All Chapters of Alpha Tyrion's Arranged Mate- His Hybrid Mate: Chapter 31 - Chapter 40
54 Chapters
The Shifters
Celine's POV:"We are not just going to run into the woods and let everything put on our luck. " Alpha Tyrion said once he noticed my despair, " I will formulate a proper plan and strategy. We just need to follow that. Believe me, it's not that difficult. " I could only hope that this challenge would not be so difficult for me because Alpha Tyrion was a pretty good match for those beasts. "Will they attack us? " I asked. "Do you think any shifter will come to a kingdom on his or her own? They will try their best to not get caught but we don't have to hurt them. " He said. Beta Remy gave us twenty minutes to plot and frame a plan for the task. Alpha Tyrion and I, went to sit in a quiet corner where he took a small notepad and a pen. He drew the map of the forest and marked the danger points. "See, this is the map of the woods. I have marked the areas where the shifters usually roam. " He said. I was amazed to by the knowledge he had about the woods and this whole kingdom. That's
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Winning the task
Celine's POV: The grass pierced in my back and arms and the twigs stuck in my hair. She wasn't stopping anywhere and I couldn't shift either because she had kept my neck in her jaws and I couldn't connect with my wolf. Finally, she threw me against a huge tree and roared before shifting to human form. I rubbed my hands and dusted off the clothes. With my injured arm, I pushed myself up to stand on the ground. She was standing on the rock and mocking me struggling with pain. "Get up, Luna. Or shall I ask the slaves to help you up? " I clenched my jaw and got up with a growl coming out of my chest. She was amazed and excited too. A predator that's what she was. She only loved to compete and hunt. "Why did you do this to me? " I asked angrily. She gritted her teeth, " Because you wolves think you own the woods. The shifter world too. Didn't you read the warning when entering the forest? It's a no man's land. Your stupid competition and challenge isn't going to be entertained under
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Attack by an intruder
Celine's POV:Ava, Alpha Kristian, Lycan king and Queen, Beta Remy, the elders and even Alpha Tyrion waited for my answer because everyone was curious and shocked that all the shifters had joined me back to the borders. I couldn't tell them what the Lioness told me in the woods because it might be wrong and I didn't want to be at danger of anything by giving the greedy wolves an idea that I might have a weird power to attract the shifters. "I helped the lioness in the woods and she decided to help me by coming here with her friends. " I told them, most importantly to Alpha Tyrion who nodded to my answer even though he knew the truth was different. The silence still loomed over everyone and Zayra raised her brows in confusion. I blinked twice without anyone noticing me and she gave me a slight nod. "Yes, this Luna is right. I was trapped in a net and she helped me instead of hurting me. I am grateful to her. " Zayra muttered without any interest. Alpha Tyrion held my arm and gave
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Series of Misfortune
Celine's POVThe guards had been called later when they heard the noises inside the chamber. Alpha Tyrion was still holding me when the Queen and Lycan king entered the room. The Queen looked horrified when she saw the dead body of the rogue on the floor. "What happened here? Are you hurt? " She asked, crying and holding my hand. I shook my head, " No, Alpha Tyrion came and saved me. " She took a sigh of relief and as the maids cleaned the bloodied floor, I saw Alpha Tyrion talking to Beta Remy about the security breach in the Luna chambers. Lycan king was quite all this time and he checked the window and door for any clue. "She was just trying to steal the jewels from the Lunas because we found the bag of diamonds in the closet. She was trying to steal here too but Luna Celine walked in. There is no danger in the kingdom. All the borders are secured. " Alpha Tyrion listened to Beta Remy yet his face was hard and brows furrowed. "But you do realize that this was dangerous. " Alph
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Separate Priorities
Celine's POV: The moon cast its ethereal glow over the corridor as I made my way through the long doorway filled with ancient pictures. My heart raced with anticipation as I approached the grand hall of the Lycan kingdom. It was dark there and not a single guard in sight too. I felt uncomfortable coming here with Lycan king but I had come seeking answers about my mother, a woman whose absence had haunted me for as long as I could remember.As I entered the hall, I was met with an imposing picture of a figure seated upon a grand throne. It was the previous king, a formidable Lycan ruler known for his power and wisdom. His silver mane cascaded down his broad shoulders, and his piercing blue eyes held a hint of both sorrow and authority even in the lifeless painting. Approaching the king, I respectfully bowed my head. "Please,tell me," I began, my voice filled with a mix of determination and trepidation. "I have always wanted to find about my parents but there was no one who could tell
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Challenge Day 2
*The Trial of Courage and Teamwork*I cried myself to sleep last night, thinking and trying to forget the hurt on Alpha Tyrion's face as I had said those mean words to him. My heart ached for forgiveness and his warmth. But the truth was, he didn't even know I was his mate. He didn't love me. He had made it clear to me long time ago. Belinay was on edge too after the incident with the Lycan king. She was one of those wolves who considered their modesty and character at the top and nothing could faze her down. But the way Lycan king had made her uncomfortable and manipulated us into a kiss was what troubling both of us. I placed the dagger in its place and did my braid before going out of the chamber. It was challenge day again and we needed to work in coordination to win the task. I didn't even know how I was going to make eye contact with Alpha Tyrion. All the Alphas were waiting for their mates outside the chambers, but I couldn't find Alpha Tyrion in the queue. Ava surely was ha
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Queen's Advice...
