journey ending too soon, kind of like how I feel right now.Caleb snorts, his gaze fixed on the chamber doors as if he could will them open with sheer annoyance. "Please, that guy could sell ice to an Eskimo. But sell the council on his sudden change of heart? I have my doubts."I can't help a bitter laugh. "Yeah, from tyrant to saint in one courtroom drama. Should've brought popcorn."Caleb chuckles, then turns to me, his expression sobering. "But seriously, Gabe, what's our play if they side with him? We can't just hand Mia over like she's... property."The mere thought has my blood boiling, visions of Leo's smug face fueling my rage. "Over my dead body," I sa
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MIA"So, how long will this trial thing take?" I ask, trying to keep the edge of desperation out of my voice. I need Gabriel here, not just for me, but for our son too.Kiara shrugs, a sympathetic smile playing on her lips. "Could be hours, Mia. Court stuff, you know? It's always a bit of a circus."I huff, dropping onto the bed next to her. "A circus I wish we had popcorn for. At least then we could enjoy the show."Kiara laughs, and I can't help but join in. It's a brief moment of levity in what feels like an endless sea of worry.After a moment, I bite my lip, hesitating. "Kiara... I want to see him. My son."Her expression softens, and she nods, standing up. "Of course, let's go."We make our way to the neonatal unit, my heart pounding with every step. As we approach the incubator where my son lies, I feel a mix of awe and fear. He's so tiny, so fragile-looking, hooked up to machines that beep and whir in a steady rhythm.Kiara points to the incubator, her voice a whisper. "There
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GABRIELThe moment Kiara mentioned Kyle's name, it was like someone lit a fuse inside me. I could feel my blood boiling, my heart racing with a fury I hadn't known before. Kyle, that sneaky, backstabbing wolf tied to Alpha Leo. Of course, it had to be him."Kyle?" I repeated, my voice low, a growl threading through each syllable. "You're sure it was him?"Kiara nodded, her eyes wide, reflecting a mix of fear and determination. "Yes, Gabriel. I know it was him. I've seen him with Alpha Leo before. There's no mistaking that smug look on his face."I started pacing back and forth, my mind racing a mile a minute. Every foul word in the book started pouring out of my mouth like a broken dam. "That... that absolute... how dare he come into my territory and touch my family!" I spat out the words, each one dripping with venom.Caleb, who'd been standing quietly to the side, finally chimed in, trying to be the voice of reason in my storm of rage. "Gabriel, we need a plan. Cursing isn't going t
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GABRIELAlpha Leo had just left the room, leaving a silence so thick you could cut it with a knife. Or, in my case, with a poorly timed joke."Mia," I started, trying to keep my voice steady. "Can we talk? Like, really talk?"She crossed her arms, eyeing me like I was a puzzle missing a few too many pieces. "Talk? Gabriel, you've done enough talking for two lifetimes."I scratched the back of my neck, a nervous habit I picked up somewhere between adolescence and becoming an alpha. "Yeah, but this time, I promise, no jokes about your cooking.""That's not funny, Gabriel.""See? I'm learning."Mia sighed, the kind of sigh that said, 'I'm about to drop a bomb on you, and not the fun, glittery kind.' "Gabriel, I don't love you. It's over."I blinked, once, twice, maybe a dozen times. "Over? Like, 'see you after dinner' over, or like, 'cancelled TV subscription' over?""Gabriel, I'm serious."I took a step forward, a smile still playing on my lips despite the sinking feeling in my stomach.
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LALEHSeeing Gabriel all broken up was like spotting a rare, exotic bird in my backyard—a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity, and I wasn't about to let it fly away without at least trying to make it sing. So, I smoothed down my dress, practiced my most sympathetic smile in the mirror (not too pitiful, not too eager), and made my way to him.Poor, heartbroken Gabriel, so lost and vulnerable. Perfect for a little comfort from Laleh."Gabriel," I cooed, my voice dripping with a concoction of sympathy and sweetness. "I heard about what happened. I'm so sorry."He looked up, his eyes a stormy sea of emotions. "Laleh," he acknowledged, his voice a mix of surprise and something else. Weariness, maybe?I sat beside him, close but not too close. "I can't imagine how you must feel," I said, laying a hand on his arm. The muscles beneath his skin tensed, but he didn't pull away. A good sign."It's... complicated," he muttered, staring into the distance, lost in thought."Oh, I know, darling," I repli
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AlPHA LEOI stopped in my tracks and turned to look at her over my shoulder. I gripped my fist tightly to stem the sudden tide of lust that flowed through me. She was so... tempting. With Mia still healing from her birth wound, I needed Diana to quench my hunger."Exactly." I said.I sat down on the bed and tapped my leg, calling her over. She crawled without hesitation, coming to kneel between my legs."We're going to play a game tonight." I said. "It's... probably going to hurt.""I like it when you hurt me." she replied, smiling, but I could hear the fear in her voice.I let out a deep breath, trying to ignore my already rock hard cock. When this had all just been a way to torture her, it was sexy. When she was afraid, ashamed, in pain... it was sexy. But when she was like this? Openly willing, knowing exactly the treatment she was likely to get... and still saying things like this?Again, the only thing stopping my from pinning her to the floor and fucking her brains out was my q
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