All Chapters of Sold to fate: Chapter 21 - Chapter 30
33 Chapters
Chapter Twenty one
Amanda waited in the car just like her Father had instructed her to. It was already dark out and the guys had gone in to retrieve Lorenzo Romanos's goods. Earlier that morning, they had gone and planted the goods in Moretti's warehouse. It was difficult because Morettis had early morning guards on the ground but with the help of an insider, it wasn't so difficult.Now was the real task, she sat in the car watching out for guards. Someone had been planted to take pictures of the fight and the heist as a whole. She prayed they were able to get the goods out successfully as her mother's life depended on it.After what seemed like an hour, the guys came running out with cartons and cartons of goods. The last they carried was one of their men who had been badly wounded by a bullet. He bled profusely and was almost out of blood."We need to get out of here fast!" One of the guys screamed as the driver roared the car to life and they sped off.There were two vehicles, one carrying the goods
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Chapter Twenty Two
Amanda walked round the corner of the Café Leah used to walk. She'd been walking for minutes when she began to suspect that she was being followed. She looked left and right before branching into the Café. Matt was still working."Heyyy...Amanda, right?" Matt asked as she walked in briskly. She merely flashed him a smile and walked straight into the female bathroom. Once she was inside, she dialled her Father's number."What is it?" Leonardo asked in an ice-cold tone."I'm being followed " she whispered." Oh I see, you didn't calculate that, did you? It's called damages but it's a good thing." He said in a fair tone this time." What do you mean? How is that good?" Amanda asked looking out for the bathroom door."It means Lorenzo was impressed by what you did. Now, he wants to know if he can trust you" Leonardo replied."This was your plan, what do I do now?" She asked her eyes still scouting left and right. She saw a shadow approach the door and for a second she froze but the shadow
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Chapter Twenty Three
Bruno watched Leah walk out of the Fashion house towards the main road. He just wanted to make sure she got home safe. He had wanted to personally drop her off but for now, he had to keep his distance for her own safety. Valerie was not the one to be toyed with.He also had to find Valerie's parcel tonight. He picked up his phone and dialled DiCarlo. He picked on the first ring."Boss!" DiCarlo said over the phone" Meet me at the dock now I'm ten minutes late, don't let me get there before you" Bruno said using this as an excuse to speed through the highway. He was a good driver, and he knew DiCarlo was the only one who matched his speed.They both got to the dock at the same time"Boss," DiCarlo said acknowledging him with a bow."Not bad" Bruno smiled. "Where's your guy?" He asked DiCarlo"This way boss" DiCarlo led him to a warehouse at the back of the building. There, amongst some boxes was a man in his 40s short in height, with a small moustache on his lips."Yesus!" DiCarlo cal
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Chapter Twenty four
Bruno watched the gathered crowd as they moped at the little girl's body. The bullet hadn't been meant for her. He watched as the ambulance personnel lifted her body onto the stretcher. In the underground world, casualties were a normal occurrence but how could a Father do that to his child? Bruno thought.He turned around and got into his car unconscious of the eyes that watched him. Leah stared as he got into the car and drove off, still wondering what a strange person like that was doing in the environment. With his cut-up hat and shades with a black suit on, she could tell he wasn't from around there.Her heart went out to the little girl who lay on the stretcher now fighting for her life, she wished she could help her. Nobody had any answer as to what really happened to her. They all said there was a shoot-out one minute and once she was on the floor, the shoot-out was over. She couldn't have been a target, Leah thought. Who targets a little girl? The whole event appalled her to
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Chapter Twenty Five
Bruno peered through the glass at the mother watching her child. He knew she had no money to take care of the bills. Even though a lot of people had contributed to the little girl's welfare, Bruno ensured that money was given to the girl's mother for her welfare. He took care of the bills himself. What he did not fully understand was what Leah was doing there.It was a good thing he had worn his mask and shades. This was a dangerous world and the innocent had no place in it. He stared at the little girl fighting for her life. The nurse had said she was out of danger, but what he saw was a little girl who watched her Father put her in harm's way. How was she going to explain that to her mother? Bartholomew was a coward and a pig, and he couldn't understand for the life of him how he had trusted him or even done business with him."Boss," DiCarlo said with his head bowed."Yes?" He said wiping his eyes codedly and lifting up his head but not looking at DiCarlo."They found him," DiCarlo
