All Chapters of My Mafia Master: the alpha's dark desires: Chapter 71 - Chapter 80
121 Chapters
Chapter 71
Luca POV“I can't believe we missed them! And by a couple of fucking hours!” I raged, kicking the door to the large shed shut angrily. Nico leaned back against the large rear wheel of the broken down tractor which had been abandoned next to the shed. We were in the middle of bloody nowhere, an hour from the closest sign of civilization - if you can call a farm stall selling berries civilization. I had never been so far into the Welsh countryside, and I didn't think I wanted to do so again. Just asking for directions in this place was a mission on its own. The council had better fucking appreciate what they had put Nico and myself through - although that was unlikely. “It won't help us if we rush in and overlook everything they have left behind. Just because they have gone, doesn't mean they left us nothing to find. Whoever they are, they packed up and vacated the premises quickly, so they're bound to have made a mistake. Let's be rational here, Alpha,” Nico tried to placate me. “Le
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Chapter 72
Eliana POVThe library was full of students, all preparing for their tests and doing assignments as the end of the semester seemed to be drawing nearer and nearer. With the recent attacks in and around the city, students and staff alike had taken to going everywhere in clusters, eyes darting suspiciously around as if a man with a dog was going to jump out of the bushes and set the hound on them. That was the theory the cops had come up with after the fifth seemingly random attack. The guy had survived the attack and, while still in critical condition, had told the cops about the man with a hoodie covering most of his face who laughed before a dog leapt at him. Mila and Madge had told us that their cousin, who worked as a nurse at the hospital, had overheard the victim say the dog was a wolf, but the cop thought he was high on pain meds, so changed the breed to husky in his report. The werewolf council were probably over the moon about that, but I'm pretty damned sure that the Husky
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Chapter 73
Eliana POV“You were right,” I told Cassie as I closed the door firmly behind me, sliding the deadbolt into place. “Your boyfriend's friends are shit!”Cassie looked up from her laptop and nodded with a grimace. “Yep, I told you so, they're all sexual and creepy.”I told her my suspicions about Thomas and she chewed on her bottom lip for a second, her mind racing. “You know, I'd heard a few stories about girls who have woken up in bed next to either Perry or Thomas without knowing how they got there. It was always put down to a lot of booze, but maybe it wasn't…”The unspoken question hung in the air between us - what would have happened if Nathan hadn't come to my rescue when he did? “I don't get why Marco is friends with them. He says they were all at school together, but that doesn't mean you have to stick it out with them through college too,” Cassie grumbled. “Maybe it's just old loyalties… you know. The bro code or some macho crap.” “Yeah, must me,” she replied, chewing her
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Chapter 74
Eliana POV “You tell me if you need ze help putting on ze dress,” Philipe grinned just before he shut the dressing room door. Cassie, Yvonne and I looked at the three dresses which hung up on hooks against the elegant golden embelished panelled walls. “What the fuck were they smoking when they chose these things?” Cassie whispered, running her fingertips against the first dress - a velvet monstrosity with balloon sleeves and a train at least six feet long. “Apparently torture was on their minds,” I replied, picking up the second dress and sneezing as the feathers which coated the entire dress tickled my nose. “Or maybe she is trying to get me to call off the wedding,” Yvonne agreed, glaring at the third dress with its wide hooped skirts starched so that it would turn sitting down into an olympic sport. We looked at each other in horror for a second before we all burst into laughter, the situation so absurd that there was no other way to get through it besides laughing. “Come,
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Chapter 75
Eliana POV“This is awful, and I don’t know how to help Yvonne without going to Nathan - but if she refuses to let us do that, then what can we do?” Cassie and I were chatting about the wedding dress fitting as we climbed up the final flight of steps to our apartment having left Yvonne on her floor below us. “Yeah, I’m with you completely. I get not wanting to cause friction between Nathan and his mother, but this whole situation is just insane!” Cassie replied. “The worst thing is that I think Yvonne thinks the problem is herself, but it’s pretty clear that the old woman would be unhappy with anyone mated to her darling son. She probably just doesn’t want to let him go!” I was suddenly very grateful for my own mother in law, even though my marriage wasn’t the typical lovey dovey one. At least I knew Valenti didn’t resent me for marrying her son. We got to our door and stopped dead in our tracks, noticing that it was slightly ajar. “Did we not lock?” I whispered to Cassie and sh