Celine's POV : Returning to Alpha Tyrion's side, I unlocked his cage, the heavy door swinging open. Yet, as I stepped out, he remained silent, his emotions concealed behind a mask of indifference.My heart sank, the weight of his aloofness pressing upon me. But I refused to let it deter me. I walked towards him, my voice filled with a mix of determination and vulnerability."Alpha, we did it," I said, my words tinged with hope. "We faced the challenges together, and we succeeded. "His guarded facade wavered, his gaze meeting mine, a hint of vulnerability seeping through. "Celine, you are not an omega. You are something different..." he murmured, his voice laced with uncertainty. "But my feelings will never change for you. I never wanted you because you were special or could complete these tasks without any practice. You will always remain the same girl who was clueless about everything to me. " I nodded, my heart filled with a mix of understanding and determination. "I know,Alpha.
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In the Face of Flames
Celine's POV : The maids' panicked voices echoed through the palace corridors, their words slicing through the air like shards of shattered glass. "The Queen's chamber is on fire! She's trapped inside!"My heart skipped a beat as the words registered in my mind. Without a moment's hesitation, I turned to Alpha Tyrion, my eyes wide with fear and urgency. "We have to go, Alpha Tyrion! We can't let the Queen perish in the flames."His expression mirrored my own, a mixture of determination and worry etched across his face. Without uttering a single word, we sprinted down the hallways, our footsteps echoing in sync as we raced towards the source of the inferno.As we reached the Queen's chamber, the sight that greeted us was nothing short of devastation. Flames danced and licked at the walls, consuming everything in their path with a ravenous hunger. Smoke billowed out, filling the air with acrid fumes that burned my lungs."How could something like this happen with all the guards around?
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Shadows of Betrayal
Celine's POV : The moon cast a pale glow through the windows as I sat by Alpha Tyrion's side, watching his chest rise and fall rhythmically in deep slumber. Midnight had come and gone, and yet he remained oblivious to the world around him, his exhaustion consuming him like a heavy shroud. I hadn't gotten the courage to leave his side for even a minute after what Calle had told me. I couldn't afford to risk his life in any way. Even if it meant, I had to sit by him all night or even whole life. "Why is everything so difficult for us? " I talked to him. Somewhere in my heart I wanted him to wake up. So, that I could tell him everything and then we both could run away from here. But it was impossible right now, Calle had no regards for his own mate if he could put her life in danger like that. With a heavy heart, I rose from his side, my footsteps echoing softly in the quiet room. The weight of anticipation and worry settled upon my shoulders as I made my way towards the abandoned ch
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Accusations and An old friend
Celine's POV: I came back rushing to the pack and out of breath after the incident. I should have never trusted Calle who was already crazy enough to attack me and say all those weird things. I doubted if he actually knew anything about my mother other than the broken piece of the necklace which he might have found by mistake. He was just using my emotions so that he could get into my life and carry on with his Evil intentions. Now, other than finding about my mother, I had something else to do which was to know more about the red wolf who had some how saved me from his vicious attack. My head was banging like it was struck against a wall so many times. I just wanted to get some rest and think properly about my next steps. Maybe, I should talk with the queen about the incident so that she could take action. I didn't know if I would be able to tell Alpha Tyrion about what happened because he wouldn't like to know that I went to meet Calle alone. My heart pounded in my chest as I en
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