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Chapter Twenty Six
Bruno stared at the man in front of him shaking visibly like a leaf, he watched the man as his bleeding face wept."Please have mercy, Boss. Have mercy on me." He said"Oh guys, he said I should have mercy..." He said looking around."I should have mercy.." Bruno said looking the man in the eyes. He nodded vehemently."Nah, what about your little girl!? Barth, we have a rule at Moretti's and it's simple...No what?" Bruno asked"Family.." the man croaked." Exactly Barth, no family. Mucho Buenos, Arivaché. Very good, that's your name, right? Bartholomew Arivaché? Hmm, you shouldn't have Bartholomew. You shouldn't have. I should let the community deal with you personally but I don't know, I wouldn't want your former daughter whom you didn't care about to see you being burnt up" Bruno said"I…I didn't mean to. I was scared " Bartholomew tried to explain"You were scared and your six-year-old daughter became your shield? Well, I'll teach you how to make shields out of children." Bruno sai
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Chapter Twenty Seven
Amanda walked into Lorenzo's office, her heart thumped as she moved. She calculated every step trying to think of what her default responses would be. She had to be confident, she had only trained for this moment her whole life. Her mother's life was at stake."Sit down," Lorenzo said to her. He wore a serious expression that said something was about to go down."I like your determination and brains to pursue the family business, young Maffia" he said. She liked that he addressed her as 'young Maffia ". It was a name he had given to her after what happened to her as a little girl."Your Father is a weak man who I had tried to make strong. I gave him the side family to run because I believed he could do a good job, one day that would become your responsibility." Lorenzo said without looking at her."I don't know what to say to that, Sir," Amanda replied."There's nothing to say anymore, it's settled. Your loyalty will be constantly tested, don't think it won't. I've always known that y
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Chapter Twenty Eight
Amanda sat at the round table waiting for the guys to come in. She had called for them over thirty minutes ago. She sat staring at the clock as they all bustled in, sauntering as they liked."You're late" she voiced out. They all stopped chattering and looked at her before bursting into laughter."Who died and made you Boss," one of them said and they all laughed."You're late" one of them mimicked. She was glad they found it amusing as she toyed with her phone which was recording everything.Immediately they were done laughing, she played their voices back to them and the room went quiet."Yeah, so, with just one click of a button, I could send this straight to the Boss who in fact put me in charge of this operation. I'm very well sure he would love to let you all know who died and made me Boss" she said looking at them squarely.The buffiest of them cleared his throat and stepped forward."There won't be any need for that, Miss Amanda. We'll behave and pay attention to you now" he s
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Chapter Twenty Nine
Leah stared at Matt as he spoke, "I don't know, she walked in here looking all ruffled and upset, didn't even answer my greetings and just rushed into the bathroom." Matt said"What did she go to do there?" Stephen asked which drew stares from Leah and Matt because the question was strange."I mean, she.. she could have gone in to make a call or something or she was hiding from the two men. It's a lot of things" Stephen said trying to lessen the awkwardness of the situation."That's true, she could have been in trouble. But..." Leah tried to say"I don't think she's in that much trouble" Stephen said looking up from his phone."But..what do you mean?" She asked"I have to go, " Stephen said getting up."Huh? But we were just discussing..." Leah said"I know, I know. It's urgent, try calling her later today. Maybe she'll explain better " he said and gave her a peck on her cheek and rushed out." Well...that happened" Matt said shrugging his shoulders. Leah merely sighed disappointed an
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Leah watched through the window as Delphine spoke to a strange man outside the building."Is everything okay?" Alexia asked."Yes, sweetie, everything is fine. Just checking out the view from up here" Leah lied."My mum's always speaking to strange men, so it's pretty normal " Alexia replied exposing her lie."Oh I see, is she into business?" Leah asked curious"She says she sells to them, I don't know but lately she's been really jumpy. Maybe she didn't sell too well and that's making her upset." Alexia suggested."Oh really? And she leaves you up here by yourself?" She asked but before Alexia could answer, there was a knock on the door and Leah went on to open it."Yes? How may I help you?" She said to the tall man with a baseball cap and a pizza parcel. He seemed surprised to see her but he brought down the parcel anyway."Uh, pizza delivery. Can I come in and serve? It's unsliced" he said to her but she looked at him strangely. On a normal day she'd be excited and happy t
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