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Chapter 76
Eliana POVElijah set a plate of mini muffins on our table with a flourish, bowing dramatically as he declared, “lunch is served.”Cassie giggled and waved a folded serviette in front of her face as she returned his banter cheerfully, “why thank you, kind sir.” Eli winked at her and nudged me. “Why can't you be as sweet as your friends over here?”I snorted and rolled my eyes, “well for starters they didn't grow up with you so don't know how mean you were to me when we were kids…”He gasped and held his hand to his heart as if I had injured him. “Me? Mean? I think you have the wrong brother.”“Oh yes of course. It was my other twin brother who put a frog in my pillow, and shaved my eyebrows off when I was sleeping,” I deadpanned, my eyes meeting his unblinking gaze. “How could I have been so mistaken.”Eli shrugged, looking oh so innocent as he replied, “I have no idea. Old age perhaps.” He ran his fingers through my hair and sighed dramatically. “It might be time to get the old ball
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Chapter 77
Eliana POV“Marco! I thought you were meant to be working on your assignment today,” Cassie blushed, having been caught out talking badly about her relationship with Marco. His eyebrow raised a little bit before he shook his head, “no. Today I had to fetch Perry’s brother from the airport because Perry had to do an assignment today.” Cassie turned an even brighter shade of pink as she mouthed “Oh” and stood up to give her potentially soon to be ex boyfriend a kiss. “Mixed messages, that’s all. I’m sorry,” she said sweetly, twirling a strand of her hair around her finger. “I guess you’ll have to make it up to me then,” he teased, playfully nipping on her lip.Yvonne and I averted our gazes, not wanting to be scarred by an imminent over-display of public affection. “Alright, what are you thinking?” we heard her ask (almost hopefully).“Come out to dinner with me?” Marco asked, causing Cassie to immediately bubble over with excitement. “Of course! Where are we going? I want to dres
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Chapter 78
“Okay, let's run through this one more time,” Enzo said, rubbing his temples. “You went to a party where you got drugged, possibly by this Thomas dude. Then Nathan Campbell took you to his house, but was a gentleman and made you sleep in his spare room. But you had a dream that you were in a warehouse, trapped in a cage, and this dude Jason was tormenting other prisoners and then dragged a teenage girl from the cage she was in and did who the fuck knows with her. And now you think this Jason dude is the cousin of this other dude Perry. Am I getting this straight?” I chewed on my bottom lip and nodded, knowing that there were pieces of the dream I'd forgotten. “Yeah, that's what I remember. Do I sound crazy?Enzo shrugged, “if you'd asked me a few weeks back, I'd have said ‘hell yeah’, but now I'm saying that I think you need to tell all of this to Luca.”I'd hoped Enzo would just tell me that I was overreacting, but he wasn't playing into my wishes and I could tell that he was sligh
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Chapter 79
Luca POVI hadn’t meant to be home that long. Hell, I hadn’t meant to go home at all. The plan had been to get Nico to the pack doctor and then disappear before my mother caught wind of my presence on the island. Well, that didn’t happen. In the single day that it took for me to get Nico home, he had started having stomach cramps, developed a fever and had begun convulsing as I got him into the clinic. Doc had immediately taken blood and sent me into isolation at the clinic, not knowing what pathogen we had picked up in that hell of a shed. I had been washed from head to toe with a specialised soap by a nurse who was far too enthusiastic about her job, and then given an utterly horrendous gown which was far too short and came up to my thighs, and was open in the back. “Sorry, Alpha,” Doc had the decency to seem empathetic. “We just can’t risk the rest of the pack until we know what has been brought back with you and the Gamma.”“I understand, Doc,” I had told him reassuringly, “the p
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Chapter 80
Eliana POV“London? The place you believe is safer than Cambridge is London?” Cassie asked incredulously as we passed the London Bridge. When there was no response from Luca, she huffed and folded her arms, mumbling under her breath, “we've left one danger for another.”Luca continued to ignore her, his eyes fixed on the scenery as we drove past, as if he were looking for something. The car stopped outside a gigantic building which seemed to be made of glass as it reached up into the sky. We didn't get much opportunity to look around though as Luca practically dragged us into the building and to the elevator. “Hold on, I know this place,” Cassie said sharply, her eyes narrowing. “You should. Vasilios has an office on one of the lower floors and an apartment close to the top,” came Luca's unemotional response, however he quickly squashed any protests from my friend with his next words. “I also own an apartment here now, so that's where we're going.”Cassie immediately settled down -
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